What on Earth is going on in the world today? It's gone mad


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I asked for American opinions. Moxie is American so I want her opinion if she cares to give it. That's the back-stabbing behavior I'm talking about.


I asked for American opinions. Moxie is American so I want her opinion if she cares to give it. That's the back-stabbing behavior I'm talking about.
I just explained to you mug why people weren't jumping to answer you, cause these kindsa topics are exhausted on this board... There was a time when people bothered to debate this stuff but it's over...... so i gave my opinion you bossy nutter... I think i'm still free to do so.....

But maybe you will get some half-assed answers from Americans too out of pity....


People are busy. I'm neither a mug or a nutter like you. I'm not bossy either. You've been brain-washed into thinking all the Anti-British & Anti-American clap-trap you spout is true. You think you're a Christian but act in non-Christian ways. According to the Bible you should do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. How would you like to be treated like that? People would talk about things like this before because they didn't have people like you spouting hate & other people interrupting them to call them names.
You're full of shit like always.... When I came here the conservative Americans like Cali hadn't been posting for years already.... So there wasn't debate at all when i came here..... So i had nothing to do with the absence of debate about boring and generic shit like gun control in the USA ... So tell Fuckwit the Ferret in your head to study the site a bit more before typing bullshit...


Apr 22, 2013
I'm not a supporter of military coups, but... what the hell took so long for this to happen in Zimbabwe? This fucker should have been turfed out years ago. He's run that country into the ground


Apr 22, 2013
Wow... so Trump recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. When US embassies start getting attacked and diplomats die, I'm struggling to figure out how he'll blame Obama or Clinton or the FBI. This is just crazy. It seems he's trying to stress US defence and diplomatic capabilities to breaking point. I'm not sure he could do any more damage if he really is Putin's stooge


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Well, one thing about Trump is that he's doing a lot of what he said he would do during his election campaign.

Still, this move rubber stamps what everybody knew already - that the US can never be considered an honest broker in any middle east peace settlement.


Apr 22, 2013
Well, one thing about Trump is that he's doing a lot of what he said he would do during his election campaign.

Still, this move rubber stamps what everybody knew already - that the US can never be considered an honest broker in any middle east peace settlement.

That’s true, but to give that up for nothing in return from the Israelis is just amazing to me


Apr 22, 2013
Franken has fallen on his sword for the greater cause. It allows the Dems to go after Trump and the GOP in general. It's not clear to me that the Dems will be able to turn this into votes, but it does add power and moral authority to their attacks. At the end of the day the GOP miscreants can just continue to deny wrong doing and argue that Franken had to go because he admitted wrong doing. It's going to be interesting to watch. If the Dems can't even win these newly vacant seats back it's going to be even more interesting. Does that give sexual harassers the green light to continue doing what they do? On the other hand if they win with greater majorities perhaps that'll help their cause. I'm conflicted as the politics of the day seems to be demagoguery trumps morality. I'm not sure Dems have made the right call, but I hope I'm wrong. This pollution of western democratic norms with this KGB style corruption of truth has to end sometime surely?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think this stuff might be the gift that keeps on giving for a while. I doubt the Dems are any cleaner than the GOP. There will be a ton of stuff out there yet to surface.

Looks like Moore's primary accuser has embellished some of her stuff with forged diaries etc... This is an example of why we need hard facts and evidence to support these types of claims not just accusation and heresay... although I don't want to use Moore as a particular example because he's not going to be an innocent.

Can't remember which "personality" it was but I read some accusations against somebody included receiving a bunch of flowers... stuff like that can make a mockery of it all for real victims.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The point of the Dems going for "zero-tolerance" is not that they're cleaner, it's that they're trying to take the lead on what is becoming a huge cultural moment here in the US. Trump has decided to back Moore, which will likely prove to be a mistake. Around here, men's careers are dropping like flies. I am personally arguing for caution against calling an accusation a proof of guilt. And I think we very much have to make a distinction between stupidity and predatory behavior. I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of the flowers, but I will say this: women know the difference between a good guy and a creep. I think the good men do, too, in terms of behavior. I have heard the bluest things at work, and had a laugh over them. At the same time, I've been asked to dinner in situations that I knew were not in my best interest, and the choice to decline cost me work. Be careful not to join a back-lash against women on this, but I agree that things need to be investigated fairly.


Apr 14, 2013
but I will say this: women know the difference between a good guy and a creep.

