US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013




Are you really suggesting that income inequality in the US is higher than anywhere else in the world? That they have more people in poverty than anywhere else in the world?:facepalm:
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Apr 22, 2013
Where was ethnic cleansing happening? People lived in peace side by side since WW2 till the 90s. Everybody was equal, which is not what they wanted when they separated from Yugoslavia. Unless you think that 32% of people don't have any right and say so in their future.

Everybody being equal with their rights being supressed in a dictatorship is not a great argument. One could make the same case in Iraq. Actually you could even make the case in America, where minorities have equality under the law, but not in reality. It doesn't mean that everything is ok. I can well understand why when the different ethnicities wanted to secede it would have raised serious concerns among Serbian minority communities spread around Yugoslavia. That cannot be a justification for the killings
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Apr 22, 2013
NATO have no moral obligations to get involved in any war outside of their member states regardless of ethnic cleansing... otherwise they'd be in a perpetual state of war all around the globe.

NATO's premise for getting involved was that the war was seen as a threat to regional stability.

There's no doubt that self interest was involved as well, otherwise they would have intervened in Rwanda, I'll grant you that. But it's naive to think that morality wasn't also in play. But absolutely, regional stability was definitely a concern, as was the risk of Middle Eastern support for muslims escalating
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hillary Clinton Has Poisoned American Politics With Russia Hysteria and Feeble-Minded Conspiracy Theories for Years to Come
Justin Raimondo ( 19 minutes ago | 37 0
FBI Director James Comey’s decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information has the Clintonites falling back on their tried-and-true response to all the revelations coming from WikiLeaks and other sources – it’s all a Russian plot. Except, this time, the hysteria has reached such a fever pitch, and the conspiracy theories are so unhinged, that the political discourse in this country will be poisoned for years to come.

It started with Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), who told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer:

“So the question is: Where did these [emails] come from? How did they get to the FBI? Is Russia involved in this? We don’t have a clue where this stuff is coming from.”

We don’t know if Ryan was drunk (again) when he said this, but his nickname of “Congressman Moonbeam” seems well-earned, and the implication of his remarks – that the FBI is in league with the Russians – underscores his marginality. However, it wasn’t long before the marginal started merging with the mainstream. In tandem with Rya, Howard Dean, former presidential candidate and once head of the Democratic party, tweeted:

“Ironically, Comey put himself on the same side as Putin.”

Now Dean may be a bit more credible than Ryan, but who can forget the “Dean scream” that dramatized his loonier side, and effectively knocked him out of contention for the Democratic presidential nomination? And then there were those payments from the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a nutty Marxist-Islamist cult, in return for serving as their front man. And so while Dean may be better known, what he’s know for isn’t exactly adding to his credibility, and so we can safely relegate this kind of conspiracy theorizing to the fringes of the Democratic party spectrum. Right?

Wrong. Here is longtime Clintonite strategist James Carville opining that “It’s unprecedented … the House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy.” Well, okay, who listens to Carville, anyway? He’s so yesterday! Well, then, get a load of Harry Reid, who leads the Senate’s Democrats, repeating a different version of the same nonsense in a letter to Comey:

"In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest hostile to the united states, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information."

It’s so “explosive” that it exploded into utter nothingness, according to the New York Times this [Tuesday] morning:

“For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead – which they ultimately came to doubt – about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

“Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, FBI and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.”

As Gertrude Stein once put it, “There’s no there there.” She was talking about Oakland, California, but might just as well have been describing the inside of Harry’s brain.

And, yes, you read the above cited Times story right: instead of going after terrorists, or ordinary criminals, for months the FBI has been chasing down rabbit holes looking for Trump’s alleged links to the nonexistent International Kremlin/Alt-Right/Putinist Conspiracy. We have returned to the halcyon days of J. Edgar Hoover, when people were investigated and harassed for their political views at the instigation of their ideological opponents.

Oh, but the FBI was too “overburdened and undermanned” to keep Omar Mateen on their radar.

