US Politics Thread


Apr 14, 2013
Oh, c'mon guys, you can't blame Trump for being stupid, naive, completely unable to respond to it as a statesman, and an asshole too. Apart from that he is doing everything right. Being able to explore support from one extremist side and not be an extremist yourself (and as a working hypothesis I am guessing he is not) is an art light years away from Trump´s political abilities.


Oh, c'mon guys, you can't blame Trump for being stupid, naive, completely unable to respond to it as a statesman, and an asshole too. Apart from that he is doing everything right. Being able to explore support from one extremist side and not be an extremist yourself (and as a working hypothesis I am guessing he is not) is an art light years away from Trump´s political abilities.
Why are people comparing this though to terror acts committed by muslim extremists???? Those jihadists go somewhere with the premeditated purpose of killing people, thinking out carefully how to wreck as many people as possible.....

Those whities were just celebrating or nostalgizing or whatever there and the libtards went there to harass them, one of the nationalists got pissed and hit them....

This is nowhere like jihadist stuff.....

Let me tell u something, those libtards were the troublemakers, if you go harassing people get ready to fight..... or at least keep your eyes open...

When there's a gay pride i don't go on the streets to harass the gays, i don't like some of the shows they do but i don't make trouble, let them have their fun.... some skinheads go to harass them, imo it's moronic.... they should fight other tough guys not some skinny gays with shaved chests, actually i look down on righties who harass gay prides.....

So why couldn't those libtards let the rednecks have their righty fun????


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Why are people comparing this though to terror acts committed by muslim extremists???? Those jihadists go somewhere with the premeditated purpose of killing people, thinking out carefully how to wreck as many people as possible.....

Those whities were just celebrating or nostalgizing or whatever there and the libtards went there to harass them, one of the nationalists got pissed and hit them....

This is nowhere like jihadist stuff.....

Let me tell u something, those libtards were the troublemakers, if you go harassing people get ready to fight..... or at least keep your eyes open...

When there's a gay pride i don't go on the streets to harass the gays, i don't like some of the shows they do but i don't make trouble, let them have their fun.... some skinheads go to harass them, imo it's moronic.... they should fight other tough guys not some skinny gays with shaved chests, actually i look down on righties who harass gay prides.....

So why couldn't those libtards let the rednecks have their righty fun????

Good grief...

And I thought the Game of Thrones stuff was as unbearable as you could get.
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Apr 14, 2013
Why are people comparing this though to terror acts committed by muslim extremists???? Those jihadists go somewhere with the premeditated purpose of killing people, thinking out carefully how to wreck as many people as possible.....

Those whities were just celebrating or nostalgizing or whatever there and the libtards went there to harass them, one of the nationalists got pissed and hit them....

This is nowhere like jihadist stuff.....

Let me tell u something, those libtards were the troublemakers, if you go harassing people get ready to fight..... or at least keep your eyes open...

When there's a gay pride i don't go on the streets to harass the gays, i don't like some of the shows they do but i don't make trouble, let them have their fun.... some skinheads go to harass them, imo it's moronic.... they should fight other tough guys not some skinny gays with shaved chests, actually i look down on righties who harass gay prides.....

So why couldn't those libtards let the rednecks have their righty fun????

Nekro, man, one thing does not justify the other. If I murder three guys out of the blue I can´t say to the judge, "look, but that other dude murdered 47". I would still go to jail...

I guess you are buying into the "enemy of my enemy" thing. There is a lot of stuff that the people you call "libtards" stand for that I think is total shit. But that is not enough reason for me to believe guys from KKK are not a bunch of retard losers. Without going to much in to the specifics of this incident, I can tell you that if you think that neo-nazis and KKK is just a "bunch of rednecks", you´re wrong. It is one thing to go on the street and scream for gay rights, and label others and be a pain in the ass on the internet. It is another completely different thing to actually support that some are superior to others and that you can kill and rape and do whatever the fuck you want and it is still ok.

Look, I have a few Mexican friends. If they fall in the hands of this "bunch of rednecks" they will get killed. Then if I had the chance I would chop their heads off. And the spiral of blood goes on and on. It is the job of the fucking president to stop this on the spot and he is failing miserably.
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Nekro, man, one thing does not justify the other. If I murder three guys out of the blue I can´t say to the judge, "look, but that other dude murdered 47". I would still go to jail...

