US Politics Thread


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
^^ I wonder about that as well Teddy. I wouldn't venture a guess as I am not an American so I'll wait for their explanations.:yesyes:
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^^ I wonder about that as well Teddy. I wouldn't venture a guess as I am not an American so I'll wait for their explanations.:yesyes:

i was of course asking it == almost rhetorically -- as THESE among many others that are the REAL questions that are NOT allowed to be explored in american ''sovereign elections" ....

in other words - my questions - like the world wonders about -- ARE THE EXACT point -- that they are NOT what americans are willing to ask...for the ANSWERS ikn completion WILL reveal the true nature of american ''democracY"

a FASCIST TOTALITARIAN STATE wrapping itself in 'democracy".
tha'ts the whole point of these ''FBI investigates, asks questions, redacts citing national security - asking questions abotu national security -"

"there's nothign to see here folks -- she did nothing wrong, she just forget due to a fall that affected her memory -- nothing to see - move along, move along".

see my point?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
McCarthyism of the left? Clinton supporters use anti-Russia rhetoric to bash opponents
They’re not donning poodle skirts or leather jackets, but to many Democrats and liberals, it seems the 1950s never went out of fashion. “Neo-McCarthyism” is how some describe a tactic widely adopted by Clinton supporters affiliating Trump with the Kremlin.

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Named after Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, who held the position from 1947 to 1957, McCarthyism is a term meant to symbolize a personal crusade of guilt by association against political opponents, often in terms of sedition or treason, when there is little or no evidence to support what essentially amounts to a witch hunt. This is a strong picture of what was happening during the height of the Cold War.

McCarthy, a Republican, was long held up by Democrats and others on the political left as the poster boy of right-wing political persecution. In recent memory, in the run-up to and in the early years of the Iraq War, there was justifiably a lot of talk of “new McCarthyism” from backers of President George W. Bush charging progressives with being “anti-military” or sympathetic to terrorists.

In this most bizarre presidential election of the modern era, however, there has been a switch of roles. Now it is mostly Democrats accusing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or other adversarial forces of being aligned with the Russian government or specifically its president, Vladimir Putin.

“It's amazing to have watched, in this campaign, Democrats completely resurrect that Cold War McCarthyite kind of rhetoric,” journalist Glenn Greenwald said Wednesday on on the Democracy Now! program hosted by Amy Goodman.

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Earlier this week, a letter from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada) to the FBI was published, stating, “I have recently become concerned that the threat of the Russian government tampering in our presidential election is more extensive than widely known and may include the intent to falsify official election results.”

And last month, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (California) reacted to hacks of Democratic National Committee emails, which after being published by Wikileaks resulted in the departure of its top five officers, including Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz who had been chairwoman.

“I know for sure it is the Russians,” Pelosi said, contradicting top US intelligence officers. “This is an electronic Watergate.”

Not all critics of Trump or Wikileaks are on board with the McCarthyite tactics, however. On Thursday, radio host and lawyer Mike Papantonio spoke with RT’s Ed Schultz, calling the line of attack a “sign of desperation” from the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

“To distract issues away from Clinton, to distract issues away from the DNC, we have this full out attack, McCarthy-type attack, on the Russian government,” Papantonio said. “And what their goal is, and if you really take a look at it, they're ignoring the idea that it's inviting a new Cold War that we finally got rid of, we finally passed that. It's in the history books.”

Some in the media are playing this tune as well, without a second thought.

Glenn Greenwald took issue with a New York Times op-ed piece published this week, titled, “How Russia Often Benefits When Julian Assange Reveals the West’s Secrets.”

Tweeting, “Does NYT's partnership with WL to publish huge number of US secrets suggest NYT editors are loyal to Kremlin?” Greenwald referenced the Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs leaked by US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Does NYT's partnership with WL to publish huge number of US secrets suggest NYT editors are loyal to Kremlin? Questions have been raised.

