US Politics Thread

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
^oh I'm all for scepticism teddy. I'll look at all the information in front of me on it's merits. The fact that you might find one source to be truthful doesn't make it so however. I think you've heard me make objective comments about US foreign policy and propaganda before. I'm not eating the whole pie. The current discussion - at least for me - is... who is a more viable candidate for POTUS? HRC or DT. I'm sorry (not really) if you disagree, but unquestionably it has to be HRC. Set aside the question of morality for a moment, just focussing on competence the answer is indisputable. It's that simple really. Am I enthused by HRC as a candidate? No! She doesn't really espouse my politics, but that's not the point. Frankly anyone going on about her so called crimes right now is missing the point. She is a million times better than a misogynistic, perverted, paedophilic, racist, fraudulent demagogue. The fact that we even have to go through several threads discussing this is astounding to me.

I'm with you. Trump cannot be considered a viable candidate by any stretch of the imagination. Bozo the Clown would be a better choice. It's the same thing.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Has any of this stuff been substantiated? I'm sure I could pick up a copy of the Enquirer and there'll be some pretty horrific stuff. Question is... should I believe it?

Whether or not it can be substantiated HRC has the good sense not to get it on video tape like the Donald, eh?
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
US Elite, By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Lose Your Empire
The Saker (The Unz Review) 4 hours ago | 1,427 Comments
“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light”

Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (8:17)

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

George W Bush

In April of 2014 I wrote an article entitled “How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire” in which I made a list of the similarities between the Soviet Union of the 1980s and Obama’s USA and wrote the following:

What the AngloZionist are openly and publicly defending in the Ukraine is the polar opposite of what they are supposed to stand for. That is an extremely dangerous thing to do for any regime and the AngloZionist Empire is no exception to that rule. Empire often crumble when their own people become disillusioned and disgusted with massive discrepancy between what the ruling elites say and what they do. And as a result, it is not so much that the Empire is faced with formidable enemies as it is the fact that nobody is willing to stand up – nevermind die – in defense of it.

Over two years later, watching the Presidential race between Trump and Hillary I am amazed to see how deep and “in your face” the habit of lying, denying the obvious, deceiving and otherwise misrepresenting has permeated the US political discourse.

First and foremost, there is the absolutely unabashed way the corporate Ziomedia is bashing Trump without even so much as a pretense of objectivity or truthfulness. Of course, I always knew that the US propaganda machine was lying and that the media was owned by the US deep state, but at least there was this thin veneer or pseudo-objectivity, of having “both sides” heard. Now this is over. When dealing with Trump, we have Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate” but spread over 24/7. Not that Trump does not deserve some of it, he sure does, but compared to how real scumbags like the Clintons are treated, the lynching of Trump is, I believe, unprecedented and unique. Why does it matter? Because now the masks have been taken off, the pretenses removed, and what you see is the true face of the corporate media as it always was: hateful, hypocritical and totally corrupted. And since a truly free and independent media is central to a functioning democracy, then the total corruption of the media in the US is also the proof that this country does not have a functioning democracy.

Second, there are the completely surreal events happening in Syria: the US betrayal of the agreement signed with Russia, the US threats to attack Syria (in total illegality), the crocodile tears about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo (and the blind eye to Yemen), the mind-blowing hypocrisy of the US wanting to take the Syrians and the Russians to an international criminal court for war crimes, the now absolutely open support for al-Qaeda (aka al-Nusra, aka Jabhat Fateh al-Sham aka Daesh) and the threats to arm them, the open threats by Admiral Kirby to have Russian aircraft shot down, Russian cities bombed and Russians soldiers come back in body bags – we now see an Administration which has gone completely “mental” over Syria and which does not even know what it is doing. To say that the 1000-4000 US servicemen and contractors currently deployed in Syria are “serving their country” or “defending democracy” or “our way of life” is simply laughable and everybody knows that. But nobody says a word about it. In fact, their presence in Syria is hardly ever mentioned.

This Kafkaesque slouching towards war with Russia is simply never discussed by any pundit or media outlet. It’s like it’s not happening, but of course it is happening, right before our eyes. The Russian officials speak about this every day, so does the Russian media, it is one of the most discussed topics on TV, and yet in the “land of the brave home of the free” this is a kind of Orwellian “untopic” which, by consensus, has no existence, no reality and no relevance: The Neocons’ crazy policies risk turning the US into a gigantic pile of radioactive ashes, but the topic which preoccupies everybody is Trump’s potty-mouth about women.

