Who said anything about “forever?” I know you’re joking and think it’s a tired topic to bring up during an election cycle, but look at Canada for example: should their president have to explain why he froze peoples bank accounts? This was extreme and should be front and foremost of any election there. In America I’m sure there are plenty of divisions around governmental Covid policies and the possible weaponising of the virus to the benefit of some over others. Every country went through this, most especially having to suffer unelected health officials dominating the news and threatening extremely unscientific measures that made no sense. I could give you examples from Ireland alone: wet pubs and dry pubs. If you look it up and try scan illogic of this one, you’ll laugh, except for the effect it had on people’s livelihoods. There are many issues relating to how politicians and unelected health tzars behaved, and the effect this had on people’s lives.
You might not see the problems Democrats created during this time but I’m sure tribalists on the other side saw them more clearly and prefer them to be discussed.
Obviously, you want to hear this brought up, but you don't vote here, or in Canada. Now, I said that questions be asked. I don't know what more you want. You can also say that the Dems need to be held accountable, but do remember on who's watch Covid and covid policies began. Now, if it is a Trump v Biden election, well, you'd have the two guys who guarded watch, so they'd be right there to ask.
Come on, Hillary was the embodiment of the entitled political creature! She skipped visiting states in the midwest for whatever reason, yet it likely cost her the election. I would tend to agree with you that Trump cares first and foremost about himself, yet he has millions of people who think he was a good president. You’re never going to agree with them, just as they’ll never agree with you and other ballot-monogamous Democrats that Hillary was, or Biden is, the answer, but such is the nature of modern politics, more starkly shown in a two party system…
Hillary skipped some states, as did Trump. (Hate to tell you, but basically no one goes to Alaska, Hawaii, Wyoming or Idaho.) She skipped a few more, but there are more (many less-populous) states that are solidly Republican. It wasn't the Mid-West she skipped. She's a Mid Westerner, you likely forgot. Look, the way our systems stands, at present, the Presidency is won in the electoral college, not by popular vote. Hillary did win the popular vote, meaning that her message reached more voters in a positive way. As to what Hillary skipped, and what often gets skipped, here is what I found:
After their nominations in 2012, Obama and Romney visited 8 and 10 states, respectively. That's in about the last 3-4 months before the election. In the last 7 days before election day in 2016, Clinton went to 8 states, Trump to 12. They went to the same main battleground states, and Trump added a few likely Republican ones that he wanted to shore up. I don't understand why you're pulling out Clinton as "skipping" in any special way great swathes of the electorate. Other than that you obviously don't like her.