In this election, the tragic and the comic mix and merge, but surely the former is dominant in the latest of Franklin Foer’s Russophobic effusions. Formerly the editor of The New Republic, who was unceremoniously dumped by its new owner, Foer has teamed up with the Clinton campaign as its unofficial conspiracy theorist, spinning tales of Trump’s “links” to the Russians. He’s the Alex Jones of the Clinton crowd, except that not even Jones would be caught dead promoting the kind of incoherent nonsense in Foer’s latest screed.

According to Foer, Trump has a “secret server” set up specifically to communicate with his Kremlin Masters. We know this because a “computer scientist” who wants to be known only as “Tea Leaves,” and other “experts” – who also don’t want to tell us their names – have supposedly “discovered” this Secret Link. The server connects to the Alfa Bank, which is located in – cue in scary music – Russia! And guess what!? This closed communication link was especially active during politically sensitive times! This, according to Foer and his anonymous band of “experts,” is conclusive proof that The Donald is a secret agent of the KGB, intent on polluting our precious bodily fluids with icky Russian cooties.

The only problem with this wacky conspiracy theory is that there’s a prosaic explanation for the existence of this “suspicious” online traffic: the Trump Organization had hired a company to send out ads for their hotels. The online traffic to Alfa Bank meant only that several employees of that bank had stayed in Trump’s hotels and were being solicited to do so again. And in spite of the “scientific”-looking chart displayed in the Foer piece, in fact the online traffic to and from Alfa didn’t “peak” when the US political scene got hot: “That’s wrong,” writes Timothy B. Lee in the anti-Trump pro-Hillary “If anything, the chart shows the opposite of that.”

As Lee puts it:

“Foer claims that the pattern of traffic between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank servers is highly unusual – so unusual that it can best be explained as a secretive communication link between Donald Trump and the Kremlin.

“But in this case, there seems to be a plausible and perfectly innocent explanation for the traffic pattern suggested by an IT consultant named Naadir Jeewa and endorsed by security expert Robert Graham: The Trump organization is sending out promotional emails about Trump hotels, and one or more Alfa Bank employees is on the recipient list.

“This is actually the explanation that’s suggested by Occam’s razor because – as Foer himself acknowledges in his story – the server was originally registered by an email marketing firm called Cendyn. The Trump organization seems to have hired Cendyn to send out emails promoting Trump’s hotels, a service Cendyn has been providing since the Trump server was registered in 2009. So the most obvious explanation for the traffic is that Cendyn is using its server for its intended purpose.”

When Hillary Clinton’s Twitter account tweeted Foer’s farrago and declared “It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia,” cyber-security expert Robert Graham replied on his blog:

“This is nonsense. The evidence available on the Internet is that Trump neither (directly) controls the domain "," nor has access to the server. Instead, the domain was setup and controlled by Cendyn, a company that does marketing/promotions for hotels, including many of Trump’s hotels. Cendyn outsources the email portions of its campaigns to a company called Listrak, which actually owns/operates the physical server in a data center in Philadelphia.”

So the server wasn’t even owned by the Trump Organization. And yet it took the FBI months, and “journalists,” including even The Intercept, “weeks” to conclude that this story is completely bogus. The US taxpayers should demand their money back – not to mention Pierre Omidyar.

Even after this sloppy McCarthyite smear was debunked, the Clinton campaignbreathlessly repeated the charges: “This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia”! What this perfervid fantasy is the actually key to is the hysterical desperation of the Clinton campaign as it is engulfed in daily scandals that threaten to sink it beneath the electoral waves.

Are you laughing – or crying – yet? Oh, but I’m not done! If you think this grade-B conspiracy theory is the lowest form of electoral entertainment, then you obviously haven’t read David Corn’s latest entry into the Smear Trump Sweepstakes. Glenn Greenwald – no friend of Trump’s – describes it as “an unnamed person, from an unknown country, who used to work in an unnamed agency, claims Trump is a Russian agent.” How did the real estate mogul become a tool of the Kremlin? Well, you see, Trump once traveled to Russia, where he was suborned by one of those slinky-looking Russian ladies and “Russian intelligence had ‘compromised’ Trump during his visits to Moscow and could ‘blackmail him.’”