...and sadly sometimes it seems that a lot of them prefer creeps.

(just a joke out of unfortunate situations I have seen, won't base any serious discussions on such general statements, at least not without much more care and research)


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
...and sadly sometimes it seems that a lot of them prefer creeps.

(just a joke out of unfortunate situations I have seen, won't base any serious discussions on such general statements, at least not without much more care and research)
Some women don't care what a man is like as long as he's muscular. I like a man who can hold his own in any of my conversations, has a nice voice & is kind, polite, helpful & honest. I don't care how much stronger a man is than me. I'd still slap him if he tried something on & show him the door or run off & report later. Some women let things happen then are the 1st to complain though how many women are coming out of the woodwork after so long & the calibre of men they're reporting makes me wonder if some of these women are making false accusations for the money. I feel sorry for the women if they have been abused though & agree that true victims need taking seriously.

Lol. I don't blame you. Nobody except the people involved know for sure & there is more than 1 side to the story. I don't think anyone except the people involved will ever know the truth though it could all come out in the wash.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You're full of shit like always.... When I came here the conservative Americans like Cali hadn't been posting for years already.... So there wasn't debate at all when i came here..... So i had nothing to do with the absence of debate about boring and generic shit like gun control in the USA ... So tell Fuckwit the Ferret in your head to study the site a bit more before typing bullshit...
You are a bully, Nekro. No one subscribes to your outrageous opinions, and now you just whine that your ilk have left the forums. You insult EquineAnn and dare the rest of us to defend her. So I will. If you don't find good comfort to your point of view, feel free to express it, but don't lay it on other people if they don't agree.


You are a bully, Nekro. No one subscribes to your outrageous opinions, and now you just whine that your ilk have left the forums. You insult EquineAnn and dare the rest of us to defend her. So I will. If you don't find good comfort to your point of view, feel free to express it, but don't lay it on other people if they don't agree.
you're a bit late :p , lol i wrote that post on nov 3 :D ..... Are you paying attention? Cali left the board ard a year before me? Since then he posted one time to set Fberg right about antifa and that's it..... You don't have to defend EquineAnn from me because i don't give a shit about her lol, her "either Rafa or Nadal will win" posts make me laugh though :lulz1::lulz2::laugh:


Definitely. It's important for everybody to see the big picture instead of little gains & put everything into perspective & prioritise. I'd love to see more British wins but realistically Rafa or Nadal will win.

BTW Moxie, at least 2 stable people subscribe to my "outrageous" opinions, or at least they are entertained by/have good laughs about them.....

Yeah, in contrast, how many subsribe to yours? like since i can remember people've been using you as punchbag for the ridiculous feminist/libtard stuff, sometimes even Federberg joins the mocking ones :p

Yeah, so i'm kinda cooler than you :D I don't even understand you btw, you're a latina girl, no? You should strengthen the Christian front with Ricardo and me and instead you got fooled by the bs orchestrated by Beaky the War Hawk......


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I hadn't really understood quite what an internet basement hound you were...trying to rule the underground. As if anyone gives a toss. Now I see it. Enjoy it while you have a platform. But don't keep abusing people on it.


I hadn't really understood quite what an internet basement hound you were...trying to rule the underground. As if anyone gives a toss. Now I see it. Enjoy it while you have a platform. But don't keep abusing people on it.
Well, i don't wanna brag but our chat thread got unreal high number of views in a very short time... If you were reborn 1000 times, each time with upgraded skills you wouldn't be able to produce that number.... Cause you're just unoriginal and boring, people just have to switch on the TV to hear stuff that you say... :sleep::sleep2:

Yeah and btw no one minds me or what i write, like Fberg did, he put me on ignore, prob solved... no one's forced to read my stuff, looks like you're the only one who has prob with me :rolleyes:

About EquineAnn, let's get things straight....... We took her in, i was trying to cheer her up.... Actually she came back after there was some life here....... before she didn't even post.... guess what, she came to post to our thread cause that's where there's some fun..... I have a posting routine, some of the topics i wrote about pissed her off, i never attacked her personally, she attacked me personally for my opinions.... She was the aggressor not me...... So stop making up bs.......


Apr 14, 2013
she attacked me personally for my opinions

@EquineAnn attacked you personally? With what? Poems? She is the epitome of niceness... Yes, I can see her getting outraged by some of your opinions, but I bet that if you give her an inch of space, she can come back to civilized internet terms with you, even apologize if that is the case - regardless of the differences of opinion (and, yes, she will still point out what she doesn't like about your posts). The question is: can/will you do the same?

