US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
No, editorial is opinion and should be read as such. Anyone who doesn't is irresponsibly reading the news. And I agree that reaching for more than one source is valuable, because one or the other will have a slant. I really like The Economist for no slant other than an economics-bent. As to commentary, but they chose what to leak and what not to. You have to admit that. That's a slant in itself.
Sure, and I said to @Federberg in a previous post that Wikileaks will have an agenda and leak things accordingly... but at least I know the stuff is untampered, raw and verifiable.

So, with the Wikileaks / Podesta stuff, I'm not sure why people get concerned anyway... they were just unpeeling a false skin away from a public image. Transparency... I like it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
No, editorial is opinion and should be read as such. Anyone who doesn't is irresponsibly reading the news. And I agree that reaching for more than one source is valuable, because one or the other will have a slant. I really like The Economist for no slant other than an economics-bent. As to commentary, but they chose what to leak and what not to. You have to admit that. That's a slant in itself.
I disagree that the division is that black and white. You only have to read headlines to know the spin on the news reporting in a lot of cases. (and what they choose to report on...)
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I disagree that the division is that black and white. You only have to read headlines to know the spin on the news reporting in a lot of cases. (and what they choose to report on...)

the thing is the russians NEVER claimed to be ''unbiased" -- they have ALWAYS been very open about tha tfrom the very beginning>


"of course there is propaganda -- what else are news everywhere about? no matter how one looks at it -- editors and writers are only human and they will report according to a world-view -- that in itself is propaganda...the QUESTION is what is the CONTENT -- are they FACTS or NOT?"


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How RT became the star of CIA, FBI & NSA's anticlimactic ‘big reveal’

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist, who is based in Russia
Published time: 7 Jan, 2017 23:10Edited time: 7 Jan, 2017 23:16
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Russia Today newsroom © Evgeny Biyatov / Sputnik
The eagerly awaited Director Of National Intelligence’s (DNI) report “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” didn’t need such a long winded title. They could have just called it: “We Really Don’t Like RT.”
Almost every major western news outlet splashed this story. But it was probably the New York Times' report which was the most amusing. America’s “paper of record” hailed the DNI’s homework as “damning and surprisingly detailed.” Then a few paragraphs later admitted the analysis contained no actual evidence.

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All the ways RT ‘influenced’ American politics ‒ it’s not what the ODNI thinks
Thus, in a few column inches, the Gray Lady went from describing the DNI’s release as something conclusive to conceding how it was all conjecture. “The declassified report contained no information about how the agencies had collected their data or had come to their conclusions,” the reporter, one David E. Sanger, told us. He then reached further into his bag of tricks to warn how it is “bound to be attacked by skeptics.”

Yes, those skeptics. Aren’t they awful? Like, imagine not accepting an intelligence document at face value? Especially when it warns that a nuclear armed military superpower is interfering in the American democratic process, but then offers not a smidgen of proof for its assertions. Not to mention how it appears to have been put together by a group of people with barely a clue about Russia.

For instance, RT progams such as “Breaking The Set” and “The Truthseeker” are mentioned in a submission supposed to be about how RT supposedly cost Hillary Clinton the US Presidential Election. But both of these programmes went off air around two years ago.

And, back then, Clinton wasn’t even the Democratic Party candidate for the 2016 contest. Furthermore, it's deeply odd how this seems to be part of super old report with a tiny disclaimer in that regard.

The stream of obsolete information continues. Readers could be led to believe that the head of RT’s Arabic Service is Aydar Aganin and the London bureau is headed by Darya Pushkova. The problem is neither of these individuals currently work at RT, nor have done for a long time. And the focus on the latter is presumably because she's defined as "the daughter of Aleksey Pushkov, the current chair of the Duma Russian Foreign Affairs Committee."

But even if she were employed at RT, what would be unusual about it anyway? After all, many journalists have family members who've been involved in politics at one time or another. For instance, CNN host Christiane Amanpour’s husband James Rubin was an advisor to Hillary Clinton, and served as a US Assistant Secretary of State under her husband, Bill.

Plumbing the depths
So how bad is this report? You’d have to say on a scale of 1-10, it’d be eleven. The core message appears to be that having a point of view which is out of sync with the liberal popular media is considered a hostile act by US spooks. And it’s specifically the liberal press’ worldview they are defending here. Now, it’s up to you to judge whether this support, from state actors, is justified or not.

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RT stars in ODNI report on 'Russian activities and intentions' in US presidential election
The DNI’s submission is ostensibly the work of highly qualified intelligence experts, but everything you learn about RT comes from publicly available interviews and Tweets posted by this channel’s own people. Yet, we are supposed to believe how the best Russia brains of three agencies – the CIA, FBI and NSA – laboured to produce this stuff? That said, the latter doesn’t appear to be fully on board, offering “moderate” confidence, in contrast to the other’s “high confidence.”

Approximately a third of the document centers on RT. And it appears that we should swallow how RT succeeded where the combined might of CNN, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post and the New York Times and others failed in influencing the US election. Not to mention the reality where 500 US media outlets endorsed Clinton and only 25 President-elect Donald Trump. It’s time to scream: “stop the lights!”

Meanwhile, the “background info” on RT offered here appears to have been compiled on the basis of poorly translated decade old articles and long-obsolete stats. As a result, the only current stuff, actually relevant to the 2016 election, comes down to “Russia hacked US election because RT criticized Clinton.” The absurdity of the claim is evidently lost on the authors.

