US Politics Thread


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Brilliant move. The WHO has been complicit in China's cover-up of the pandemic's outbreak. It's not Trump's fault that you don't know anything about Bruce Aylward, "Dr." Tedros, or the WHO's corrupt relationship with China.

Exhibit A of a right wing idiot: cutting off the funding of WHO in the middle of a global pandemic that's handicapping the country is brilliant (though I agree that they're super corrupt and what happened with China was shameful), but every other corrupt business deal and self-serving under the table shit that Trump has pulled is OK. Brilliant. But I'm sure it's all liberal media and there's no truth to that whatsoever.

I won't even address the "you don't know anything about Tedros" part. Again, there's no need to address actual the content when the logic falls apart so easily.

Pleas go back to eating shit.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
By the way, Donald Trump is going to consult with Dana White and Vince McMahon, among others. Now as someone who covered MMA for a significant portion of my life, let me tell you something, that the faith of American is in any way influenced by Dana White and Vince fucking McMahon, is

LOL.....yes, because Vince McMahon and Dana White are the only two people who Trump is going to consult with on re-opening the economy. The only two. Textbook example of a left-wing mental defective: take a cheap story that is either inaccurate or completely out of context and run with it to make jokes that will end up making up the person who said it look like an ass.

You are obviously a lazy turd, Elmer, but you may have tried a simple Google search:

"McMahon, 74, was listed under the sports category that includes NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, UFC President Dana White, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban."

Silver (close pal of Obama), Kraft (arguably the most successful owner in the history of pro sports), and Cuban (who openly campaigned for Hillary) are each generally very well-regarded as business people in the sports world.

Trump's leading trade adviser is Peter Navarro (Harvard-educated) and he consults with dozens of intelligent people on economic decisions. But yes, let's just focus on some cheap tabloid stories about Dana White and Vince McMahon as if they are driving Trump administration policy.

Really scholarly of you. Really scholarly. Dr. Dumbass from Lebanon.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Exhibit A of a right wing idiot: cutting off the funding of WHO in the middle of a global pandemic that's handicapping the country is brilliant (though I agree that they're super corrupt and what happened with China was shameful), but every other corrupt business deal and self-serving under the table shit that Trump has pulled is OK. Brilliant. But I'm sure it's all liberal media and there's no truth to that whatsoever.

I have some new nicknames for this dimwit.....Grabbag 45 and Dr. Dumbass. The reason for Grabbag 45 is that Broken has an elementary school-level vocabulary (45 words total) that can be summed up in a few words and phrases: "lmao," "racist," and "eat shit." Engaging in discourse with him is like talking to a Neanderthal with an attitude problem. He just grunts and barks and thinks in pure vulgarities every time someone dissents from one of his views. Combine that with being completely corny and you get Grabbag 45.

The funniest thing about Broken is that he calls himself "liberal" when that is a completely inaccurate characterization of his views.

Now, let's address the content of his dumb post: is the global pandemic handicapping the United States? No, government policies are. As Alex Berenson, formerly of the New York Times, has shown over and over with hard data, outside of New York City there is no significant pandemic in the United States (except arguably Detroit and New Orleans). Most of the country is unaffected and will remain unaffected. That's why most hospitals are completely vacant. There just aren't that many COVID patients. There is also a surplus of ventilators, with more being produced. In addition to the ventilator surplus, there is also misreporting of deaths as COVID-caused when other factors are the primary reason for death.

What is crippling the U.S. are the insane, irrational, and utterly moronic shutdown policies across the board. The U.S. does not need anything from the WHO.

The U.S. gives $500 million to the WHO, while China gives $48 million. Yet China has the WHO in its back pocket and owns that incompetent dumbass Dr. Tedros. I think Bwoken likes Dr. Tedros because he sees a lot of himself in him: an incompetent who thinks he sounds smart by talking tough about the United States.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Yesterday, an American died every 35 seconds of Coronavirus. Now some of course, "aren't convinced" but these are the same people who think JR Smith is the best player in the NBA (for reference, he was a free agent all year because no team would actually sign him). So, yeah.

Good lunkheaded argument there, as always. No one ever accused you of sophistication.

Regarding the coronavirus deaths, it is clear that the CDC has given instructions to doctors on how to falsify death certificates:

“In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely . . . it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ cause of death.” (page 2 of Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019).

