US Politics Thread

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
I always hate these comments by people who seem not to understand why the Founders devised the EC. Read the Federalist Papers.

What makes you think I don't "seem to understand.. the Electoral College? Because I don't agree with your opinion, and you're right? That just happens to be my opinion.


Apr 22, 2013
Not being American I wasn't sure whether I should stick my beak in, but I can't resist a comment on this very matter by a client of mine who's a fairly old guy, who's been in government at the federal level for a significant period of time... I'm going to copy in exactly what he emailed about the electoral college versus vote share issue...

"Finally, Trump loses the popular vote and "wins" the election because of an archaic, 18th century "electoral college" system put in ironically to support white supremacist slave owners in rural farm areas"

You have to laugh


Apr 14, 2013
I think I get Asmodeu´s points. Sorry, but this matter is much more profound than simply the sum of votes. Your client´s remark, Federberg, is a far over simplistic assessment. Asmodeus correctly pointed out to the Federalist Papers, which, as you know, happen to be one of the most important documents in political theory. If you want to confront it with the phrase you quoted, go ahead (but I am pretty sure you won´t...)

Tennis Fan, what (I guess) is behind Asmodeu´s reply is the fact that Electoral College is a consequence of the very nature of the United States of America. The "United States" are not just a pretty name, the independence of those "States" is a serious matter. It is within this context (which is obviously far more complex than my mere three lines can describe) that you have have to look at the EC -- where it makes sense that an autonomous state is represented by an uniform, consensual (because it is the result of a democratic process) vote. Reducing the discussion to the "popular vote" is in fact reductionist, and not in line with the American political structure. If you do see a way in which the popular vote can coexist with the current American political system, I guess you would need to explain it in more than a single sentence.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
tennisfan has the right to express opinion -- even disagreement with the 'system' itself -- and the results of the system vote.

however asmodeus is also correct. it is what it is -- the system is designed that way due to the federalist papers which were a challenge to the other idea of direct popular vote which at the time was considered impossible to measure due to the distances and impracticality -- s well as to ensure tht the 'central government'' itself could not - supposedly -- simply overturn what was ''electorally'' decided by the ''separate states" who were to then be represented by 'electors' .

it is a contradiction in itself in a sense - which of course a matter of a separate discussion as to what is ''democracy'' in the USA.

THE friend of federberg of coruse also makes a point - that the electoral system was also based on the decisions of 'representatives' to the continental congress in those times comprised basically of white landed gentry, landowners nd slave owners...

who also - argued about how to 'count a human vote' - which is to say include , or 'pad' the votes of their states to represent ''them' in the electoral college

using as ''much quantity of population'' as they could ''represent" by counting the slaves as ''voters" but only by a fraction that given to a 'full human''white person -- such as whatever ''quantity'' it was assigned to a black person -- 3/4's of a human or something like that.

in any case -- however ''sophisticated'' the ''system'' is it CERTAINLY can not claim to be the ''epitome'' of human ''civilization'' where it comes to 'expressing the will of the people in a democratic or free system"

for obvious reasons; its HISTORY, the people and 'race' who created it under the circumstances while ignoring that there were ''less- than-human's among them in this very same system that ''voted freedom and republic''.

and ''discussed" its 'fate' while trampling on the lives of ''less-than-humans''.

etc. etc. etc..

HOWEVER -- asmodeus is also correct in that -- WHATEVER THE MERITS OF THIS SYSTEM -- tennisfan and others whose 'candidate' -- hillary -- did NOT win the ''vote"" that actually rules -- electoral vote -- they have to accept the RESULTS as they are - designed to be rendered that way by that system.

if americns do not like it -- say the ''actual popular voters" who - as they claim are more than the electoral system represents -- they can GET OFF THEIR ASSES and instead of SHOPPING -- spend that same time to GO to their congress -- if it actually represents their ''freedom and choice" under their own system --

and SAY:

''GET RID OF THIS ELECTORAL SYSTEM, " and ''do it before the NEXT elections...etc. etc. etc

NOT AFTER the fact..but before the NEXT fact happens.