Fragile facts
The mistakes are myriad. Audience figures are out of date. And the general feel is of some kind of amateurish compilation from a think tank. In fact, you could argue that many lobby firms' anti-Russia reports have been more polished than this offering. But they are chancers, with faux academic sounding titles, and the DNI is supposed to boast the finest minds of US intelligence.

Of course, it could also be argued that it's the inevitable result of how funding for Russian studies was choked in the US after the Soviet collapse. And many have argued this point. Because it’s abundantly clear that all three agencies urgently need to hire better experts for their Russian desks. For example, people who’ve spent a bit of time in the country and can point to a rudimentary grasp of the language.

More outdated facts follow. When it comes to YouTube views, the report cites a figure of 800 million for RT. However, it’s five times higher, at four billion, and counting. Indeed, the English language channel alone can be proud of over 1.5 billion hits at present.

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‘RT frustrates Washington by providing Americans with facts to make informed decisions’ – VA senator
The point needs to be laboured because it exposes how shoddy this submission is. The compilers plainly couldn’t have been bothered to engage an intern to update their figures before publication. And it speaks volumes. So too when a Kommersant article, dated 07/04/2012 is explained as the fourth of July, as opposed to the seventh of April. Because you’d imagine Russia focused spies would be able to understand the European dating style, wouldn’t you?

Then there’s how the ‘investigators’ refer to Dmitry Kiselev and Vladimir Zhironovsky as somehow influential here. They allege the former’s TV show was biased towards Trump’s candidacy. But it’s a domestic programme, in Russian, aimed at people who live in Russia and can’t vote in US elections. Likewise, Zhirinovsky’s presence is bizarre (he’s described as a ‘Kremlin proxy’) because he’s an ageing clown. And, as it happens, his remark about “drinking champagne’ in the event of a Trump victory is rather mild given his track record. We are talking about a man who once predicted that George Bush’s soldiers would be “torn to pieces” if they invaded Iraq. So Nostradamus, he ain’t. And his clout with Putin is probably somewhere between slim and none.

The DNI’s report is beyond bad. And it’s scary to think how outgoing President Obama has stirred up a nasty diplomatic battle with Russia based on intelligence so devoid of insight and quality. There is nothing here which suggests the authors have any special savvy or insight. In fact, you could argue how a group of students would've assembled something of similar substance by simply reading back issues of The New York Times.

But the biggest takeaway is that it’s clear how the calibre of Russia expertise in America is mediocre, if not spookily sparse. And while this report might be fodder for amusement, the actual policy implications are nothing short of dangerous.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

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juze Pe
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
zakharova also pointe dout:

"the americans and british are complaining that RT AND SPUTNIK ARE KREMLIN state controlled -- they are not -- they DO have funding -- but that is about it. and if they editorialize to promote the RUSSIAN VIEW POINT - what is wrong with that?
the BBC , NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ALL their bMULTIBILLION DOLLAR STATE SUPPORTED NEWS or state connected corporate headquarters have for decades and decades promoted the western , american and british world view -- why are they concerned that russia or china or any country do the same thing?

the point is even in doing this -- to frame it to different world-views -- the content, the actual material -- is it actual FACTS as they are or not?

''how many times have the NYT, BBC, CNN PROVIDED what they call FACTS be proven to be entirely the opposite? did they not go in lockstep saying SADDAM had wmd's When in fact their OWN security systems told their leaders there were NONE?
''THEY claimed as FACT that WHITE HELMETS are neutral humanitarians - until facts on the ground proved they are terrorists with some medical training or even none -- who stage their so-called rescues -- and change uniforms on the spot from terrorists to humanitarians...".

''they presented as facts hospital destruction by the russian and syrian forces -- by using photos and videos from OTHER locations or ther years - and could not account for exactly which hospital it is they are showing under their headlines...

"what THIS ALL SHOWS is -- if there is any propaganda using FALSEHOOD and even made-up 'facts' -- it is the BBC , NEW YORK TIMES, CNN and their allies -- and furthermore it reveals a horrible, truly terrifying FACT:




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
IN 12 DAYS TRUMP will have his chance to DRAIN THE SWAMP .


-- AND the rest of the 16 announced usa ''national security" DEEP, DARK STATE -- have ALL consistently tried to PREVENT trump from presidency -- and CLEARLY aligned themsleves with the NEO-CONS, AND WAR MONGERS --

this , in itself -- is a TRULY terrifying reality. that PROVES just how deep the FASCIST TOTALITARIAN SYSTEM has been in teh USA.

NOT EVEN GEORGE ORWELL THE GREAT -- could have imagined such a terrifying reality. NOT EVEN he ...


BECAUSE whatever else his faults might be -- and let us hope he is NOT just another of the ''tools' of this deep state -- there is at least a sliver of a chance that the USA will have to FORCE itself to come DOWN TO EARTH ...BUT it has to start with draining this swamp of the CIA, NSA, etc....because THEY are the protectors and enforcers of the RULING CLASS that are responsible for these global wars , terrorism, chaos, ''democracy'' catastrophe ...all across the world .


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Russia Retaliates through non-retaliation | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Salman Rafi Sheikh
If anything the Obama administration is—if it really is an administration at all—its most apt description as well as appreciation should be based upon what it has achieved and lost in the 8 years it was in the White House’s Oval office. Starting from promising to end the US’ wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama administration has ended up creating more chaos, precipitating more wars and causing more destruction than its predecessor(s). While the Obama administration continues to brag about making America stronger than before, it is also a fact that it has imperceptibly thrown the US back to the cold war era politics where the US policy makers would remain preoccupied with the question of containing the Soviet Union. Within the neo-liberal matrix of politics, the question of containment has slightly changed and ‘politics of sanctions’ has emerged, in the absence of direct wars, as the primary vehicle for the US to help it achieve its un-real and un-achieveable ambition of unilateral global domination.

