Do they use the koran as a justification though? I don't recall hearing any of them saying the koran told them to commit these acts. They do proclaim their piety. But the funny thing is that the KKK does the same.
It is even more than using it as justification. The very notion of jihad comes from the Qu'ran. In fact, it is amazing how many customs and policies are directly derived from the Qu´ran.
We're all complicit even if we don't like to think so. The kids working in rare earth mines that produce the batteries for our iPhones are real, but it becomes exhausting holding on to the guilt, and lets face it... we want those gizmos. Same thing with oil... we want it cheap
It seems impossible, but it is in fact simple to stop this trend. You need to stop buying some stuff, stop voting for some other stuff, and stand up for it. Ok, it is not simple.
I would love for this ideal to be true. But why have cases of anti-semitism and racism been on the rise since the Trump and Brexit
It is too soon to say that. It is in fact much more likely that those cases are results of long repressed feelings than effects of "free hatred-speech" environment (which is not the case yet, anyway).
A lot of these cases of racist or anti-semitic violence that have been happening in recent months are not front page news
I know we discussed this before, and that you are speaking metaphorically, but we cannot use front page news as a parameter, from one side or another. Episodes will happen, be it with KKK members or immigrants. We need to look at a bigger picture (by the way, I am sure you´re trying to).
my point is that we can't afford to let the prejudices of some drive the narrative for what is already a terrible thing
We are 100% in agreement here (and with the rest of your post). As usual, we agree on the ends, but disagree on the means.
And btw you're looking at all from a theoretical and philosophical point of view. You didn't have to face these people in everyday life.
I will respond because this is a valid and very important argument. (By the way I have no idea if Federberg had or had not to face these people in everyday life).
First, the obvious, by "these people" you mean the criminals. Of course, given the context, the percentage of criminals within the immigrants is much much higher than the one in the countries they go to.
But even if you put it in rough terms, you are 100% right if you mean that the people who actually have to directly deal with the situation of accepting or not the immigrants, and to live in the same cities as them, are the ones who should have a say on it. It is easy to appeal to humanitarian reasons while others do the heavy lifting.
To open borders, to help others, it must be conscious choice. One should be completely aware of the cost, and the benefits (mostly moral). I completely understand what you´re saying, and I completely reject those who instantly discredit a speech like yours, just based on the fact that you do not took care with the wording ("these people" etc). You
are pissed and you are making generalizations, which I do not agree with, but I know where you coming from. So I´ll use, or reverse, one of Federberg´s arguments supporting PC (in fact, arguing against the rebellion against it, but still) and say that to judge your speech just by the use of those words is weak thinking.
So the option to open or not your borders, or about how you do it, concerns only the people within those borders, and depends heavily on the context. Again, I am 100% with you that you are not obliged (or, at least in general, even morally obliged) to open your borders.
The only thing I would add, and it is important in my view, again, is that you must be conscious of your choices. You must be 100% conscious that you are letting 1000 people out because 23, or 32, are criminals. This is tricky, I know, and there are a lot of sides to it. Again, you must be conscious about how much you can help, about how much you can take. You could well conclude that it is too much too ask. But sometimes (I am not saying that it is your case, almost surely not) people just don´t want to pay nothing at all, and still find an excuse to have their consciences clear. This people will say that "they" are
all criminals, are
all rapists, and that they are in fact morally obliged to
close their borders. If this guy is Christian, by the way, it is a massive hypocrisy (thank god I am an atheist too).
P.S. Just to give some context on my position, if I were there I would not agree with European countries closing their borders (even if I would everything in a much different way), and if I were American I would agree with heavy tight controls on the border with Mexico.