I guess you are buying into the "enemy of my enemy" thing. There is a lot of stuff that the people you call "libtards" stand for that I think is total shit. But that is not enough reason for me to believe guys from KKK are not a bunch of retard losers. Without going to much in to the specifics of this incident, I can tell you that if you think that neo-nazis and KKK is just a "bunch of rednecks", you´re wrong. It is one thing to go on the street and scream for gay rights, and label others and be a pain in the ass on the internet. It is another completely different thing to actually support that some are superior to others and that you can kill and rape and do whatever the fuck you want and it is still ok.

Look, I have a few Mexican friends. If they fall in the hands of this "bunch of rednecks" they will get killed. Then if I had the chance I would chop their heads off. And the spiral of blood goes on and on. It is the job of the fucking president to stop this on the spot and he is failing miserably.
Man, you all missed my main point, that this can't be likened to muslim extremist terrorism, this was about a guy who got harassed and lost his head... Also, observe, he killed a young white girl

Actually she even has a cross, sure as heck if this guy had been a white supremacist terrorist he would have hit some coloured (and preferably non-christian) person... and in a premeditated way

The guy was a nutter who lost it..... Why are you labelling the whole group as a bunch of murderers?

They were making a rally, they didn't want to kill anyone, the libtards were harassing them, wanting to shove their "love" flags down their throats... That's not how love works.....

If the libtards hadn't gone there no murder would have happened. It wasn't terrorism, why should Trump label it as such? cause he's pressured from libtard circles????? Why is he incompetent here?

I give you another example, there's the Westboro Baptist Church, they are "picketing" events where people are present whom they don't like, like they make trouble and harass people at soldiers' funerals and stuff..... These people have some good observations, i liked what they said for example about America's foreign wars but still basically they are a bunch of nutters.....

So these people were planning to "picket" the funeral of Jeff Hanneman, the Slayer guitarist, because he wrote "satanic" songs, we know that's stupid, art is art and the guy was just a fricking artist... Anyway, there were some responses and it could be expected there were some Slayer nutters too who were going to wreck the Westboro guys, so guess what? the Westboro nutters just did the smart thing and stayed home

Why couldn't the libtard nutters stay home?

Now imagine if the westboro nutters had chosen to picket the Hanneman funeral and a slayer fan wrecked them with a car... would the libtards be shouting "Satanist terror group" did this and that? The "white supremacist terrorism" is similarly idiotic...

One guy lost if, the huge majority of those people would never commit murder, you can't label the whole group because of an unstable person..... And!!! The libtards had the choice to stay home, they chose to provoke instead.....


Apr 14, 2013
Man, you all missed my main point, that this can't be likened to muslim extremist terrorism

No, I didn´t. I responded to it when I compare the guy who kills 3 with the guy who kills 47. I agree with you that what they guy did is not the same as luring a young man into your organization, and planning carefully to use him as a vector for a bomb that will kill dozens. It is not the same thing, sure. Does it make the guy look better? No. He is still a guy who murdered that girl you showed with his car.

Why are you labelling the whole group as a bunch of murderers?

I am labeling neo-nazis and the KKK as a bunch of murderers. It is true that I don´t know the details of the group that was involved, I am assuming that reports which say they were actually neo-nazis and the KKK are true. If this is not true, than you´re right, based on the information I have I cannot label them as murderers.

That's not how love works.....

100% agreement here.

It wasn't terrorism, why should Trump label it as such? cause he's pressured from libtard circles????? Why is he incompetent here?

You don´t need to label it as terrorism to successfully (or decently) condemn it. There are 28376432564 ways of doing it reasonably well and he missed them all. I don't want the "libtards" to be happy, I want the retards to know they have limits.

So these people were planning to "picket" the funeral of Jeff Hanneman, the Slayer guitarist, because he wrote "satanic" songs, we know that's stupid, art is art and the guy was just a fricking artist... Anyway, there were some responses and it could be expected there were some Slayer nutters too who were going to wreck the Westboro guys, so guess what? the Westboro nutters just did the smart thing and stayed home

Why couldn't the libtard nutters stay home?

First, Slayer Rules! Second, I agree with you here, there were other ways to protest the protest, or "counter-protest". The ones who organized the counter-rally and went for open confrontation are also to blame -- the end result was obvious. This does not lift one bit of the guilt of the murderer.

But, as Broken posted, you cannot -- or you should not - stay in silence when neo-nazis are shouting their hatred. But there are other ways to counter it, ways that do not end in street battle with risk of multiple deaths (that assuming that the original protest was peaceful, which is not exactly credible, but ok).


