US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia

and that applies as a reminder to ME also. i get overboard more likely than not as some of you point out -- so i CAN accet that no matter how 'convincing" my own words are to ME -- it's not necessarily that way to others' eyes..

but -- that's WHY we're here -- as moxie , you said -- as a community of sorts -- ALL the bad things and good things and see where ideas and views go...and then let it be...

Thanks teddy. Yeah, some subjects are very divisive... Some pubs in UK used to have house rules - no talk about religion or politics... so yeah, let's all of us keep it civil at least.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He might, though I worry that Pence won't, and he's already been told that he'll be in charge of "domestic and foreign policy." Leaving what? And they have carte blanche, with the House and Senate. I think people are going to wonder what they'd wished for. But I'm standing by, optimistically as ever.

good FOR YOU moxie...

you didn't go for trump ( i mean who WOULD if there were really BETTER ones? lol)

BUT it is your absolute RIGHT and even obligation to HOLD HIS FEET and that of all the other leaders -- TO THE FIRE -tp cfarry out what they said they were goingt o carry out to PROVE that all YOUR tears OF DISAPPOINTMENT


that JOBS that pay decent wages CAN be created - that'cutting taxes" THIS TIME around doesn't mean ONLY the very rich and connected and can afford fancy accountants to navigate the caverns of tax exemptions - and get rich - benefit but indeed ordinary americans who NEED more help...than Donal Trump ///

YOU have to hold HIS feet to the fire. but do it with dedication and constructiveness and not out of bitterness...because tha tIS YOUR RIGHT to HAVE a say as to what your president DOES IN your NAME as an american.

you may not have voted for him -- and as he said "i didn't have to do this folks -- " -- but as president YOU PAY HIS SALARY!! ALL THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM IN government or state institutions.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Thanks teddy. Yeah, some subjects are very divisive... Some pubs in UK used to have house rules - no talk about religion or politics... so yeah, let's all of us keep it civil at least.

yet we here talk botu RELIGIONS, POLITICS ETC...the 'worst things' to talk about that cause people to quarrel..

BUT THAT IS the test , isn't it?

maybe it's just from where i am coming from..but i recall back home growing up in the philippines --

u know -- neigh bors and friends in teh late afternoon gathering into the night, drinking - coming and going as they please...children playing and running around dogs picking up bones..whatever..

we could talk politics, religions any kind of stuff - get very involved -- but it's all like entertainment. lol. get even all flustered nad quarrel and fists threatening and someone jokes a nasty joke and cursing and -'s all


Apr 22, 2013
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This is for teddy only, Serbian Guard in Beijing, starting around 5:45

MASTOOR AND BILLIE -- i had to take away the video of yours -- i just dont' want it ''sharing" in this post the imageo fTHIS WITCH ALBRIGHT..
you remember this ? where , if i am correct, she was so flustered at the crowd -- they are serbian right?

and though cut from this clip i saw where she was screaming at them


what a WITCH -- one of the chiefly responsible for the western/nato/usa CRIMES against SERBIA....
may she burn in hell...




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

there's now the question floating around, Federberg...

''WHAT DOES THE TRUMP presidency mean for the so-called '''special relationship" between UK/USA?"

being that the now-long embedded UK policies are somewhat not exactly ''glove in hand" with the presumed trump priorities?

since you are brit -- i think it's you and others here that have the best knowledge of the facets of this matter.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
there's now the question floating around, Federberg...

''WHAT DOES THE TRUMP presidency mean for the so-called '''special relationship" between UK/USA?"

being that the now-long embedded UK policies are somewhat not exactly ''glove in hand" with the presumed trump priorities?

since you are brit -- i think it's you and others here that have the best knowledge of the facets of this matter.

As an ex-pat Brit, I don't think it matters a whole lot. There will still be co-operation in all walks of life. Ultimately, and you won't like this, the US/UK/Canada/Australia and NZ will always be locked in together on various matters of defence and intelligence. They call it the 5 eyes group.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
MASTOOR AND BILLIE -- i had to take away the video of yours -- i just dont' want it ''sharing" in this post the imageo fTHIS WITCH ALBRIGHT..
you remember this ? where , if i am correct, she was so flustered at the crowd -- they are serbian right?

and though cut from this clip i saw where she was screaming at them


what a WITCH -- one of the chiefly responsible for the western/nato/usa CRIMES against SERBIA....
may she burn in hell...