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 1, 2016
Greenwald found it ironic, since “it's actually the Clintons who have a lot of ties to Russia as well.”

“I mean, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton helped Russian companies take over uranium industries in various parts of the world,” Greenwald continued, adding, “that he received lots of Russian money for speeches.”

Indeed, former President Clinton received a $500,000 payment from Renaissance Capital, a Russian bank with connections to the Kremlin, after speaking at an event in Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin, prime minister at the time, personally thanked Clinton by phone, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Greenwald described the strategy as “very disturbing” and warned of “enduring consequences in the likely event that Hillary Clinton wins, because when you constantly inflame the public by telling them that Russia is this enemy, that they have domestic agents operating in the US, namely anyone who is a critic of the Clinton campaign, that's going to have lots of long-term implications, in terms of how the US government treats Russia.”

The issue of “neo-McCarthyite” attacks has only grown over the summer months. Russia scholar Stephen Cohen made it front and center during an interview on CNN with Michael Smerconish on July 30.

“We're approaching a Cuban missile crisis nuclear confrontation with Russia, both along Russia's borders and possibly over Syria,” Cohen lamented.

“And now, astonishingly, the media is full of what can only be called neo-McCarthyite charges that [Trump's] a Russian agent, that he's a Manchurian candidate, that he's Putin's client,” he said.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
the MONEY MANAGERS WHO are the real rulers of the USA -- have made their hedge -- and finding clinton to be TOO DANGEROUS FOR THEIR maintenance....

here's the reason why she IS toast:
The Real Presidential Game Begins: As Clinton’s Bets Are Hedged | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Phil Butler
The jig may be up for Hillary Clinton and the neocons. Apparently the Republicans and the old guard in Washington will now boot the Clinton Foundation and its saleslady to the curb. This Wall Street Journal editorial by “go to” political expert Karl Rove offers a toxic shock view on Clinton.

When I awoke this morning I half expected news Donald Trump and Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto had challenged one another to a duel in the deserts of Sonora. Instead, it appears Mexico’s only concern over a wall the length of the border with the United States, is who is going to pay for it. Trump is not the mainstream target this morning, Clinton is.

Karl Christian Rove is what my Dad would have called a “ringer”, the man the big bosses go to when it’s time for the real competition to begin. A political consult and adviser since the time of Watergate and the Nixon presidency Rove has “the look”, that steely blue eyed gaze that bespeaks of intelligence and confidence. It’s the look of somebody who knows what you don’t, the air of confidence that us unmistakably certain. The man largely responsible for George W. Bush being elected, the young man who crisscrossed America in a Ford Pinto for Nixon, he’s not some trifling Clinton hack. Rove is one of the men behind the scenes who does the bidding for the real power in the United States, for the conservative right, right in the middle. Rove was a George H.W. Bush pick after Watergate, and today he’s the sharp knife sliding across the neck of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “Team Clinton’s Pathetic Excuses” cuts deep.

The wound that is credibility is agape now, and on Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal!

At the heart of Clinton’s problems, the use of personal email servers instead of government ones festers a kind of running ooze. As more and more of these mails emerge, each “buddy buddy” deal the public learns of, drives another nail in the Clinton campaign coffin. Rove does the exploratory using Clinton’s less than brilliant campaign manager Robby Mook’s comments about 15,000 deleted emails and Mook’s pitiful explanations for Clinton’s actions:

“Mr. Mook’s comment goes to Mrs. Clinton’s intent. If she had felt that the rules were murky, she should have asked the State Department’s Office of the Legal Adviser to clarify, but apparently she didn’t. However, if her goal was to avoid disclosing her emails, then the last people she would have asked to weigh in would be the department’s impartial lawyers.”

Karl Rove is the guy who told us before the 2008 election; “Obama’s the Guy at the Country Club Holding a Martini Making Snide Comments About Everyone Else”. And isn’t that exactly who we put in the White House?

