Cheers El Dude. Another antigen test today and still a big fat negative. I decided to up my vitamin d to 8000 IU today even before reading your msg (just read this now after finishing work) but will probably only take 8000 IU maybe 5 days to a week max and drop back to 4000 then. The YouTube video from Dr. Campbell with the doctor in Israel talking about vitamin D and K2 is also very informative. My wife actually bought me Melatonin in Latvia last week funnily enough but can't say it's doing much for my sleep so far

I've loads of Niacin in my multi vits which I take twice per day (meant to be morning/evening) so probably talking all that above now and NAC is brilliant stuff too. So good the FDA banned it and made it prescription only since it had such an affect at preventing covid or severe symptoms. Less of an issue now since Omicon doesn't affect the lungs really but I've a years supply of it now and will continue taking it long term.
4. Helps Relieve Symptoms of Respiratory Conditions
NAC can relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in your air passageways.
As an antioxidant, NAC helps
replenish glutathione levels in your lungs and reduces inflammation in your bronchial tubes and lung tissue.
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience long-term oxidative damage and inflammation of lung tissue, which causes airways to constrict — leading to shortness of breath and coughing.
NAC supplements have been used to improve COPD symptoms, exacerbations and lung decline (
17Trusted Source,
18Trusted Source,
In a one-year study, 600 mg of NAC twice a day significantly improved lung function and symptoms in those with stable COPD (
20Trusted Source).
Those with chronic bronchitis can also benefit from NAC.
Bronchitis occurs when the mucous membranes in your lungs’ bronchial passageways become inflamed, swell and shut off airways to your lungs (
21Trusted Source,
22Trusted Source).
By thinning mucus in your bronchial tubes and boosting glutathione levels, NAC may help decrease the severity and frequency of wheezing, coughing and respiratory attacks (
In addition to relieving COPD and bronchitis, NAC may improve other lung and respiratory tract conditions like cystic fibrosis, asthma and pulmonary fibrosis, as well as symptoms of nasal and sinus congestion due to allergies or infections (
24Trusted Source).