I don’t know about you, but I see more nobility in the Titanic’s chamber orchestra playing the waltz “Songe d’Automne” as long as the ship could still float then in the pathetic spectacle which the (equally sinking) AngloZionist Empire offers to us today.

On the external front, the Empire is also doubling down on its lies. Here are a few headlines which were recently seen in 5th columnist newspapers in Russia and their colleagues abroad:

Headline Reality
“Patriarch Kirill bans abortions in Russia” Patriarch Kirill, along with other religious leaders, signed a statement saying that abortions should not be paid for by the state.
“Russian women will be forced to give birth”
“Employees will be fired for using Whatsapp or similar messaging services” State employee are banned from using messaging services to transmit work-related or classified information.
“Tolstoi and Dostoevsky are now banned from Russian schools”
Various officials are discussing in what grade Russian classical authors should be studied.

These are just a few recent examples. Such garbage is published by the pro-western “yellow” press in Russia and by the western corporate media on an almost daily basis.

Of course, the Neocons have always ruled “by way of deception”, as did the Anglo rulers of the British Empire, but in modern Russia they are now hitting a number of obstacles which greatly complicates their work:

1) Putin has done an excellent job of slowly but surely booting out the worst russophobes from the main Russian TV and radio channels. Of course, some are left, very deliberately (I explain the reason for that in detail here) but they surely don’t control the media like they did in the 1990s.

2) In the age of the Internet, it takes just days to debunk the lies of Uncle Sam, the Neocons or the Russian 5th columnists (for the latest example see here).

3) Russians remember the 1990s and they follow very closely what is happening across the border in the Nazi occupied Ukraine and they realize that what the Ukraine is undergoing today is what Russia had to suffer in the 1990s and would have to live through again if the pro-western forces ever came back to power. In a way, you could say that the Russians have been “vaccinated” against the AngloZionist propaganda.

I think that while the situation is still much worse in the US, there are also some very encouraging signs that the lies are beginning to wear off. While there are still millions who believe the Idiot-Box or simply don’t have the energy to think any more, there are also millions who are thoroughly disillusioned, cynical, disgusted and angry at the parasitic elites which rule over them. By and large, the corporate media is deeply distrusted. As for journalists, they are about as respected as lawyers and medical doctors (amazing how these two noble professions got completely discredited by their practitioners in just a few decades!). We can speculate for hours over whether Trump still has a chance to win the next election or not, but I submit that, judging by their panicked actions, the Neocons clearly believe that he might. And that terrifies them. The are clearly afraid that those whom they consider as their dumb serfs might revolt against their rule (as has happened so many times in history).

I know that there are many out there who do not trust Trump. And I agree with them. I don’t trust him either. However, while I do not “trust” Trump, I admit that it is possible that he really might be a President who would put the interests of the American people first, and the interests of the AngloZionist Empire a distant second. The history of empires is full of situations were one part of the ruling class turned against the other one (SA vs SS, Trotskists vs Stalinists, etc.). There is no reason to dismiss a priori the possibility that there is a schism inside the US deep state, that one part wants to save the Empire as the expense of the US (the Neocons) and another wants to save the US at the expense of the Empire (the Trump supporters). Again, I did not say that this is likely, only that I admit that this is possible. And if that is really a possibility, could it not also be possible that the American people would deliberately vote against their own mass media and political elites, just like the British people chose the Brexit in total defiance of the official doxa? That all the Trump-bashing actually could help him get elected?

Could it be that after losing Russia to their lies, the Neocons will now lose the United States to their apparently incurable propensity to rule by deception?

For years I used to dismiss the US Presidential elections like a joke, a fraud and an exercise in collective brainwashing. This time around, and for the first time, I think that there is a possibility, however slim, that something of importance might be decided on November 8. The fact that such a possibility even appeared is, by itself, quite remarkable and it is yet another sign of how deep the systemic crisis of the Empire has become. As for the parasites who form the 1% who run this Empire, they are clearly in a panic mode, probably because they are much better informed than most of us of how truly catastrophic the situation really is.

A Hillary victory will not change any of it. It will only make it much, much more dangerous. With Trump, there is at least a possibility of a gradual, more or less organized withdrawal, a drawdown of sorts, a transition of the US from being a wannabe World Hegemon into a US as a major, but “normal”, country. Very much like Russia today, I hope.

With Hillary we can be sure the Empire will double down, continue to lie to itself and the rest of the planet, and deny it all, making the end inevitably very violent, possibly catastrophic. I would not put it past the “crazies in the basement” to prefer a nuclear holocaust (their favorite topic!) to a liberation of the US and the rest of the planet, from their demonic power. It is therefore our duty to prevent them from succeeding from destroying our planet.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Has any of this stuff been substantiated? I'm sure I could pick up a copy of the Enquirer and there'll be some pretty horrific stuff. Question is... should I believe it?