<b>The cool and arrogant smartass that chews gum and does his TD dance at the wrong times, the guy who brags about killing people with drones, who plays golf while Louisiana flood victims suffer, isn’t he slurping that Martini now?
He is, and this time America is watching and listening.

I believe this Wall Street Journal piece is the turning point. I believe Clinton is headed under the bus wheels, and here’s why.

The Rove article rips across Clinton’s “conflicts of interests” like a surgical scalpel. Emerging reports showing a former Secretary of State using her office as a business platform, this is the growing cancer beneath the skin of the Clinton Foundation. The hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into a supposedly charitable endeavor belie any semblance of philanthropy at all.

Clinton is emerging as a thief and a liar, though few go so far as to say it.

Rove comes close, but what is more important is the fact Murdoch’s famous newspaper prints it. Think about this. In a world where these billionaires control every message, what does it say when the Pied Piper does a U-turn? I think it says, the “home team” has weighed a Clinton presidency, and has found it to be too far a stretch. The Murdochs of the world are going to “plan B”, Donald Trump as the puppet on their strings.

Of course I could be wrong. Rove is after all, a sharp tool of the right. Or at least this is what we are supposed to believe. Deciphering “who is who” in today’s world is like solving ancient Minoan texts. In all likelihood, Trump and Clinton bat for the same team, as do vested political analysts. Anybody who still believes American’s have choices should read other Wall Street Journal pieces of late.

Joseph Elstein writes about picking either candidate; “Trump or Clinton is like picking a plague—frogs or locusts.”And I believe this is Murdoch saying; “Time to back off a bit, the sheep are mewing a bit too loudly.”

<b>Further evidence the controlled media is backing up comes in the form of a TIME piece about Clinton. Reiterating Obama’s idiotic “American exceptionalism” diatribe, the former Secretary of State hammers Trump for telling the truth on American arrogance to the world. Forget that Clinton thumbed her nose at a weary world proclaiming how “perfect” we Americans are again, if TIME is pointing a fickle finger, Clinton’s is done as a Thanksgiving turkey. The world is incensed over the United States goose stepping all over other countries.</b>

Clinton addresses veterans like this:

“Maintaining our military and caring for our veterans should never be a partisan issue. Defending American exceptionalism should always be above politics.”

Today America’s mainstream media is doing an about face on Hillary Clinton for president. The LA Times, the Boston Globe, even CNBC seem to be parlaying for a potential Clinton meltdown. Health issues, the ongoing Clinton Foundation revelations, Clinton’s role in Arab Spring and the current west versus east crises, no candidate in the history of the United States has had such controversy. The Democratic National Convention highjacked? If Nixon had had such, he’d have been hanged by his neck on the White House lawn. Trump, no matter how blasphemous, is a lamb compared to the worst Clinton Americans can imagine. And billionaires cannot afford to be very wrong, very often.

I began this story with a crisp characterization of a brilliant and emblematic political character named Karl Rove. To end the story it’s appropriate to extend that characterization. Americans are becoming disenchanted with the elites, the psychopaths that have sucked our blood.

Wall Street stinks to high heavens, and Washington is a snake pit now overflowing with vipers. Rove, for all his intelligence, is connected to the dirty tricks underground of America’s political elite. John McCain to the Reagan White House, he’s part of a “good cop – bad cop” game the rich and powerful have played for decades now. He’s been called an “evil mastermind” behind the Bushs and the Republican party, a master mind who despised Donald Trump only a few short weeks ago.

Pay attention here.

After a meeting with Trump at the Manhattan home of the casino magnate Steve Wynn, Trump somehow went from “divisive idiot” to a real contender for president. Rove is the connection to the conservative money in America, and Wynn is the modern day version of Howard Hughes, a man inextricably linked to Las Vegas banker legend E. Parry Thomas. There’s no room in this summary for the underlying significance, just suffice it to say the other “money” in America is moving to Trump.

In short, the real game is on now, and “odds” are, Hillary won’t survive once her media edge disappears.

