US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
83 really are one of the people dumb enough to make it possible for the Democratic Party to have the control it does in this country. You are a low-information, historically ignorant, easily pliable saphead. You are exactly the kind of person that allowed the Democratic-controlled media to make the notion that Donald Trump was a Russian agent a respectable idea in the public discourse for 3 years.

Can't fix dumb. You really show that with posts like that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
BB. I know exactly what you were saying about empathy trust me... regardless of Cali and whats his name says..I pay very close to one's words.. however I say it again.. nobody cares if you have empathy or not. It's not about you .its about an ENTIRE RACE of people that has been oppressed and is being murdered by policemen who originally been legalized sworn to protect them

"Who originally been legalized sworn to protect them"? Is this the linguistic level of the average Democratic Party voter?

Yes, it is.

however it's been the reverse they have been legalized to "Lynch" them.

Evidence of how low-information you are. There is zero evidence that cops going around hunting black people. Zero. You are manipulated by the propaganda of lazy bigots in the media, or else people who are smarter than you and just manipulate you with lies.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
113 really are one of the people dumb enough to make it possible for the Democratic Party to have the control it does in this country. You are a low-information, historically ignorant, easily pliable saphead. You are exactly the kind of person that allowed the Democratic-controlled media to make the notion that Donald Trump was a Russian agent a respectable idea in the public discourse for 3 years.

Can't fix dumb. You really show that with posts like that.
Why are you so upset now..
I wouldn't be surprised if that's guy was your cousin, brother or boyfriend..

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
"Who originally been legalized sworn to protect them"? Is this the linguistic level of the average Democratic Party voter?

Yes, it is.

Evidence of how low-information you are. There is zero evidence that cops going around hunting black people. Zero. You are manipulated by the propaganda of lazy bigots in the media, or else people who are smarter than you and just manipulate you with lies.
Everyone knows and acknowledge but your dumbass that the whole concept of "policing" was to have a way to "control" the so called free slaves. Look at the way the laws were written..e.g
why is it nearly impossible to prosecute a police officer.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
If you think property is more important that human lives, you're still not getting it.

Oh, taking away from someone everything that makes their life valuable and worth living is just small peanuts compared to one police incident in Minneapolis. I see now. Destroying 220 buildings and causing over $55 million in damages is not that big a deal. We can all just shrug our shoulders and move on from that.

Is that the kind of "logic" that the utterly stupid Democratic Party voting base employs before it goes to cast its ballots?

But, that said, if you want to talk about the value of human life, be my guest. Let's talk about it. There have been far more blacks killed by the riots since the Floyd incident than in the Floyd incident itself. And this past weekend Chicago had the deadliest outbreak of shootings yet for 2020 (85 shot, 24 fatally).

But I know, I know.....

These Black Lives do not Matter, because they did not fit the script. They didn't fit with the left-wing narrative of racist whites killing blacks. Just know that between the riots and the shootings in Chicago this past weekend, there were more black people killed in the past week and a half than the number of unarmed black males shot and killed in all of 2019 by police in the United States (the small number of NINE for the entire country).

Black Americans Killed in Riots Across American Cities

View attachment 3790



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
113 really are one of the people dumb enough to make it possible for the Democratic Party to have the control it does in this country. You are a low-information, historically ignorant, easily pliable saphead. You are exactly the kind of person that allowed the Democratic-controlled media to make the notion that Donald Trump was a Russian agent a respectable idea in the public discourse for 3 years.

Can't fix dumb. You really show that with posts like that.
I suspect you didn't watch the video. Now you're just insulting, because you don't have a good argument. Oh, and when I watched the video, Trump says "low-IQ" individual. You parrot him. To the point of endlessly repetitive. "Low-IQ, low-information." How many times to you have to say this? What you don't address about the video is the neo-Nazi in it. Who says that Trump's election and rhetoric emboldens him.

As to the Democratic party having control? The President is a "Republican," as is the Senate, and the Supreme Court now has a conservative majority. If you don't like the way things are going, look within, not at the Dems.