By imposing sanctions on Russia for its alleged, rather imaginary, involvement in hacking the US presidential election, the Obama administration has made its last attempt, after making so many other attempts in the Middle East (read: the US-backed shooting down of the Russian jet by Turkey), to invoke the cold war era confrontation and revive the ‘world war hysteria.’ However, it has not happened. Thanks to the prudent restraint Russia has repeatedly shown during all these US-manufactured turbulent years.

While the Obama administration’s move to expel 35 Russian embassy staff, close two compounds, and impose sanctions on top intelligence chiefs of Russia is virtually unprecedented in the post-Cold War era, nothing else could have defeated this act—and the support this act has been given by the corporate media and political pundits— so convincingly than the non-retaliatory response of Russia. Had Russia decided to pay the US in the same coin, we would certainly have seen a sad revival of bi-polar politics.

Needless to say, had Russia retaliated in the same manner, the Obama administration would have found a perfect excuse to blame Russia for all the troubles it has faced during all these years. This was pretty much the expectation and the US media were running teasers as to what the asymmetric response might be. There were reports that the Anglo-American School of Moscow, a favourite of foreign diplomats, would be closed. Country residences for the US diplomats would be shuttered or that 35 reciprocal expulsions from the US embassy in Moscow could take place. However, none of this ever happened and, interestingly enough, the blame for this too was put squarely on Russia’s some “disinformation campaign” techniques.

To the Obama administration’s disappointment, Russia seems to have understood the nature of this act by the lame-duck president as his last futile attempt to achieve a ‘face-saving’ exit from the Oval office. This understanding is implicit in the statement issued by the Kremlin, according to which Russia would “not resort to irresponsible `kitchen` diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration.”

Most certainly, Russia’s frustration with the Obama administration is explicit here, forcing it to look to the president-elect to design better policies, who, unlike the Obama administration, has asked for the intelligence to show him the evidence backing Obama’s remarks on Russia. Clearly he is not allowing his political rivals to occupy his mind vis-à-vis Russia to prevent him from improving US-Russia relations.

Improvement in the current state of US-Russia relations is precisely what the Obama administration doesn’t want to see happening after their departure from the White House. There ‘game plan’, as one observer has aptly put, is to lay down the trajectory for the US-Russia relationship even beyond Obama’s presidency. While Obama’s exhortation to come to the barricades to confront Russia may not appeal the US allies (read: the EU has not decided to extend its sanctions on Russia), he may be able to construct a strategic environment and consolidate a strong domestic opinion by using his political capital among the elites and within the intelligence, military and foreign-policy establishment that might militate against any attempt by Trump to improve relations with Russia.

That is to say, the Obama administration is going all the way to undo the likely change the Trump administration is likely to bring. “If a future president wants to welcome a large tranche of Russian intelligence officials into the United States, he could do so, but we don’t think that makes much sense,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz was reported to have said. “If a future administration wants to lift sanctions against senior Russian intelligence units to make it easier for them to engage in malicious cyberactivity, they could do so, but we don’t think that would make much sense.”

Trump`s election, together with the appointment of what the US-media has called “Kremlinophiles”–including Rex Tillerson as secretary of state designate and the mooted choice of Thomas Graham as ambassador to Russia –has inverted the geopolitical landscape, making the ‘American pundits’ see a possible relaxation in sanctions by the next year.

Will this Russo-phobia benefit the US in the future? The Obama administration seems to have been blinded by the force of defeats it has faced in the Middle East and appears to be unable to reconcile to this reality. Obama has hinted that he will keep poking Russia all through to the very end on January 20 so that at some point it lashes out.

Interestingly enough, this policy hint has come at a time when Russia announced on last Thursday the truce between Syrian government and the opposition and their agreement to begin peace talks. This has made Obama, as one Indian commentator aptly put it, ‘look increasingly unworthy of a (peace) Nobel’ and worthy of being a loser and a ‘war-monger’ as he continues to pump war-hysteria at home and elsewhere too (read: elite US elite troops have been deployed to deter Russia aggression in the Baltic Sea region).

Sanctions and the war-hysteria the Obama administration is imposing and pumping is, in the nutshell, their response to the defeat they have suffered in the Middle East.

The Obama administration has been totally bypassed in the regional initiative to resume the Syrian peace talks. The stark message here is that the Obama administration was the problem rather than the solution in Syria–and in Russian calculation, responding to the “problematic element”, whose days are actually numbered, would only encourage it to cause more problems. Hence, the non-retaliatory response to the American retaliation.

Salman Rafi Sheikh, research-analyst of International Relations and Pakistan’s foreign and domestic affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


it should - in perspective - be noted again:

OBAMA -- early in his presidency
"WE ARE THE EXCEPTIONAL NATION -- the leader of the world - "

MIDDLE late of his presidency :
"whenever there is trouble anywhere in the world -- they don't call up Beijing or Moscow.............they call Washington DC".

"russia - i am proud to announce -- we have succeeded in rendering her economy in tatters -- she is isolated">

late in his presidency -- SCHIZOPHRENIA sets it: (a condition, mind you, characterised not just by VIOLENT reactions -- but shifts between very opposing positions - one day happy, another second crying...etc)
"''RUSSIA is an important country..a military power and has influence in the world">

and about turn again: "russia is a small country, weaker, and produces nothing except oil and gas -- that anybody wants to buy">.