Win or lose, Hillary Clinton is an icon in a way. She and her husband Bill Clinton are caricatures, political celebrities that benchmark just how far the American public is willing to go, just how much people will put up with.

The fact she is in this election at all, it’s a testimony to how far we’ve sunk in accepting abysmal leadership.

Obama is anyone’s presidential disaster, the Bush wars were even more transparent than his Nobel killing sprees globally. He bailed out Wall Street with our money, after they stole our money, and he survived in the White House. Clinton as Secretary of State helped ignite Arab Spring, Europe is in upheaval over US interests, and still our “exceptionalism” is a positive character trait? </b>

bMeanwhile, Donald Trump seems harmless all things considered. We can easily imagine White House press conferences seeming like episodes of “The Apprentice” – with President Trump coming on to “fire” a press secretary. The world and America had rather have a president acting like a crazy president, than a shady opportunist everyone knows is controlled by the money lenders. I think Clinton is done, but I also think plan A and B were always in the cards.

Look for WikiLeaks to throw in the final raise bet, in an elite game of power.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Whatever happened to your commitment to brevity?

oh yes -- sorry - i forgot that -- here it is :


what's hillary hiding, moxie? why won't/ she have press conferences for hundreds of days now? but she fields questions to her rich donors...but only when vetted by her hosting sponsor in their rich homes...and with price scale too -- 10,000 for teenage children to pose with her for a photo....
extra for a donor if the donor wants to ask a question (upon approval by the hostess -- like one of the Rothschilds; bankers ) stuff like that...hillary hiding from ordinary people or something?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
oh yes -- sorry - i forgot that -- here it is :


what's hillary hiding, moxie? why won't/ she have press conferences for hundreds of days now? but she fields questions to her rich donors...but only when vetted by her hosting sponsor in their rich homes...and with price scale too -- 10,000 for teenage children to pose with her for a photo....
extra for a donor if the donor wants to ask a question (upon approval by the hostess -- like one of the Rothschilds; bankers ) stuff like that...hillary hiding from ordinary people or something?
I appreciate the brevity, Teddy. What do you think Hillary is hiding? What questions is she not answering? She is the most exposed woman, or likely person, in US politics. She's not the one who has failed to release her tax returns. I don't think it's shocking if she wants to control her own press at this stage of the election. You can't really fault a strategy to lay low and let Trump shoot himself in the foot. Don't get in the way of that. We're heading into to the big push now, post-Labor Day. You'll see a lot more of her from now on.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I appreciate the brevity, Teddy. What do you think Hillary is hiding? What questions is she not answering? She is the most exposed woman, or likely person, in US politics. She's not the one who has failed to release her tax returns. I don't think it's shocking if she wants to control her own press at this stage of the election. You can't really fault a strategy to lay low and let Trump shoot himself in the foot. Don't get in the way of that. We're heading into to the big push now, post-Labor Day. You'll see a lot more of her from now on.

WELL -- as you can see - (i don't care for either of them -- really -- i wish you had jill stein or - MY big dashed hope -- CYNTHIA MCKINNEY but they consigned her to the nether lands so no one will even hear her) -
the problem with hillary is she just has a very long war record - and that is in itself the MOTHER of all 'secrets'.

we'll see soon enough -- but all i can say right now is - Moxie trump will be trump -i think he is a low-life -- but hillary SCARES the heck out of me. and she for all the things you are all so convinced about with her theatre - DOESN'T CARE about americans , at all. no more than trump does ..

but her motives towards the world is what is really, really scary. it is verging on REAL BIG wars -- that are NUCLEAR in context. and a very small miscalculation - with HER surrounded by warmongers - these neo-cons? ...

we can froget about all these talk of 'racial justice, eocnomics, jobs, rights, whatever" ..

do you know OBAMA in china - in his speech (being it was his turn to propose whatever he was supposed to propose in an ECONOMIC AND TRADE forum of the G-20 countries )