Regarding JR Smith, your argument is as always meatheaded and dumb. My argument about him was that he was the most explosive and dominant offensive NBA player during his twenties. Numerous NBA players who are known as shooters and scorers (most notably Iverson and Carmelo Anthony) have trouble being signed in their mid-thirties because teams aren't sure if they will accept a more limited role. In the case of JR Smith, he gained a lot of weight in recent years and his game completely fell off. That doesn't have anything to do with my comments on how he played 2004-2016.

You always have a hard time distinguishing between capability and practical reality. It is too complex a distinction for your mind.

Finally, when he got traded from New York to Cleveland in 2015, I told you and others on the NBA board that he and LeBron were going to dominate. You laughed and then three months later the Cavs made the Finals (even with Irving hurt) because Smith played that well. In particular, JR saved the Cavs' bacon against Chicago and Game 1 against Atlanta when LeBron wasn't playing particularly well. But of course you remember none of that.

Dr. Dumbass from Lebanon.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Let me say I find it utterly hilarious how now Cali points out to the way other countries have handled the Coronavirus as proof of anything, but god forbid the same can be done for gun control.

Lol.....what a clueless fucking moron. The Lebanese Elmer (aka Grabbag 45) doesn't even know that outside of major urban areas there is virtually no violent gun crime in the United States and its crime rates are either as low or lower than those of any other First World country.

It is beyond stupid to blame the violence in areas such as Chicago or Baltimore on the U.S. having a 2nd Amendment. So naturally this fool thinks that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013

Strongest economy in decades prior to the coronavirus outbreak. Lowest unemployment in over 50 years. New and improved trade deals with multiple countries. No wasteful wars.


Barely a problem outside of New York City. Not worth shattering millions of livelihoods and businesses over. Low mortality rate.


Never made any firm predictions about him except an occasional tournament.

JR Smith,

Predicted that he and LeBron would dominate in 2015 after the trade from New York. Your mentally defective ass questioned it. Then without Kyrie Irving the Cavs still make the Finals, thanks in large part to JR Smith.

2010: I tell you that Djokovic has better game than Nadal on grass. 2020: He has 5 Wimbledons to Nadal's 2.

2010: I say that Djokovic very well could have won the 2010 US Open final and is better at his highest level than Nadal. Following year Djokovic owns Nadal on all surfaces and wins 3 Slams. Only Slam Nadal wins is Roland Garros where he lucked out because of Federer beating Djokovic and blowing the final. Years later Djokovic leads in the H2H and embarrassed Nadal in the 2019 Australian Open final.

2012: You insist there is nothing more Federer can do in his match-up against Nadal, because dumbass Paul Annacone is his coach and Annacone thinks just like you. Federer in subsequent years goes on a 5-match win streak against Nadal.

etc. etc. We could go on. You're a simpleton and a fool.

I have always understood Nadal's success better than you.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Only someone with a limited understanding of macro economics would say this... :lol6:

Yeah, like you have a really advanced understanding. Even if mine was only "limited," that would make it far greater than BwokenWooWace's understanding of any political issue.

Either way, I am speaking in relative terms. I am not saying that the economy was strong in all ways, but in terms of many key indicators it was going very strong. We all know that if Obama was able to pull off the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years we would hear about it non-stop.

Was the job quality of all new the openings the best? No. Were the wages the greatest? No. Were all of these new positions stable long-run jobs? No.

But it was still a huge improvement over Obama's economic record.


Apr 22, 2013
Yeah, like you have a really advanced understanding. Even if mine was only "limited," that would make it far greater than BwokenWooWace's understanding of any political issue.

Either way, I am speaking in relative terms. I am not saying that the economy was strong in all ways, but in terms of many key indicators it was going very strong. We all know that if Obama was able to pull off the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years we would hear about it non-stop.

Was the job quality of all new the openings the best? No. Were the wages the greatest? No. Were all of these new positions stable long-run jobs? No.

But it was still a huge improvement over Obama's economic record.
Again..... LOL!!!

By the way you never answered my question about Alex Berenson and Tom Wood. You a fan of theirs too?