MIDDLE EAST RECONSTRUCTION -- NO invitations have been extended to washintgon under obama...
ISRAEL can NOT impose itself willy-nilly as it used to -- WITHOUT consultation with RUSSIA -- or likely now --even IRAN.
TURKEY KNOWS its very existence DEPENDS oon russian good graces after trying to DOUBLE CROSS russia several times...only to be LITERALLY SAVED by russia from disintegration itself...

AND EVEN JAPAN ..not to mention the what some real analysts have long already mentioned as the ''DOUBLE HELIX MERGING OF RUSSIA AND CHINA". AND what the chinese THEMSELVES call ''THE CONVERGENCE" OF RUSSIA AND CHINA..

or what PUTIN calls "our relation with china GOES FAR BEYOND MERE STRATEGIC INTERESTS -- they are true cultural and CIVILIZATIONAL relations ".

on the OTHER HAND -- in already TWO successive ASIA-PACIFIC conferences - last in 2015 beijing -- and then in LIMA peru 2016...

IT WAS OBAMA AND MAY , MERKEL, and company that were RELEGATED TO HUMILIATINGLY SIDE-LINE standing ...if anyhone bothered to actually watch and see the HUGELY symbolic importance...

SO - OBAMA -- WHAT COUNTRY AGAIN IS A ''small, weak, isolated regional power?"


as of TODAY -- CHINA is already poised to help create another enormous SILK ROAD SPANNING ALL OF AFRICA...


once more -- WHERE is obama ? he needs to give one more GRAND SPEECH about american ''INDISPENSABILITY" .......


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
OH -- EUROPE HAS LOST AT LEAST 500,000 JOBS -- wiped out --

as a DIRECT RESULT of washingont's DIKTAT to europe to impose sanctions on russia.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
US Aristocracy Panics that Maybe Trump Is Serious

On January 2nd, the U.S. Republican Party’s Wall Street Journal headlined «Tensions Within GOP Rise Over How to Handle Russia», and reported that the policy toward Russia by the incoming Republican President Donald Trump is being opposed not only by Democrats in the U.S. Congress, but also by some Republicans, and perhaps even by enough Republicans to jeopardize confirmation of his nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, as well as some nominees for other crucial diplomatic and military positions.

A key insightful passage in that news-report was: «‘What you are seeing on Russia within the Republican Party is in some ways more a symptom of realignment across the board within American political parties,’ said Matthew Rojansky, director of the Washington-based Kennan Institute. ‘This speaks to something very critical that’s going on in our political system right now.’»

Trump is being significantly opposed by both Parties regarding his foreign policies, even though his domestic policies are being opposed on a far more partisan basis, by Democrats, and have a higher chance of congressional passage than his international initiatives do, because of the almost-solid support for his domestic policies on the part of Republican members of Congress — and because Republicans control both the Senate and the House.

The «realignment across the board within American political parties» is actually a realignment only in the field of foreign policy — not at all in domestic policy. What used to be «Republican foreign policy» ever since the time of Richard Nixon, has been called «neoconservatism» — referring to a hard line against communism and then against Russia and any country that’s friendly toward Russia — but the incoming Republican President Trump campaigned consistently against neoconservatism, and now Democrats are almost solidly neocons, while some Republicans are actually joining the Republican President in condemning neocons.

Whereas Trump is generally called «conservative» on his domestic policy statements, he could possibly turn out to be more of a «progressive» than his Democratic Party predecessor, President Barack Obama, was, regarding foreign affairs. And this terrifies the U.S. aristocracy in both of the political Parties, because the U.S. aristocracy — both its Republicans and its Democrats — has been solidly neoconservative: they are virtually united, on this, against Trump.

The U.S. aristocracy control not only the major American corporations, but all influential ‘news’ media, and their respective ‘news’media; and their shared fear and loathing for incoming U.S. President Donald Trump is clear, even though he himself is one of them. Nobody knows what will happen to the U.S. government under his stewardship, but the fear amongst almost all of the other aristocrats is that maybe Trump hasn’t only been pretending to want a ‘populist’ government — they fear that he might really have such revolutionary intentions. They are consequently afraid: might it really be the case that a revolution — especially one transforming America’s foreign policies, which are the policies that are of the greatest interest to aristocrats (more even than domestic policies are) — will be led by a member of their own class? Is the ruling class — the thousand or so of them in the U.S. — perhaps now splitting, in a way that is far more meaningful than the merely superficial (rhetorical) distinctions that still remain between America’s two major political Parties, the Republicans and the Democrats?

The old ideological political alliances within the United States have now utterly broken down, and the reason is that in recent decades, both the right and the left had been controlled behind the scenes, by America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires, who are virtually unanimous on some policy-issues (so that the U.S. has a one-party government on these matters), with no significant ideological dissent amongst the U.S. aristocracy on those key issues, especially about continuing the old ideological Cold War against communism, switched now into a purely nationalistic and increasingly hot war against Russia, as allegedly an evil and imperialistic nation in ways that the United States itself is supposedly not (but actually is even more so than Russia or any other nation in the world, and widely recognized as such, except inside the United States itself, where the aristocracy’s ‘news’ media hide this ugly nationalistic fact about the land they control — the fact of America’s being the world’s most aggressive nation).