Apr 22, 2013
No, I didn´t. I responded to it when I compare the guy who kills 3 with the guy who kills 47. I agree with you that what they guy did is not the same as luring a young man into your organization, and planning carefully to use him as a vector for a bomb that will kill dozens. It is not the same thing, sure. Does it make the guy look better? No. He is still a guy who murdered that girl you showed with his car.

I am labeling neo-nazis and the KKK as a bunch of murderers. It is true that I don´t know the details of the group that was involved, I am assuming that reports which say they were actually neo-nazis and the KKK are true. If this is not true, than you´re right, based on the information I have I cannot label them as murderers.

100% agreement here.

You don´t need to label it as terrorism to successfully (or decently) condemn it. There are 28376432564 ways of doing it reasonably well and he missed them all. I don't want the "libtards" to be happy, I want the retards to know they have limits.

First, Slayer Rules! Second, I agree with you here, there were other ways to protest the protest, or "counter-protest". The ones who organized the counter-rally and went for open confrontation are also to blame -- the end result was obvious. This does not lift one bit of the guilt of the murderer.

But, as Broken posted, you cannot -- or you should not - stay in silence when neo-nazis are shouting their hatred. But there are other ways to counter it, ways that do not end in street battle with risk of multiple deaths (that assuming that the original protest was peaceful, which is not exactly credible, but ok).

I'm curious... what other ways to protest the white supremacists were there?

Bearing in mind that the protesters weren't actually physically confronting the nazis. From what I saw they weren't armed, they weren't wearing paramilitary gear. They just felt that it was necessary to stand together and show the world that America stands for something more than a bunch of hateful racists. I'm a bit disappointed that you would even try to seek balance in this mate. Sometimes a group of idiots are really just idiots, and there's nothing wrong with calling it true. For what it's worth those protesters came out after the Friday parades of torch bearing KKK assholes. Bloody right too! This is the 21st century these things shouldn't be happening anymore


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Why are people comparing this though to terror acts committed by muslim extremists???? Those jihadists go somewhere with the premeditated purpose of killing people, thinking out carefully how to wreck as many people as possible.....

Those whities were just celebrating or nostalgizing or whatever there and the libtards went there to harass them, one of the nationalists got pissed and hit them....

This is nowhere like jihadist stuff.....

Let me tell u something, those libtards were the troublemakers, if you go harassing people get ready to fight..... or at least keep your eyes open...

When there's a gay pride i don't go on the streets to harass the gays, i don't like some of the shows they do but i don't make trouble, let them have their fun.... some skinheads go to harass them, imo it's moronic.... they should fight other tough guys not some skinny gays with shaved chests, actually i look down on righties who harass gay prides.....

So why couldn't those libtards let the rednecks have their righty fun????

Why are people comparing this though to terror acts committed by muslim extremists???? Those jihadists go somewhere with the premeditated purpose of killing people, thinking out carefully how to wreck as many people as possible.....

Those whities were just celebrating or nostalgizing or whatever there and the libtards went there to harass them, one of the nationalists got pissed and hit them....

This is nowhere like jihadist stuff.....

Let me tell u something, those libtards were the troublemakers, if you go harassing people get ready to fight..... or at least keep your eyes open...

When there's a gay pride i don't go on the streets to harass the gays, i don't like some of the shows they do but i don't make trouble, let them have their fun.... some skinheads go to harass them, imo it's moronic.... they should fight other tough guys not some skinny gays with shaved chests, actually i look down on righties who harass gay prides.....

So why couldn't those libtards let the rednecks have their righty fun????

KKK and neo nazis are not kindly old men generalising about past nostalgia ( and if they were, what would that be? murder based on colour or creed? ). They are extremists of the worst kind. Nobody should be wandering around with nazi flags or KKK hoods and go unchallenged.

The guy driving a car into a crowd of people with intent to kill is a terrorist... there is no other way to dress it up...


For me they were a bunch of rednecks.....

some responses from non-redneck white nationalists with a bit of brain:

"There was a recent announcement that a delegation of senior police officers from the UK, experienced in crowd, demonstration and riot management were to attend a conference of police officers in the US.

