"Whatever! He went downhill fast. The other leftist seemed more reasonable. Brianna Ru claiming that this is a terrible time for trans people (it’s not) interestingly laid the blame for the backlash squarely where it belongs: on left wingers using it as a tool to sow division.
They succeeded at that, and now while they survey the catastrophe they brought on themselves, they promptly deny that they were even there when it happened.
These things are not important when they’re kept in proportion, but the trans issue was allowed to spread like a bush fire, affecting politicians, big corporations, media institutes, the whole culture, universities and children in schools, and none of it positively.
I can’t look at that ugly flag in shops and cafes without thinking that some coward is displaying it to keep the mob at bay. It’s senseless, at this stage, but they’ve lobbied hard and violently to get this far, and they’ve created a new language to support their case, changed the meaning of old words, and swept governments up everywhere, all of these cynically hoping that this wasn’t some sort of cultural Ponzi scheme…"
Brother Kieran ^ makes a compelling point in the above. I have felt the same for years now and I do know people that fly the flags demanded of business in this toxic cancel culture of the last ten years or so and it has bled into the national conversation and, even though it gets minimized as a minor or "trivial" issue by Dems and some posters here--it isn't. Folks are being required under threat of being cancelled to buy into all of these things hook, line and sinker or else. Are you a Democrat? All in with George Floyd, LGBTQPI+++++++++++++++, all in with from the river to the sea, all in with abortion on demand in the guise of "reproductive rights", all in with apologizing to the world for how awful USA has been throughout the "American Century", all in on how America is still backward and racist and misogynistic apart from enlightened enclaves in Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, Boston and coastal California, all in with erasing history and vilifying historical figures because of things they wrote or felt two hundred ago that are considered anathema in today's woke culture, etc. I was not surprised Tulsi or Manchin left the Democrats. They permitted themselves to be hijacked by the far Left decades ago and that cancer has metastasized since the late Sixties forward. This is not JFK's Democrat party, and it is not Jimmy Carter's either. It really started running far off the rails during the Obama-Biden years--the Biden of 20 or 30 years ago would have been attacked often by the current version of his party (indeed many have done so over the last few years). The Democrats used to be the party that sold itself as standing up for the common man, the working man, labor unions, the Catholic immigrant minorities, women and winning elections by claiming that the GOP was the party of Goldwater and Reagan and that World War III was coming if you voted for them. My how the Democrats have lost the plot over the last ten or so years.
The common man, the working man, knows that racism will never fully go away because of humanity being flawed inherently (a discussion for another threat or another forum altogether as to why that is), but the working man looks around and sees that for decades now black and brown people routinely win local, state and national elective office, one is as likely to be pulled over by black or brown or even a female police officer as a white male officer for a ticket or to be arrested in their home for something, white, black, brown and Asian people go into restaurants and sit near each other all the time, businesses are owned by all kinds of people of all of different colors and beliefs, in some parts of the country people are quite accustomed to seeing people in areas known as gay friendly and they are accepted in the community and no one harasses them etc., but yet that is not enough for the ones within the Democrat party who assisted in helping it lose the selection. It is not enough to tolerate some of these things, but one must celebrate and if you do not celebrate, you will be facing dire consequences for not jumping on the bandwagon. It is not enough to acknowledge that black and brown people have made incredible progress in the last 60 years, you must still stick around and proclaim loudly that America is a racist nation, not that it was, but that it is and that the entire system is still racist and if you are not black or brown, then you are racist, particularly if you dare to question or defy these accepted conclusions of the people we are talking about. The people and, increasingly, the businesses are going to turn against this. Even Disney realizes it has gone too far when it starts creating remakes of movies with gay characters or now feels as though it has to create Snow White in a Hispanic image. It is not enough that they have created new and different characters from the Asian part of the world, black or brown figures with positive images, NO, NO--not enough--we must go back and revamp the past to satisfy the maniacs on the far Left. It is not enough that LGBTQPI+++++++++ are free to live as they wish, congregate in areas where many people who are like them tend to live and work, and to try to be happy and pursue the American dream as any other tax paying citizen of the United States of America. No, no – – now almost every commercial from a large corporate entity that will show couples applying for a loan or using medication from big pharmaceutical companies, in our films and television series must fully embrace and show case at every opportunity the requisite DEI and show that in the commercials and in the shows in the movies. Do not dare question this! But, see, the electorate has signaled that perhaps things have gone a little too far in that regard and they would like to see less focus on those issues and more focus on the working man, his day to day problems, less spending of money on others and on people who are illegally in this country when that money could be spent on improving the life of the citizenry, less spending at the federal level, rather than more taxation, and things of this nature.
The United States of America is more than ready to elect a woman to the highest office in the land. Years ago I thought Jean Kirkpatrick could have been the United States' version of Maggie Thatcher. Clinton came close, but Clinton was not at that time what Ms. Harris is today in terms of what she stressed and what she stood for. Furthermore, whether people like to admit or not, she was an extension of her husband's presidency and some folks were not uncomfortable with that. Furthermore, she was running against a person who had never held office and had a lot of personal baggage, so she could have won the election but for some of her insipid comments about deplorables and her stupidity in intentionally deciding to place a private server in the closet of her home in violation of federal law which really made her look like a hypocrite for calling out Trump for other things such as the hoax concerning Russian collusion, the hot mic issue, etc. after what her husband had been involved in while in office. Tulsi would have made a more compelling candidate than Kamala if she were still a Democrat. Nikki Haley would too, even now. If this had been a race between Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley, I believe Haley would be the first woman and Indian-American elected to the presidency. It is not that America is not ready to elect a woman, it is what the woman running stands for that determines if she is going to be elected. The USA may elect a woman as president in the very near future, but I feel as though it is not going to be any woman other than one who stands for the majority of people, particularly the working men and women. It could be a Democrat or Republican, but this woman will probably be considered a moderate or centrist of whichever party she is a member.