What you believe is up to you. Has it been substantiated? Well, there are 12 different published sources there... maybe they are all lying, maybe they aren't. I would tend to suspect that the latter is closer to the mark.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Wikileaks releases 8th batch of emails from Clinton chair Podesta
WikiLeaks has uploaded a new batch of 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta.

The latest, eighth, release of emails brings the total number of files released to over 11,000.

These emails shed more light on the Clinton campaign’s efforts to control and shape media coverage of Hillary, their monitoring of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and discussions on assault allegations made against Bill Clinton.

Attacking Sanders

Clinton supporter and political pundit Brent Budowsky wrote to Podesta in September 2015 following reports that a Clinton Super PAC was set to ‘go negative’ on her party rival Bernie Sanders. Budowsky warned that such a move could significantly impact Clinton’s campaign - and threatened to withdraw his support if that strategy was adopted.

READ MORE: Game not over: Bernie Sanders could slip ‘write-in’ to presidential election victory

“I strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly, advise against this and please tell Mrs. Clinton that if this continues I am going to withdraw my support, and it would not matter if I do anyway, the reaction will be so severe,” he wrote.

Thousands of emails

WikiLeaks released a group of emails yesterday with further details about Clinton’s email scandal, the Benghazi hearings, and her campaign team’s efforts to direct media coverage of their candidate.

So far, this week’s releases have offered an insight into the operations and concerns of the Clinton campaign team, including efforts to move the Illinois primary and noting that Clinton’s difficulty with apologizing is her “Achilles heel”.

They have also indicated that Clinton knew Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) received “clandestine” support from key US Middle East allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Some of the more stunning revelations that have come to light over the last seven data dumps include Hillary’s apparent dislike of “everyday Americans” – or at least the term.

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says, ‘I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,’” Podesta wrote to Clinton’s Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri in April 2015.

They also pointed out Clinton’s interest in keeping ‘backroom deals’ from the public. These should be hidden from voters because “if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position,” said Clinton during a speech to the National Multi-Housing Council, for which she earned $225,000, according to the Washington Examiner.

In 2011, Chelsea Clinton acted "like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing because she, as she has said, hasn’t found her way and has a lack of focus in her life,” according to Doug Band, a lawyer who helped create the Clinton Global Initiative.

Podesta’s Twitter and newer email accounts were hacked following Wednesday’s release of leaked emails.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
at least we all know that in the event this SOCIO-PATH HILLARY --

who is willing to blow up the planet with her wars juust to prove she has bigger balls than any man -- while her supporters paint her as GOLDILOCKS being ''subjected to unfair oppression against women" --

we know which types of people helped her get to the white house and PUSH THOSE NUKE BUTTONS WHEN SHE finally SNAPS -- like the lunatic that she is --

like the one that clapped and screamed in DELIGHT like SADISTIC teenager at the sight of gaddaffi literally being tortured and murdered to death through his anus with a sword --

as HER TROPHY ''conquest" of Libya...


then we know what KIND of people those who excuse HER SADISTIC CRIMINALITY might be like.......


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
hillary wants to go to war with RUSSIA. ..THERE IS no QUESTION ABOUT THAT --just as the folks ''behind her" do -- namely the ''deep state" that are the real rulers of the ''empire" ...

she also want sto go to war with CHINA...there is NO question about that TOO...

ahhh....but to certain murkkkans...donald trumps' boorish attitude is more important...

In a China-US Standoff 'Russia Will Stand Alongside Beijing'
19:56 15.10.2016Get short URL

The former state secretary said this would be possible if Beijing refuses to take measures to pressure North Korea over its missile and nuclear program.

"We're going to ring China with missile defense. We're going to put more of our fleet in the area. So China, come on. You either control them or we're going to have to defend against them," Hillary Clinton said in a 2013 speech referring to North Korea.

In its follow up to the revelation Russia's online newspaper Vzglyad has called it a threat of a direct military and geopolitical containment of China.

"The North Korean possession of any ballistic missiles or nuclear bomb is only a pretext for a build-up of US military might and Beijing understands it perfectly well," says the website's analytical article on the issue.

"Similarly Moscow always understood that the deployment of the US missile defense system in Europe is aimed not against Iranian missiles but against Russia," it further says.

The outlet notes that China, as well as Russia has been against the already voiced plans of Washington and Seoul to deploy the advanced anti-missile defense system in South Korea.