I hope so -- and I mean it.


@EquineAnn attacked you personally? With what? Poems? She is the epitome of niceness... Yes, I can see her getting outraged by some of your opinions, but I bet that if you give her an inch of space, she can come back to civilized internet terms with you, even apologize if that is the case - regardless of the differences of opinion (and, yes, she will still point out what she doesn't like about your posts). The question is: can/will you do the same?

I hope so -- and I mean it.
yes, i was writing stuff about the English that she didn't like and she went for my throat, not only attacking me personally but telling tons of lies about me...... I don't care about it tbh, like we're a bunch of semi-retired mugs, we keep posting cause Mimi didn't come on fb....... I'm not saying i don't like to post on a public forum from time to time and that i'm not having a good time but this whole thing is not so important anymore.....

If EquineAnn had wanted to be buddies she could have just ignore what i wrote, like she said bad things about her experiences in Britain, like sexual harassment, bullying at workplace at school, i never thought she was going to get so upset by what i wrote lol Cause to her i was always nice otherwise, like wrote guides to her how to post more easily (Even though she just threw that back in my face in a hostile way too, that she has no time to read my stupid guides)

Anyway, i don't give a damn about this whole thing, my last post to EAnn was on nov 3? Moxie bumped this whole stupid affair now, after more than a month, i guess she wanted to stir some shit....


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
@EquineAnn attacked onlyou personally? With what? Poems? She is the epitome of niceness... Yes, I can see her getting outraged by some of your opinions, but I bet that if you give her an inch of space, she can come back to civilized internet terms with you, even apologize if that is the case - regardless of the differences of opinion (and, yes, she will still point out what she doesn't like about your posts). The question is: can/will you do the same?

I hope so -- and I mean it.
I only told him the truth. It's not my fault that sometimes the truth hurts. He was nice to me & helpful at 1st but then I saw him back-stabbing others & pulling down my country. Maybe I have had a raw ordeal at times but not all my country is bad. He was tarring us all with the same brush when everyone is different. Everyone has a right to have & air an opinion as long as they respect each others rights to do the same. He disrespected my right to do that so didn't like it when I did the same. He keeps going on about our country as if he knew it personally which he doesn't as I proved to him so he shouldn't say anything especially anything bad. I was appalled by all the racist, anti-British & anti-American stuff he came up with some was very disturbing. He claims he is a Christian but according to the Bible you should "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you" & would he really like others to treat him like that. He started some rubbish because I told him I was an atheist & you can get nice atheists. He got personal 1st. I know retaliating by doing the same wasn't the nicest & wisest thing to do but I got angry so that's what I did.

I will behave civilly to him if he will do the same & apologise if he will. Xmas would be a good time to do this as we could be like Scrooge & turn over a new leaf. In our case we wouldn't need 3 spirits (4 if you include Marley's ghost). A different 3/4 spirits might help though. In my case they're Brandy, Rum, Vodka & Gin though. I don't think I could trust him to say much to him though, but I could manage "Hello!", "Goodbye!" & "Merry Xmas!" & the like. I've put him on ignore because I'm just sick of arguing with someone who just gets offensive & swears when you have a point, ignores the important stuff & questions you ask him when you hit a nerve as he doesn't want to admit the truth or comes up with things that wouldn't look out of place in a children's story book they're that imaginative, won't admit & apologise when he's wrong, won't discuss problems with you in private like civilised human beings, I got fed up of having a slanging match & realised it wasn't fair to everyone else to see 1 though it did show everyone else who he really is so they can be cautious & I don't talk to racist, Anti-British & Anti-American people. If people want to be his friend, it's their choice. I'm not telling anyone not to. If his friends want to be mine too, they can. I'll be a bit guarded in what I say in case they back-stab or relay conversations back to him. I just thought having no friends at all is better than having the wrong ones & people have the right to know who they're speaking to. I don't back-stab or lie though. I believe in speaking up for what I believe in. It isn't easy but it's the right thing to do.

I won't keep quiet about the back-stabbing & racist, Anti-American & Anti-British posts though but will speak out as soon as they're posted so I can discuss them in a civilised manner instead of allow myself to get angrier & angrier & react in a way that isn't my usual way & he knows exactly what comments I'm talking about though I actually thought anyone with any sense, a good memory & a conscience would know.

Thank you very much.
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