I never did ask... I'm interested to know what you felt was unfair or unreasonable in the article. Please elaborate
Actually, the easier question to answer is what was fair and reasonable about it. Virtually nothing. Total trash.
I can't be bothered picking through it all, but here are a few highlights from the first quarter of it.
The United States is on trajectory to suffer more sickness, more dying, and more economic harm from this virus than any other comparably developed country.
Not it isn't, when you take deaths per 1 million of population, it's far lower than many developed countries.
The utter unpreparedness of the United States for a pandemic is Trump’s fault.
No, it isn't. The US wasn't prepared for a Pandemic of this nature before Trump. If it was, then why were all the states short of ventilators, protective equipment?
It's not a US-centric issue... no countries were prepared for this. South Korea was probably best prepared because they got caught with their pants down over MERS.
That states are bidding against other states for equipment, paying many multiples of the pre-crisis price for ventilators, is Trump’s fault.
Not Trump's fault at all. He explicitly told the States not to do this and source ventilators through the Federal government.
Air travelers summoned home and forced to stand for hours in dense airport crowds alongside infected people? That was Trump’s fault too.
Trump probably has zero control over international airports falling outside US jurisdiction. By the way, nearly all countries have called civilians to return home.
Ten weeks of insisting that the coronavirus is a harmless flu that would miraculously go away on its own? Trump’s fault
Trump didn't spend ten weeks insisting coronavirus was a harmless flu.
The refusal of red-state governors to act promptly, the failure to close Florida and Gulf Coast beaches until late March? That fault is more widely shared, but again, responsibility rests with Trump
Not sure why closing a local beach, playground or similar facility would be the job of the President. What are mayors, local councils, governors paid to do? The centralized Federal advice was clear.
The lying about the coronavirus by hosts on Fox News and conservative talk radio is Trump’s fault
Barely worthy of a response. Is CNN's lying the responsibility of Joe Biden? No. It's the responsibility of CNN.
The severity of the economic crisis is Trump’s fault
The guy can't have it both ways. You either shut down for health reasons or ride it out for economic reasons. He doesn't qualify his statement.
The firing of a Navy captain for speaking truthfully about the virus’s threat to his crew? Trump’s fault.
I wasn't aware Trump fired him
This country—buffered by oceans from the epicenter of the global outbreak, in East Asia; blessed with the most advanced medical technology on Earth; endowed with agencies and personnel devoted to responding to pandemics—could have and should have suffered less than nations nearer to China.
Like most of Europe. Maybe if the Chinese hadn't covered this up for weeks with a complicit WHO then the US and Europe would have been far better prepared to mitigate.
Instead, the United States will suffer more than any peer country.
It didn’t have to be this way. If somebody else had been president of the United States in December 2019—Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Mike Pence, really almost anybody else—the United States would still have been afflicted by the coronavirus. But it would have been better prepared, and better able to respond.
Jeb Bush? You can tell this guy was on the Bush Family payroll.
The whole article is utter trash. That was just a bit of it. I'd be here all day picking through it all. Just click on the author to view previous articles and you'll see the agenda straight away. Lame journalism - not worth reading twice.