Any rhetoric that it will be only in case Beijing refuses to take measures to pressure North Korea over its missile and nuclear program isn't fooling anyone, the outlet says.

China has no ability to dictate anything to Pyongyang, it says, and no one in the world is able to force North Korea to give up the deterrent weapon.

"For the North Koreans, the existence of nuclear weapon and ballistic missiles is the only guarantee that neither the US nor South Korea will attack their country," the website says.

"Neither Moscow nor Beijing will ever convince it otherwise (and they will never seriously try to), that the US does not want to eliminate the Kim dynasty," it adds.

North Korea has been fighting against the US, it adds, and throughout the sixty years that have passed since that war Washington has not provided it with any reason to doubt its hostility towards Pyongyang.

Hence, the North Korean card is being played by the US against Beijing with the same very purpose as the Iranian card is being played against Russia, the outlet suggests. And Clinton's position on the issue comes as no surprise.

© REUTERS/ U.S. Navy/Handout

Beijing therefore has evident confirmation of what it has known all along: the US is working on strategic containment of China. When Clinton takes the post it will expand and deepen this policy.

The US has already been deterring China from the east and south-east, the website says. The chain of US military bases comes from South Korea and Japan to Taiwan and the Philippines with the US fleet patrolling the sea along China's shores.

The newspaper also notes that the Americans are currently trying to turn the South China Sea into a hotspot of tension between China and the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

The US has recently staked its place in the Pacific region. Everyone understands that the China-US standoff will define the situation in the region for decades to come.

However the question is whether the US is ready for an open policy of containment of China, in other words, to declare it a "second Russia", the outlet says.

It the answer to that is "no", then Washington simply wants to play with Beijing keeping it blind without revealing its cards.

The US has not yet acknowledged in full all the consequences of its blockade policy towards Russia.

"The horror of understanding that the main result of their attempt to isolate Moscow is the speed-up of strategic rapprochement of Russia and China will come later," the outlet predicts.

However, it says, the unwillingness of a direct confrontation with China does not mean that Beijing won't be the first to sharpen its rhetoric towards the US.

As soon as China understands that the US has nothing left but a direct geopolitical stand-off with Beijing, it will act preventively.

In case Clinton tries to "ring China" it will have to face not only Beijing, the newspaper suggests. In this stand-off Russia will stand alongside Beijing, it predicts.


Apr 22, 2013
^I don't doubt it teddy. Russia is pretty much China's b1tch these days


Apr 22, 2013
Btw.. one of my issues with the Benghazi accusations is the fact that there is some evidence that Bush had intelligence warnings about 9/11. If a democrat had been in power there would have been hearings and special prosecutors to keep this in the public eye. Mistakes happen. I personally like to take a realistic view, but I get the distinct impression that many start off with a natural bias and go crazy with it.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
‘Americans should fear election hacking by US establishment, not Russia’
Annie Machon is a former intelligence officer for MI5, the UK Security Service, who resigned in the late 1990s to blow the whistle on the spies’ incompetence and crimes with her ex-partner, David Shayler. Drawing on her varied experiences, she is now a public speaker, writer, media pundit, international tour and event organiser, political campaigner, and PR consultant. She is also now the Director of LEAP, Europe. She has a rare perspective both on the inner workings of governments, intelligence agencies and the media, as well as the wider implications for the need for increased openness and accountability in both public and private sectors.

Americans have more reasons to fear their own establishment’s interference with the elections, rather than a dastardly Cold War-style hacking plot that Russia is being accused of, backed by no evidence whatsoever, former MI5 agent Annie Machon told RT.

Special Coverage: US Elections 2016

RT: Vladimir Putin thinks America’s aggressiveness towards Russia may end after the presidential elections. To what extent do you agree or disagree with that?

Annie Machon: I think that rather depends on who is elected to be the next president. I think that these threats coming out of America are very much in response to the leaking of many, many emails which have desperately embarrassed Hillary Clinton, [who is] the Democratic and also the American establishment favorite.

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So this is the American establishment retaliating and saying “if this continues then we will do something back.” However, they are basing that on the assumption that it is Russia that has been hacking all her stuff.

Now let’s face it, she broke the law by hosting a number of very sensitive emails, thousands of sensitive emails, on her private server, for which she is yet to be prosecuted. And it is very likely that most of the leaks have come from the fact that her server was vulnerable because it was not protected. I’m willing to bet that the Russian leadership’s private communications are rather better protected.

RT: What is interesting here is that the US is accusing Russia of these hack attacks, but is there any evidence actually proving Russia’s interference at all?

