
Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
oh good grief!! The whole world is becoming so precious..

If by “precious” you mean “ridiculous”, then I agree.

This article is maddening. “Cultural appropriation” (a dubious terms to begin with) is a silly way of describing Rihanna wearing Asian clothes. Give me a fucking break.

I’m about as liberal as they come, but even to me, so much of this SJW/PC stuff is out of control. At this rate Halloween will become extinct. A young boy dressing up as a pirate? How dare he culturally appropriate pirate clothing! A little girl dressed up as a witch? How dare she act like one when she’s not! A mummy? How dare she culturally appropriate ancient Egyptian funereal rites! A prosthetic nose to play Cyrano? How dare he deprive a large-nosed man from playing the part!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Kind of on the edge of being "PC BS," don't you think? Like the GT one in the The World has gone crazy thread, rather more "Hater" thread worthy, IMO. I note that the author mentioned some diversity issues, but it's basically a parent saying don't hate me because my kid cries on a plane. I've tried to say before that some of you guys attribute too many things to PC issues, whereas I feel that it's a much more specific thing. I really don't think that all complaining has to do with Political Correctness.


Apr 14, 2013
I note that the author mentioned some diversity issues, but it's basically a parent saying don't hate me because my kid cries on a plane

No. The article's title, in big black letters over a white background, states:

If you need a seat map to avoid crying babies, you're the problem

[I kept original font size and bold effect]

So the article is someone saying that others are the "problem". This is not my interpretation, this is the author speaking as directly as he can possibly be.

There are a multitude of PC connections, and the most obvious one is:

"How about a tool that lets me avoid racists, homophobes, loud talkers, overindulgers on the liquor cart, snorers, those with small bladders or flatulence, people who clip their nails on board? Mansplainers? Manspreaders? What about your garden variety unruly adult passenger?"

By the way, this is a very idiotic statement, in a lot of different levels. Anyway, what matters is that having or not small children around is an objective information and what others will do with that information is not his business. This is typical PC: cries about some label and a reaction to it with 10 times more labels of their own.

As in most examples discussed in both PC threads, this shows one person or group that, rather than being able to deal with some fact of life (in this case, that children might disturb other passengers), the person or group prefers to lay the blame on others.

One of the most basic features of social interaction is the capacity to deal with other people's opinions and reactions. This dude explicitly wants people to be forced to somehow "like" (or understand, or be empathic, or whatever tword he chose) to travel close to a small child. No. People like whatever the fuck they want. The author of this article is unable to understand this very basic feature of social interaction and still has an audience of possibly millions of readers to preach about, of all things, how should people behave. He is probably the last one that should that, together with a few psychiatric patients with frontal lobe disorders.

I have, literally, traveled millions of miles my entire life. By car, by bus, by plane, by train, by boat. Even by foot. I have sat beside all kinds of people. I have traveled in all kinds of physical and psychological states. I could give a thousand different reasons for someone not want to sit beside a potential crying baby. But I will not give not a single one, because I should not need to give one. It is MY prerogative if I want (or not) to sit as far way as I possibly can from a crying baby (in my case, I avoid not the babies, but the parents. There is nothing that I hate more than a parent unable to educate his child).

When I started the serious PC thread I treated this one as a collection of examples of funny little exaggerations of a a given political instance. More and more I am finding those things less funny (as @Murat Baslamisli put some pages back in the serious PC thread). The problem is not the example in itself. The problem is the fucking attitude.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
OK, look, I get that this is the "fun" PC-hating thread. I get why you put it here, though I don't really agree with it. My larger point is that I don't think that everything has to do with PC, just because it irritates you. I know he made passing reference to "racists and homophobes," but that really wasn't where he was going with that. In your above you said:

"By the way, this is a very idiotic statement, in a lot of different levels. Anyway, what matters is that having or not small children around is an objective information and what others will do with that information is not his business. This is typical PC: cries about some label and a reaction to it with 10 times more labels of their own.

As in most examples discussed in both PC threads, this shows one person or group that, rather than being able to deal with some fact of life (in this case, that children might disturb other passengers), the person or group prefers to lay the blame on others."

This says something about how you feel about the notion of PC, in general, but I think it is misdirected here. Yes, I agree that the guy is a twat. Making some whole issue out of Japan Airlines deciding to give people the option of sitting far away from a small child. However, a small child is not a "label," it's a fact of life. Some people have genuine issues with certain labels, though, and to say that they always reply with a string of other labels is a broad statement that I don't think you can back up. And the other thing I thought interesting is that you see PC issues as a person or group trying to lay the blame on others. This is where we fundamentally disagree. Now, I'm not trying to start a war on this, the easy-going PC thread. I'm only taking the opportunity to explain, or say that maybe I can see, why we tend to disagree so profoundly.

I'm only saying that I define a PC issue more narrowly than you do. That said, I see, as I said before, why you think it belongs here.

