US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
They need to get rid of that electoral college since the popular vote is the will of the people.

just make sure the change of rule is before election and not after. anyway you are too stupid to realise that if it's popular vote, then the voting behaviour would've been different for this election anyway.

You have no idea what you are talking about, pathetic.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015



that is just so HILARIOUS !!!! ROFLMAO!!!

and so FITTING!!

you must have psychic powers britbox -- or john cleese

i am reading this post EXACTLY as i am watching on TV


lol -- guffawing at the school teacher giving a ''clinical" lesson on ...

'where were we? sex, sex, sex..yes -- now how do you stimulate the clitoris? as you can assume the penis is now hard and attention..."........



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
AMERICANS ought to go to class and watch

''THE MEANING OF LIFE" of John Cleese.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

OH BOY -- she is SO good at playing the role of ''oh poor martyred i have SUFFERED so much for humanity...oh what a BURDEN it is on my POOR little shoulders to bear the WEIGHT of humanity's sorrows -- and how WILLINGLY i take to myself the WORLD'S suffering --- and i continue to BEAR the lashes and the pain of the THORNS forced upon my POOOR ACHING knave like JESUS christ bore the SINS of the world....."

SHE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good at that......

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
^I agree. But what this shows is how big a mistake it was to have HRC represent the Dems. I have a feeling both Biden and Bernie would have comfortably beat Trump. They would have held the rust belt more effectively.

That's possible but Biden declined to run. I didn't pay much attention to Sanders because I knew he wasn't going to get the nod.


Apr 22, 2013
That's possible but Biden declined to run. I didn't pay much attention to Sanders because I knew he wasn't going to get the nod.

My sense was that Biden was talked out of it, possibly by Obama. But it's possible it was the loss of his son that dissuaded him. In any case either of them would have been more trusted and would have had a better chance of holding the rust belt

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
My sense was that Biden was talked out of it, possibly by Obama. But it's possible it was the loss of his son that dissuaded him. In any case either of them would have been more trusted and would have had a better chance of holding the rust belt

I think the timing of his son's death had a lot to do with it. It was such a shock. It's pretty difficult to concentrate when a loved one dies.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Six Ways Trump Could Help Haiti Recover from Clinton Disaster. Prosecute the Clintons? Will He do It??
By Dady Chery

Donald Trump won the United States presidency against Hillary Clinton because he was the only candidate who seriously competed against her. One of President-Elect Trump’s major prizes in the election was the swing state of Florida, which flickered between red and blue throughout much of the night of November 8-9, 2016, eventually to remain a steady red after Trump won it by 120,000 votes.

Many of South Florida’s 150,000 Haitian-American voters came out for Trump, though they had traditionally voted for Democrats, because they knew intimately about the wreck the Clintons had made of Haiti. Plenty of other Americans had also become disgusted by the Clintons’ treatment of Haiti. Many of them lived in Florida, and Wikileaks and other independent journalists had confirmed their worst suspicions.

For Haitian-Americans, the US presidential race was a fight not only to wrest our native land from the Clintons, but also our adopted homeland. The US would have been Hillary Clinton’s next target after she and her cronies had refined in Haiti their methods to rig elections, co-opt journalists, and destroy economies. The evidence of wrongdoing was there for all to see, but throughout the yearlong campaign by the Greens, Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats, Mr. Trump was the only candidate who singled out Clinton’s indefensible pay-to-play conduct in Haiti for attack. Thus he shot the fatal arrow through her Achilles’ heel and won the White House.

Haiti will need the US’ assistance to recover from more than 20 years of disasters wrought by the Clintons. A new Trump administration may expect to get the return vote of Haitian-Americans and Haitianophiles in 2020 if it helps Haiti in the following six ways.

1. Bring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton to justice. More than $9 billion of aid funds for Haiti from international donors, collected through the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) for reconstruction from the January 2010 earthquake, have gone missing. We hope that, as promised, a special prosecutor will be appointed to look into the allegations of financial improprieties by the Clinton family. We further hope that this special prosecutor’s office will investigate their alleged crimes in Haiti as well as the US, and charge them with conspiracy and racketeering, as appropriate. If they are found guilty, the funds should be recovered and their properties attached as a means to remunerate the Haitian government.

2. Assist Haiti diplomatically in its efforts to recover damages from the United Nations for the cholera epidemic. The UN has contaminated Haiti twice with cholera, the first time in 2010 with a cholera strain from Nepal, and the second time after 2012 with cholera from Bangladesh. Currently the UN is only pretending to fight the cholera epidemics that it introduced into Haiti. It is doing so by inoculating hundreds of thousands Haitians with an oral cholera vaccine that is completely ineffective and potentially harmful. Even with an efficacious vaccine, such a campaign would be morally vacuous because its purpose is to allow people to drink water that is contaminated with sewage. The UN must pay damages to individual Haitians for infecting about 700,000 people with cholera and killing about 10,000 others because of its negligence. Furthermore, as reparation, the UN must provide the means to rebuild the country’s waste-treatment and potable-water infrastructures.

