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It's so quiet in the Clinton camp, you can hear an email being deleted.
It's so quiet in the Clinton camp, you can hear an email being deleted.
That is cheap, unkind, and unlike you. If you want people to stay around and take the abuse from your seriously right-wing posters, I'd be nicer.
I'm sorry that a modicum of empathy is beyond you, teddy, but apparently it is. So, go fuck yourself.
Since the gloves are off: your misogyny has always been obvious. You are a man who hates women, that's clear. Which usually means that women don't like you. There's probably a reason for that. Trump doesn't love women, but he buys them. If you're not worth billions, you probably go without. And resent it. Then blame the women. I suspect you're an anorak-wearing basement-living computer troll who hasn't seen a woman beyond a video screen in 15 years. Men who live with and love women may get frustrated, as women do with men, but real misogyny like yours comes from lack of familiarity, or some deep-seeded Mommy issues. So who needs a shrink. Hmmm?
A point worth making is that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. Whatever we decide to do about the electoral college, this is the 2nd election in recent years that the Democratic candidate has won the most votes, but has lost the election.
Below is a list of racist incidents just one day after Trump's election... If you think his racist rhetoric is no big deal, you're severely underestimating the issue. The point isn't about how racist Trump is or isn't, it's about how his racist words impact his supporters. Someone around here once referred to "closet racists," and I think that's spot on. Unfortunately, you'll be seeing them out of the closet frequently. On a social level, America is in line for a wake-up call for the next four years.
That's a really silly post.
Racism was always an issue in the US, and will likely always be (pretty much in the world, not just in the US). Trump didn't invent racism, the same way Obama didn't stop it. Racism and hate were always present, except now we're dealing with a president who more or less advocated them, and his supporters feel entitled to come out of the woodwork. That's the point.
Oh wow, the arguments keep getting better.
This is like the "some of my best friends are black" argument that someone would use after saying a blatantly racist thing. How does Trump's immigrant wife negate his stance on blacks, Hispanics and Muslims?
Are you seriously, with a straight face, telling me that Trump's rhetoric hasn't been blatantly racist?
You've seen his stance on Muslims? Or are you gonna play the cop -out "Islam is not a race" card?
Also the argument of "why did Florida vote for him, they're not stupid" as if it's supposed to show he's not racist is laughable. How many black people voted for Trump? Have you seen the %? It's extremely negligible. I can use the same logic to show that this means he is racist.
Also, 52% of white women voted for Trump. I guess that means he's never made some blatantly misogynistic comments. Yup, nobody respects women more than he does.
That's an interesting question. And very germane. Let's leave aside the fact that in recent times Wikileaks no longer makes any effort to verify the accuracy of the information they gather (let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's all true), I would still turn your question back to you and ask... what information do you think CNN is releasing that isn't factual? It was interesting to watch Snowden being interviewed about Wikileaks and hearing his reservations about what they were doing. He stated that he was extremely uncomfortable with their methods because they were effectively just dumping information on to the internet without any due diligence at all.
If you had used the New York Times as a comparison I might have more sympathy because clearly their editorial board decided that they would be blatantly anti-Trump, and while I had a lot of sympathy with their rationale, they clearly set aside their responsibilities to report the news without bias.
But even then, I would suggest you're the one who's blind here. The true irony of this election, as we're all learning now, is that the electorate (or at least a large percentage of it) was not willing to hear anything from anyone identified as the establishment. That's the real story here, and it was the same thing during Brexit. Where establishment sources were concerned it wasn't about truth. It turns out they could have said the sky is blue and the mood of the land was to disbelieve. But that's ok (well it's not, but it is what happened). What's really pernicious is people like you saying that the media was against Trump. You completely gloss over the fact that Trump benefited massively from all the media attention he got. Without the media, who knows whether he would have defeated his GOP rivals. I can excuse people not getting it while it was happening, but we need to be smart enough to at least understand something that Trump understood from the very beginning. As an aside it wouldn't shock me if Farage actually prepped him and said, "forget about the truth mate, the people don't care. Just echo their anger and rage against the elites". It was highly highly effective. But that's an entirely different thing than saying the media was unfair to him. The man lied repeatedly and blatantly and he got a pass, HRC as with all traditional politicians parsed the truth and tried to be clever with her wording and she got no pass at all. The irony in your comment about blindness is that this was evident for all to see. But as I said there was a false equivalence, you simply can't compare misstatements to outright lies, not if you have any sort of objectivity. Personally I was never a fan of HRC, I just loathed Trump, but I'll admit I was very naive to believe that the lesson of Brexit would be enough to deter the US from going down a similar path. Never forget that because of her complacency HRC lost 7 million Obama voters and still beat Trump in the popularity stakes by nearly 2 million votes! This paradigm sweeping through Western democracies is clearly much more serious than I could have imagined.