Albright was the one who said half a million lives of children was a price worth paying for toppling Saddam Hussein.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Interesting "behind the scenes" vid of the Hillary campaign. I always enjoy these kind of vids rather than the professionally produced sanitized stuff.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
This is for teddy only, Serbian Guard in Beijing, starting around 5:45

As an ex-pat Brit, I don't think it matters a whole lot. There will still be co-operation in all walks of life. Ultimately, and you won't like this, the US/UK/Canada/Australia and NZ will always be locked in together on various matters of defence and intelligence. They call it the 5 eyes group.

that they are locked together was NEVER difficult to see.

i mean that is no different, after all, from the 'slavic world" in its own way,

arabic world, the china 'orbit' - etc ..DESPITE the internal squabbles - some more vicious than others --and in the case perhaps of the ''five eyes"

LESS so than among those of other ''worlds" to put it one way. it's even entirely logical, when we really consider just how societies are. and in itself -- i never found it ''unlikeable"

what is important is whether such ''common interests" are used to the detriment of OTHERS in order to preserve that ''common interest" and in a malicious - even frankly racist way about ''the other" ...

if it was not used that way -- i even think it is a VERY HEALTHY kind of organizing societies -- forthem to be able to preserve something of what are their best features -- BUT as a way to improve relations with other ''worlds"...

so,for instance -- NEW ZEALAND sent its new ambassador to russia to be received by putin - among other new ambassadors from various countries...
regions and ''common or shared interest" cultures . the problem with the 'five eyes" is the strange belief in some kind of ''presumed" right that their interests supersede that of the interests of others and their banding together from common roots is used in this manner and intent rather than simply as one group among many who all try to find common grounds to solve problems

instead of enter into ''master and slave" relations.

but , imo, this does NOT mean that the people themselves actually think like THAT -- AND societies DO EVOLVE - and there's no reason, at least for me, for ''worlds' to come to terms with what holds them unique (as groups or separately) with the respect and effort to deal with others in as fair a manner as possible.

i think this is , if we survive ourselves, where societies are headed anyway -- i mean LEARNING how to live together - without losing oneself or one's ''world" but finding strength in bringing the best of one's world to help enhance the others' right to exist as equals in the struggle to live well...

and in turn be enhanced by what others bring of their best.

i am an optimist that way.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Albright was the one who said half a million lives of children was a price worth paying for toppling Saddam Hussein.

she is just a disgusting THING.

REMEMBER how she - in campaigning was screaming and scolding from her podium at '\'those women who don't vote for hillary -- YOU WILL BURN IN HELL!!" ?

where did this woman escape from ?



Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Below is a list of racist incidents just one day after Trump's election... If you think his racist rhetoric is no big deal, you're severely underestimating the issue. The point isn't about how racist Trump is or isn't, it's about how his racist words impact his supporters. Someone around here once referred to "closet racists," and I think that's spot on. Unfortunately, you'll be seeing them out of the closet frequently. On a social level, America is in line for a wake-up call for the next four years.


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
Below is a list of racist incidents just one day after Trump's election... If you think his racist rhetoric is no big deal, you're severely underestimating the issue. The point isn't about how racist Trump is or isn't, it's about how his racist words impact his supporters. Someone around here once referred to "closet racists," and I think that's spot on. Unfortunately, you'll be seeing them out of the closet frequently. On a social level, America is in line for a wake-up call for the next four years.

Please, never they killed black people as easily as while black president was in power. Wait a second, he still is. And that massacre in a minority club in Orlando several months ago. Must be Trump.
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
THANKS so much! Mastoor!!

i love that - i think i remember it also because if this is the correct year -- was it 2014? lots of us posters in Russia Insider were discussing it for weeks ! after trying to catch the events.

was it the commemoration by russia (ussr previously) and then china of their resepctive anniversaries of the victory over the fascists?

if i remember correctly -- we were following those events from the moscow part in which similarly participating countrie,s including SERBIA joined in moscow..and then a month or so later - they graced Beijing in china's commemoration..

BOTH OF COURSE studiously ignored by the ''freedom -loving - defenders of democracy, and liberators of the world from Nazis, fascism "

johnny come lately ''west". 'media''..since this was the 'height' of the first blows of the sanctions against big bad putin's russia...

SERBIA HAS that very distinctive light blue uniform that i've become so familiar with because i actually regularly follow their exercises with russia - like in those annual ones in siberia or somewhere...

this year SERBIA placed right behind russia in TANK and ground troops!! in competition, hehe!!

Actually, they've just finished drills with Russian and Belorussian army that took place in Serbia while at the same time, some other Serbian troops had drills with nato in Montenegro. I don't like that. In my opinion, Serbia should be truly neutral, no drills with any sides. Besides Serbia doesn't even have an army except for several thousand remaining. Light blue uniforms are only for parading units, so called Garda.

The Parade in Beijing was for 70 years of the victory against nazism, so it's last year and they also took part in the one at Red Square.
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013

That was in news about the parade, so they were just telling how many soldiers from how many countries in front of how many presidents were there.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Below is a list of racist incidents just one day after Trump's election... If you think his racist rhetoric is no big deal, you're severely underestimating the issue. The point isn't about how racist Trump is or isn't, it's about how his racist words impact his supporters. Someone around here once referred to "closet racists," and I think that's spot on. Unfortunately, you'll be seeing them out of the closet frequently. On a social level, America is in line for a wake-up call for the next four years.

you are correct in that words have impact..and it is HIS responsibility to see to it - that under his administration he leads in such a way as to make clear tht they should NOT be construed by ''whites'' who clearly may feel justified to ''express'' WELL-KNOWN racist attitudes in the way weveryone knows in history.