Yes, they’re blackmailing Trump over a sexual indiscretion – because that would destroy him for sure! And it’s all in a “secret memo” that only Corn, the editors of Mother Jones, and their Mysterious Veteran Spook have seen.

On one level, this is hysterically funny; it’s grade-C thriller material that is likely to be found at the bottom of some publisher’s slush pile. On another level – the political level – it is immensely depressingly significant – because these people are “liberals,” even “leftists.” They aren’t stupid: they know the ignominious history of witch-hunting in this country. I’d call this McCarthyism – but even Joe McCarthy had some actual evidence to back up his claims of “foreign agents” lurking in the corridors of power. Corn, Foer, and the Clinton campaign are simply retailing lies.

What’s depressing about this is the fact that, if Hillary wins, it isn’t going to stop. Far from it: the new “red scare” will accelerate, as her political enemies are tarred with the “KGB agent” brush. And when the notoriously vindictive Democratic candidate takes revenge not only on her domestic political enemies, but on the Russians, an ugly – and dangerous – confrontation is in the cards. She’ll sic the FBI on Trump’s supporters, and Trump himself, and she’ll unleash the US military and our allies on Putin – and then, watch out.

That American liberalism has degenerated into a Russophobic, warmongering, witch-hunting ideology so quickly is one of the most astonishing ideological transformations in our political history. And all in the name of garnering partisan political advantage. As Donald Trump would put it: Sad!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Russia: The West Is Trapped in Its Own ‘Propaganda-Created World’
James Holbrooks (Antimedia) 46 seconds ago | 2 0
As the American corporate media continues to tow the official line that Russia is working to undermine U.S. elections, the head of the U.K.’s MI5 spoke with the Guardian on Tuesday. It was the first time an acting spy chief has given a newspaper interview in the agency’s 107-year history, and the subject matter important enough to prompt such an atypical occurrence was hardly a surprising one — Russia.

Or, more accurately, Russia as the big bad enemy.

“Russia increasingly seems to define itself by opposition to the west and seems to act accordingly,” MI5 chief Andrew Parker told the Guardian. “You can see that on the ground with Russia’s activities in Ukraine and Syria. But there is high-volume activity out of sight with the cyber-threat.”

“Russia has been a covert threat for decades,” he continued. Then, evoking the U.S. election hacking hype, he added, “What’s different these days is that there are more and more methods available.”

And according to Parker, Vladimir Putin’s Russia is utilizing these methods in “increasingly aggressive ways” to project its global influence:

“It is using its wide range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways — involving propaganda, espionage, subversion and cyber-attacks. Russia is at work across Europe and in the U.K. today.”

The Kremlin was quick to issue a response to the Parker interview, one the Guardian detailed in a follow-up piece.

“Those words do not correspond to reality,” spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said flatly. With regard to alleged U.S. election tampering, he added, “Until someone produces proof, we will consider those statements unfounded and groundless.”

Russia’s embassy in London, meanwhile, stated on Twitter it was “saddened to see a professional trapped to [sic] his own propaganda-created world.” Accompanying that tweet was the movie poster for the 1966 film The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming.

In the buildup to the U.S. presidential election on November 8 — and as Russian submarines are spotted off the British coast — Western nations are again amping up the anti-Russian narrative.

On October 7, for instance, the United States officially accused Russia of attempting to intervene in the U.S. political system. Then, just days ago, Western member countries of the G7 alliance agreed that continued sanctions against Russia for its role in Ukraine and Syria were “vital.”

For his part, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s response to such recriminations has been largely one of amusement, as demonstrated by comments he made last week.

While speaking to foreign policy experts in Sochi, Putin dismissed the “hysteria about Russia’s influence on the U.S. presidential election,” adding the “mythical and fictitious” issue has been used to distract the American voter from real problems facing the United States government.