The only positive for me is that the EU is surely doomed now, and that's going to be fun to watch, and profit from
No worries
Farage saw how things went during Brexit. He saw how unwilling the electorate was to believe anything that establishment politicians said, and yet they lapped up the false promises made about what would happen after Brexit. It's not a stretch to imagine him telling his mate Trump. Don't worry about anything the establishment say, the people won't listen, they'll listen to you if you hear their anger. That doesn't mean he had to participate in the lies, he just had to see it happen. As for Trump lying, you're not seriously going to argue the point are you?
What a crock! If you're going to argue that nothing has changed with the level of lying perpetrated by Trump then you're the one who's refusing to accept reality. I can't see any reason not be honest about this.
Look, I've maintained in this thread before that for all her "qualifications," Hillary was far from a perfect candidate (to put it politely). Indeed, failing to beat Donald Trump says as much. In fact, in most elections, she wouldn't have my vote. She's a corrupt politician to be sure, and she was directly involved in a disastrous foreign policy. However, I think it's naive to suggest that Trump will be vastly different when it comes to foreign policy. I understand that due to your Serbian roots, you hate the Clintons. In that regard, there's nothing for me to say other than you have every right to.
But look at recent American presidents. Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama... If we were living in a world where people didn't arbitrarily justify death on occasions, while acting appalled on others, all four of them would be labelled as war lords with gallons of blood on their hands. Whether it's the Gulf War, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc... how many innocent lives were lost as a result of American wars and airstrikes?
However, I ask you this again, when Trump says "I'm going to bomb the shit out of ISIS," don't you think it means much of the same? Yeah, policies and alliances might be different, but tell that to Syrian women and children about to meet their end following American airstrikes (and Russian airstrikes, which Trump seems to be OK with). Oh, and as a reward, Trump will not allow any of said families to the US because they're surely Islamic terrorists.
Not being American I wasn't sure whether I should stick my beak in, but I can't resist a comment on this very matter by a client of mine who's a fairly old guy, who's been in government at the federal level for a significant period of time... I'm going to copy in exactly what he emailed about the electoral college versus vote share issue...
"Finally, Trump loses the popular vote and "wins" the election because of an archaic, 18th century "electoral college" system put in ironically to support white supremacist slave owners in rural farm areas"
You have to laugh
I think I get Asmodeu´s points. Sorry, but this matter is much more profound than simply the sum of votes. Your client´s remark, Federberg, is a far over simplistic assessment. Asmodeus correctly pointed out to the Federalist Papers, which, as you know, happen to be one of the most important documents in political theory. If you want to confront it with the phrase you quoted, go ahead (but I am pretty sure you won´t...)
Tennis Fan, what (I guess) is behind Asmodeu´s reply is the fact that Electoral College is a consequence of the very nature of the United States of America. The "United States" are not just a pretty name, the independence of those "States" is a serious matter. It is within this context (which is obviously far more complex than my mere three lines can describe) that you have have to look at the EC -- where it makes sense that an autonomous state is represented by an uniform, consensual (because it is the result of a democratic process) vote. Reducing the discussion to the "popular vote" is in fact reductionist, and not in line with the American political structure. If you do see a way in which the popular vote can coexist with the current American political system, I guess you would need to explain it in more than a single sentence.
tennisfan has the right to express opinion -- even disagreement with the 'system' itself -- and the results of the system vote.
however asmodeus is also correct. it is what it is -- the system is designed that way due to the federalist papers which were a challenge to the other idea of direct popular vote which at the time was considered impossible to measure due to the distances and impracticality -- s well as to ensure tht the 'central government'' itself could not - supposedly -- simply overturn what was ''electorally'' decided by the ''separate states" who were to then be represented by 'electors' .
it is a contradiction in itself in a sense - which of course a matter of a separate discussion as to what is ''democracy'' in the USA.
THE friend of federberg of coruse also makes a point - that the electoral system was also based on the decisions of 'representatives' to the continental congress in those times comprised basically of white landed gentry, landowners nd slave owners...
who also - argued about how to 'count a human vote' - which is to say include , or 'pad' the votes of their states to represent ''them' in the electoral college
using as ''much quantity of population'' as they could ''represent" by counting the slaves as ''voters" but only by a fraction that given to a 'full human''white person -- such as whatever ''quantity'' it was assigned to a black person -- 3/4's of a human or something like that.
in any case -- however ''sophisticated'' the ''system'' is it CERTAINLY can not claim to be the ''epitome'' of human ''civilization'' where it comes to 'expressing the will of the people in a democratic or free system"
for obvious reasons; its HISTORY, the people and 'race' who created it under the circumstances while ignoring that there were ''less- than-human's among them in this very same system that ''voted freedom and republic''.
and ''discussed" its 'fate' while trampling on the lives of ''less-than-humans''.
etc. etc. etc..
