Your method of wanting to discuss certain issues is "name me a US foreign policy figure."
Yeah, because that would at least be a semi-scholarly way of discussing foreign policy, and you claim to be a scholar. So much for that.
My way of discussing this is: "X amount of innocents have died due to a needless US War, so eat shit and shut the fuck up."
Right, and that's precisely why you are a total simpleton (or "Grabbag 45" as I am starting to say). You threw out the term "genocidal war ideology" to characterize American foreign policy and you have not provided even a scintilla of evidence that the term is justified, except to say that there have been some innocents killed by American forces. No shit Sherlock. Every war involves killing innocents at some point. The questions to be asked are about scale and motivation. Simply killing some innocent people in a war effort or military strike is not the same as "genocide."
At any rate, I have asked you repeatedly to name a single foreign policy theorist from the United States. You have not named one. I have asked you to define what America's foreign policy ideology is. You have not even slightly answered that question. The fact is, you know nothing about any of those topics, and all you can engage in is a very simplistic condemnation of the U.S. for killing some civilians in military operations, as if it is the only country to have done that.
You literally claimed they did in the name of democracy. That you're too dumb to realize how outrageously ridiculous this claim is isn't my fault.
Because they literally did that. The only two things that surpasses your conceit are 1) your utter and total ignorance, and 2) your base simplicity. For you to deny that "global democracy" (or universalist democratic ideology) has not become the public religion of America's political class is simply downright ignorant on your part. You can go look up Francis Fukuyama or Strobe Talbott, among many others, to see examples of this.
What's funny is you think you have America all figured out, deep down. What really drives American foreign policy, you believe (with what you think is Machiavellian political understanding), is the raw pursuit of power and economic exploitation by the racist right-wing military establishment of the United States. That might not be what the media report, you think to yourself, but intelligent cynics see right through it all. Ha ha. And Cali actually thinks "global democracy" was a motivation. What an idiot! If he was well-informed he would know it was actually right-wing racists in the military and American companies who are simply trying to exploit the Middle East! That's what smart people know and think! Ha ha. I'm BwokenWooWace and I like promoting gay wights in Webanon.
So again, eat shit and shut the fuck up. You'll have your meltdowns like your orange president, and that's fine, but remember, eat shit, because reality is more or less forcing you to.
Like you did when Djokovic embarrassed Nadal in straight sets in the Australian Open final? No, I'll pass. I'm glad to see though you showing everyone your 45-word grab bag of vocabulary: "eat shit, eat shit, and eat shit some more!" "I'm more cultivated than an American! Yeah!"
So no, I simply look at you as a racist moron.
Yes, because you think in a very narrow box, you're intolerant, you're misinformed, and you operate off of false assumptions about reality. Plus you have a vocabulary that does not exceed 45 words. You're just a very simple thinker. Complexity certainly is not your forte.