I can't decide or figure out anything while watching Fed play these days. He plays these flat & beautiful shots at times. Some really good ones. But overall, he makes a lot of mistakes too over the sets; they usually pile up to 10-15 in a set. I don't know what's happening. I wouldn't say Fed's lost it. You can say that when you see someone struggle to do his own stuff. Fed still plays absolutely terrific in patches. So, certainly he has a lot of game left in him. It's a consistency problem right now. Is that due to a drop in his stamina levels? Is that drop too much. Will it really prevent him from playing 3 or 4 sets of good tennis? We don't know. He's lost a few steps. But, he's hitting a lot of good shots too. I will still expect Roger to sort out his game to at least be a contender for the biggies on the quicker courts.