I think Obama interjecting into the Brexit debate backfired if anything... not that I imagine it had a huge influence on the result either way...
so true.
the thing about it is: what was HE or washington masters of the world thinking? they've become so habituated to bombing and invading countries -- and surely would't do to ''fellow angl0's" or europeans as THAT of course is what serves as the ''foundation" of america's ''legitimacy" (allthat bombing andinstitutions) - without which what is the USA really? a ROGUE STATE that -- oh wait -- bombs and invades -- oh wait -- THAT is called RAIDING someone's house...
so with this habituation -- they've convinced themselves they can play the ''talk game" over the heads of the british PEOPLE? what were they thinking? he?
he could just take a flight -- emerge like the emperor come to tell the 'inhabitants:
"BREAK up that exit line -- and go back to WORK -- you PLEBES"!!?
HE and the washington elite think that because they could twist angela's face any which way -- make cameron and blair obey ''and fix the facts around the policy" as in WMDS of saddam that never existed...remember the downing street leaks? -
that where it came to the people ON the STREETS of england and britain they are going to be told that they haven't had ENOUGH of the Brussels administrators?
what a FOOLISH CLOWN he is. BRITAIN surely will feel the 'pain' of 'separation' of however THAT is managed , NOT LEAST because the leadership is such a POODLE to the american and brussels and european banks anyway -- all of them obeying - in essence the washington diktat -- and see what they get? collapsing europe.
BUT whatever britain manages in the short term -- and most importantly the ordinary =folks FINDING A WAY TO FORCE their leadership to pay attention to THEM and their needs -- and deal with that TOLL business of exiting -- which ,imo, is a form of BLACKMAIL by brussels and rotterdam and berlin - on ANY country in the 'peripheries" of EU -
i believe this was a proper decision by the population at large.
in many ways -- the trouble with britain -- as with most countries for that matter -- is there are basically TWO ''countries'
in britain -- it is the CITY OF LONDON -- and then 'the rest of the country". and whatever may is conjuring has more to do with what's good for the parliamentarians and their various connections - in and out of britain -- which they don't want to sacrifice whatever perks and privileges they get out of it -- THAN anything to do with ordinary folks who made THEIR will and understanding known: that ''we ordinary folks werent getting much out of this EU -- just getting our wallets pilfered -- our national industries and local economies ruined, our public commons sacrificed to the brussels demands" --
so -- why PAY taxes to EU for THAT? SO THAT A business or trader in britain can pass import to EU markets with less taxes -- ? they can get that elsewhere -- there's china, there's iran upcoming, there's russia, etc. etc.
and figure out a one-on-one arrangement or join another customs free commons. whatever. ..why should it be brussels telling a country how and who with its citizens can do business with?
and so - it comes down to WHY obama had to go and give a royal command to people who KNOW what royalty is!! AND whether or not they are going to bend the knee or not!! as far as they will tolerate -- and they ALONE will tolerate.
that really just showed his idea that he is lord and master..what a creep.
i'm glad the brits gave him the collective finger. lol.
but really - this is the point where the leadership has to show for WHOM they stand -- their COUNTRY OR the USA -- THROUGH THE former EU membership OR outside of it. - it boils down to that.
and from the ''destruction" of that arrangement is what the BRITONS should enforce their will - one way or another -- on their own leadership.
and imo -- THAT is how britain will FIND its true strength as an independent -- relatively small in territory -- but very creative nation and peoples - .
it's NOT about past imperial glory -- that is nonsense and futile to try and regain that kind of ''clout " which benefits only the corporations and the financiers in london anyway -- its about the ENERGY and resourcefulness and creativity of the TRUE treasure of the british --
their PEOPLE -- with continued sharpening of skills, education, creativity, entrepreneurship - bold ideas, a penchant for amazing efficiency if they want,
EVERY COUNTRY has its resources in both people and natural riches and both are related to one another in how they become what they are -- and that is what countries can rely on -- in fact - really the ONLY thing they can rely on as THEIR own value in this world.
if you bother to just check cursorily what's going on in the ''wild wild china" nowadays -- you find in their news cycles PLENTY of stories covering british people -- setting up this and that little business or trade or whatever -- creating their niche and connections -- plenty of things that comes from THEM IN THEIR BRAINS and creativity that the chinese are lapping up.
they didn't bring GOLD or steel - they brought that uncanny ability to find that ''right note" that nobody heard...
like a young british film-maker - who found investors -- got jackie chan , arnold schwarzenegger or someone of that stature, convinced already established chiense stars and japanese stars to perform in a film and script he made - i forget the subject -- but something on the history of china/britain -- i probably would involve about tha tbusiness of the opium wars or something...