AM: I have seen no evidence whatsoever, and I’m sure if the Americans had it, they’d be waving it from the ... [roof] tops. It does sound a bit spurious, it does sound very convenient politically. It’s also interesting as well that they’re dragging WikiLeaks into this row, because of course a number of these disclosures have been released via WikiLeaks, which is a high-tech conduit for people who have sensitive information which they think is in the public interest.

Now that of course allows the American authorities then to ally WikiLeaks more closely with the Russian leadership, making it sound like some dastardly plot from the old Cold War, which again can be used against Julian Assange and their attempt to try to prosecute him under the espionage act. So there are layers and layers and layers within these arguments.

RT: Speaking of the WikiLeaks, it is now saying that even if there are any cyberattacks planned against Russia it would actually be the NSA, not the CIA. So what do you think about this?

AM: I think that judgment is probably correct, the NSA has the great capability. However, let’s not forget that hundreds of millions of dollars have indeed been pumped into the CIA to beef up its electronic warfare arm. So there’s a possibility, but I would have thought that if such an attack were to happen, the CIA might be the front, but actually a lot of the capability and the intelligence would still come from the NSA.

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And it is interesting as well that effectively what the American government is saying is that they will hack sensitive private communications of a foreign leadership and then leak it to cause maximum embarrassment. Now this is precisely the sort of activity that they condemn WikiLeaks for, where they get anonymous donations of information from whoever: hackers, whistleblowers, and then they use it to shine a light in dark corners on the nefarious doings of the American leadership, and that’s what’s been going on during this American election.

I would also suggest as well, one slightly different point is that a lot of blame has been pointed at Russia for trying to unduly influence the American elections by hacking into all this information. Now, one of the things the Americans need to be very aware of is that voting computers themselves, when they go and cast their vote, have demonstrably been shown to fail over many years now. They can be hacked remotely, so that when you vote for one party your vote is immediately transmuted into a vote for another party. So I think actually the Americans might have more to fear from hacking from the American establishment or whomever, than perhaps from Russia.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Election: America’s Garden of Insanity | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Gordon Duff
Donald Trump is under attack for a series, seemingly endless, of tasteless comments and admissions of what may be legally defined as serial sexual assaults, perhaps numbering in the hundreds. Yet millions of American voters are choosing to overlook these behaviors. There is a reason for this and Trump, in his own clumsy way, is trying to communicate it to the world.

In the process, we are going to address a question long forgotten, “Who is Jeff Gannon?” This, we believe, is where Trump really should go, not after Bill Clinton, but after George W. Bush, who has judged Trump as unfit.

The double standard has long ruled America, where crude sexual practices, open corruption and blatant disregard for public duty is as common place as rain in the jungle. Washington is the home of endless sex scandals, we are going to pull out one, perhaps to get Trump off the hook.

What really needs to exist is context, not just to judge Trump but to recognize American hypocrisy. In a world of false flag terrorism manipulated wars that kill 100,000 per year on average since 2001, that the focus never lands on the hard questions is, in itself, worse than criminal.

If the tawdry and obscure are the only fit subjects for public perusal, then so bit it. Let’s get some background on the most disgusting political race in American history and a few surprises, for some anyway, along the way.

The second presidential debate wasn’t just an attack on reason itself, as most pundits agree, it laid bare America for what it is, a nation in decline, once believed the “hope of the world,” now laid bare as simply “nuts.”

The worst part is that it was Trump that said the only sane thing in the entire evening, when he stood against his own vice presidential candidate, Mike Pence, by supporting Russia, Syria and Iran against ISIS. Trump stopped short of naming the US as the founder and supporter of ISIS, but we knew he came close.

Problem is, Trump, in what may have seemed a moment of clarity, simply didn’t mean it. His prepper squad had been longtime VT readers and some had contacted me early in the campaign to arrange for a briefing team for Trump. In the end, Trump was drawn to “fear porn” websites and “shock jocks,” favoring numbers and impact over substance. Who know, he may have been right, but we don’t think so.

Much more frightening is Hillary Clinton. Her emails, including those recently released by Wikileaks, which included considerable fabricated hoax material, as has always been the case with Wikileaks, reveal something more startling. The Washington double-speak of the mainstream media, recognized around the world as “controlled media” is actually Clinton’s real world view. She really believes Russia is planning world conquest and that Assad has murdered 400,000 with poison gas and barrel bombs.

One might assume that an American Secretary of State would actually get honest briefing material and be given the opportunity to make up lies, knowing the truth and simply not caring. Instead, Clinton seems to actually believe the irrational and insane things she says, things that defy facts and reason. What kind of stupid is this?