Apr 22, 2013
Good Lord! How bad at branding are some political groups! Dem's had better stay away from the brand "Defund the Police". The cause is laudable, if I understand it right. It seems that in some towns and small cities as much as a third of budgets go to fund the police. As I understand it the argument is that by reallocating some of that to mental health and education there would be a beneficial impact on crime in both the short and long term. I recall a conversation with an ex years ago who was a police detective. She told me that the vast majority of beat cop interactions were with individuals with mental health challenges. I learned that because we were discussing mental health and she seemed to have a fairly deep knowledge and she let me know that the appreciation of mental health issues was actually a significant part of what it meant to police in London. Clearly this type of training is severely deficient in America. This has to change. But please Dems... stay away from brands that the GOP/Trump can use to their advantage!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Good Lord! How bad at branding are some political groups! Dem's had better stay away from the brand "Defund the Police". The cause is laudable, if I understand it right. It seems that in some towns and small cities as much as a third of budgets go to fund the police. As I understand it the argument is that by reallocating some of that to mental health and education there would be a beneficial impact on crime in both the short and long term. I recall a conversation with an ex years ago who was a police detective. She told me that the vast majority of beat cop interactions were with individuals with mental health challenges. I learned that because we were discussing mental health and she seemed to have a fairly deep knowledge and she let me know that the appreciation of mental health issues was actually a significant part of what it meant to police in London. Clearly this type of training is severely deficient in America. This has to change. But please Dems... stay away from brands that the GOP/Trump can use to their advantage!
Oh, Crikey. It's been put out there, now everyone thinks it's a Dem cause. Biden has distanced himself. No one even understood the term a few days ago, and now you're talking about "branding?" Give it a rest. Look, none of us understands exactly what "defund the police" means, and I've been listening to a lot of information on it. And yes, the only clear point is that, amongst all of the things that cops do, and they do a lot of disparate duties, one is to go out on calls that might be better served by a mental health professional than an armed officer. Plenty of cases here in NYC where a person with mental health issues, often of color, usually armed with no more than a kitchen knife or a spatula, ends up dead because the cops couldn't deal with them. I can see that we could designate more equipped agencies to some problems out there. Social workers are woefully underfunded in NYC, I can tell you that. But I don't think anyone has adequately defined terms on "defunding the police." I know that attempts at reform within the police haven't gone so well, but this does seem to be a sea-change moment.

Also, funny that no one leaps to the notion that it's a Republican talking point. Think about that.
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Apr 22, 2013
Oh, Crikey. It's been put out there, now everyone thinks it's a Dem cause. Biden has distanced himself. No one even understood the term a few days ago, and now you're talking about "branding?" Give it a rest. Look, none of us understands exactly what "defund the police" means, and I've been listening to a lot of information on it. And yes, the only clear point is that, amongst all of the things that cops do, and they do a lot of disparate duties, one is to go out on calls that might be better served by a mental health professional than an armed officer. Plenty of cases here in NYC where a person with mental health issues, often of color, usually armed with no more than a kitchen knife or a spatula, ends up dead because the cops couldn't deal with them. I can see that we could designate more equipped agencies to some problems out there. Social workers are woefully underfunded in NYC, I can tell you that. But I don't think anyone has adequately defined terms on "defunding the police." I know that attempts at reform within the police haven't gone so well, but this does seem to be a sea-change moment.

Also, funny that no one leaps to the notion that it's a Republican talking point. Think about that.
I agree it's not an official Dem cause, but the simple fact is that activists will get associated with the party. My point is that the Democratic Party needs to be careful about that. And yes Biden has distanced himself from it, but that doesn't mean that Trump isn't going to try to tie him to it. This isn't about facts, it's about branding. It might not be enough to distance oneself, Dems might need to create their own brand. After all space will be filled in a vacuum. I would hope we've learned that by now

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I agree it's not an official Dem cause, but the simple fact is that activists will get associated with the party. My point is that the Democratic Party needs to be careful about that. And yes Biden has distanced himself from it, but that doesn't mean that Trump isn't going to try to tie him to it. This isn't about facts, it's about branding. It might not be enough to distance oneself, Dems might need to create their own brand. After all space will be filled in a vacuum. I would hope we've learned that by now
Federerberg I most definitely see your point and the focus should be on winning the presidency and taking control of the Senate..
The defund police target as you know is premise is note entirely politicalize. It's so hard and really is for lack of a better word, a catch 22 situation. You are going to see more 'archived" videos of unarmed blacks of less than a year old.. It's a very disturbing time we live in unfortunately.

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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I agree it's not an official Dem cause, but the simple fact is that activists will get associated with the party. My point is that the Democratic Party needs to be careful about that. And yes Biden has distanced himself from it, but that doesn't mean that Trump isn't going to try to tie him to it. This isn't about facts, it's about branding. It might not be enough to distance oneself, Dems might need to create their own brand. After all space will be filled in a vacuum. I would hope we've learned that by now
Yes Biden and other top Dems are NOT "championing" defunding the police but rather distancing themselves from that stance Yes , Trump and the GOP will try to take the Dems down that rabbit hole..What the real activist are calling for redirecting of funds that was originally allocated for the police..They will redefine that foolish SLOGAN.



