Lol! There you go again trying to create a parallel between Trump and Corbyn. There simply isn't one, sorry. Corbyn is a political figure who's been around for over 40 years, Trump was an unvetted celebrity who had created a fraudulent persona and was allowed to sustain it in a campaign without challenge. Corbyn's campaign brought in new voters, Trump's campaign with the assistance of Russia managed to do the exact opposite.
Yes there was a change paradigm. One of the necessary albeit not exclusive factors that made Trump's win possible. I find it hilarious that many people are effectively reinventing history to make it seem that Trump's campaign was destined to win. It wasn't. It took a confluence of 3 or 4 devastating factors to unseat Clinton, an admittedly incompetent and complacent campaigner.
But let's get to the heart of things. It is the job of the 4th estate to communicate facts to the electorate. In reality the media obscured the facts of the campaign, and the competing policy proposals weren't stress tested. Faced with a clearly ignorant and inexperienced candidate, media companies focussed on generating revenue for themselves. They all assumed Clinton would win, therefore they covered her campaign in a completely different way to Trump's. It's still not clear to me that the lesson has been properly learned. Trump is allowed to repeat lies continuously even today, and the media companies seem to operate on the assumption that it's up to the opposition and the opposition alone to inform the public. The reality is that it's never been up to the opposition to do that. Let politicians lie if they want, but in a functioning democracy we rely on the 4th estate to provide us with the facts that enable us to make informed decisions. You can kid yourself if you want, but far from getting a fair shake Clinton actually experienced a level of bias I don't think I've ever seen in politics before