3. End without delay the UN military occupation of Haiti. In February 2004, the US government deposed Haiti’s President. Three months later, Bill Clinton, together with Lula da Silva’s now-disgraced administration in Brazil, organized to install an illegal military occupation of Haiti by the so-called UN peacekeepers (MINUSTAH). These troops have been involved in rapes, murders, massacres, and the introduction of epidemics of disease. The great majority of Haitians object to their presence.

4. Fire and replace all State Department and USAID personnel for Haiti from the Clinton or Obama administrations. Such individuals have been part of a corruption machine. They have participated, not only in cases of financial fraud that caused more than $13 billion of international aid to disappear but also in the election fraud that allowed them to install a corrupt dictator, Michel Martelly, as president so they could pillage the country.

5. Adopt a policy of non-interference in Haitian elections. On November 20, 2016 Haiti will repeat its first-round presidential elections and some legislative elections. This follows the invalidation of elections in October 2015 after a discovery of massive fraud that probably involved the election workers and international monitors. We ask that the US bring some pressure to bear on France, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Chile to refrain from attempting to influence the new elections.

6. Stop US agricultural subsidies for rice farmers. As recently as in the 1980s, Haiti was a thriving agricultural country, but in 2014-15 alone, Haiti’s import of agricultural products increased by 30 percent, and its trade deficit for agricultural goods exceeded $900 million. This process began in 1994 with a systematic Clinton dumping of subsidized Arkansas rice in Haiti. The ever-creative US mainstream press, however, has blamed the end result, not on Bill and Hillary Clinton but on Hurricane Matthew. To rebuild its economy, Haiti will need to eliminate unfair competition from subsidized US agricultural goods.

Haiti has endured, in addition to natural disasters, a vicious warfare by the Clintons for many years, even as they have claimed to be the country’s staunchest partners and greatest friends.

More than charity, Haiti needs truth, fairness and justice. If the US will grant those things, Haitians and Haitian-Americans will do the rest.

Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to Be Free. Photograph one US Air Force archive; photograph five and seven by Zoriah; photographs eight and ten from the UN Photo archive; and photograph nine from USAID archive.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
it should be LEARNED -- if not already--

that AFTER HAITI in the 19th century succeeded in its revolt and independence from the FRENCH ENSLAVEMENT -- haiti became the FIRST true democracy in the ''american continents" -- after the USA which had ''liberated" itself from the British Crown...while continuing to hold slaves...

HAITI in its independence was then SUED by the French government (then still a monarchy and aristocracy) to ''pay remunerations" to france for its 'lost investments" in haiti -- namely -- its SLAVES AND PLANTATIONS...

the HAITIANS appealed to the USA (which HAITIANS PREVIOUSLY helped support in the USA'S OWN battle for independence from britain -- few people know this)

for help --

INSTEAD the USA turned ON HAITI AND JOINED FRANCE IN exploiting haiti and demanding HAITI ''REPAY" FRANCE...

forcing haiti to pay -- some of that is still supposedly continued to be paid as interest...

additionally -- despite THAT cruel treatment by the oh -so civilized WHITE people -- HAITI NONETHELESS emerged as a PROSPEROUS , agricultural country ruling is from THAT period that the USA BEGAN its now-unrelenting destruction of the haitian economy

FIRST as an EXAMPLE for OTHER countries in the hemisphere of what happens to a country if it dares oppose the USA IN ITS SELF-PROCLAIMED "'american backyard" of caribbean, latin and south america. ..and who dare to embark on an INDEPENDENT path to their own future and their own people's welfare and prosperity without american ''tutelage".

and its MODERN versions of the continuing AMERICAN TERROR ARE OF COURSE THE CLINTONS.

are you proud yet - clintonites? and -- well -- american s?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I doubt Trump is going to be a dove of any description with regard to policy... but think it will be more focused and harder hitting... he's talked of spending more on the military... but also ramping up pressure for allies to do the same... He's also talked of a little more isolationism... I think where he's going with this, is that America will hit hard but it will be far more focused on the interests of America. America first seems to be the motto.

He's already talked about Assad in a "better the devil we know" language.... and stated he would work with Russia on the ISIS issue.
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Apr 22, 2013
I doubt Trump is going to be a dove of any description with regard to policy... but think it will be more focused and harder hitting... he's talked of spending more on the military... but also ramping up pressure for allies to do the same... He's also talked of a little more isolationism... I think where he's going with this, is that America will hit hard but it will be far more focused on the interests of America. America first seems to be the motto.