America’s super-rich have no objection against the government that they control conquering others, like the Iraq-invasion in 2003, and the U.S. coup overthrowing and replacing the democratically elected and Moscow-friendly President of that country in 2014, and aiding jihadists in Syria to overthrow Syria’s pro-Russian secular government; and the phone-tapping of all Western leaders including Angela Merkel and generally practicing cyber-invasions everywhere in the world — but they and their agents allege that Russia is doing these things even worse than America is, and needs to be punished by the ‘virtuous’ U.S. government for (allegedly) doing what the U.S. actually does far more than any other nation in the world.

Though Trump has reversed himself on many things that threaten the U.S. aristocracy, such as by his saying he won’t, after all, prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes (which were never really investigated under Obama’s regime — and protecting the legal immunity of aristocrats is crucial to the aristocracy of both political Parties), Trump still hasn’t — now just days before entering the White House — reversed himself regarding his intention to improve relations with Russia.

Becoming even more hostile toward Russia is almost a unanimous goal of the U.S. aristocracy. They’re thus rebelling against him, in their ‘news’media, and they won’t stop trying to cripple his Presidency unless and until he relents on this, turns around, and continues, ever-hotter than before, their (under Obama, increasing) ’Cold War’ against Russia: going beyond even what President Obama has been doing (coups, invasions, sanctions, etc.), aiming to replace the Russian government’s allies by the American government’s allies, and thus to isolate and weaken Russia, ultimately to take over Russia itself.

During the early years of the Cold War, America’s Republican Party and their ‘news’ media, especially insisted upon increasing the war against the Soviet Union; but, now, in the purely nationalistic war against Russia, it’s instead Democratic Party politicians and ‘news’ media, who are especially fervid to conquer Russia. Republican Party ‘news’ media, such as Fox ‘News’, are now considerably less hateful toward Russia, no longer obsessed against it, like the Democratic Party’s ‘news’ media have become — thereby switching political roles.

Consequently, too, for example, the Democratic Party’s Washington Post is doing everything they can to encourage U.S. conquest of Russia, such as by spreading fake ‘news’ stories against the few small independent Western newsmedia that are pointing out the lies (especially the ones against Russia) in such media-giants; and some of the Republican Party’s ‘news’media now are even doing in-depth actual news-reporting about the fraudulence of the Democratic Party’s ‘news’media, on these matters that are of such intense interest to America’s aristocrats.

Excellent examples of this phenomenon are provided by the various ‘news’media of the rightwing-populist Alex Jones, which featured, on New Year’s Day, the video «Dems Want War With Russia To Stop Trump», and an associated investigative news report from their Mikael Thalen, «Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia», exposing the WP’s lying propaganda for «War With Russia» — Democrats’ (and a few Republicans’) lies basically to promote unsubstantiated allegations by the Obama regime, that ‘Russian hacking’ is a danger both to American ‘democracy’, and to American national security.

That «War With Russia» video (at 5:00-) presents the futurist, Gerald Celente, discussing liberal Democrats who were saying, totally without evidence, such things as »Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world’s leading thugs, Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality of life, economy, health, and safety.» The infamous 1950s Republican, Joseph R. McCarthy, has thus non-ideologically returned from the grave, now, in the guise of liberal Democrats (or should that instead be ‘Democrats’?), as part of the U.S. aristocracy’s war to force the Republican President, Donald Trump, to join the tradition that the Republican President George Herbert Walker Bush established, on 24 February 1990, of treating Russia as being America’s enemy, no longer communism as being America’s enemy.

These people simply can’t draw enough of other people’s blood.
Bram Stoker might be shocked that reality has thus produced ghouls who would make Stoker’s own legendary vampires seem like angels by comparison.

Will Trump perform the role of Stoker’s hero, Abraham van Helsing here, or instead become just another of the vampires himself (which all of America’s major, and most of its minor, ‘news’media are demanding)?
Last edited:


Apr 22, 2013
I disagree that the division is that black and white. You only have to read headlines to know the spin on the news reporting in a lot of cases. (and what they choose to report on...)

That's where @Moxie and I disagree with you. It doesn't matter if Wikileaks only releases facts if they choose what facts they want to reveal. That's as slanted as you accuse CNN of being


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
That's where @Moxie and I disagree with you. It doesn't matter if Wikileaks only releases facts if they choose what facts they want to reveal. That's as slanted as you accuse CNN of being

I'm not saying they aren't slanted... it's not the same argument. I'll tell you why I like Wikileaks...

1) Stuff is put into the public domain that I otherwise wouldn't have known about.

2) The data is raw... it isn't funneled through a "journalist's" interpretation... (and I happen to agree with John Pilger's view that most journalism isn't journalism these days... it's an echo chamber that's driven top-down) via a proprietor, the editor, the sub-editor, their advertisers/paymasters, their target demographic, political alignment and of course sales. The mainstream media sanitizes the data to fit. This isn't rocket science - it's the difference between the Daily Mirror and the Daily Mail, the difference between Fox and MSNBC, the difference between pretty much every publication along the spectrum.

Now you might say... well this isn't fair... Wikileaks should release everything and remain impartial...Nobody else does... but at least the Wikileaks data is raw and "unprocessed". It's the difference between the source and chinese whispers.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Top Ten Under-Reported News Stories of 2016
Ironically, these stories were pushed most aggressively by media outlets that expressed the most concern about

'fake news'
and the urgent need to take action against it!

At the same time some very important real news was either ignored altogether — or given only the scantiest coverage.

Here are ten of the biggest under-reported news stories of 2016. I'll leave you to come to your own conclusions as to why they didn't get the coverage they should have.

The War in Yemen

While Syria made the front pages, the US-backed war in Yemen received nowhere near the same attention.