THE AMERICANS ''tolerated" the BUSH/GORE results - similarly-- although the 'glitch" of FLORIDA -- nad the US supreme court stepping IN TO

A FLORIDA STATE INTERNAL AFFAIR -- to STOP the counting reported to have been a POPULAR vote FOR gore and thus potentially handing HIM the electoral vote -through that county --

AND SINCE they did not do a thing about THAT -- then voters TODAY can not really be complaining UNLESS they do their complaining about the system in subsequent elections...and MIGHT turn out that they were supposed to win in future 'electoral votes" over a 'popular vote for TRUMP in 2020 -- and then

what? ....................

in many ways -- americans are TRAPPED within the system their own ''land-owning" forefathers created..............

of course all this ignores the reality or fact that -- the USA is NOT american to begin with --

it is a country transplanted from a completely different culture OVER that of existing cultures - of the NATIVE peoples -- to whom -- the ''americans' are --

well -- illegal, undocumented aliens.........all 220 white descended americns of matter how many generations that has been of ''votes" and 'republic' .

so -- really -- folks -- what is the BIG DEAL?

it's all been --as LATE LAKOTA CHIEF -- in his last interview to Russia Today in 2013 , before dying of leukemia in what was left of their reservations ''assigned' to them by these same ''electoral votes" and ''popular americn will" of 'democrfatic, republic of america" --


"America is the Artificial Nation" -- anyway....

all the ''discussions" among americans is like people arguing about whether ROSE smells better than VIOLETS - while sniffing plastic flowers...
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Apr 14, 2013

I really see your points, and, mainly, your concerns. But I really cannot think that the main reason for the EC is related to slavery. As I put before, I would guess it is much more related to the independence of the states, but I would really like to hear it from someone with experience in the political history of the USA.

I could raise a few points about slavery argument, but I will just remark one thing: On a general term, the EC predates the end of slavery. As I just checked, it was generally conceived by the time of the American revolution, and as soon as 1808 it was already in a form quite similar to the current one. So, as we say here in Brazil, the hole is a bit more down bellow...
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
by the way FOLKS -- in retrospect -- did you know that

apart from TRUMP winining the majority of electorals (and the map shows geographically CLINTON won the ''big blue" states -- east and west coasts basically -- where much of the ''liberals" are) --

HOW he won it be TAKING what were more usually DEMOCRATIC leaning states -- particularly the 'GREAT LAKES" states f michigan, ohio and iowa or was it wisconisn?

anywayy -- do you know how CLINTON LOST those ''SWING STATES?" without which NO president could win even ifwinning their big ''base" states?

CLINTON MET HER FATE -- OF some - SOME justice -- not complete -- but SOME --



and if anything -- it is NOT becuse the SERBIANS LOVE TRUMP -- THEY VOTED AGAINST clinton --

and it is the people of serbia that DECIDED KILLARY'S FATE//




NO WONDER THAT WHEN russia requested to be allowed to send ELECTION MONITORS to observe the voting and counting -- the Supposedly ''blue swing states" particularly those mentioned above FURIOUSLY made it known that they would ARREST russian monitors!!! lol.....they knew, oh, they know -- that serbians tended to relocated (after their country was bombed by bill and hillary) -- to THOSE states!!! AND ONE DAY that WAR CRIME OF HILLARY, BILLIE AGAINST THE SERBIAN NATION AND PEOPLE

just might come back to HAUNT THEM -- and it DID!!



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
PAYBACK: US Serbs, Angry About Being Bombed By Bill, May Have Cost Hillary The Election
GH Eliason 8 hours ago | 1,533 15
The reason Hillary Clinton was crushed in the electoral college during this election is because she lost Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania . The reason behind the unprecedented loss can be summed up in two sentences. We will not forget. We will not forgive.

These three states are home to the Serbian-American community. For most of them, their traditionally Democratic ticket vote turning Republican was a clear repudiation of Hillary Clinton's role in the Balkan genocide.

