brokenshoelace said:
Clay Death wrote:
for the record Rafa has zero masters titles now 2 years running.
Not true. He won Madrid in 2014.
nishikori retired. I don't call that a win.
if a clown like fignini can score 2 wins on the rapidly declining Rafa you don't think Nishikori can.
face the music man just like the rest of us.
there will be exactly zero hard court titles in 2016 and zero masters titles in 2016.
he says it himself: he said he does not know if he can be a factor at big events.
that is his way of saying that he is done. and he his until he produces some sort of real results.
again those 3 rinky dink titles for 2015 clearly spell out the decline for this all time great.
he is doing absolutely nothing to change his stars. nothing.
it is all talk for public consumption and for the fans and followers and the sponsors.
you heard nalbandian even if you don't hear me. only I say it years ahead of these true tennis insiders.
the real real reason rafa has declined so much is because he never bothered to innovate, progress, and even maintain the competitive advantage he had. rafa refuses to change a single thing.
and now he has taken that just one step further. now he just does not care to win. it is what it is.
why the hell do you think he is telling the world that he is just doing fine. and that is after he tells them that he wont be ready for the Australian Open.
this dude is done. he is on his own retirement circuit.
nalbandian said that it is clay or it is the exit.