What we then see at Charlottesville is the US police adopting the very same tactics employed by British police:

1. Contesting beforehand, through the courts, the rights of White nationalist groups to hold demonstrations;

2. Reluctantly agreeing (if unsuccessful in the courts) to allow the demonstration, but trying to get the venue or location or route of any march changed from that originally propoesde;

3. Deliberately steering groups of violent Antifa towards the White nationalists and allowing fighting to break out;

4. Immediately declaring unlawful assembly and breaking up and dispersing the White nationalist group;

5. Steering small and vulnerable groups of White nationalists towards larger groups of violent Antifa and allowing fighting in which the White nationalists are expected to come off worst; and

6. 'Kettling' groups of White nationalists, keeping them penned in locations from which they cannot escape, for sometimes hours on end and doing nothing to stop Antifa groups from pelting them with containers of piss, bags of faeces, cans and bottles.

The aim of the police is to make the experience of going on a demonstration as unpleasant and as fruitless as possible for the White nationalists. It is also a bonus if someone loses it and does something really stupid, which can then be used as a propaganda tool to smear White nationalism in future.

The way forward is not to hold demonstrations until we are wealthy enough as a movement to have some elected politicians in our pocket and to hold the police to account.

There were 5,000 White nationalists at Charlottesville on Saturday and each must have spent $50 at least on getting to the event and buying food etc. If that money had been put into a fighting fund for future use instead of being spent on a demonstration that will be completely ineffective in terms of winning people over to our cause, the organisers would now have $250,000. That would probably be enough to buy them a house to use as a headquarters building, or some land, etc.

Think about the potential?"

"One thing I think needs to be done in future rallies, to be successful, is to come together and appear and be perceived as a non threatening group. Some of you may not want to hear this but the Swastikas and Klan symbols etc don't go over well with many people. The focus of the protest was to preserve a statue not to make people perceive us as White supremacists. I'm not trying to offend any of the groups here I'm just looking for ways to be more accepted by more people. No matter how we feel or what we believe in, the way people perceive us is what it boils down to. When a veteran sees a swastika or blacks see KKK regalia it doesn't sit well with them. So, to promote White Pride World Wide we need to leave those sorts of symbols home and come to future protests or rallies as everyday run of the mill Americans. In todays world whites will only succeed to get on top again by not being perceived as wanting to destroy another race or group."

"I fully agree!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one do not want to destroy any other race. I do want to smash Jewish power and bring down clowns like Antifa, but I have no desire for any sort of supremacy.

I only want to secure the existence of the White race and protect our White nations from foreign influences."

And more response from me : These people were no different for me from a bunch of rednecks marching for the preservation of soya free Hamburgers and the anti-protesters from PETA activists..... there's always a change in a crowd like that that a burger guy loses it and drives into the PETA people....

Hard reality: people who break the law and kill people go to jail..... Another hard fact: with demonstrations like these they will never ever achieve "white supremacy" even if that was their aim.....

Much more down to earth and more serious problem: when world leaders, not a bunch on clueless rednecks, make up bullshit theories about chemical attacks and use fake excuses and discredited witnesses like the white helmets to bomb another country, when world leaders make up bullshit reasons to mess up the middle east and kill thousands of people and then pat one another on the back as if their actions were justified and they did a good job...

i don't see brokenshoelace complaining when stuff like that happens.....

it's a pity cause the warhawking is making the world a shit place for Americans too, isn't brokenshoelace worried about that???


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Sounds like you just prefer a form of anarchy rather than any particular ideology. On one hand Scottish Nationalism is the flavour of the day... how does that sit with groups like the KKK?

World wars and millions of lives were lost to fight a Nazi ideology. Ethnic cleansing is the just about the most vile thing in humanity.


Apr 14, 2013
I'm curious... what other ways to protest the white supremacists were there?

First, it all depends on exactly who the demonstrators were. There are conflicting reports and I am giving this guys the benefit of the doubt that it was not exclusively KKK or neo-nazi.. But obviously, minority or not, those guys would be there, and my point is: If you know those guys are going to be there, and you plan a "counter-rally" just in the same area, at the same time, you know you´re going to have physical confrontation. Let's not be naive and think "oh, the situation escalated". No, you're going there to have an open battle. You're going there to fight.

Now comes the tricky part: when you have enough justification for this? It depends on what the first protesters are originally up to, it depends if they are in fact all white supremacists, not simply a much less radical right wing group. Again we're back to freedom of speech. I know you will answer that there are limits even to freedom of speech, and I might agree, but at least you need to wait for the guy to shout something and just then make a judgement if it is ok or not. If you assume beforehand that anything a group says is unacceptable, you give them just one choice: fight.