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

"An American Serb generally doesn't vote FOR anyone, but AGAINST a Biden, a Clinton, a McCain, against whoever Madeleine Albright supports, against whoever bombed Serbia, recognized Kosovo... Wait, was Dubya a friend to the Serbs? Didn't his administration pounce to recognize Thaci's Cartel State in 2008?

Didn't the worst act of ethnic cleansing in the 21st century occur on his watch against the Kosovo Serbs in March 2004? All true, but in 2004, it was John Kerry, his opponent, who inexplicably promised to recognize Kosovo during the campaign, although Kosovo was far from being a foreign policy priority or a campaign issue. It was John Kerry who received more than half a million dollars in one evening from the Albanian-American community led by Florin Krasniqi, a well-known arms dealer, via the notorious Serb-haters Richard Holbrooke and Wesley Clark, who took the money over in the Cipriani ballroom in New York. Of course Serbs were going to vote for Kerry's opponent."

The loss of these three states was revenge exacted for supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army genocide against Serbians. This was a clear repudiation of the Clinton dynasty and Hillary Clinton because she had callously destroyed so many of their families.

The Serbian-American vote in this election was the first time I have ever heard of racial genocide victims vote to end the political careers of people they hold responsible. Slobodan Milosevic was exonerated from genocide in Kosovo. In fact, he tried to stop it. At this point, as much as you want to, you can't even call him an asshole.

"Not only was Milosevic not responsible for ethnic cleansing which took place in Bosnia, he actually spoke out against it. The ICTY noted Milosevic’s “repeated criticism and disapproval of the policies made by the Accused (Karadzic) and the Bosnian Serb leadership.” Milosevic, a man for whom all forms of racism were anathema, insisted that all ethnicities must be protected."

It was Hillary Clinton that badgered then president Bill Clinton to start the bombing and support the genocidal terrorists, the KLA.“For me, my family and my fellow Americans (Albanians) this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal,” Clinton stressed. The bombing drove the victims into the waiting hands of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army).

And Kosovo is truly personal for Clinton. At this year's Democratic National Convention, Hillary invited the speaker of the Kosovo National Assembly, Kadri Veseli as a special guest. Veseli, with longtime Clinton friend Kosovo president Hashim Thaci are about to be tried for crimes against humanity. Without Clinton in the White House protecting them, they will probably hang for organ stealing and mass murder. Kosovo is part of Albania's greater Albania project.

"Less than a week before visiting Washington, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump would be a threat to his country and to U.S.-Albanian bilateral ties if elected president... Rama was in neighboring Kosovo, two countries with the same ethnic Albanian majority population, to take part in a ceremony for new President Hashim Thaci Friday."

In Kosovo today there were ISIS camps being set up on the hope of a Clinton win. Kosovars (Albanians) made a reputation for themselves as the white jihadis. They are ultra-nationalists that recruit for and support ISIS.

“I am accused that I cut off one man’s head? I did nothing less nor more then the soldiers of the KLA during the war. I placed the photos of those deeds by the KLA on Facebook,” Muhaxheri is quoted as saying."

Was Hillary Clinton in violation of federal election law for knowingly taking election donations from these islamist radicals when it's illegal for foreign nationals to contribute?

Today, the emigres that supported the KLA genocide are among the groups behind the protests aimed at overthrowing the election. It's easy to see why.

The two noticeably absent ethnic blocs in the emigre series I wrote before the election are the Serbian-Americans and the Ukrainian-Americans. Each played an important part in Donald Trump's rout of a self-destructing Hillary Clinton. The Ukrainian-Americans thought Clinton was going to win after spitting out so much money and media spots. They believed their own story line and got complacent in Pennsylvania.

The Serbian-Americans were the only emigre group behind Donald Trump that I have been able to find. For the emigre series I went as far as interviewing a member of the Serbian Radical Party in Belgrade for that section. I am hoping to add it in later.

More than 20 other exponentially larger and politically powerful ultra-nationalist groups were backing Hillary Clinton. In this election, they were situated in the wrong districts and states.