1) threatened RUSSIA wih war unless russia does what the USA wants?
2) he also threatened CHINA with the same , couched as ''severe consequences" - meaning the war ships are already being sent to south china sea which china - with 4 trillion of ITS money involved in trade at stake considers ITS sphere of influence?
that is a scenario being set up for hillary who has been the AUTHOR behind obama - during his ENTIRE administration of THESE VERY SAME WARS his FINAL task is to do for HER.

to THREATEN AND PROVOKE WARS with two NUCLEAR POWERS who CAN AND WILL retaliate to ANY american attempt to make them ''obey"..

and i am not saying this out of imagination -- it IS the US that has also declared (and assiduously being pushed by the people who SUCCESSFULLY ALWAYS get it done -- wars such as against iraq, yemen, syria, ukraine, etc...-- the think tanks and neo-conservatives that have taken over your entire government structure )

declared "pre-emptive war with all options on the table".

THIS -- to the ministries of russia and china ARE OPEN declarations of war by the USA...

THEY WILL NOT PERMIT a disruption of their IMMENSE economic projects already being constructed throughout Eurasia in the costs of massive, massive trillions of dollars worth of carefully built agreements and partnerships with the countries in asia...

and the USA is going to threaten them with WAR?

THE RESPONSE will be COMPLETE destruction of the USA . and all this, all this you talk about -- are nothing, Moxie.

that is why i am so worried about your support for this WARMONGER hillary.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I appreciate the brevity, Teddy. What do you think Hillary is hiding? What questions is she not answering? She is the most exposed woman, or likely person, in US politics. She's not the one who has failed to release her tax returns. I don't think it's shocking if she wants to control her own press at this stage of the election. You can't really fault a strategy to lay low and let Trump shoot himself in the foot. Don't get in the way of that. We're heading into to the big push now, post-Labor Day. You'll see a lot more of her from now on.

the report just came that hillary has had a 20 minute coughing fit...

i know (having worked in the senior health care industry ) that a lot of serious medications do that to old people..
so THAT is a matter of real concern for voters...

the FBI itself was reduced to explaining HER explanation of ''i don't recall" what happened with her still missing e mails that NEED to be looked at if she is to have her hand at '/'security' - as simply ''because she had a brain damage due to her fall".

in tht last alone are already TWO severely important matters on her health alone...these are matters of concern for someone who is supposed to ask the american people for 4 years of having the power to wage wars - which SHE has made known she WANTS against two of the NUCLEAR POWERS on earth who have repeatedly said they are NOT interested - they have better things to do such as building a NEW EURASIA free and independent of the USA dictates -

which IS the problem HILLARY HAS with them - because they will NOT kneel. and THAT is why she has in her campaign ''russia did it, russia is a threat, china did it, they will pay" -- etc. etc..

do you thik this is just campaign rhetoric? no - it is the very HEART of the presidency she WANTS. AND THAT IS WAR .

and the USA - believe it - which has never won a war since the second world war (unless you count grenada or haiti) - is trying to provoke at leas tone country that will NOT tolerate the death of a SINGLE russia from american provocations against her territory -- that CAN DESTROY the entire united states in under 30 minutes -- with the USA hVING no CORRESPONDING ability to do the opposite?

this is more serious than even YOU , think, moxie. \

\hillary gets to be president and some shooting happens in south china sea as the USA tries to challenge china in HER neighborhood which china will NEVER tolerate -- and you WILL see your navy ships sinking and your carriers like sitting ducks...and an economy so ruined you will WISH hillary was never born.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I don't think Hillary coughing is a concern about her health. Jaysus. To say that Hillary has a problem with China or Russia because "they do not yield" is a propaganda statement. She has been a diplomat, and has been known as one to seek compromise, as a Senator. It is without justification to say that she is unyielding to either China or Russia. What is more serious than I think? What I think is that last person that I would want to have his hand on the button is Trump. And I don't really buy any of your rhetoric that Clinton is a warmonger.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I don't think Hillary coughing is a concern about her health. Jaysus. To say that Hillary has a problem with China or Russia because "they do not yield" is a propaganda statement. She has been a diplomat, and has been known as one to seek compromise, as a Senator. It is without justification to say that she is unyielding to either China or Russia. What is more serious than I think? What I think is that last person that I would want to have his hand on the button is Trump. And I don't really buy any of your rhetoric that Clinton is a warmonger.