“Does anyone seriously think Russia can somehow influence the American people’s choice?” Putin asked. “Is America some kind of banana republic? America is a great power!”

A great power, the Russian president made certain to note, with a top notch propaganda arm:

“I would like to have such propaganda machine in Russia, but, regrettably, there is no such thing,” Putin said, touching on the bought and paid for nature of Western corporate media. “We don’t have such global media as CNN, BBC and others.”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
DID people know that practically every ''great" western news --

newsweek, bbc, the guardian, die welt, -- basically every major western paper depicting the ''bad putin russia threat" -- splashed on pages week after week after week for years now --

are ALL AVAILABLE in russian newsstands?

all there for russians to read -- and be amused about...

but - the point should drive itself home...

that RUSSIA actually has MORE ''press freedom" that the west CLAIMS about itself -- allowing the GOSPEL MAKERS of western ''news" for any russian to have...even as subject of national TV discussions -- (mostly to be amused about for its juvenile quality) --

where UK and USA are getting ready to BAN RT OR SPUTNIK...let alone let russian in english papers 'vilifying the usa, uk, france" in the same way on western news-stands. lol.

the irony seems to escape

and to be sure -- i personally saw these magazines in st petersburg 4 months ago on a trip...and asked russians about to why they are even there if everything is about

''bad putin, bad russia" etc....

and invariably -- they told me:
"they sell here because we like to know what all the obsession is about us....and we find it very watching a stupid comedy that really how americans think . like in new york? -- it's all very amusing -- but sad in a way , how they think in this childish way".
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Apr 22, 2013
DID people know that practically every ''great" western news --

newsweek, bbc, the guardian, die welt, -- basically every major western paper depicting the ''bad putin russia threat" -- splashed on pages week after week after week for years now --

are ALL AVAILABLE in russian newsstands?

all there for russians to read -- and be amused about...

but - the point should drive itself home...

that RUSSIA actually has MORE ''press freedom" that the west CLAIMS about itself -- allowing the GOSPEL MAKERS of western ''news" for any russian to have...even as subject of national TV discussions -- (mostly to be amused about for its juvenile quality) --

where UK and USA are getting ready to BAN RT OR SPUTNIK...let alone let russian in english papers 'vilifying the usa, uk, france" in the same way on western news-stands. lol.

the irony seems to escape

and to be sure -- i personally saw these magazines in st petersburg 4 months ago on a trip...and asked russians about to why they are even there if everything is about

''bad putin, bad russia" etc....

and invariably -- they told me:
"they sell here because we like to know what all the obsession is about us....and we find it very watching a stupid comedy that really how americans think . like in new york? -- it's all very amusing -- but sad in a way , how they think in this childish way".

More press freedom than the West? How do you explain the killings of journalists? Out of curiosity have you been to Russia? They put Snowden up in some nice digs? It's always an option ;)


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
More press freedom than the West? How do you explain the killings of journalists? Out of curiosity have you been to Russia? They put Snowden up in some nice digs? It's always an option ;)
More press freedom than the West? How do you explain the killings of journalists? Out of curiosity have you been to Russia? They put Snowden up in some nice digs? It's always an option ;)

based on whose ''evidence? "

the innuendo by the west -- like so typical of using ''accusation" as ''evidence?"


do NOT substitute accusation "putin and russian government killed the journalist" WITH PROOF.

in the same manner...

IF HILLARY CLAIMS THAT PUTIN is sabotaging the US elections to ''elect trump"


IF ANYONE claims they OWN and can sell the LONDON BRIDGE -- SHOW THAT THEY own it and can sell it.