Documented atrocities carried out by the Saudi-led coalition have been largely ignored. British Blairite MPs, so keen to show their concern about a non-existent 'Holocaust' in Aleppo in December, failed to support a Labour motion — calling for an independent UN investigation into violations of international law in Yemen, in October.

And the 'Something Must be Done' media brigade weren't too interested either. "Since the rejection of the motion, 'Do something!' crusaders like Aaronovitch, Freedland and Cohen have printed not a word about 'our' 'responsibility to protect' civilian life in Yemen," noted Media Lens on 3rd November.

Libya in Ruins

In early 2011, Libya was 'the' big news story as concerned 'liberal interventionists' urged NATO to enforce 'no-fly zones' to stop the "New Hitler Colonel Gaddafi."

The son of a retired Libyan academic who spoke out against Muammar Gaddafi's regime says he fears the worst for his father and three of his brothers after they were "killing his own people" and carrying out "a Srebrenica-style massacre in Benghazi."

© Sputnik/

Libya descended into chaos following the fall of Colonel Gaddafi, killed by French and British-led NATO forces.

Well, NATO did intervene and Libya was destroyed. And guess what? The 'Do Something' crusaders in the western media are silent. The transformation of the country which had the highest standards of living in Africa into a terrorist-ridden "failed state" is not deemed to be newsworthy. In the words of Leslie Nielsen in the film Naked Gun, it's a case of: "Nothing to see here- please disperse!"

Reconciliation in Syria

Good news from Syria doesn't get much, if any coverage- particularly if it shows the Syrian authorities in a positive light. But the Syrian government has implemented truce and reconciliation programs in and around Homs and Damascus and in other parts of the country too.

In July, President Assad offered an amnesty to antigovernment 'rebels' laying down their arms — and this was repeated in October.

Many rebels have taken up the offer and resumed their lives as civilians. The fact that reconciliation was underway in Syria should have been a big news story in 2016, but — surprise, surprise — given the pro regime-change bias of much of the media, it wasn't.

62 People Owning Half of the World's Wealth

Yes, that's right — 62. Surely this is something news channels should have been giving major coverage to in 2016?

© REUTERS/ Leonhard Foeger

Surely Oxfam's Davos report should have kicked off debates about how the world's economy needs to be restructured in order to make the distribution of wealth more equitable? But the story didn't have legs.

How very convenient for the 62 people!

The Exoneration of Slobodan Milosevic

In 2016, the man who neocons and Blairites labeled "the Butcher of the Balkans" and whose "genocidal crimes" were used to promote the globalist doctrine of "liberal interventionism" was effectively declared "not guilty," by the very court which tried him.

As I wrote in August:

"The ICTY's [International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia] conclusion, that one of the most demonized figures of the modern era was innocent of the most heinous crimes he was accused of, really should have made headlines across the world. But it hasn't. Even the ICTY buried it, deep in its 2,590 page verdict in the trial of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic who was convicted in March of genocide (at Srebrenica), war crimes and crimes against humanity."

The exoneration of the western elite's number one bogeyman of the late 90s did make front page news in Serbia, but in the western MSM the news was ignored, and those, like Andy Wilcoxson, John Pilger and myself, who did dare to write about it, were subject to vicious personal attacks by Establishment gatekeepers.

Rather like Sherlock Holmes' dog that didn't bark in the night-time, the non-coverage of this very important story told us everything we needed to know.


A frontal view shows the destroyed Belgrade residence of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic 22 April 1999.

Global Warming: Another Record-Breaking Year for Temperatures

2016, according to the UN, is "very likely" to be the warmest year on record — meaning that 16 of the 17 hottest years on record will have been in the 21st century. In July, NASA revealed that each month from January to June in 2016 had been the warmest respective month globally — since modern temperature records began in 1880.

Yet despite this, climate change barely figured in the televised US Presidential debates, with the topic receiving just 2% of the total time.

"Climate change would not have been mentioned at all if it hadn't been for one question in the second debate from a man in a red sweater named Ken Bone," noted the Guardian.

Clearly, there were far more important topics for the candidates — and western news channels — to discuss in 2016, than the threat posed to the planet by climate change.

Western Powers and Middle East Allies Supporting Daesh

The unsubstantiated allegations that Russia was behind the hacks conveniently helped turn attention from the most damning revelations in the so-called Podesta emails. And this was probably the most newsworthy: On 19th August 2014, Hillary Clinton, wrote, "We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Daesh] and other radical Sunni groups in the region."

In December, Turkey's President Erdogan, claimed that he had proof that the West was backing Daesh.

But like Clinton's email to John Podesta, this story didn't get the coverage it warranted. I wonder why…

Economic Collapse in 'Democratic' Ukraine

Ukraine was a big news story in 2014, when anti-government protestors — cheered on by western leaders — gathered in the Maidan, but what's gone on since then in the country hasn't made too many news bulletins.

The reality is that living standards in Ukraine have plummeted, with over half the country's population now living below the poverty level.

And guess what, corruption has increased too. But let's not talk too much about the 'success story' of another western regime-op shall we?

Devastating Impact of UK Gov't Cuts

Hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse because of government under-funding of the National Health Service (NHS).

The number of urgent operations canceled has reached a record level.

Meanwhile, hundreds of public libraries have closed. Cuts are having an adverse impact on the lives of millions of Britons.

Yet, the UK government, which says there's no alternative to austerity at home, does have the money to pursue neo-con foreign policy objectives.

In October, it was announced that the UK was to resume training 'rebels' in Syria. How fortunate for the British government that their use — and misuse — of taxpayers' money was not subject to greater media scrutiny in 2016.