you are very wrong in this matter of hillary -- russia/china - moxie.

i follow these things - clearly so - far, far more than you do - i AM asian - and i know exactly what these things are about ..and what hillary's positions - and everything that goes with it MEAN. they are very, very real.

obama - to ''prepare the setting" FOR HILLARY (she is the author of his positions towards russia and china, by the way - whcih THEY see as very provocative and WILL NOT tolerate in their continent - the largest on earth) -

has been rebuffed no matter what he tries -- which is basically for china to ''stand down" - for russia to ''cooperate" with the USA --

BUT WHICH to THEM ARE issues NOT for the usa to dictate to them.

THE NEXT STEP is to escalate provocations while telling YOU the american people \"they are aggressive and threatening" to justify the USA'S Presence and ''leadership" in a super continent that is NONE of the USA'S business to try and dictate to - THUS its endless wars to impose its will on ASIA.

THAT is what it boils down to - and always has been since over 100 years ago.

and hillary is at the cusp of realizing what madeleine ablright and her ''it was worth (killing 1 million iraqis) it to get one man" -

or brzezinski's -- "we need to slice down russia into smaller manageable parts which we can control" --

BOTH of them MENTORS of hillary. do you really think this is a mere political posturing and that - far from it -- hillary is 'diplomatic?

her last TRIP to china 4 years ago as secretary of state -- was to give a speech and participate in a public forum with other world leaders invited by exchange views.

SHE proceeded to take the podium to LECTURE china about 'reform and human rights"

at which - the chinese minister counterpart - DROPPED all pretense of ''polite host" - stood up nd walked a few paces to where she was sitting and

WAGGED HIS FINGER at her face -- telling her:

"how DARE YOU LECTURE US about our country? you have endless wars year after year -- which you call democracy , you practice global torture , your african americans are in prison in large numbers because of the color of their skin, you have massive police brutality - you are in Debt to US - your own husband's policies have increased economic injustice and unfairness in your country...
''you have caused the global recessions with your wall street destabilize nations to force them to bend to your will...WHO ARE YOU TO LECTURE US?"

oh boy - is aw that as it was going on LIVE

you NEVER saw that in AMERICAN tv - moxie...

do YOU REALLY think hillary is going to be the 'diplomat? ?"


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I do think Hillary is a diplomat, and I resent you telling me I know less about this than you do. You read what you read, but I'm not uninformed, I just have different sources than you do. Maybe you don't like the Guardian, NYTimes or Washington Post. I'm not convinced by some of your sources, though, to be honest.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I do think Hillary is a diplomat, and I resent you telling me I know less about this than you do. You read what you read, but I'm not uninformed, I just have different sources than you do. Maybe you don't like the Guardian, NYTimes or Washington Post. I'm not convinced by some of your sources, though, to be honest.

THE FACT ALONE tha tyou resent it -- shows you DO NOT KNOW nearly enough.

that you REFUSE to even KNOW because you are CRIPPLED enough to rely on washington post, cnn, new york times -- REPEATEDLY exposed throughout the world as LIARS -- shows YOU ARE even in WORSE shape as far as information is concerned.

tell me - just for direct answer -- DID YOU KNOW of what i told you of hillary getting a direct to the face tonque lashing from the chinese minister when hillary tried to - in HIS face and to the chinese people and other world leaders -- to LECTURE china on ''human rights"

did you? be honest.