That answer is easy. I worked as a lobbyist representing communications and aerospace clients during the 1990s. I also sat on an advisory group for a governor of one of the larger industrialized states, dealing with policy issues and, on public occasions, not only sitting with the governor but the president as well.

There is an aspect of “dumb” in Washington that few would believe. Yes, moral relativism is also an issue, the concept that any act is justified if done for the greater good. In Washington and around American politics at every level, the “greater good” is simply getting into office, no matter what is sacrificed, what special interest is given control, no matter how much America is hurt, how much the American people suffer.

I heard it so many times, this promise that on some magical day in a future that never comes, once there is pure and utter political control, the neocons, the right wing extremists, the petty thieves will all suddenly develop a moral compass and turn into Bernie Sanders socialists.

That magic day of high wages, safe work places, clean water, trade protections and cuts in military spending, of taxing the rich never comes, though it is always spoken of, the “idealism” that the self-serving underachievers who make up political America, the elected, and the armies of “staffers” who have the real power, wear as a cloak of self-justification.

Ignoring the sex scandals is wrong. First we have to look at Trump but also place what he has done and said in context, not one context but several. Trump is a casino, resort, hotel owner with hundreds, maybe even thousands of female employees. When Trump brags about groping and being a “star” and “getting away with it, something much darker comes to mind.

He is also an employer, has powerful friends, police, prosecutors, and mobsters, who employ paid killers. He has been at the center of this world since he ran with mob lawyer Roy Cohn, his mentor, who was central to New York’s criminal world.

Is Trump a serial rapist? The answer is “probably.” Is he a confessed sex criminal, and the answer to that is a resounding “yes.” The recordings released were far from the worst, according to the Times of Israel:

‘’’As a producer on seasons 1&2 of The Apprentice I assure you: when it comes to Trump tapes there are far worse,’ Bill Pruitt tweeted in the wake of the release of Trump’s 2005 vulgar and sexually charged comments caught on tape.

In recent weeks, more than 20 “Apprentice” crew members, editors and contestants recalled Trump making lewd or sexually suggestive remarks about women on the hit show that made him a media star.

However, Trump has been a very public person all his life. He has always spoken like this and, quite frankly, everyone knows it. Trumps nodding pride when radio scumbag Howard Stern made pointed sexual references to Trump’s own daughter is not acceptable in America, in fact Stern should have expected to be pounded in the face. Trump’s actions here were bizarre, unnatural and sick.

When this was made public, Trump knew no apology would be enough. Instead he went after Bill Clinton, and in the process permanently alienated any undecided voters looking for signs of character.

What the real truth is, and having to differentiate between “truth” and “real truth” is increasingly becoming a sickening process in itself, Americans know Washington is a cesspool. Whatever the Clinton scandals, there is more than enough evidence of Bush misdeeds of a different type.

Why is Trump ignoring these, considering it has been Bush that has organized the real move to undermine the Trump candidacy. Bush has something in his own closet a hundred times more serious than Hillary emails or Trump “locker-room” antics.

Jeff Gannon, or Jeff Gluckert, as is his real name, is known best as a former White House correspondent who was exposed as a gay escort with no background in journalism, who was given a front row seat at Bush press conferences. Gannon spent up to 12 overnights in the White House and had 32 private meetings there, according to Secret Service records as cataloged by Gary Leupp in his Counter Punch article, The Comings and Goings of Jeff Gannon, from 2005.

Current research on Gannon took me to Wikipedia where the following links, of many, led the list:

Congresswoman Asks for Probe After ‘Gannon’ Quits WH Reporting Post”. Editor and Publisher. February 9, 2005.

Congresswoman Asks for Probe After ‘Gannon’ Quits WH Reporting Post

Kurtz, Howard (February 19, 2005). “Jeff Gannon Admits Past ‘Mistakes,’ Berates Critics”. Washington Post. pp. C01. Retrieved May 12, 2007.

Savage, Charlie; Alan Wirzbicki (February 2, 2005). “White House-friendly reporter under scrutiny”. Boston Globe. Retrieved May 5, 2007.

Boehlert, Eric (February 15, 2005). “”Jeff Gannon’s” secret life”. Salon. Retrieved May 5, 2007.

“Gannon comes out: Former escort, conservative reporter grilled on White House visits”. The Raw Story. May 5, 2006. Archived from the original on August 31, 2006. Retrieved September 7, 2006. “Rogers went farther: ‘Are you a gay man?’ ‘Absolutely, but I’m not proud’ Gannon said.”