When I saw enough evidence of IIO (Inform & Influence Operations), I dropped the series to follow that. It is still going on and is a danger to the republic. I am following up with an article on the shape of the IIO shortly.

Whether it is an election decider or caustic and toxic foreign policy, this type of voting-bloc intervention needs to end. Currently, the only remedy is high voter turnout.

The problem with the emigre-voting-blocs which is evident in this election cycle are not as obvious at the congressional level. It is in congress that you have less representation when you should have more.

Because of the tremendous amount of money and political activism that the emigres bring to bear for congress, their caustic politics are destroying traditional American government and society. America needs to set term limits on Congress as part of this.

One of the points in Donald Trump's first 100 day plan is to make sure emigre and foreign lobby influence on US elections is cut back if not barred legally altogether. Let's make this happen.

As you can see the bloc-vote of one small emigre bloc can and did decide an election. It decided THIS ELECTION. When those three deciding states are looked at, it was the Serbian vote that decided it. For progressives, take heart that racial genocide did have a cost.

Because progressives, conservatives, and liberals stood by when it happened, the victims took it on themselves to find a legal remedy. This is a small step toward ending genocide in a world that doesn't want to see it. Don't you think?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Didn't the worst act of ethnic cleansing in the 21st century occur on his watch against the Kosovo Serbs in March 2004? All true, but in 2004, it was John Kerry, his opponent, who inexplicably promised to recognize Kosovo during the campaign, although Kosovo was far from being a foreign policy priority or a campaign issue. It was John Kerry who received more than half a million dollars in one evening from the Albanian-American community led by Florin Krasniqi, a well-known arms dealer, via the notorious Serb-haters Richard Holbrooke and Wesley Clark, who took the money over in the Cipriani ballroom in New York. Of course Serbs were going to vote for Kerry's opponent."

The loss of these three states was revenge exacted for supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army genocide against Serbians. This was a clear repudiation of the Clinton dynasty and Hillary Clinton because she had callously destroyed so many of their families.

The Serbian-American vote in this election was the first time I have ever heard of racial genocide victims vote to end the political careers of people they hold responsible. Slobodan Milosevic was exonerated from genocide in Kosovo. In fact, he tried to stop it. At this point, as much as you want to, you can't even call him an asshole.

"Not only was Milosevic not responsible for ethnic cleansing which took place in Bosnia, he actually spoke out against it. The ICTY noted Milosevic’s “repeated criticism and disapproval of the policies made by the Accused (Karadzic) and the Bosnian Serb leadership.” Milosevic, a man for whom all forms of racism were anathema, insisted that all ethnicities must be protected."

It was Hillary Clinton that badgered then president Bill Clinton to start the bombing and support the genocidal terrorists, the KLA.“For me, my family and my fellow Americans (Albanians) this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal,” Clinton stressed. The bombing drove the victims into the waiting hands of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army).

And Kosovo is truly personal for Clinton. At this year's Democratic National Convention, Hillary invited the speaker of the Kosovo National Assembly, Kadri Veseli as a special guest. Veseli, with longtime Clinton friend Kosovo president Hashim Thaci are about to be tried for crimes against humanity. Without Clinton in the White House protecting them, they will probably hang for organ stealing and mass murder. Kosovo is part of Albania's greater Albania project.

"Less than a week before visiting Washington, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump would be a threat to his country and to U.S.-Albanian bilateral ties if elected president... Rama was in neighboring Kosovo, two countries with the same ethnic Albanian majority population, to take part in a ceremony for new President Hashim Thaci Friday."

In Kosovo today there were ISIS camps being set up on the hope of a Clinton win. Kosovars (Albanians) made a reputation for themselves as the white jihadis. They are ultra-nationalists that recruit for and support ISIS.

“I am accused that I cut off one man’s head? I did nothing less nor more then the soldiers of the KLA during the war. I placed the photos of those deeds by the KLA on Facebook,” Muhaxheri is quoted as saying."

Was Hillary Clinton in violation of federal election law for knowingly taking election donations from these islamist radicals when it's illegal for foreign nationals to contribute?