LIKEWISE -- if YOUR british head of M1 -- claims that ''russia is everywhere undermining UK and america" -- PROVE IT...where are the leads, which people? how, where are financial accounts , when, where? was brexit induced by putin? which ambassador did it? met with whom?

otherwise -- as MARIA ZAKHAROVA of the russian foreign ministry tweeted to YOUR head of security --

"i would like to ask you -- did russia also make UK appoint BORIS JOHNSON as yoru foreign minister?"
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
What does it take to bring Hillary Clinton to justice? - Pepe Escobar
Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging from the US to East Asia. He is the former roving correspondent for Asia Times Online. Born in Brazil, he's been a foreign correspondent since 1985, and has lived in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Washington, Bangkok and Hong Kong. Even before 9/11 he specialized in covering the arc from the Middle East to Central and East Asia, with an emphasis on Big Power geopolitics and energy wars. He is the author of "Globalistan" (2007), "Red Zone Blues" (2007), "Obama does Globalistan" (2009) and "Empire of Chaos" (2014), all published by Nimble Books. His latest book is "2030", also by Nimble Books, out in December 2015.

Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States (POTUS).

How’s that humanly possible, as the (daily) Bonfire of The Scandals – relentlessly fed by WikiLeaks revelations and now converging FBI investigations - can now be seen from interstellar space?

It’s possible because Hillary Clinton, slouching through a paroxysm of manufactured hysteria, is supported by virtually the whole US establishment, a consensual neocon/neoliberalcon War Party/Wall Street/corporate media axis.

But History has a tendency to show us there’s always a straw that breaks the camel’s back.

This could be it – as revealed by WikiLeaks; March 2, 2015, the day when John Podesta wrote, “we are going to have to dump all those emails.”

That happened to be the exact same day it was revealed Hillary Clinton had used a personal email server as Secretary of State.

Yet this reveals only part of the puzzle. There’s got to be a response to Podesta’s email – which WikiLeaks may, or may not, leak in the next few days before the election. If the back and forth clearly shows intent (to mislead), then we’ve got a 100 percent smoking gun: the whole Clinton (cash) machine narrative – according to which Hillary just deleted "personal" emails – crumbles like the ultimate House of Cards.

Moreover, that would unveil what was from the start the privileged Clinton machine strategy: to thwart the subsequent internal State Dept. and FBI investigations.

As far as the Clinton machine is concerned, an interlocking influence peddling pile up is the norm. John Podesta also happens to be the founder of the Center for American Progress – a George Soros operation and prime recruiting ground for Obama administration officials, including US Treasury operatives who decided which elite Too Big To Fail (TBTF) financial giants would be spared after the 2008 crisis., for its part, has connected Soros Open Society foundations to global funding rackets directly leading to subversion of governments and outright regime change (obviously sparing Clinton Foundation donors.)

Exceptional bananas, anyone?
The perfectly timed slow drip of WikiLeaks revelations, for the Clinton machine, feels like a sophisticated form of Chinese torture. To alleviate the pain, the relentless standard spin has been to change the subject, blame the messenger, and attribute it all to “evil” Russian hacking when the real source for the leaks might have come straight from the belly of the (Washington) beast.

At the Valdai discussion club last week, it took President Putin only a few sentences to debunk the whole Clinton machine narrative with a bang:

“Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election. The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police.You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems, and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth.

I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can somehow influence the American people’s choice? America is not some kind of ‘banana republic’, after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong.”

Reality, though, continues to insist on offering multiple, overlapping banana republic instances, configuring a giant black hole of transparency.

Anthropologist Janine Wedel has been one of the few in Clinton-linked US mainstream media acknowledging how Bill Clinton, while Hillary was Secretary of State, perfected his version of “philantro-capitalism” (actually a money laundering “pay to play” racket), a practice “by no means confined to the Clintons”.

And the racket prospered with inbuilt nuggets, such as Hillary being perfectly aware that prime Clinton Foundation donors Qatar and Saudi Arabia were also financing ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.

Huma, the Fall Princess
Now, less than a week before the election, we have come to the crucial juncture where the WikiLeaks revelations are merging with the FBI investigations - all three of them.

Exhibit A is this WikiLeaks bombshell; Peter Kadzik, who’s now in charge of the Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into the 650,000 emails found on the laptop shared by Clinton’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin and her estranged, pervert husband Anthony Wiener, is a Clinton asset.