The Inherent Racism of 'Liberal Interventionism'

We've heard a lot about racism in 2016, but very little — if any — coverage of the racism that underpins western foreign policy.

It's taken as a given, that politicians and establishment journalists in the UK, US and France have the right to say who should or shouldn't be allowed to govern a country of the global south, even by those who campaign against racism.

Imagine the reaction, if Syrian or Iraqi politicians called for regime change in the UK!

Why do 'we' have the right to intervene in 'their' countries, but 'they' have no right to intervene in ours?

It's a question you didn't hear asked on BBC Newsnight or other western news programmes in 2016. The most deadly form of racism was not a news story.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

Latest News

Home > USA > Russian MOD fires back at CIA director: "America invented the scorched earth tactic"
CIA News Russia Syria USA

Russian MOD fires back at CIA director: "America invented the scorched earth tactic"

Hiroshima, Japan, 1945

January 4, 2017 - Fort Russ News
Viktor Astafyev, Russian RT - Translated by Kristina Kharlova
"Rattle of the Russophobes": the Ministry of defence responds to CIA's accusations
Before accusing Moscow of using the "scorched earth" policy in Syria, the head of the CIA, John Brennan should remember the history of this term, said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov. He said that such tactics have been used by the United States since 1945, when the U.S. used nuclear weapons in Japan.

"The less time remains until the departure of the current American administration, the louder is the angry rattle of the losers-Russophobes among its members", — commented Konashenkov about the statement of the CIA chief John Brennan about the alleged use of the "scorched earth" tactic by Russians in Syria.
The official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry advised Brennan to study the history of this term before "resorting to blanket allegations about the alleged use by Russians in Syria of the impossible for the US tactics of "scorched earth".
Konashenkov recommended that the head of the CIA begin the research of this issue "from the time the U.S. air force used nuclear weapons in Japan, which erased Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the face of the earth in 1945 and killed over 200 thousand of their inhabitants".

He also reminded about Washington's operation in Laos and Vietnam in the 1960-ies - "Ranch Hand", during which the US air force used more than a hundred tons of chemical "Agent Orange".
"And for this severe war crime no one in the US was held responsible," — said Konashenkov.
According to him, the major wars of the last decades in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were unleashed by the United States in response to false CIA intelligence and ended with the destruction of the economic infrastructure of these countries.
"And it is no coincidence that the contracts for the reconstruction of the largest economic and infrastructure projects strangely have been awarded to the largest American corporations close to the CIA and the Pentagon", — said Konashenkov

The Russian Defense Ministry believes that the US involvement in the Syrian conflict is a prime example of the "scorched earth" tactic.
"The outgoing head of the CIA Brennan is well aware that the "international coalition" long before the start of the operation by the Russian forces, since 2012 systematically and consistently destroyed the entire economic infrastructure of Syria in order to maximally weaken its legitimate government," - continued Konashenkov.
According to him, this was done in spite of all the hardship for the civilian population that resulted in millions of refugees.
"Sooner or later they will have to answer for all of this," - he concluded.

Earlier, the CIA Director John Brennan has accused Russia of using "scorched earth" policy in Syria, noting that the United States would never have operated in this manner in any armed conflict.
"What Russia did in Syria, using the "scorched earth" tactics, which led to the destruction and the deaths of thousands of civilians, the USA would never do in any of military conflicts," - said Brennan in an interview with PBS.
This statement was made two days after a recognition by Washington that the strikes of the international coalition under US leadership in Iraq and Syria have led to the death of 188 civilians since the beginning of operations against the "Islamic state".

'you are fired"..socialist President of Moldova fires pro-NATO Defense Minister
Kurtz: Minsk Agreement - sole document that can resolve Donbass


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
US Deep State in Deep Trouble
Once the legitimacy of would-be authorities begins to collapse in the eyes of the people, then profound political change is in the offing, as history shows us through countless empires that came and went – often ignominiously.

The so-called American Deep State comprising the military-intelligence apparatus and its operatives in the political and media establishment has put its credibility on the line over allegations of Russian interference in the US elections.

Those allegations are threadbare, indeed baseless, despite concerted, overweening attempts by the Deep State to conjure up something of substance.

© AP Photo/ J. Scott Applewhite

The latest high-level intelligence report from the

, NSA, FBI and other US spy agencies on alleged Russian cyber hacking may have “wowed” President Barack Obama, various members of Congress and the corporate-controlled news media.

Not so for ordinary Americans. Among rank-and-file citizens the reaction has been underwhelming to say the least. And that should be a matter of anxiety for the ruling establishment. If the people can no longer be commanded, then the whole foundation for power begins to erode like a sandcastle.

As a New York Times report put it: “What’s the big deal? asks Trump’s supporters on Russian hacking report”.

Among ordinary voters far removed from the Washington Beltway Bubble the consensus is one of derision towards the once-revered US intelligence community.

“Sore losers”, “sour grapes”, “crybabies” and “absurd” were just some of the disbelieving responses from ordinary folks about claims that Russian agents directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin had tipped the US November election in favor of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

“I don’t believe the [US] intel report,” said one man in Louisiana. “Why is everybody so afraid of Russia? I’m not against Putin.”

Another man, a retired US air force officer, added: “From the parts of the [US intel] report I’ve seen it seems


President-elect Trump, once again, seems more in tune with the real, pressing concerns of common citizens. He emerged from his so-called “briefing” by US intelligence chiefs last Friday and pointedly refused to join the Washington blowhards accusing Russia of “an act of war”. Trump in fact followed up with a comment that it was only a “stupid” person would not want to have good relations with Russia.