Today, the emigres that supported the KLA genocide are among the groups behind the protests aimed at overthrowing the election. It's easy to see why.

The two noticeably absent ethnic blocs in the emigre series I wrote before the election are the Serbian-Americans and the Ukrainian-Americans. Each played an important part in Donald Trump's rout of a self-destructing Hillary Clinton. The Ukrainian-Americans thought Clinton was going to win after spitting out so much money and media spots. They believed their own story line and got complacent in Pennsylvania.

The Serbian-Americans were the only emigre group behind Donald Trump that I have been able to find. For the emigre series I went as far as interviewing a member of the Serbian Radical Party in Belgrade for that section. I am hoping to add it in later.

More than 20 other exponentially larger and politically powerful ultra-nationalist groups were backing Hillary Clinton. In this election, they were situated in the wrong districts and states.

When I saw enough evidence of IIO (Inform & Influence Operations), I dropped the series to follow that. It is still going on and is a danger to the republic. I am following up with an article on the shape of the IIO shortly.

Whether it is an election decider or caustic and toxic foreign policy, this type of voting-bloc intervention needs to end. Currently, the only remedy is high voter turnout.

The problem with the emigre-voting-blocs which is evident in this election cycle are not as obvious at the congressional level. It is in congress that you have less representation when you should have more.

Because of the tremendous amount of money and political activism that the emigres bring to bear for congress, their caustic politics are destroying traditional American government and society. America needs to set term limits on Congress as part of this.

One of the points in Donald Trump's first 100 day plan is to make sure emigre and foreign lobby influence on US elections is cut back if not barred legally altogether. Let's make this happen.

As you can see the bloc-vote of one small emigre bloc can and did decide an election. It decided THIS ELECTION. When those three deciding states are looked at, it was the Serbian vote that decided it. For progressives, take heart that racial genocide did have a cost.

Because progressives, conservatives, and liberals stood by when it happened, the victims took it on themselves to find a legal remedy. This is a small step toward ending genocide in a world that doesn't want to see it. Don't you think?

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
LOOKING AT european history


LITERALLY ''standing guard" in defense of not JUST serbia and christian orthodoxy and the slavic nations --

much of northe-eastern europe might have been overcome by the OTTOMAN TURKS LONG AGO11

the bombing and destruction of and continuing occupation of serbia b y the WEST -- is a hypocritical -- BARBARIC way of saying ''THANKS" !!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
western andnorthern europe -- including all of them -- ''non orthodox" but prottestan and catholics and their spawn --

are INDEBTED TO THE LITTLE COUNTRY OF SERBIA for their very own existence as ''western christan culture"

how little they truly undertstand that when serbia defended herself from ottoman turks -- intentionally or not - serbia was actually defending ALL of the rest of EUROPE!!

they don't even deserve to LICK the SOLES of NOLE'S FEET!!

for what they have done to SERBIA!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

the above of course is the ''new" albanian ''map"

making claims upon greece, macedonia, bosnia and serbia...and more...

who TAUGHT AND SPONSORED THEM in their grand ''greater albania' theft and genocide?

the usa of course -- with the likes of MADLEINE ABLRIGHT, KERRY, CLINTONS, SOROS, BUSH, W CLARKE and company...

the tactic? why of course paint a leader of a country and its people - as ''savages" -- accuse of ''war crimes" and ''killing their own people" and the like kind of arguments...

build a ''humanitarian cause to protect the victims" -- send in the ''no fly zone" forces -- BOMB the country to smithereens and DIVIDE IT UP into ''zones' the better to ''reform, manage" and ''TEACH" THEM HOW TO ''BE CIVILIZED"

THEN ''reconstitute" it all as the ''now free and democratic country" under american tutelage of coruse -- RIPE FOR PLUNDER AND PILLAGING...