HOWEVER -- asmodeus is also correct in that -- WHATEVER THE MERITS OF THIS SYSTEM -- tennisfan and others whose 'candidate' -- hillary -- did NOT win the ''vote"" that actually rules -- electoral vote -- they have to accept the RESULTS as they are - designed to be rendered that way by that system.
if americns do not like it -- say the ''actual popular voters" who - as they claim are more than the electoral system represents -- they can GET OFF THEIR ASSES and instead of SHOPPING -- spend that same time to GO to their congress -- if it actually represents their ''freedom and choice" under their own system --
and SAY:
''GET RID OF THIS ELECTORAL SYSTEM, " and ''do it before the NEXT elections...etc. etc. etc
NOT AFTER the fact..but before the NEXT fact happens.
THE AMERICANS ''tolerated" the BUSH/GORE results - similarly-- although the 'glitch" of FLORIDA -- nad the US supreme court stepping IN TO
A FLORIDA STATE INTERNAL AFFAIR -- to STOP the counting reported to have been a POPULAR vote FOR gore and thus potentially handing HIM the electoral vote -through that county --
AND SINCE they did not do a thing about THAT -- then voters TODAY can not really be complaining UNLESS they do their complaining about the system in subsequent elections...and MIGHT turn out that they were supposed to win in future 'electoral votes" over a 'popular vote for TRUMP in 2020 -- and then
what? ....................
in many ways -- americans are TRAPPED within the system their own ''land-owning" forefathers created..............
of course all this ignores the reality or fact that -- the USA is NOT american to begin with --
it is a country transplanted from a completely different culture OVER that of existing cultures - of the NATIVE peoples -- to whom -- the ''americans' are --
well -- illegal, undocumented aliens.........all 220 white descended americns of matter how many generations that has been of ''votes" and 'republic' .
so -- really -- folks -- what is the BIG DEAL?
it's all been --as LATE LAKOTA CHIEF -- in his last interview to Russia Today in 2013 , before dying of leukemia in what was left of their reservations ''assigned' to them by these same ''electoral votes" and ''popular americn will" of 'democrfatic, republic of america" --
"America is the Artificial Nation" -- anyway....
all the ''discussions" among americans is like people arguing about whether ROSE smells better than VIOLETS - while sniffing plastic flowers...
tennisfan has the right to express opinion -- even disagreement with the 'system' itself -- and the results of the system vote.
however asmodeus is also correct. it is what it is -- the system is designed that way due to the federalist papers which were a challenge to the other idea of direct popular vote which at the time was considered impossible to measure due to the distances and impracticality -- s well as to ensure tht the 'central government'' itself could not - supposedly -- simply overturn what was ''electorally'' decided by the ''separate states" who were to then be represented by 'electors' .
it is a contradiction in itself in a sense - which of course a matter of a separate discussion as to what is ''democracy'' in the USA.
THE friend of federberg of coruse also makes a point - that the electoral system was also based on the decisions of 'representatives' to the continental congress in those times comprised basically of white landed gentry, landowners nd slave owners...
who also - argued about how to 'count a human vote' - which is to say include , or 'pad' the votes of their states to represent ''them' in the electoral college
using as ''much quantity of population'' as they could ''represent" by counting the slaves as ''voters" but only by a fraction that given to a 'full human''white person -- such as whatever ''quantity'' it was assigned to a black person -- 3/4's of a human or something like that.
in any case -- however ''sophisticated'' the ''system'' is it CERTAINLY can not claim to be the ''epitome'' of human ''civilization'' where it comes to 'expressing the will of the people in a democratic or free system"
for obvious reasons; its HISTORY, the people and 'race' who created it under the circumstances while ignoring that there were ''less- than-human's among them in this very same system that ''voted freedom and republic''.
and ''discussed" its 'fate' while trampling on the lives of ''less-than-humans''.
etc. etc. etc..
HOWEVER -- asmodeus is also correct in that -- WHATEVER THE MERITS OF THIS SYSTEM -- tennisfan and others whose 'candidate' -- hillary -- did NOT win the ''vote"" that actually rules -- electoral vote -- they have to accept the RESULTS as they are - designed to be rendered that way by that system.
if americns do not like it -- say the ''actual popular voters" who - as they claim are more than the electoral system represents -- they can GET OFF THEIR ASSES and instead of SHOPPING -- spend that same time to GO to their congress -- if it actually represents their ''freedom and choice" under their own system --
and SAY:
''GET RID OF THIS ELECTORAL SYSTEM, " and ''do it before the NEXT elections...etc. etc. etc
NOT AFTER the fact..but before the NEXT fact happens.
