The claimed m originated
The claim I think originated with Johnson but the leaflets - we had three were from UKIP. They picked it up and ran with it.
Tory election e.expenses are, I think still being investigated but the govt will bury them. MPs expenses are a national disgrace. They are stealing from the tax payer.
As far as I know the labour MPs investigated were all Blairites. In my view they have totally wrecked the labour party with overt lies and gerrymandering on a massive and shameless scale. Examples are the punitive action towards Wallasey CLP because they don't want Eagle as their MP, her false claims about bricks through her window by Corbyn supporters - It wasn't her window, no evidence of a brick and no one knows wmho did it. Also the creation of new NEC seats to prevent Corbyn having a majority tnere and the appt of right wingers. Also the suspension of Corbyn supporters to prevent them voting. The right wing have also infiltrated Momentum, Unite and Unison. For Tory abuse we don't have to look far, favours to Surrey Council, contracts just given to Group 4 by May his husband has huge interests in Group 4. Contracts given to Brandon.
I think we could count on two hands the numbers of MPs who have integrity and who genuinely represent their constituents. I have totally lost trust in our political system.