Apr 22, 2013
Yes, I am. But I see no indication that you have been influenced by either of them.
Oh wow! Cali and I have something in common. That pleases me somehow. But wait... why would I be influenced by them? They write books which I find entertaining. That's it. Why on earth would they influence me? Is that it? Are you influenced by fiction writers? That could explain a lot! :face-with-tears-of-joy:

Might I suggest a couple of other writers that you might also like then? Mark Dawson (John Milton series). Gregg Hurwitz (Orphan X series). Mark Greaney (Gray Man series). Enjoy!

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Oh wow! Cali and I have something in common. That pleases me somehow. But wait... why would I be influenced by them? They write books which I find entertaining. That's it. Why on earth would they influence me? Is that it? Are you influenced by fiction writers? That could explain a lot! :face-with-tears-of-joy:

Might I suggest a couple of other writers that you might also like then? Mark Dawson (John Milton series). Gregg Hurwitz (Orphan X series). Mark Greaney (Gray Man series). Enjoy!
On a side note, I was at Indigo looking for some new book ideas and here I see this book cover , picture of Istanbul with a Turkish flag...Of course I pick it up and decide to give the writer a chance, I literally bought the book because of the cover. That was 6 years ago I think. Counterfeit Agent by Alex Berenson. Have been a fan since, as far as fiction goes. Have not read the one he wrote about dope.


Apr 22, 2013
On a side note, I was at Indigo looking for some new book ideas and here I see this book cover , picture of Istanbul with a Turkish flag...Of course I pick it up and decide to give the writer a chance, I literally bought the book because of the cover. That was 6 years ago I think. Counterfeit Agent by Alex Berenson. Have been a fan since, as far as fiction goes. Have not read the one he wrote about dope.
Read all of the series man. They are outstanding! And trust me dude, if you like that, then read Tom Wood's Victor the assassin series. The first 100 pages of the first book are unputdownable
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Read all of the series man. They are outstanding! And trust me dude, if you like that, then read Tom Wood's Victor the assassin series. The first 100 pages of the first book are unputdownable

For others who don't know, we're obviously talking about different people. I am talking about an American historian and economist named Tom WoodS with an s.

That said, why have you been so quiet Federberg about the recent news about Russian disinformation being fed to Christopher Steele? It looks like there was Russian interference, just in the opposite direction of what you thought. No mea culpas here, Federberg? This must be that criminal activity BwokenWooWace is referring to. Look at how the media exposed it! Great job to the media!

Steele Dossier Disinformation Update
New evidence that the FBI was duped by Russian intelligence.

"Thanks to Congressional pressure, the Justice Department has now declassified footnotes showing that the FBI’s main source for its collusion allegations—Christopher Steele—may have been targeted as part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The FBI was warned of this threat but ignored it."



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Trump has halted US funding to WHO in the middle of a global pandemic.

Meanwhile, KellyAnne Conway thinks it's called Covid-19 because it's the 19th version of the virus as if it's an iOS update. Yup, the country is in safe hands. Godspeed.
For the record, Conway knows what the "19" stands for, and mentioned it in a previous presser. She wasn't being stupid, she was being cynical. She threw that in to slur the WHO for those who aren't really paying attention. Trump does the same thing. Say whatever you want, then walk it back. But the idea stays out there.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Your method of wanting to discuss certain issues is "name me a US foreign policy figure."

Yeah, because that would at least be a semi-scholarly way of discussing foreign policy, and you claim to be a scholar. So much for that.

My way of discussing this is: "X amount of innocents have died due to a needless US War, so eat shit and shut the fuck up."

Right, and that's precisely why you are a total simpleton (or "Grabbag 45" as I am starting to say). You threw out the term "genocidal war ideology" to characterize American foreign policy and you have not provided even a scintilla of evidence that the term is justified, except to say that there have been some innocents killed by American forces. No shit Sherlock. Every war involves killing innocents at some point. The questions to be asked are about scale and motivation. Simply killing some innocent people in a war effort or military strike is not the same as "genocide."

At any rate, I have asked you repeatedly to name a single foreign policy theorist from the United States. You have not named one. I have asked you to define what America's foreign policy ideology is. You have not even slightly answered that question. The fact is, you know nothing about any of those topics, and all you can engage in is a very simplistic condemnation of the U.S. for killing some civilians in military operations, as if it is the only country to have done that.

You literally claimed they did in the name of democracy. That you're too dumb to realize how outrageously ridiculous this claim is isn't my fault.