All but one of the dozens of links to the Wikipedia article on Gannon and Bush are now removed from the internet though most are from major news agencies. Time after time, “error” came up, every browser even when accessed through overseas servers, all but one. From the Boston Globe, the only one not censored:

The Bush administration has provided White House media credentials to a man who has virtually no journalistic background, asks softball questions to the president and his spokesman in the midst of contentious news conferences, and routinely reprints long passages verbatim from official press releases as original news articles on his website.

Jeff Gannon calls himself the White House correspondent for, a website that says it is “committed to delivering accurate, unbiased news coverage to our readers.” It is operated by a Texas-based Republican Party delegate and political activist who also runs, a website that touts itself as “bringing the conservative message to America.”

Now, the question of how Gannon gets into White House press conferences is coming under intense scrutiny from critics who contend that Gannon is not a journalist but rather a White House tool to soften media coverage of Bush.

Now to put this all to bed, if you excuse the term. Bill Clinton, when he lied about Monica, showed himself to be a security risk. Trump is the opposite, sort of. He would have bragged about it though he is more likely to have insulted Monica as a “fat pig” rather than have sex with her.

Let’s look at Hillary’s emails. Considering Wikileaks, or Israel as this is who Wikileaks likely is, a Mossad disinformation operation, regularly stole and published all State Department, not only emails but encrypted cables as well, the idea of using a private email service, may well have been the most secure solution possible. Is this an excuse? Yes, but this election is all about excuses, isn’t it?

As pointed out above, stupidity is a bigger enemy. Trump, even when he gets it right, has no idea of what he got right and why it matters. He is right about McCain’s military record, he is right on trade, he may well be right on immigration and even jobs, but few believe him, though he is saying the right things all the time. This is the nature of the “populist.” They say anything and mean nothing.

But, while Bush and Clinton are destroying each other, the Bush family goes on, virtually untouched. We have George W, playing “sleepover” with a gay escort, while condemning homosexuality from his righteous pulpit. This is a security risk.

Did blackmail over Jeff Gannon bring about the invasion of Iraq or the 9/11 coverup? Was the Mossad allowed to write the Patriot Acts because of blackmail? These are the real questions.

How much of the political meltdown is being pushed from behind the scenes? Wasn’t Jeb Bush supposed to be president with Ohio’s John Kasich as VP?

Is there something orchestrated about all of this?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”



"'i came to america meeting a generation of neurotic paranoids...i left america seeing a generation of violent lunatics...

america is gigantic, yes; but an accident and a mistake, nonetheless;
a gigantic mistake...

'is it not strange that we europeans have allowed ourselves to become so materially dependent on a country that is nothing more than wealthy savages?"

sigmund freud. to carl jung

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Btw.. one of my issues with the Benghazi accusations is the fact that there is some evidence that Bush had intelligence warnings about 9/11. If a democrat had been in power there would have been hearings and special prosecutors to keep this in the public eye. Mistakes happen. I personally like to take a realistic view, but I get the distinct impression that many start off with a natural bias and go crazy with it.

Everything they're accusing others of, they're guilty of themselves. That's what makes it such a joke.

I just saw this. Talk about changing the subject and not responding to the questions being asked. Who and how on earth are people taking these guys seriously?

This is right up with the dumbest response ever to a question you're evading. How does this response give solace to the little girl? Such a joke.

Mike Pences Foreign Policy Response to 11 Year-Old Girl Goes Viral

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Trump's outbursts are becoming more ridiculous by the day... I hear he is asking for Hillary to be tested for Performance Enhancing Drugs.

He doesn't know when to quit. He's a spoiled brat heir who's always gotten his way and has no desire to change. He doesn't even have enough sense to pretend that he can handle the country. He is a travesty for sure. I'd vote for a rock before I'd vote for this sexual deviant, without batting an eye.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
What does it say about America that literally millions of people will be voting for this guy?

I don't mean to offend anyone, and I don't think Hilary would make for a good president at all, but seriously, what have things come to...
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
For some, voting against Clinton - it's an anti-establishment vote... even an anti-duopoly party vote because Trump isn't your typical Republican nominee and he's cleverly tapped into that mindset.

For some others... they would vote republican if you attached a rosette to a one-legged mule and said "Here is your candidate"... the same works with some Democrats... any party across the globe in fact. Some will vote for a candidate/party on tribal lines, no matter what.... even if you swapped the policies of the parties.

Whether you like Trump or not... he's watchable, he can hold an audience. I'm not sure how true it is, but Vanity Fair reported that Americans watch an incredible amount of reality TV... Trump IS a reality TV character... warts and all.