He's already talked about Assad in a "better the devil we know" language.... and stated he would work with Russia on the ISIS issue.

I'm certainly on board with him re: Assad. I have a sneaky suspicion that not much will change in terms of trade etc. It's all very well saying America first, but when the facts are put in front of him he'll get to understand how limited the options are. As for spending on the military, I'm not sure how that matches up with cutting taxes. Supply siders have been conning the electorate for decades claiming that lower taxes will mean higher government revenue. Generally the numbers don't add up. Trickle down is more like, the rich peeing on the poor. They have a lower propensity to spend to start with, and restricting global trade will only disincentivise them from investing. He'll learn soon enough!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I doubt Trump is going to be a dove of any description with regard to policy... but think it will be more focused and harder hitting... he's talked of spending more on the military... but also ramping up pressure for allies to do the same... He's also talked of a little more isolationism... I think where he's going with this, is that America will hit hard but it will be far more focused on the interests of America. America first seems to be the motto.

He's already talked about Assad in a "better the devil we know" language.... and stated he would work with Russia on the ISIS issue.

good points!!

if he at least doesn't do WORSE than has already been ''proudly'' accomplished by obama, bush and clintons....that's a BIG improvement, as far as i am concerned.

it's a WORRY that he's tending to surround himself with SOME of the NEO-CONS -- one of the worst being that JOHN BOLTON -- who is a certIfied LUNATIC althoguh probably simply fell out of favor to the ones preferred by the ''clinton presidency" otherwise known as OBAMA ''rented presidency"...

but in effect - neo-lib, or neo-con -- it's the SAME imperial nonsense..

HOPEFULLY some advisers will at least hold some balance in his administration.

PERSONALLY -- not that i am a fan of ANY of them -- i do think TRUMP -- IMMEDIATELY should call in PATRICK BUCHANAN.

HE'S about as sane as it gets in the american political class.

buchanan -- like him or not -- is NECESSARY -- IMO -- under the bring in some more MATURE thinking over there...
one that actually is living in the real world, u know?

probably should be secretary of state, or chief of staff which are powerful positions.

TRUMP really better give patrick a call -- RIGHT NOW -- before all these neo-cons and neoliberals get their claws in -- again -- as they are already angling to do ...and if so -- TROUBLE.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'm certainly on board with him re: Assad. I have a sneaky suspicion that not much will change in terms of trade etc. It's all very well saying America first, but when the facts are put in front of him he'll get to understand how limited the options are. As for spending on the military, I'm not sure how that matches up with cutting taxes. Supply siders have been conning the electorate for decades claiming that lower taxes will mean higher government revenue. Generally the numbers don't add up. Trickle down is more like, the rich peeing on the poor. They have a lower propensity to spend to start with, and restricting global trade will only disincentivise them from investing. He'll learn soon enough!

OF COURSE he won't cut on the military. probably - depending on how he can be decisive in keeping at beyond arm's lenght the war hungry folks -- more on ''picking the battles" kind of thing for the USA MILITARY. if nothing else than to ''have most bang for the buck" in expenses that he has to justify,
after all -- seeing how much waste has been -- if he intends to go for re-election THAT'S going to have to be justified to the JOBLESS americans that voted him to power - or those that have been sacrificed to the altar of greed and war and profits.

hes gonna have to show something about THAT - DOMESTIC ECONOMY...

because if one thing was proven in this election -- NO DISTRACTION ABOTU ''FOREIGN ENEMIES -- RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, CHINA, CHINA, CHINA THREAT"

IS GOING TO keep americans from PRIORITIES -- JOBS, JOBS, JOBS,


AND OBAMA AND BUSH AND CLINTONS are the PROVEN TRAITORS to the needs of ordinary americans on the ECONOMY and their bread and butter.

from BILL'S NAFTA -- that hollowed out the american economy for the ordinary folks --

to BUSH'S war on terror monstrosity..

to OBAMA'S ''savior of wall street" criminals plus more wars..

and who paid for it all?

JOBLESS AMERICANS,poorly paid americans, indebted amercans, bankrupted americans, taxed americans...while the CRONIES LAUGHED ALL THE WAY TO BANKS THEY OWNED............


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'm certainly on board with him re: Assad. I have a sneaky suspicion that not much will change in terms of trade etc. It's all very well saying America first, but when the facts are put in front of him he'll get to understand how limited the options are. As for spending on the military, I'm not sure how that matches up with cutting taxes. Supply siders have been conning the electorate for decades claiming that lower taxes will mean higher government revenue. Generally the numbers don't add up. Trickle down is more like, the rich peeing on the poor. They have a lower propensity to spend to start with, and restricting global trade will only disincentivise them from investing. He'll learn soon enough!