Anyway, like you, I've traveled many thousands of miles in various situations, and mostly we know it's where you need to be at your most Zen and roll-with-the-punches. There's only so much that can be done about crying babies, and sometimes everyone just has to endure. I have had to tell a kid to stop kicking the back of my seat across the Atlantic, and I blame the parents for that. If there was an option for not sitting near the person with stinky feet who takes their shoes off, I'd go for that one. But there's always cologne...right on the upper lip.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I mostly have nothing but contempt for Maher but he makes some decent points in this video about political correctness, mixed with a ton of bullshit (both implied and explicit):

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Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
I mostly have nothing but contempt for Maher but he makes some decent points in this video about political correctness, mixed with a ton of bullshit (both implied and explicit):

Maher just cannot pick a side, that's his problem. You are either a collectivist or on individualist. Grow up, make a choice. You cannot be against PC but support the culture that nurtures it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Maher just cannot pick a side, that's his problem. You are either a collectivist or on individualist. Grow up, make a choice. You cannot be against PC but support the culture that nurtures it.
Maher is his own thing. I would have thought you'd like that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I mostly have nothing but contempt for Maher but he makes some decent points in this video about political correctness, mixed with a ton of bullshit (both implied and explicit):

Everything Maher is saying here is much of what that play I mentioned to you, "Fairview," has to say. Still say you wouldn't see it? Or is it just that you like hearing it from a white male comedian rather than a black female playwright? :D

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
I disagree that he does.
I am not understanding. You disagree with me in general (which is perfectly fine) or you disagree that he wants it both ways? If it is the latter, I am not sure why you would. He wants the PC culture gone, but supports the party that thrives in it. Maybe I am misunderstanding you.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I am not understanding. You disagree with me in general (which is perfectly fine) or you disagree that he wants it both ways? If it is the latter, I am not sure why you would. He wants the PC culture gone, but supports the party that thrives in it. Maybe I am misunderstanding you.
Sorry, I thought it was clear...I disagree that he wants it both ways. I thought you were the guy who doesn't think every person has to pull in with one side or the other completely. There is no Democratic platform on PC-ness, so why can't Maher be essentially with the Democrats and call out PC BS when he sees it? I don't see that as "having it both ways," by any means.

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Sorry, I thought it was clear...I disagree that he wants it both ways. I thought you were the guy who doesn't think every person has to pull in with one side or the other completely. There is no Democratic platform on PC-ness, so why can't Maher be essentially with the Democrats and call out PC BS when he sees it? I don't see that as "having it both ways," by any means.
Got you.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Everything Maher is saying here is much of what that play I mentioned to you, "Fairview," has to say. Still say you wouldn't see it? Or is it just that you like hearing it from a white male comedian rather than a black female playwright? :D

Lol....Moxie you know next to nothing about American black culture except your ridiculously caricatured view of it that suits your equality narrative, which is why you could not even respond to what I posted about Obama and Barkley's comments on the NBA. You know nothing about those subjects, so you simply have nothing to say and avoid the subject entirely. You're ignorant about those issues so you keep your mouth shut.

As point in fact, I cannot stand Maher and have next to no time for him. I think he is a poorly educated dolt and an intellectual slob. I consider him to be in almost every way a disgrace. The fact that he criticizes the boneheaded political correctness of the left does not impress me because a semi-rational 10-year-old can point out the irrationality of transgenderism, safe spaces, and white people like yourself being more offended than alleged minority victims of so-called "insensitive" comments. Criticizing these things is not hard to do (rationally speaking). A functioning human brain can easily detect how preposterous and irrational the modern left is.

As for your little dig about reading black female playwrights, I think Zora Neale Hurston was a great author and I would prefer to read one of her books over the garbage that comes out of academia today. Or I could read a poem by Langston Hughes since he was actually a very gifted writer. I assure you I have been exposed to a wider range of thought in my life than you have. The fact that I am totally unimpressed by people who generally agree with you should not make you think I haven't heard what they have to say. :sleep2:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Sorry, I thought it was clear...I disagree that he wants it both ways. I thought you were the guy who doesn't think every person has to pull in with one side or the other completely. There is no Democratic platform on PC-ness, so why can't Maher be essentially with the Democrats and call out PC BS when he sees it? I don't see that as "having it both ways," by any means.

Because his core convictions lead to the PC BS, that's why. Even in that video I posted, he says something to the effect that the black people he knows want acknowledgement of the horrors of past racism, but they don't want white people to totally degrade themselves either. The problem is that is exactly what murat is talking about - having it both ways.

This is what Maher wants people to say:

"Slavery and segregation were horrible and unimaginably terrible things. But we can all be cool now as long as we support the Democratic Party's agenda of the moment, regardless of how much it may shift year to year or decade to decade. Just support the party and then we can make some un-PC jokes to each other to be authentic and have a good time. He-he I'm Bill Maher and I'm real."

For Bill Maher (and for you Moxie), the Democratic Party is a church. It has your unwavering loyalty and it is your moral compass on social issues. Whatever the flavor of the day is for the Democratic Party, both you and Maher will support it, whether it is gay marriage or defending "trans" people from critics.

Now the problem with Maher's racial logic on both slavery and segregation is that is based on a ridiculously distorted view of human history in general. Slavery may have been an unjust and unpleasant institution, but the harsh reality is that it was practiced by people of all races for millennia. Singling out whites enslaving blacks for a couple centuries in North America would be like taking a group of 50 prostitutes and accusing one of being more whorish than the rest. As for segregation, it was socially degrading but it certainly was not on the level of murder, torture, war, POW exploitation, or genocide, which is how people talk about it today. On that note, from 1939 to 1945, what would any rational person have preferred of these two options?

1) Being a white European during the most fatal war in human history in which the regimes of genocidal murderers and war criminals were killing millions of people on the European continent, or

2) Being a black person in the American South who does not have the curse (I mean privilege) of sitting at the same hot dog counter as Moxie and Riotbeard to hear their inane comments about the world?

Option 2 is clearly preferable.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali, you are a racist and a homophobe. There is really no other way to say it. You are delusional as to how you assess yourself as the one white boy that gets black culture in the US. You are also a poor judge of other people's life experiences and characters on these forums. You have no idea the lives that we live, the people that we love, the experiences we have had. And yet, rather than engage in debate, you just tell us who we are, what we think, and why we are so wrong.