or did YOU KNOW what really transpired when OBAMA IN 2014 in ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMIC conference tried to SELL what the WHOLEworld know is his very , very secretive ''trans-pacific partnership" deals that 90 percent of asians REJECTED OUTRIGHT once they discovered even the once-hiddeen but leaked innards of it giving US CORPORATIONS the sole right to SUE governemtns IN USA CIVIL COURTS ONLY -- if governemnts TRIED TO PASS BILLS that protec ttheir environment, wages, and interests from american corporations?

did you ? be honest now.

if you SAY YES to any of these -- you will have to PROVE to me by substantiating that with information as to what DID transpire there - and how obama was REJECTED by 3 billion people's reprsentatives...

so - u see -- you can RESENT all youw ant -- your remarks and responses ALREADY told me you KNOW LITTLE,. far too little.

being that your own admission SHOWS your nose IS LOOKING AT YOUR ''AMERICAN BELLY BUTTON" . AND YOU THINK that is 'news".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I do think Hillary is a diplomat, and I resent you telling me I know less about this than you do. You read what you read, but I'm not uninformed, I just have different sources than you do. Maybe you don't like the Guardian, NYTimes or Washington Post. I'm not convinced by some of your sources, though, to be honest.

and no MOXIE -- you don't have to 'be convinced" -- it is like i said

a person can only BRING a horse TO water - but can not force it to DRINK.

you ARE that HORSE.

BUT FACTS are all over in theworld BEYOND your ''news" --

teh guardian - oh my fucking god -- just ask the BRITISH themselves what THAT is about. unless they TOO are jus tlike YOU -


but facts , moxie, FACTS :

it is USA that is in regions it DOES NOT BELONG TO - and it is the USA that has bene responsible for the creation of ISIL AND DAESH - it is the CIA that is EMBEDDED among terrorists in syria. it is YOUR state department THAT PLACED openly declared NAZIS AND FASCISTS -- complete with their PROUD flags of nazism RULING ukraine that has DESTROYED ukraine, NOT russia. as YOUR hillary tells FROM guardian, cnn, nytimes, etc...

you have NO IDEA how BADLY informed you truly are ...i feel so sorry for you.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I do think Hillary is a diplomat, and I resent you telling me I know less about this than you do. You read what you read, but I'm not uninformed, I just have different sources than you do. Maybe you don't like the Guardian, NYTimes or Washington Post. I'm not convinced by some of your sources, though, to be honest.

also Moxie...

perhaps you already caught on american TV -- u know the same one like NYT that sold americans under bush the ''wmd's of saddam that " they were so SURE about where it was and exposed as nothing more than a medical truck bringing medical supplies to already suffering iraqis (but your politicans - COMPLETELY supported bY NYT showed the world ''satellite images" of ) -

reporting about how obama was disrespected by the chinese hosting the G-20 this past weekend that just ended?

that obama was disrespected by not letting him walk down the high stairs of the AIRFORCE ONE from the high doors with red carpet?

what did you know of this?

tell me and i will tell you what is MISSING in yoru NYT, CNN accounts...and why the CHINESE full story has been met with SILENCE from the americans after that correction...

come - tell me - you say you are very well-informed and ENOUGH to make such dismissive responses about what i say.


also -- what do you know of the reports of your NYT - MSNBC, GUARDIAN, etc...about the PENTAGON and USA claiming SUCCESS in 'Killing the head of DAESH/ISIL terrorists in syria responsible for leading the HEAD-CHOPPERS". ?

and why the same REPORTS from the USA a went suddenly SILENT after YET another CORRECTION by the russians upon their claim of ''success" that never existed?

please tell me.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
HILLARY having a coughing fit....could it be ''some one up there" WANTS her to STOP LYING already?



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The health stuff about Hillary is just a red herring. I don't think she's on her death bed anytime soon... maybe just a bit rundown from campaigning. It's irrelevant IMO... but I am surprised to hear she's gone to ground. I would have thought she'd be out there campaigning and putting herself about. Maybe she's hoping Trump loses the election by default.
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