Higher taxes doesn't mean more government revenue either - we've seen that many times over.. and illustrated by many American companies paying lower taxes abroad - particularly in the Hi-tech industry... the likes of Apple, Google, Amazon et al....

Trickle down is more like the rich peeing on the poor (agreed) but the trickle gets less and less... that was my point on the broken social contract earlier in the thread.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'm certainly on board with him re: Assad. I have a sneaky suspicion that not much will change in terms of trade etc. It's all very well saying America first, but when the facts are put in front of him he'll get to understand how limited the options are. As for spending on the military, I'm not sure how that matches up with cutting taxes. Supply siders have been conning the electorate for decades claiming that lower taxes will mean higher government revenue. Generally the numbers don't add up. Trickle down is more like, the rich peeing on the poor. They have a lower propensity to spend to start with, and restricting global trade will only disincentivise them from investing. He'll learn soon enough!

IF trump -- even with HIS self- interest in the picture such as future ''business advantage" after being president or put his family in place --

really wants to go down as a proper president -- which really he should try -

he needs to CLEAN HOUSE starting with ridding it of ANY vestiges from the cltinons, obama, bush jr, etc..both sides -- neoliberals and neoconservatives

and above all the WAR PROFITEERS -- from the pentagon to wall street.

THEN he can wage whatever the heck kind of economic policies he can convince the american populace he was the right man to be president for.

otherwise it only shows that for a country of 350 million -- they can't FIND SUITABLE MANAGERS OF THE economy and policies? something is very wrong with that. for a country that supposedly is the EXPERT on everything ''RIGHT" AND ''GOOD".

AS WE SPEAK -- one of the most POWERFUL russian ministers

has just been ARRESTED for MERE bribery -- meaning -- he was CAUGHT ''asking to be bribed" with 2 million dollars to give a 'good assessment' of

the biggest energy company ROSNEFT -- which is privatized (from originally being a national asset before the americns turned it into a ''private" company in the 1990's ''prescription") --

and this company wants to buy 19 percent of stocks in a fully nationalized company BASHNEFT - which is smaller -- and in order to push it through -- they need a ''favorable'' assessment from the MINISTER OF ECONOMIC POLICY -- which is this guy -- ULYUKAEV...

it turns out -- a special task force of police - recently created by PUTIN - manned by mostly YOUNG graduates -- whose purpose is SPECIFICALLY to catch corrupt politicians -- caught him demanding that he be paid money to give his 'good assessment'. of ROSNEFT -- which doesn't really need it since it IS a profitable company (considering how europe is dependent on russian gas) -

and in the sapce of 24 hours -- he is in jail -- and THAT is one of the most powerful men in russia. OFF to jail.

ONE can argue and speculate -- he was ''set-up" by putin probably -- to get rid of him...since it is known that he is one of those considered to be ''FIFTH COLUMN" in russia - or considered as following the ''washington consensus" policies that still plague russia since the 1990's which is very difficult to dismantle without causing a huge disruption --

so there is that possibility - since putin has been making noises about NEXT YEAR

to give a 'chance to alternative policy approaches" after TEN years of giving a chance to the 'neoliberal" group

of which THIS guy is a member -- and the cnetral bank chief -- woman - naibullina, and even prime minister medvedev are considered ''traitors to russia" with their 'atlanticism" leanings...

so -- that's something TRUMP will also have to deal with -- ...that in RUSSIA they ARE cleaning house in THEIR own way . that TO russian people are what is needed .


Apr 22, 2013
Higher taxes doesn't mean more government revenue either - we've seen that many times over.. and illustrated by many American companies paying lower taxes abroad - particularly in the Hi-tech industry... the likes of Apple, Google, Amazon et al....

Trickle down is more like the rich peeing on the poor (agreed) but the trickle gets less and less... that was my point on the broken social contract earlier in the thread.

You can't seriously be thinking that I ever advocated higher taxes can you?? :D C'mon man!

But you do raise a topical point on tax arbitrage which is exactly what Silicon valley is doing at the moment. Governments are going to have to come up with a consensus on how to deal with this issue, and of course to share tax receipts. A lot of the corporations are getting away with murder at the moment.

I will say this about the taxation issue, there needs to be more transparency on tax issues. Generally I would advocate eliminating loopholes and subsidies. I would actually go further and suggest that there are a lot of implicit subsidies at the moment that need to be eliminated. For example concerning waste disposal and air pollution. These things need to priced properly. It's simply unacceptable to me that a high polluting company can get away with that despite the social and fiscal costs that result. If these companies end up making super normal profits because the government is missing a trick then more fool the rest of us who end up footing the bill. As things stand I would characterise that as the public effectively subsidising these companies. If they protest that their businesses would not be viable if they have to pay those costs, then we need to face up to the fact that they might not be, and they should cease to operate. Most likely they will still be able to function but with much lower margins, that's not our problem, it's theirs
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