Because they literally did that. The only two things that surpasses your conceit are 1) your utter and total ignorance, and 2) your base simplicity. For you to deny that "global democracy" (or universalist democratic ideology) has not become the public religion of America's political class is simply downright ignorant on your part. You can go look up Francis Fukuyama or Strobe Talbott, among many others, to see examples of this.

What's funny is you think you have America all figured out, deep down. What really drives American foreign policy, you believe (with what you think is Machiavellian political understanding), is the raw pursuit of power and economic exploitation by the racist right-wing military establishment of the United States. That might not be what the media report, you think to yourself, but intelligent cynics see right through it all. Ha ha. And Cali actually thinks "global democracy" was a motivation. What an idiot! If he was well-informed he would know it was actually right-wing racists in the military and American companies who are simply trying to exploit the Middle East! That's what smart people know and think! Ha ha. I'm BwokenWooWace and I like promoting gay wights in Webanon.

So again, eat shit and shut the fuck up. You'll have your meltdowns like your orange president, and that's fine, but remember, eat shit, because reality is more or less forcing you to.

Like you did when Djokovic embarrassed Nadal in straight sets in the Australian Open final? No, I'll pass. I'm glad to see though you showing everyone your 45-word grab bag of vocabulary: "eat shit, eat shit, and eat shit some more!" "I'm more cultivated than an American! Yeah!"

So no, I simply look at you as a racist moron.

Yes, because you think in a very narrow box, you're intolerant, you're misinformed, and you operate off of false assumptions about reality. Plus you have a vocabulary that does not exceed 45 words. You're just a very simple thinker. Complexity certainly is not your forte.
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Apr 22, 2013
This is part of the problem with Trump "reporting"... and its been going on ever since he took office. It's probably destroyed the likes of CNN as a credible, reliable arbiter of fact or truth where politics is involved. The media has tons of reliable material to work with, yet spends too much time focusing on random bullshit.

On your points...

(1) the point is fairly ambiguous. Trump did say that the States should stop competing with one another for ventilators and PPE and come to Federal for that role. If that wasn't the consideration you were looking at then qualify the statement and explain how you measure it.
(2) The ramping up of testing has been significant. Nearly 3.3m tests (highest in the world) and this has rocketed over the last 2 weeks.
(3) PPE production has been in overdrive. The number of US equipment being produced is rising exponentially.

If you disagree, show me that testing has not been ramped up and the production of PPE isn't happening. Other than that, it's an opinion not rooted in fact.

The main point here is that there is a ton of ammunition to attack Trump with, without the need to just make stuff up or completely distort facts. Intentional or not.
I didn’t bother responding because you pulled stuff out of nowhere with no receipts. This guy says different things at different times so supporters like you always have something to use in his defence. Problem is a good leader has a consistent position and actually wants to fix the problem. He only cares about the political consequences
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I didn’t bother responding because you pulled stuff out of nowhere with no receipts. This guy says different things at different times so supporters like you always have something to use in his defence. Problem is a good leader has a consistent position and actually wants to fix the problem. He only cares about the political consequences
I pulled stuff out of nowhere with no receipts? I was responding to a post by you that had no receipts or fact-based evidence. Trump has done nothing to ramp up testing? Really? I don't need him to give me testing numbers mate, I look at them on the daily. It's called data, not CNN opinion. It's ramped up significantly over the last few weeks. Biden fanatics like you need to start looking at multiple sources of information outside of CNN and MSNBC editorial pieces.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I didn’t bother responding because you pulled stuff out of nowhere with no receipts. This guy says different things at different times so supporters like you always have something to use in his defence. Problem is a good leader has a consistent position and actually wants to fix the problem. He only cares about the political consequences
I'm sure he does care a lot about the political consequences, but as it stands, that is largely entwined with coronavirus... so he doesn't have any other option than to tackle it. As for consistent position... this is a chaotic unpredictable global pandemic. Most government positions across the globe have been reactive, not consistent. It makes more sense.

For instance, the data the UK got from Italy shifted their direction from the initial herd immunity stance... being "consistent" would probably have overrun the NHS given the timeframes.


Apr 22, 2013
This is too funny. You're trying to label me a Biden supporter? Ok...

And as for testing you're not seriously crediting Trump for States getting on with testing are you? Come on... You're better than that. But if that's how you're looking at it then it's clear where the disconnect is coming from.
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