hmmmm.. do you care about the fact that you were completely and stupendously wrong about the seriousness of this virus?
Actually I wasn't. Most of the United States is totally unaffected by the virus and the IMHE models have been revised downward 3 times. I am not the one who put out a solid number predicting number of cases or deaths. The IMHE did that and they adjusted their predictions.
So what in the hell are you talking about? My sentiments were far closer to the truth than what the hysterics were saying. I never denied that the virus exists. I questioned how severe it was and whether it was worth shutting down the global economy over. And the IMHE adjusting its death predictions downward 3 times validated my sentiments.
Now, even if you thought I was "wrong," my skepticism about the seriousness of the virus was no different than what numerous Democrats in the media and in government positions said. Nancy Pelosi as late as February 24th told people to go out to Chinatown in San Francisco and have fun. Bill De Blasio told New Yorkers on March 2nd to go out and have fun. And the New York Times, Washington Post, Daily Beast, and Vox all indicated in early February that they thought there was nothing to worry about and that Trump was being hysterical.
The fact is, you want this virus to be as bad as possible because you want to use a body death count against Trump politically. You also want Democrats across the country to keep the shutdowns going so the economy tanks and Trump can be blamed. You are such a hate-filled person and you harbor such vitriol toward Trump that you clearly want these things to happen.
Do you care that we know that you were and give you no more credibility than a snot stain?
Well I was not wrong about the virus. You were wrong about the consequences of the Soleimani strike as well as the Russia collusion narrative, and you are obviously very bitter about it.
We can all ask questions mate...

I suggest you focus on
those ones rather than spending time deluding yourself that I'm going to pay more attention to you than I would a piece of chewing gum stuck on my shoe. I won't....
Actually, I would like you to take a look at that chewing gum stuck on your shoe. Look at it really closely. It is a perfect symbol of the value and quality of your political opinions.
As for the questions I asked, again, I am not surprised that you are in total denial about the IMHE models and that you won't admit you were dead wrong about the Russia collusion narrative or the Soleimani strike. The fact is, you like seeing the government of New Jersey arrest people for trying to attend a synagogue and you like the governor of Michigan preventing people from driving between two properties they own. You love all this state control of society and you love even more that the Democrats are deliberately trying to tank the economy to undermine Trump.
You love all of it.