I don't understand why some people are surprised. We all know that Delpo was capable to beat anyone anytime but his wrists injuries didn't allow him to advance more, three surgeries and very long time out of the court. He didn't do well in the previous tournaments trying to get the rhythm and a good movement which for a person with that height doesn't have to be easy. But it's clear like crystal that the Olympics is VERY important for the players (and for their fans more than they pretend

giving them a lot of motivation trying to materialize that dream named Golden Medal.
On the other hand we also know that nobody can keep that rhythm that Novak had in 2015 and this year even that he has won several tournaments thanks to the mediocre game of his opponents sooner or later he had lose like in MC and Wimbledon where the opponents played well and that's exactly happened yesterday even that the Delpo wasn't played his best, the match was tied but the Argentine made more winners numbers and less errors.
And yes! the men cry too, sometimes because the losses and sometimes because the emotional wins which is very understandable