THE AMERICANS ''tolerated" the BUSH/GORE results - similarly-- although the 'glitch" of FLORIDA -- nad the US supreme court stepping IN TO
A FLORIDA STATE INTERNAL AFFAIR -- to STOP the counting reported to have been a POPULAR vote FOR gore and thus potentially handing HIM the electoral vote -through that county --
AND SINCE they did not do a thing about THAT -- then voters TODAY can not really be complaining UNLESS they do their complaining about the system in subsequent elections...and MIGHT turn out that they were supposed to win in future 'electoral votes" over a 'popular vote for TRUMP in 2020 -- and then
what? ....................
in many ways -- americans are TRAPPED within the system their own ''land-owning" forefathers created..............
of course all this ignores the reality or fact that -- the USA is NOT american to begin with --
it is a country transplanted from a completely different culture OVER that of existing cultures - of the NATIVE peoples -- to whom -- the ''americans' are --
well -- illegal, undocumented aliens.........all 220 white descended americns of matter how many generations that has been of ''votes" and 'republic' .
so -- really -- folks -- what is the BIG DEAL?
it's all been --as LATE LAKOTA CHIEF -- in his last interview to Russia Today in 2013 , before dying of leukemia in what was left of their reservations ''assigned' to them by these same ''electoral votes" and ''popular americn will" of 'democrfatic, republic of america" --
"America is the Artificial Nation" -- anyway....
all the ''discussions" among americans is like people arguing about whether ROSE smells better than VIOLETS - while sniffing plastic flowers...
Wrong. He did not "launch his campaign" on the birther movement, which was actually begun by Hillary. Trump's campaign started long after the birther movement and was not connected to it.
And no, Trump did not "malign Mexicans" per se. He brought up some unpalatable facts about illegal immigrants from Central America committing crimes. Completely different.
Funny how you are silent about a Trump supporter getting kicked in the head in Chicago and the anti-Trump riots in Oakland and Portland in which people were injured, windows were shattered, police were attacked, and roads were blocked off. One person was even shot.
When Obama was elected in 2008, Republicans did not come out to shut down 10 cities and hold up signs that said "NOT MY PRESIDENT" while physically attacking Obama supporters.
And here is the truth about the Islamophobia claims. They are hoaxes 95% of the time:
it is a matter of emphasis on viewpoints.
it STILL is part of the history of the USA -- AND its electoral college that it was CENTRAL to the decisions of the creation of an electoral college that as PART of the ''counting of populations" the landed gentry who were the ones most represented in the ''constutition" and federation itself -- were slave and plantation owners who beganto see the USEFULNESS of their 'half human" possessions -- to PAD UP their 'electoral votes".
anyone that tries to diminish that is not being honest.
nonetheless -- it is what it is -- a vestige of the origins of american ''democracy' and 'federalism". it matters not in THIS particular subject of slavery -- that the system is what it is -- and that -- to the point here about elections today --
if americans do NOT like it -- CHANGE IT - end of story.
don't complain about ''results" after the fact when tehydid nothing to change the rules so they won't hve to complain about the ''bad electoral system">
i weas mainly pointing out the hypocrisy of it all - both the complaints of the losers -- about their own ''democracy" when the results don't suit them --
as well as the hypocrisy of the ''federalization" itself that gave ''rights' while stomping on other humans which they called ''possessions" as slaves and THEN USE them as ''countable votes" ..when it was convenient.
but then -- that is typical of america....
saudi arabian head choppers and salafist and terror state funders -- are ''friends in huma n rights" -- sponsoring saudi arabia's rotating ''chairmanship"
in the UN ''human rights council"
and many more such hypocrisies...
flaunting ''free market' when it suits the USA -- but suddenly going for ILLEGAL sanctions against countries that won't ''open" themselves for american corporate plunder...
heck -- it's so 'FAMOUS" AROUND the world now -- no wonder
countries KEEP RUNNING AWAY from american ''democracy" and ''free market"
since it' has NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever.
VIETNAM just decided -- despite a decade of constant pressure from the USA -- TO NOT ACCEPT the american corporate sponsored take-over of ASIAN economies -- placing americna corporations ABOVE the laws of soverieng countries and their peoples....
roflmao...and soon -- MORE will run away becuse they KNOW what american 'rules and freedom' are all about :
PLUNDER and pillage of their countries with the BIG WORD :''democracy".
Right - because of New York and California, where many Republicans do not vote because they know it is pointless, and also because once states are called absentee ballots stop being counted (and absentee ballots usually go Republican).
This was a 50-50 election with the popular vote. I said that from the beginning. But the Republican vote represents historic mainstream America much more than the anti-white, anti-American Democratic Party coalition of California, Chicago, and NY.
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