This was not the response that the spooks wanted from Trump. The CIA and their surrogates in the Obama administration, Congress and the media were building up the US intel report like a witch-hunt against anyone who dares to dissent from the allegations of Russian cyber interference. Unlike warmongering Congress members such as John McCain and Lyndsey Graham, Trump has not jumped on the bandwagon to demonize Russia.

And the thing is that people beyond the thrall of the Deep State centered in Washington appear to agree with Trump. At a time of immense social challenges from poverty, unemployment, financial indebtedness, deteriorating infrastructure and public services, and so on, a US policy of hostility towards Russia seems like an alien distraction. A contemptible waste of priority and resources, not to say a reckless drumbeat to war between nuclear powers.

© REUTERS/ Kevin Lamarque

The US intelligence agencies, aided by the

White House and mainstream media, tried to muster gravitas to play its “Russian card” against Trump. But Trump and the popular sentiment out there are not responding in the deferential manner expected by the spooks.

In fact, despite sensationalist headlines in the mainstream media about “Putin ordering an influence campaign to help Trump win the election”, the US intelligence agencies are now in real danger of being exposed as ridiculous liars.

The collapse of the US establishment has been underway for sometime, but lately the momentum has quickened with the election of Trump and the mainstream media’s penchant for “fake narratives”. Last week the Washington disgraced itself by running a story about Russia hacking into the US electric, a story which was quickly exposed as “fake news”.

On the latest US intel report, as well as Trump and ordinary Americans, many observers from around the world were taken aback by the amateurish dearth of evidence and generally low quality of analysis. Independent cyber security experts, including US-based ones, poured scorn on the claims against Russia.

© Sputnik/ Grigoriy Sisoev

The US spy agencies claim that they have “supporting evidence” that Russia hacked

Hillary Clinton’s emails
, but they say, unconvincingly, that they can’t disclose the information in order to protect “sensitive sources and methods”. Such a conjuring trick just makes the US spooks and the subservient news media look even more ridiculous.

A major giveaway was the disproportionately huge focus that the US intelligence report devoted to trying to discredit Russian news media outlets, RT and Sputnik. The report claims that the news services are part of the Kremlin’s “influence campaign” and then cites its own ropey rationale as “evidence” that Russia hacked the US election. If that’s the best that America’s “national security guardians” can come up with then we can be sure their case against Russia is null and void.

There was a time in the American past when shadowy, unelected elites could control society through monopolistic, servile media and servile politicians kowtowing to their supposed authority. There was also a naive belief among people that the secret services were defending the nation’s best interests.

Not any more alas. People have got wise to the massive manipulation and criminality of such shadowy powers who orchestrate wars and regime changes all around the world for the narrow benefit of elite corporate power. Ordinary Americans pay with their lives and livelihoods for the machinations of the ruling cabal.

The Deep State intel chiefs may have been fawned over by Obama, Congress and the media in their outlandish claims of Russian subversion. But growing numbers of ordinary people in the US and around the world can see through the lies and blatant agenda of hostility towards Russia – an insane hostility that only serves the elite interests of the Deep State.

The once feared, and revered, US Deep State is now facing a deep dilemma and maybe even an existential crisis. For it knows deep down that its erstwhile credibility and authority are shot to pieces.

Down through history, the American rulers got away with their charade of inciting wars and conflicts through false flags and contrived catastrophes: the not-so-secret Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the US genocidal war on Vietnam, the dubious 9/11 terror attacks and Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, to mention just a few.

This same warmongering American ruling class want another arms race, Pentagon-pumping Cold War with Russia. But this time they have played a card that is all too evidently blank. The US spooks and their elitist establishment know that Trump, the American people, Russia and the rest of world all know that they have nothing to offer.

No credibility, no morals and no authority, the US Deep State is in deep trouble.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Just been watching Meryl Streep's speech at the Golden Globes... preaching to the choir of the Hollywood centre-left for cheap applause. Just accept the award love, thank the people who made it possible and walk off stage. Nobody's interested in your political lecturing.
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Apr 22, 2013
A little too much pathos for me, but I don't see anything wrong with what she said. You ok with Trump mocking disabled people mate?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
A little too much pathos for me, but I don't see anything wrong with what she said. You ok with Trump mocking disabled people mate?

He never mentioned the guys disability. They assumed it on his body language.

Regardless of that... and let's assume he did mock it purposefully.... ( I have doubts, but let's assume anyway )... I'm still bewildered by people putting stupid comments over things like life and death. We had Clinton laughing at the deaths in Libya...

I get kind of astonished sometimes how people in the west seem to put things like cluster bombing a civilian population below the crime of a sexist/homophobic/racist comment in levels of importance.


Apr 22, 2013
He never mentioned the guys disability. They assumed it on his body language.

Regardless of that... and let's assume he did mock it purposefully.... ( I have doubts, but let's assume anyway )... I'm still bewildered by people putting stupid comments over things like life and death. We had Clinton laughing at the deaths in Libya...

I get kind of astonished sometimes how people in the west seem to put things like cluster bombing a civilian population below the crime of a sexist/homophobic/racist comment in levels of importance.

I wouldn't let my disgust at the disrespect of Libyan lives contextualise my disapproval of mocking the disabled. Separate things! Doesn't have to be a Clinton vs Trump thing, the election is over and done with now


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I wouldn't let my disgust at the disrespect of Libyan lives contextualise my disapproval of mocking the disabled. Separate things! Doesn't have to be a Clinton vs Trump thing, the election is over and done with now
Maybe, but which is more important?
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