Exactly right. The problem is that most people in this country don't understand that the Justice Department has recognized the biggest domestic terrorist threat in this country as the White Supremacists, in their various iterations. Most still think, (because Fox News tells them,) that African Americans and Antifa burning businesses is the biggest problem. Today was the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. I remember a woman on the street being interviewed after McVey and the other one (that no one remembers) were identified as the bombers and she said, "Well, thank God at least that they weren't terrorists." She thought terrorists were Muslim people from the Middle East. I think that notion still exists. Or at least that Antifa is, but white people certainly aren't terrorists. I think there are a still a lot of people that don't think that the storming of the Capitol on 1/06 was an act of terrorism and insurrection. White people don't do that, right? They just exercise their rights. And freedom of speech. SMH.