but there you go -- that's going to be BIG TIME. but if it is told in proper ways -- it can generate not just loads of money -- but perhaps a TRUE healing between the countries -- opening the way for leaders to think about what THEIR responsibilities are to BOTH peoples.
now -- should THAT succeed -- (i just remember that jackie chan took care of finding the financing) - what does it show?
that a young british guy could do what even the POWER of the communist party of china couldn't find -- the RIGHT person to do the script - the screenplay -- the research and putting it all together and envisioning how a film will tell a story that is a permanent part of history .....
it is NO small matter that the influence of ATTENBOROUGH inc reating that phenomenal \\''PLANET EARTH'" Series and the enormous resources and skills required to put it together over several years -- shown by responsible governments -- to educate people -- and in its own way BETTER than many other ways for people who can't have direct knowledge of nature resource challenges -- to be aware of what's at stake about ''economies and the market". and HOLD their governments and corporations to ACCOUNT.
but that is just in the area of film-making with the proper quality, clarity and intent--
there is NO reason why in any other industry the BRITONS will not prosper on the strength of their creative energies WITHOUT the need to be bending the knee to Brussels OR its counterpart money gamblers in the city of london.
and , personally -- THAT'S what i want to see from the brits. i can't understand why the country even flirted with EU to begin with. although i know that it was a very ''forced" marriage even from the beginning -- and that already showed -- something is NOT right -- something ULTERIOR to what the ordinary citizen needed or desired was going on.
and that something -- i tell you -- IS washington dc, wall street and the USA treasury and federal bank.
it always is -- it just so happens that in THIS case of brexit -- the british people 'sensed" one way or another -- THEY are the victims they were MEANT to be. by the overlords..carefully -- step by step SETTING them up that way. and when BRUSSELS' - EU internal rot began to show its exposed face --
oh my god -- the POINTLESS SALARIED EU masters and bureaucrats who are PARASITES (JUST take note of that filth STOLTENBERG or NATO, - since that is connected - or that JUNCKER adn that TUSK and MOGHERINI)
NATURALLY -- the ordinary brits could see right through the whoel facade and signed ''BREXIT". before BERLIN came to get THEIR cottages and railways according to the DEALS made in the halls of power between london , berlin, brussels, all under dictates by uncle sam and goldman sachs...
like they all did to GREECE with portugal, spain, italy next inline UNLESS they TOO do something about it. before it's REALLY too late.
every country has its unique challenges according to its history, culture, conditions, geography, climate and season and resources as well as its population's particular readiness to contend with those conditions.
it is WRONG for private bankers and finance industries to take advantage of countries and their peoples and resources to fatten the wallets of these bankers of global capital -- centered primarily around the atlantic coasts.
and europeans ought to learn by now that THEY as a populaton are only as good as being the fodder and glorified slaves compared to the others elsewhere who are enslaved even MORE in even WORSE conditions as their resoources are plundered by these ''finance" nd corporate lords who think they are the rightful rulers -- these ilk of bill gates, george soros, jeff bezos, zukerman of facebook, and their kind who go to the DAVOS and BILDERBERG orgasm parties ...
while they move people around like so much commodities like banana or shirt buttons...
and this is something PUTIN reminded his people :
"we can not be a country that just trades peole around as if they were commodities (lowering the value of humans) - simply to make the pockets of a few private bankers and people happy..if we go down that route -- we are finished as a country and a society".
"what is the market? it is a part of the economy -- what is the economy? it is what people make it -- it is the people and what they use resources for...but the economy and market should serve the people that brought them into existence -- not the other way around".
''we all want material wealth, possession, comforts, good food, friendships, raise our families, success, recognition for our achievements, our vacations and cars and homes and toys ...and we have even defended it with our lives...
but without a spiritual conscience -- something higher than material possessions -- we live life that has no meaning...
"when people ask me what is the russian? i think the russian is that which believes that to live means to live a life with conscience...and this is influenced and shaped by what we are given in challenges and blessings by our land...
and for this reason -- with all the scientific and technological and intellectual advances -- we and nations have to cooperate to move our energies towards creating NATURE-LIKE technologies so that we disturb the land as little as possible..
''as as we open the land, such as siberia -- to more food production -- we must simultaneously ensure that the surrounding natural life is respected -- and find ways to harmoniously create farms with the needs of the natural world from which we derive everything for our existence..
"therefore, with this in mind...i think that we are who we are as a reflection of the grandeur of our land".