Not only Kadzik was an attorney for Marc Rich when he was pardoned by Bill Clinton; Podesta – as also revealed by WikiLeaks - thanked Kadzik for keeping him “out of jail”; and it was Kadzik who gave Podesta a secret heads up on the Clinton email investigation.

The Clinton machine, starring a self-described virtuous Madonna, is actually a pretty nasty business. Huma and her family’s close connections to Saudi Arabia – and the Muslim Brotherhood – are legendary (that includes her brother Hassan, who works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi). Podesta, by the way, is a handsomely remunerated lobbyist for Saudi Arabia in Washington; that’s part of the Clinton Foundation connection.

Yet now, with Huma in the spotlight – still maintaining she didn’t know all those emails were in her and Wiener’s laptop - it’s no wonder Hillary has instantly downgraded her, publicly, to “one of my aides”. She used to be Hillary’s ersatz “daughter”; now she’s being framed as The Fall Princess.

And that brings us to the intersection of those three FBI investigations; on Hillary’s Subterranean Email Server (in theory closed by FBI’s Comey last summer); on the Clinton Foundation; and on Wiener’s sexting of minors. The FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for over a year now. Let’s try to cut a long story short.

Read more

Follow the evidence
Last July, the DOJ – under Clinton/Obama asset Loretta Lynch - decided not to prosecute anyone on Emailgate. And yet FBI director Comey – who nonetheless stressed Hillary’s “extreme carelessness” – turbo-charged his no-denial mode on another investigation, as in the FBI “sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe.”

Soon we had Clinton Foundation FBI investigators trying to get access to all the emails turned over in the Emailgate investigation. The East District of New York refused it. Very important point; up to 2015, guess who was the US attorney at the East District; Clinton/Obama asset Lynch.

Enter an extra layer of legalese. Less than two months ago, the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators discovered they could not have access to any Emailgate material that was connected to immunity agreements.

But then, roughly a month ago, another FBI team captured the by now famous laptop shared by Huma and Wiener - using a warrant allowing only a probe on Weiner’s sexting of a 15-year-old girl. Subsequently they found Huma Abedin emails at all her accounts – from to the crucial This meant not only that Huma was forwarding State Dept. emails to her private accounts, but also that Hillary was sending emails from the “secret” to Huma at

No one knew for sure, but some of these emails might be duplicates of those the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators could not access because of the pesky immunity agreements.

What’s established by now is that the metadata in the Huma/Wiener laptop was duly examined. Now picture both teams of FBI investigators – Clinton Foundation and pervert Wiener – comparing notes. And then they decide Huma’s emails are “relevant”.

Key questions apply; and the most pressing is how the emails were deemed “relevant” if the investigators could only examine the metadata. What matters is that Comey certainly was made aware of the content of the emails – a potential game-changer. That’s why one of my sources insists his decision to go public came from above.

The other key question now is whether the DOJ – via Kadzik? - will once again thwart another investigation, this time on the Clinton Foundation. Senior, serious FBI agents won’t take that – massive euphemism – kindly.

The FBI has been on the Clinton Foundation for over a year. Now, arguably, they are loaded with evidence – and they won’t quit. Winning the presidency now seems to be the least of Hillary Clinton’s Bonfire of Scandals’ problems.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I suspect Wikileaks have more to release on Hillary and they'll probably do it 24 hours before the main swell of voting.

and you just might be right...although the chronology of the e mails hasn't been the focus -- it might be that they are trickling these out according to degree of effect rather than chronology (in the e mails) so we might yet see MORE damning ones in the next few days.

hopefully. this woman and her criminal machine , and as many involved as possible -- SHOULD be in jail . and that doesn't even cover the REAL puppet masters ''above'' EVEN this couple and their operation. one has to remember

the clinton operation - as wide as IT is -- is STILL only a SMALL pocket of the real depth and breadth of the umbrella of the puppet masters...

and they HAVE names -- the ''traditional" rulers of the ENTIRE system itself...rothschilds, rockefellers, duponts, and just below them and more ''obvious" in the manipulation machine, soros, etc...

although it is unlikely -- near-impossible really unless the american people THEMSELVES rise up en masse in a never-before seen revolt -- and i mean REAL revolt...these will ever be over-turned..

but to be sure -- THESE are the real masters of the universe..

the OWNERS of the SYSTEM itself . clintons , trump, everyone are just - well -- various degrees of ''residents" under that plantation, really.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
On another note... has this been the dirtiest election ever? I don't think I've witnessed anything on this scale before...

neither have i . hard to fathom even that it is THIS much - and it's not even ''over'' yet ...unbelievable really..