REPEAT the formula in libya, afghanitstan, iraq, yemen, syria...

and of course hopefully -- that BIG, BIG ONE -- THE PRIZE OF ALL PRIZES --

RUSSIA. and of course EURASIA..

this is in the grfand old tradition of the ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE...

deeply embedded by the words of english 'GEOPOLITICAL THEORIST"

19TH century writer HAROLD MACKINDER: whose teachings the likes of TODAY'S neo-imperialists like ABLRIGHT AND BREZINSKI (with their OWN racial and old ethnic hatreds for russia and others as their own personal motives, of course) -- follow:

"WHO RULES the EASTERN lands (Nato eastern european vassal states, etc) rules the Heartland (russia) -
"WHO RULES the HEARTLAND -- rules the World Island (eurasia)
"WHO RULES the World Island -- rules the world".
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
oh -- it might ''fascinate" americans :

remember UKRAINE?

ukraine -- if you don't already know -- is the ORIGINAL ROOTS of the RUSSIAN nation.

KIEV as a settlement was ''christianized" when a russian prince VLADIMIR

From western central russia -- in NOVGOROD between MOSCOW AND ST PETERSBURG regions --

went to KIEV where there were also russians already - along with serbians , mind you --

and just soon after the serbians had become orthodox christians from the greeks south of them --

the russian prince declared basically "we are all christian orthodox now" and THUS was established the true beginnings of what became the RUSSIAN STATE AS AN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN society.

which was ANATHEMA to the 'western' ''christian'' society of the papacy, the protestants, etc...

THIS very fact -- as well as the SLAVIC culture that embraced christian orthodoxy as the TRUE inheritor of christianity and unbroken from the middle east --

make that SYRIA therefore --

is to the large extent the root of the ''western" hatred and obsession in conquering the 'EAST".

REGARDLESS of whether the 'christian west" actually is 'faithful" or not.

-- now remember that UKRAINE -- how it is peopled in large part, especially to th east by what are essentially RUSSIANS...and the 'west' is people largely by descendants of POLES, GERMANS, AUSTRIANS, and ;''galicians" who are catholic leaning peoples -- thus -- the exact opposition to the 'EASTERN" world...

it is a SMALL geographic area in reality that is TODAY ruled by FASCISTS AND NEO-NAZIS who were put THERE BY OBAMA , NULAND , MERKEL and the 'west".

while BLAMING RUSSIA FOR ''invading ukraine"

which IN THE FIRST PLACE WAS ALWAYS PART OF the original russian empire and the very root of the russian state itself as a christian orthodox nation.

KIEV was the first CAPITAL of russia before the russians drove out the MONGOLS from the MOSCOW region where the mongols ruled for about 300 years -- from that same KREMLIN we know of today...and then the russians MOVED their capital from Kiev TO Moscow.

so -- strange that russia would be - as OBAMA AND CLINTON AND THE WEST say -- has been 'INVADING" UKRAINE WHEN

UKRAINE NEVER EXISTED as a separate country in reality EXCEPT AS A

A RUSSIAN''SLAVIC noun -- that is \'u krainia"

roughtly translating (MASTOOR AND BILLIE will educate us better) --

as ''far land - distant land, borderland"

OF THE RUSSIAN STATE. simply a geographical designation of the farthest borders of what WAS ALREADY RUSSIA.

NOW -- back to TODAY -- NULAND AND STATE DEPARTMENT RIGGED THE so-called ''democracy revolution" in ukraine in 2014 that put in place the NAZIS AND FASCISTS -- WHO have now - together with the USA - DESTROYED UKRAINE ITSELF...

with the EASTERNERS -- basically russian ethnics -- REFUSING to kneel to the nazis and fascists who have over-run the KIEV government...sponsored and ''tutored" by who ELSE BUT THE CIA AND THE FBI

right there in KIEV'S very own parliament and ''security" operations buildings...

but here's the CATCH -- now that KIEV-RULED ''ukraine" has proven to be UNGOVERNABLE -- WHAT WITH these nazis and fascists even the CIA AND FBI could barely probably control anyway (shows you the PRESUMPTIOUSNESS of americans, doesn't it?) -

with the country bleeding -- losing money due to ITS AND THE USA'S AND EU'S own ''sanctions against russia" (for 'invading ukraine and crimea" ) --

the EU -- supposedly promising UKRAINE ''membership and everything will be OK DOKEY" -- can't manage the COSTS -- ..and are showing disinterest to KEEP PROPPING UP