UNDER OBAMA'S administratioln - regardless of the 'effect of trump's words' - it is and HAS BEEN obama's RESPONSIBILITY to pay attemtion - which he DID NOT - HE did not set an example , and did NOT discipline the police forces, communities, etc..

RACISM -- specifically WHITE racism on which the foundations of american society is built IS REAL and latent and always under the surface...

but words or no words it is going to bubble up one way or another. therefore while trumps ''racist" COMMENTS may be seen as ''racist" it does NOT necessarily mean he is --

but this is where he will need to show his leadership.

i look at it from the standpoint of other cultures.

if a problem is such that there just cn be no other choice but for a leader to impose what are ''brutal' technics in order to change mtters -- he will do it, one way or that not what the USA has done with ''surveillance" , with draconian measures, etc? that they have FAILED to improve the lives of americans matters little since they were used based on FALSE motives and reasons -- to increase control using fear created by american imperial policies themselves.

but that is also distinct from if a leader imposes measures to make changes INSIDE society that are no longer fixable by behaving as if the problem is not there..such as ''inner city violence" -- and the ''white police racism" that goes with imposing control.

in THIS case -- a leader such as trump needs to address the CAUSE of ''inner city violence" - which is poverty, hopelessness and the racist legacy of ''white america" on blacks --

and THAT is where trump when he leads can prove himself when he said

"we need to address the inner city conditions of hopelessness".

read carefully what he meant -- NEGLECT , ECONOMIC NEGLECT of generations imposed by the ''goody- goody'' ''Liberals" including their own black leaders -- so that the violence gave ''excuse' to policing that is itself WHITE racist prejudice.

in other words ''inner city'' black misery has NEVER really been addressed

and worse so under obama.

ECONOMIC opportunities -- REQUIRING banks to and financial institutions to INVEST with government support or some kind of support -- so that black neighborhoods SEE that THEY have a stake in the success of the country and THEIR neighborhoods.

imo -- this is what trump actually has in contrast to OBAMA

who campaigned in black neighborhoods in chicago in his RISE to community council -- and county and to illinoi senator..

and as soon as he got their VOTES -- gentrified the neighborhoods in such a way as to LEAVE OUT THE BLACK PEOPLE he just got votes from.

so -- the resuolt? MISERY AND BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE as HIS collusion with white masters THREW blacks out on the streets by RAISING the ''rent" on their own neighborhoods that they couldn'tnt afford to keep up as whites BOUGHT UP the homes and buildings. and HE did NOTHING.

if people want to see ''black on black violaence?"

take a look at OBAMA.

TRUMP will have his chance to prove what he is about. but it starts with ECONOMIC improvement across the board, especially in the rundown mostly colored neighborhoods AS WELL as the rundown white communities such as rural and small town america and blue collar ''un-educated white" america...
which will show a way out of ''racism" that is endemic BECAUSE americans have little recourse to express their FRUSTRATIONS of being neglecgted

by the (mostly* white elites that run the place...AIDED and JOINED by their BLACK ELITE counterparts LIKE obama, oprah winfrey, hollywood movie stars, BLACK ''SUCCESSFUL" folks...and whites behave in racist ways because THAT is the ONLY way they have known how

when they see miserable blacks ''committing black on black violence anyway"

in neighborhoods that were LEFT TO ROT by obama and others before him

THROUGH A LACK OF NATIONAL RESOLVE to improve the lives of ALL americans

INCLUDING colored neighborhoods.

but if white americans see that THEIR lives are improved -- and see that the lives of BLACK neighobrhoods are improved BECAUSE OF GENERAL ECONOMIC POLICIES that benefit ALL neighborhoods. .

THE WHITES will begin to see NO reason to think "oh all blacks are lazy bums and so it is justified for us toe just beat them up because of their violence anyway" ..

they will all be too busy making money, earning better wages, going to meaningful, rewarding jobs..the same as they see their black fellow citizens do under a better ECONOMIC policy that benefits all of them.

under OBAMA he had NO policy EXCEPT TO INGRATIATE HIMSELF to his white masters..

and left the rest of america -- white and black to 'sort out their quarrels and racism wars". IN THEIR ECONOMIC MISERY .

and MUCH of that policy was built on CLINTONS' policies.

the APPEARANCE of 'justice for blacks" but NONE of the substance especially in economi matters which left people with 'black on black violence" drugs, rotting neighborhoods, gentrification leaving out coloreds...
whites unleashing their latent RACISM upon coloreds out of THEIR own growing INSECURITY under the WORSENING conditions for EVERYONE under the 1 percent that the CLINTONS, BUSH AND REAGAN established.

see the difference?
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