I am not conceding one inch to what white supremacists, or even other less radical right wing movements stand for (and, believe me, I agree with you that racism must be fought hard). I think this "anti-white" stuff people shout all the time are 90% paranoia. But a group has the prerogative to segregate itself from the rest, and to believe that its cultural traditions are "superior" to the others. In other words, if they want to be assholes, it is their problem (as long as they don't practice or incite violence against others).

So, if it is true that those guys only met to protest against one statue being taken down, I say they have every right to do it. It would be much wiser from the counter-protesters to meet in another place, or in another day, or to come up with anything that would not end in bloodshed.

They chose to take the fight to streets, Federberg. We must not forget that we talking about differences of world views, of principles, and of political values. There are times you need to make a stand, I agree, but was it the case now? Someone has to draw the line, someone needs to chose the civilized way. Nobody did it this time.


Apr 14, 2013
The guy driving a car into a crowd of people with intent to kill is a terrorist... there is no other way to dress it up...

I completely agree with that. You need to draw a line somewhere. If you say this guy just "lost it", you can also say the same for any terrorist based on his life story.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Now comes the tricky part: when you have enough justification for this? It depends on what the first protesters are originally up to, it depends if they are in fact all white supremacists, not simply a much less radical right wing group. Again we're back to freedom of speech. I know you will answer that there are limits even to freedom of speech, and I might agree, but at least you need to wait for the guy to shout something and just then make a judgement if it is ok or not. If you assume beforehand that anything a group says is unacceptable, you give them just one choice: fight.

The argument falls flat on it's face when you have members wandering around with swastika flags unchallenged by their co-marchers. If their co-marchers weren't white supremacists then why would they tolerate it?


Apr 14, 2013
The argument falls flat on it's face when you have members wandering around with swastika flags unchallenged by their co-marchers. If their co-marchers weren't white supremacists then why would they tolerate it?

This is a good point. I agree completely that if those guys wanted to be taken seriously, they should not tolerate not even one person with swastikas and stuff. On the other hand, this is part of the political process. In rallies organized by the left you will see Stalin supporters. Organizers of political movements always have a hard time controlling the presence of radicals in their organizations. I am seeing the exact mirror image of this here in Brazil.

I am just giving the benefit of the doubt for the ones who say that those guys were not neo-nazi or KKK (that´s Nekro's point above, and of the guy he quoted). But if you tell me that there is good evidence that a good part of them were rallying shoulder to shoulder with those guys, then I have to agree 100% with you.
Last edited:


Sounds like you just prefer a form of anarchy rather than any particular ideology. On one hand Scottish Nationalism is the flavour of the day... how does that sit with groups like the KKK?
How should i know? the KKK is a joke..... I've read about them, i've seen countless documentaries about them, they're really a white supremacist group without any pros that even the german nazis had for example.... a destructive group that's just pulling the white nationalist movement in America down.....

What's your problem with Scottish nationalism??? Those guys want their country free. There have been hc efforts to melt them in, that's the truth but still about half the population wants to be free........ after all the lies, bullying, propaganda, etc.... I see today too the same bullying on the net and the same lies that i see in the case of minorities in eastern europe..... And i see Scottish nationalists suffering a lot because of that....... There's Lawrence Huxham for example, he knows he has a country, he has the Welsh language, why did those Welsh fled to South America BB? cause they felt fucking happy? no! they did it cause they knew they were gonna be melted in and killed off as Welsh... are you denying that?? people like Lawrence are just exposing the lies and telling the truth.....

The argument falls flat on it's face when you have members wandering around with swastika flags unchallenged by their co-marchers. If their co-marchers weren't white supremacists then why would they tolerate it?
lol when people are marching with Che Guevara shirts and red stars nobody gives a shit, nevermind he was a mass murderer, oh wait, he didn't kill just non-whites, he killed whites, blacks, jews, he killed whoever the fuck looked at him in a way he didn't like.....

Didn't you just read the quotes? the white nationalists are divided too, see how even on the net how timidly the smarter ones were saying maybe it's fucking stupid marching with swastikas..... Not that it's even a real symbol of white supremacy, just like the "hitler salute" is not original to the nazis, it's going back centuries before...... What you're saying is like basically what very few are saying, that the muslims should drive out their radicals.... The muslim extremists are much worse in that they mess up even their own moderates who dare to say something against their radicalism even timidly, but there's no pushiness or outrage about that, actually only that "moronic" Trump had the balls to speak out against it....