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I suspect Wikileaks have more to release on Hillary and they'll probably do it 24 hours before the main swell of voting.

the matter about her now-former-''second daughter" - now merely ''one of my aides" --


who is this woman?former wife of the sextexting weiner?
cutting to the chase:

she is the daughter of a very influential saudi businessman with KNOWN ties to muslim brotherhood -- so is her brother...she also used to work as EDITOR of their ''magazine" ..

muslim brotherhood --

is a very old global ''movement" that started from egypt generations ago - preaching -- what else? the very same takfiri, salafist ''islam" that everyone NOW is more familiar with ...

as the ''cradle" of the ''teachings" (with their variants depending on country) that led to the creation and expansion of

what else :

AL QAEDA - and its offspring like you see headchopping in syria, in iraq, insinuating themselves everyhere in europe...influential all the way to asia...etc...

in other words -- these are the FOUNTAIN from which all others ''spring" -- with their modern clothes covering of their medieval extremism beliefs...

THAT'S the connection between this hillary and huma people ought to be REALLY worried about.

and to show to what extent HILLARY and company -- and therefore the CIA THAT has slept with muslim brotherhood since decades ago -- will go to preserve ''american supremacy".

so put them together:

USA -- ''masters of the universe" - the ruling few families (generations old) - systemic rule (dollar system, etc. etc. )
CIA -- real ruler behind state department
in ''rival/partner" RELATION with pentagton and the corporate complex...
WALL street , banking system as their ''front operation" and all media, etc. etc. etc

PARTNERS with the terrorism , extemist, ANY KIND of the most vicious criminal operations on earth

and voila -- you get

get it?


Apr 22, 2013
Keep your eyes and ears open folks. We're entering the kill zone for game changing leaks. If wikileaks wants to seal the deal with its piece de resistance this is the time to do it. Impossible to set up a defence in time. The Russian campaign of electoral sabotage will be completed
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Keep your eyes and ears open folks. We're entering the kill zone for game changing leaks. If wikileaks wants to seal the deal with its piece de resistance this is the time to do it. Impossible to set up a defence in time. The Russian campaign of electoral sabotage will be completed

This has got a lot closer after the recent revelations, although Polls I've looked at have Clinton 2-5 points ahead. I suspect she will win unless Wikileaks reveal that she shot Kennedy.

Still, I'm guessing there will be an element of Trump votes from people who don't particularly wish to be known as voting for Trump... so you never know how accurate these polls are. They got it badly wrong with Brexit.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
This has got a lot closer after the recent revelations, although Polls I've looked at have Clinton 2-5 points ahead. I suspect she will win unless Wikileaks reveal that she shot Kennedy.

Still, I'm guessing there will be an element of Trump votes from people who don't particularly wish to be known as voting for Trump... so you never know how accurate these polls are. They got it badly wrong with Brexit.
In our case, it is more likely that folks will poll for the Republican, in this case Trump, and then not be able to vote for him. I'm still not convinced Paul Ryan did. While it's nauseatingly close, I think Hillary will win, and by more than they say at the moment.
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Apr 22, 2013
In our case, it is more likely that folks will poll for the Republican, in this case Trump, and then not be able to vote for him. I'm still not convinced Paul Ryan did. While it's nauseatingly close, I think Hillary will win, and by more than they say at the moment.

This is my big hope. Wives going into the polling booth will hopefully pick HRC despite pretending to be a Trump supporter in front of their husbands
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