Wait a second! You need someone to prove to you that Trump is a liar? So basically just like with Charlottesville you’ve inserted yourself into this thread without knowing the facts
Please don’t do that mate. In the main you seem like an intelligent responsible person. This just doesn’t look good
Let's go from the start, since we do not have the same audience here and in the Charlottesvile discussion. On one hand, yes, I entered that discussion without having read 2343 news pieces about it, just one or two. But I was engaging primarily a poster with views that are close to the extreme right. You know I always try to find common ground to start a conversation. My posts had a good deal of rhetoric "ok, let's assume there were no neo-nazis there". Yes, there were neo-nazis there, and I haven't seen the videos by then. But that was unnecessary in the line of reasoning I was trying to follow. By the way, the poster himself posted later on a video showing people there singing nazi chants ("blood and soil"). So I can make a half
mea culpa on this one, but I was focusing on a few moves ahead on that discussion. I should have PM'ed you the minute you replied my post.
About Trump... of course I know he is a liar! We are discussing who is a
bigger lier, who was caught more times lying, etc and etc. Ok, I probably should expressed my self better: I do not need someone to prove
me he is a liar. I am using "amount of proof" (of whatever nature) to scale how big a liar those people are. This is the whole discussion, right?
But, to make things clear. Mea culpa: I should have started with the line: I now he is a big liar.
And maybe I should have also asked this: "Are there something as crude as youtube videos out there with speeches of Trump on different moments in time, put side by side, saying completely opposite things? Are there youtube videos out there showing speeches of Trump describing an event, put side by side with footage of this event showing completely different things? Can the cheapest, dumbest youtube video maker back at his home, wherever it might be, have such an easy time proving he is a liar?"
And, no, this is not the same as the lists
@Moxie gave in the links above (by the way, thanks, lot of ammunition to deal with Trumpetes here). Running down one of the lists (made by much clever people than the average youtube maker):
Donald Trump
"In seven years that (nuclear) deal will have expired, and Iran is free to go ahead and create nuclear weapons."
— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018
The veredict given is: "False. Some changes, but key limits remain"
This is a matter of interpretation. Obviously Trump is twisting it to the core, but this is about a deal with hundreds of pages that international lawyers could discuss for ages. The matter is not black and white. What Trump is doing here, which is to dishonestly twist a complex truth, is oldest political bad habit in the book. My point is: this is not in another league, this is unfortunately common.

Donald Trump
Says North Korea has "agreed to denuclearization."
— PolitiFact National on Sunday, April 22nd, 2018
Veredict given is: "They haven't agreed yet"
Sorry, this is simply wrong. They "agreed" on the matter (I read the joint statement in full), what they did not give was a compromise, a time line, any concrete schedule. But they "agreed" (whatever it means). This is not a "lie", this is (again) using things politically. I confess that after I read this item I gave less attention to the rest.
Donald Trump
"Only fools, or worse, are saying that our money losing Post Office makes money with Amazon. THEY LOSE A FORTUNE, and this will be changed."
Veredict: "Profit is in the billiions"
Again, he is playing the old political game. He can always say: "What I meant is that they can make 10 times more, so they are indeed losing a fortune". And he can challenge the accounting details of the profit. So on and so forth...
Donald Trump
Says Conor Lamb "ran on a campaign that said very nice things about me."
— PolitiFact Pennsylvania on Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
Veredict: "More silence than nice things"
This does not even qualify as a lie.
My point is: does all this (together with the rest of the list) show me he is a liar? Hell Yes. Does this show me he is a BIGGER lier than the others (which is the original point, and the only one I am replying to). NO. Maybe this shows how low the scale is.
The reason I am saying this is simple (I saw that movie before): When there is a bad political figure that calls that much attention as Trump, the heavy attacks this figure receive end up "forgiving" his political adversaries. He is the "worst of all times", so the others are not that bad. People very easily confuse those things. I concede to whatever point you make about solely Trump. My issue is where you put him on the political scale.
Again, I should have not entered this discussion, because it is a partisan discussion by definition: who is the worst, Clinton or Trump? I surely wasn't intelligent when I got myself in to this. When I say that Trump is no worst from the rest (and I am despising the guy more and more, to be honest), I am not defending him, I am attacking the rest.