THEIR wonderful DEMONSTRATION of western ''civilzation and prosperity and democracy" ...of ukraine --

what do we hear of ?

why -- upon the election of TRUMP -- now with the loss of their SPONSORS like KERRY, NULAND, CLINTONS, OBAMA --

not only is ukraine proving to be a complete disaster --
and CAN'T make EASTERN ukraine RUSSIANS KNEEL --

OOPPS -- CIA AND FBI OPERATIVES INSIDE KIEV -- who are the REAL ''handlers' of the fascists and nazis -- for ''democracy"

are ORDERED ''quietly" to LEAVE THEIR POSTS and rush to SAFETY to romania or czech republic.........hmmm

the FBI AND CIA COCKROACHES Of the empire are running...because they KNOW - very soon ...


WOULD -- ULTIMATELY -- in the end -- with the collapse of the NAZI REGIME THEY PUT IN PLACE --


FOR if anyone had INVADED UKRAINE -- it is NOT the rUSSIANS...


nd they KNOW they are about to be KICKED OUT BY THE REAL OWNERS OF UKRAINE --

the border lands -- of RUSSIA. -- AND IT IS THE RUSSIANS.


you better believe it -- that if there is ANYTHING TRUMP has heard FROM PUTIN in their phone call? thatis what it is about -- at least one of them.

ukraine is and was always and will again BE RUSSIAN.

and the angl0-american western invaders and their collaborator NAZIS inside kiev and western ukraine

had better learn the same thing all over again...


"WELL -- the poles for centuries tried a number of times to rule , even from inside the kremlin -- the french and napoleon tried,,,the austr0-hungarians tried, the mongols succeeded for a few hundred years, the germans and nazis tried...the italians and turks tried...

but in the end we will never submit -- nd will drive them out ...

perhaps we just have to remind the british and americans and teach them the same lessons all over again.."


the WISEST of the ANGL-AMERICAN generals regarding RUSSIA


"1) never march on moscow
2 ) never march on moscow|
3) follow the above two rules''

SOMEHOW OTTO von BISMARCK agreed with him too...

but certain ''masters of the universe" think they can do BETTER. LOL.

AND ONE OF THESE ''masters of the universe" CLINTON -- just got KICKED TO THE CURB

by none other than the slavic , orthodox cousins of the russians --

THE SERBIANS in the 'swing blue states" of the USA - roflmaoo!!!!
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

I really see your points, and, mainly, your concerns. But I really cannot think that the main reason for the EC is related to slavery. As I put before, I would guess it is much more related to the independence of the states, but I would really like to hear it from someone with experience in the political history of the USA.

I could raise a few points about slavery argument, but I will just remark one thing: On a general term, the EC predates the end of slavery. As I just checked, it was generally conceived by the time of the American revolution, and as soon as 1808 it was already in a form quite similar to the current one. So, as we say here in Brazil, the hole is a bit more down bellow...

it is a matter of emphasis on viewpoints.

it STILL is part of the history of the USA -- AND its electoral college that it was CENTRAL to the decisions of the creation of an electoral college that as PART of the ''counting of populations" the landed gentry who were the ones most represented in the ''constutition" and federation itself -- were slave and plantation owners who beganto see the USEFULNESS of their 'half human" possessions -- to PAD UP their 'electoral votes".

anyone that tries to diminish that is not being honest.

nonetheless -- it is what it is -- a vestige of the origins of american ''democracy' and 'federalism". it matters not in THIS particular subject of slavery -- that the system is what it is -- and that -- to the point here about elections today --

if americans do NOT like it -- CHANGE IT - end of story.

don't complain about ''results" after the fact when tehydid nothing to change the rules so they won't hve to complain about the ''bad electoral system">

i weas mainly pointing out the hypocrisy of it all - both the complaints of the losers -- about their own ''democracy" when the results don't suit them --

as well as the hypocrisy of the ''federalization" itself that gave ''rights' while stomping on other humans which they called ''possessions" as slaves and THEN USE them as ''countable votes" ..when it was convenient.