Apr 22, 2013
Yes Biden and other top Dems are NOT "championing" defunding the police but rather distancing themselves from that stance Yes , Trump and the GOP will try to take the Dems down that rabbit hole..What the real activist are calling for redirecting of funds that was originally allocated for the police..They will redefine that foolish SLOGAN.

I hope they do! The GOP is extraordinarily good at controlling the narrative. They managed to make Kaeparnicks' protest against police brutality into something about patriotism which was completely ridiculous. It's encouraging that the small amount of rioting and looting has not been allowed to alter the narrative in this case. Protests happen in France all the time and there is always a small amount of looting and rioting. But somehow the law and order narrative isn't able (generally speaking) to overtake the underlying rationale for the protest. Let's hope America starts to learn that lesson. Protests are a legitimate part of the democratic process. It makes me shake my head that historic events like the Boston Tea Party would be recast as violence and looting in this day and age, by the very people who applaud the causes of that historic dissent
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Apr 22, 2013
I've been reading up on this recently and I think that Camden, New Jersey might be the template that activists are going for. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Thanks for the info on the Kennedy/Johnson/Goldwater stuff. I'm doing a lot of reading on American history at the moment, but not there yet. On the rest of his video, I'm not sure how you arrived at some of the other conclusions but not wholly surprised at your interpretation. Anyway, folks, I'm out of here until tennis comes back. Everybody stay safe.
Maybe during your sabbatical from this post, you may open your eyes and realize who were the real culprits.

Again..are you more upset at the deaths of unarmed blacks or the riots and looters.. so far your words say the latter.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I hope they do! The GOP is extraordinarily good at controlling the narrative. They managed to make Kaeparnicks' protest against police brutality into something about patriotism which was completely ridiculous. It's encouraging that the small amount of rioting and looting has not been allowed to alter the narrative in this case. Protests happen in France all the time and there is always a small amount of looting and rioting. But somehow the law and order narrative isn't able (generally speaking) to overtake the underlying rationale for the protest. Let's hope America starts to learn that lesson. Protests are a legitimate part of the democratic process. It makes me shake my head that historic events like the Boston Tea Party would be recast as violence and looting in this day and age, by the very people who applaud the causes of that historic dissent's was NEVER the was Trump who masterfully changed the narrative what KAP knelling message. Trump did it to control the NFL owners because he is still upset that they wouldn't allow him to be an owner plus to add gasoline to his Racist white base..e.g. Cali.
Look at what happened last week with Drew Brees, he made an apology to his team, the black community and his fans yet Trump told him he should not have apologized. This time Drew quickly decided to renounce Trump's message via social media..It was Always Trump the AntiChrist who changed the narrative


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Again..are you more upset at the deaths of unarmed blacks or the riots and looters.. so far your words say the latter.

There were only 9 unarmed black males killed in the United States in all of 2019, you stupid mental defective. That number is utterly negligible. Like I have said many times, it is dumb, low-information, low-IQ people like you who form the base of the Democratic Party.

You don't even care when your arguments are refuted or you are presented with facts. You are too stupid to even realize when you are wrong.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's encouraging that the small amount of rioting and looting has not been allowed to alter the narrative in this case.

This is an example of just how stupid the anti-Trump opposition is, both in the U.S. and Europe. Tinfoil Federturd just called 220 torched buildings and at least $55 million in property damages in Minneapolis alone a "small amount of rioting and looting.

What an f-ing idiot.

And no, the peaceful protests were not justified either. They were based on the beliefs of low-IQ voters like AP and low-information voters like yourself Federturd that unarmed black males are at significant risk from police. They are not. There is absolutely zero data to support that belief.


Apr 22, 2013
This is an example of just how stupid the anti-Trump opposition is, both in the U.S. and Europe. Tinfoil Federturd just called 220 torched buildings and at least $55 million in property damages in Minneapolis alone a "small amount of rioting and looting.

What an f-ing idiot.

And no, the peaceful protests were not justified either. They were based on the beliefs of low-IQ voters like AP and low-information voters like yourself Federturd that unarmed black males are at significant risk from police. They are not. There is absolutely zero data to support that belief.
well I guess the hundreds of thousands of protesters all over America and Europe are low IQ people like me then. I'm fine with that ;)
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