Going back to the anti-establishment vote, the western system of democracy is inherently broken... and this is magnified in the US. The top politicians are in the main, owned by the interests of the biggest corporations... they are funded by them, they are held to ransom by them... we're not talking about the top 1%... but the top 0.01%. It doesn't actually matter what party it is... it's the system that is broken.

That is why, IMO, the US spends trillions overseas in military campaigns, yet you see cities like Detroit rotting away.

It will take a total collapse in the economy for a real change. It will come and it will be seismic... The US can't pay back 20 trillion dollars... it keeps growing and no politician has the will to address it. The tin can keeps getting kicked down the road... but eventually, one day, there will be no road left.

Give me a real politician like Elizabeth Warren any day... but those types of people won't end up anywhere near the Whitehouse... at least not for 15 years or so. Trump is a kind of a terrible version of the anti-establishment vote.

One final thing is the mentality of western civilization... Trump is a buffoon, but given the choice of two candidates, you have one where indiscreet uncouth ramblings are widely (and fairly) derided versus a potential warmonger (based on past comments and actions ) who can cost the lives of hundreds of thousands working in the interests of the 0.01%... As far as foreign policy goes at least... Clinton worries me, even more than the Trump.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
What does it say about America that literally millions of people will be voting for this guy?

I don't mean to offend anyone, and I don't think Hilary would make for a good president at all, but seriously, what have things come to...
You've pose the wrong question. Millions of people will vote for Trump because he's the candidate for the Republican party. Remember that we have some 230 million eligible voters in this country, and around 50% will vote, so, yes, millions of votes will go to the Republican candidate. Many will feel they have no other choice. This is not, however, a mandate, I don't believe. The question is: what is the state of the Republican party that they allowed such a candidate to prevail? The answer is long and complicated and has involved much gnashing of teeth in the party itself. Much of it has to do with the disaffection towards the gridlock in government, and the Republicans have a lot to answer for there, too. In retrospect, it seems that if Bernie Sanders were the other option, we'd be looking at a different landscape. However, I disagree with you that Clinton won't make a good president. She is more qualified for the job than nearly anyone ever, based on resume. And she has a history of reaching across the aisle. Though so did Obama, and that didn't help much.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
For some, voting against Clinton - it's an anti-establishment vote... even an anti-duopoly party vote because Trump isn't your typical Republican nominee and he's cleverly tapped into that mindset.

For some others... they would vote republican if you attached a rosette to a one-legged mule and said "Here is your candidate"... the same works with some Democrats... any party across the globe in fact. Some will vote for a candidate/party on tribal lines, no matter what.... even if you swapped the policies of the parties.

Whether you like Trump or not... he's watchable, he can hold an audience. I'm not sure how true it is, but Vanity Fair reported that Americans watch an incredible amount of reality TV... Trump IS a reality TV character... warts and all.

Going back to the anti-establishment vote, the western system of democracy is inherently broken... and this is magnified in the US. The top politicians are in the main, owned by the interests of the biggest corporations... they are funded by them, they are held to ransom by them... we're not talking about the top 1%... but the top 0.01%. It doesn't actually matter what party it is... it's the system that is broken.

That is why, IMO, the US spends trillions overseas in military campaigns, yet you see cities like Detroit rotting away.

It will take a total collapse in the economy for a real change. It will come and it will be seismic... The US can't pay back 20 trillion dollars... it keeps growing and no politician has the will to address it. The tin can keeps getting kicked down the road... but eventually, one day, there will be no road left.

Give me a real politician like Elizabeth Warren any day... but those types of people won't end up anywhere near the Whitehouse... at least not for 15 years or so. Trump is a kind of a terrible version of the anti-establishment vote.

One final thing is the mentality of western civilization... Trump is a buffoon, but given the choice of two candidates, you have one where indiscreet uncouth ramblings are widely (and fairly) derided versus a potential warmonger (based on past comments and actions ) who can cost the lives of hundreds of thousands working in the interests of the 0.01%... As far as foreign policy goes at least... Clinton worries me, even more than the Trump.
I agree on Elizabeth Warren, as I think many do, and I believe her time will come sooner than you think. Your view of change is too bleak for my taste, however. Cities like Detroit and Baltimore, for example, would resent your depiction of them. There is much renewal happening. I agree that the government needs a top-down change. That includes how much the 1% pay of their share, and Trump won't change that. As to foreign policy, Trump shouldn't worry you less than Clinton. She's an experienced diplomat. He's a thin-skinned 3am tweeter who holds onto a grudge like a pit bull, and he wants to get into bed with all the wrong people. (I don't care how much of a russophile you are: Putin is vile.)
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