but then -- that is typical of america....

saudi arabian head choppers and salafist and terror state funders -- are ''friends in huma n rights" -- sponsoring saudi arabia's rotating ''chairmanship"

in the UN ''human rights council"

and many more such hypocrisies...

flaunting ''free market' when it suits the USA -- but suddenly going for ILLEGAL sanctions against countries that won't ''open" themselves for american corporate plunder...

heck -- it's so 'FAMOUS" AROUND the world now -- no wonder

countries KEEP RUNNING AWAY from american ''democracy" and ''free market"

since it' has NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever.

VIETNAM just decided -- despite a decade of constant pressure from the USA -- TO NOT ACCEPT the american corporate sponsored take-over of ASIAN economies -- placing americna corporations ABOVE the laws of soverieng countries and their peoples....

roflmao...and soon -- MORE will run away becuse they KNOW what american 'rules and freedom' are all about :

PLUNDER and pillage of their countries with the BIG WORD :''democracy".


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Lol! I'm not sure the people were ever controlled by the mainstream media. They certainly seem to be seduced by social media now, facts are not assigned any value anymore.

The mainstream media suppresses facts and misrepresents reality. It does not filter nonsense and present truth; it does the opposite.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'd agree if that were the reason Trump got elected. 63% of white men voted for him. 52% of white women voted for him (this part actually highlights how dis-likable Hillary is. If she couldn't win over a significant majority of women given who her opponent is, that's a major problem). Meanwhile, only 13% of black men and 4% of black women voted for him.

LOL....blacks have been voting 95% Democrat since the 1960s. They have been nothing but a mindless voting bloc for the Democrats since the Voting Rights Act. They vote on one issue and only one issue - opposing white racism. For you to talk as though they open their minds on a large scale to hear what every candidate has to say and then they choose the Democrat shows that you are not very familiar with America. I have encountered blacks who, back in 2012, said that Romney was going to bring back slavery and take away food stamps - and they truly meant it. For you to treat the black vote as something that is accessible to Republicans by making rational arguments is completely off-base.

That said, Trump did better with blacks than both McCain and Romney because he did challenge the Democratic Party supremacy in the inner cities. He traveled to both Flint and Detroit to make a pitch to black Americans.

33% of Latino men voted for him (I was surprised it wasn't lower to be fair)

Better percentage than Romney, who took a much softer stand on immigration.

It's not about failing to see the bigger picture. It's about starting with the root of what got him elected, and it wasn't potential job opportunities. Unless Latinos and Blacks don't care about having jobs, or the economy.

For most black voters, better jobs is not a primary consideration in American politics. Most blacks are single-issue voters, and that single issue is white people being evil oppressors. And they are never challenged on this. To the contrary, white leftists like Moxie encourage them to vote this way.

Trump appealed to the passionate white majority.

He also traveled to inner city Detroit to directly speak to a black church, something that no prior Republican had done. He also celebrated winning the Hispanic vote in the Nevada primary over Rubio and Cruz. He also said repeatedly that as a great jobs president, he would benefit both African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

But, as for appealing to the white majority, why is that inherently a bad thing? America in 1960 had become the leading nation in the world and it was roughly 90% white and 10% black. People of all races have contributed to America's success but it is simply a fact that the U.S. was built up by those evil white Europeans. I have no problem with people of any race or ethnicity throughout the world taking pride in their own culture and wanting to preserve it. In fact, I even think that white groups should be allowed to do so.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Agreed. He launched his campaign on the birther movement, and announced his candidacy to the world by maligning Mexicans. You can't simply ignore that

Wrong. He did not "launch his campaign" on the birther movement, which was actually begun by Hillary. Trump's campaign started long after the birther movement and was not connected to it.

And no, Trump did not "malign Mexicans" per se. He brought up some unpalatable facts about illegal immigrants from Central America committing crimes. Completely different.
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