Apr 22, 2013
This is a good point. I agree completely that if those guys wanted to be taken seriously, they should not tolerate not even one person with swastikas and stuff. On the other hand, this is part of the political process. In rallies organized by the left you will see Stalin supporters. Organizers of political movements always have a hard time controlling the presence of radicals in their organizations. I am seeing the exact mirror image of this here in Brazil.

I am just giving the benefit of the doubt for the ones who say that those guys were not neo-nazi or KKK (that´s Nekro's point above, and of the guy he quoted). But if you tell me that there is good evidence that a good part of them were rallying shoulder to shoulder with those guys, then I have to agree 100% with you.

Mate I don't know what you're trying to do here. You seem to be trying to exert your energies to see the good in white supremacists. I would urge you to pick your side. This is about right and wrong, it really is that simple. Either you're for nazi's and white supremacists or you're not. I don't think anyone here needs you to explain the case or the motivations of either group. Decide for yourself. I can appreciate you trying to see both sides in a Fedal discussion but this is not the time for that. There is no equivalence here, it's very simple. There were nazi's and KKK on one side, there were counter-protesters on the other. One side was heavily armed the other wasn't. For fucks sakes, you make me think if we saw the Lord's angels and hell's demons you would be trying to give the fucking devils the benefit of the doubt. Fuck that...


Mate I don't know what you're trying to do here. You seem to be trying to exert your energies to see the good in white supremacists. I would urge you to pick your side. This is about right and wrong, it really is that simple. Either you're for nazi's and white supremacists or you're not. I don't think anyone here needs you to explain the case or the motivations of either group. Decide for yourself. I can appreciate you trying to see both sides in a Fedal discussion but this is not the time for that. There is no equivalence here, it's very simple. There were nazi's and KKK on one side, there were counter-protesters on the other. One side was heavily armed the other wasn't. For fucks sakes, you make me think if we saw the Lord's angels and hell's demons you would be trying to give the fucking devils the benefit of the doubt. Fuck that...
just lol, the antifa and BLM weren't armed, you watched the vids? look how the antifa hyenas kick that old man to the ground.... peaceful anti-protesters my ass, what are you talking about Federberg?

Antifa and BLM have a long history of violence.... i won't even bother to link 3400000 articles here, anybody can google....

Anyway, the way these things are handled in the USA plainly sucks...... terror groups like antifa get freedom they don't get even here in Europe..... it's the terror and chaos mongering libtard tradition in the USA..... Every observer from the outside and many from the inside can see it clearly...... no balance there and no freedom... The USA is going to hell just like the UK..... The more the mainstream liars are parroting the same old lies the sooner it's gonna happen.... but ofc they're the bullies and the bosses so they won't listen..... don't tell later though nobody warned you...

lol Arnie Schwarzie donated money to the Wiesenthal center . As if they hadn't had enough money yet :lulz1: people like those, like Soros, support terrorist groups like Antifa and BLM to provoke and incite more violence and murder, wise choice you juiced up steroid chimp :clap:


Oh, so a small spark of the light still lives in Muggy Mark, maybe that ambivalent mug just needs some hugs and support after all:

from the Great Muggy himself:

"People do seem to ignore that in recent months it is radical factions of the alt-left has kicked-off the violence in these types of gatherings. Obviously the opposing views are disgusting but it's their constitutional right to express those appalling views. That doesn't mean Antifa should get immunity when it comes to condemnation for their violence."


Apr 14, 2013
You seem to be trying to exert your energies to see the good in white supremacists. I would urge you to pick your side.

No! I am not trying to see good in white supremacists. I see now that I expressed myself extremely bad. One of the reasons is that I made the mistake of trying to give my opinion while still not sure of what really happened. I would have done better f I had used half the time I spent writing looking for credible info (which I still didn't).

About picking sides: if you´re talking about decide whether or not in general I think KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists (in fact I hardly know what white supremacists are, apart from what I understand from its stupid name), or any manifestly racist and hatred filled group are wrong and morally unjustifiable, then this side I gladly pick. If I failed to show that, my bad.

My posts above are driven basically by one thing: you can be a "left" oriented person and not be in the radical left -- which believes that everything is valid in the war to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, or you could be a "right" oriented person and not be in the radical right. Maybe I am too driven by what happens here in Brazil now, that if you're not on one side, then you´re radically on the other. You're either a bloody fascist or an evil communist. This stupid shit made me completely adverse to "picking sides", and that probably reflected in my posts here.
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