Nadal: Fear Factor


Pro Tour Player
Apr 15, 2013
Carol35 said:
The big problem of Rafa is his serve which is worse than ever. Time before his game didn't depend of his serve like others players need so badly but at the present with his lack of confidence a good serve would be a good help for him to make free points but unfortunately I don't see any improvement and that's what he needs more than anything else.

I love it--Carol has brought back her "Nadal's big problem is his serve" theory from early 2015 lol. Carol luv--Rafa has NEVER had a killer serve--except for the aforementioned period in 2013, and he certainly is not going to develop one at almost 30 y.o. His problems--slower, weaker forehand, and of course lack of confidence are far more complex than tweaking his serve. Every rational tennis fan recognizes these facts.


Apr 14, 2013
lacatch said:
Carol35 said:
The big problem of Rafa is his serve which is worse than ever. Time before his game didn't depend of his serve like others players need so badly but at the present with his lack of confidence a good serve would be a good help for him to make free points but unfortunately I don't see any improvement and that's what he needs more than anything else.

I love it--Carol has brought back her "Nadal's big problem is his serve" theory from early 2015 lol. Carol luv--Rafa has NEVER had a killer serve--except for the aforementioned period in 2013, and he certainly is not going to develop one at almost 30 y.o. His problems--slower, weaker forehand, and of course lack of confidence are far more complex than tweaking his serve. Every rational tennis fan recognizes these facts.

Actually, Carol never said he had "a killer serve", she only said what " every rational tennis fan" already knows, which is that not having a big serve is not only hampering him now when he needs one most, but in fact his serve has actually gotten worse.

If you weren't shrouded in red mist every time you saw the name "Carol" you might post a more sensible and interesting reply...


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
Annacone said Nadal has lost accuracy on his serves, which is making it more difficult to win points.

His game relies so much on strength, I doubt he can regain the success of his prime as time goes by. In my opinion, this FO is his last chance to win a major. It will be interesting to see whether he can.


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
lacatch said:
Carol35 said:
The big problem of Rafa is his serve which is worse than ever. Time before his game didn't depend of his serve like others players need so badly but at the present with his lack of confidence a good serve would be a good help for him to make free points but unfortunately I don't see any improvement and that's what he needs more than anything else.

I love it--Carol has brought back her "Nadal's big problem is his serve" theory from early 2015 lol. Carol luv--Rafa has NEVER had a killer serve--except for the aforementioned period in 2013, and he certainly is not going to develop one at almost 30 y.o. His problems--slower, weaker forehand, and of course lack of confidence are far more complex than tweaking his serve. Every rational tennis fan recognizes these facts.

I'd like to know who is for you a rational tennis fan.....maybe you? :cover


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Due to the constantly attack, negative comments and bad wishes about Nadal then it's time to say what is really 'fear'
Fear is to changes coaches or add because they have fear to lose
Fear is the ugly body language that some players use when they lose a point even winning easy the match
Fear is to smash the rackets and adds and getting mad when the crowd seems don't like him too much and also skipping a tournament lying about an "alleged" injury
Fear is the one who says that he got a knee injury walking at the park instead to say it was playing too hard, making too much effort and running like everyone to make points
Fear seems to be a very complex word, it's just how everyone like to see it, isn't?


Apr 14, 2013
Carol35 said:
Due to the constantly attack, negative comments and bad wishes about Nadal then it's time to say what is really 'fear'
Fear is to changes coaches or add because they have fear to lose
Fear is the ugly body language that some players use when they lose a point even winning easy the match
Fear is to smash the rackets and adds and getting mad when the crowd seems don't like him too much and also skipping a tournament lying about an "alleged" injury
Fear is the one who says that he got a knee injury walking at the park instead to say it was playing too hard, making too much effort and running like everyone to make points
Fear seems to be a very complex word, it's just how everyone like to see it, isn't?

Indeed, fear is so complex you have absolutely no idea what the hell it is 'cos NONE of that gibberish above is fear. None.


Apr 14, 2013
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Due to the constantly attack, negative comments and bad wishes about Nadal then it's time to say what is really 'fear'
Fear is to changes coaches or add because they have fear to lose
Fear is the ugly body language that some players use when they lose a point even winning easy the match
Fear is to smash the rackets and adds and getting mad when the crowd seems don't like him too much and also skipping a tournament lying about an "alleged" injury
Fear is the one who says that he got a knee injury walking at the park instead to say it was playing too hard, making too much effort and running like everyone to make points
Fear seems to be a very complex word, it's just how everyone like to see it, isn't?

Indeed, fear is so complex you have absolutely no idea what the hell it is 'cos NONE of that gibberish above is fear. None.

That's just because Carol wrote that, right? Or else it's because you never played the game. It's one or the other. Because to say "none" of her post relates to fear is nonsense...


Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Due to the constantly attack, negative comments and bad wishes about Nadal then it's time to say what is really 'fear'
Fear is to changes coaches or add because they have fear to lose
Fear is the ugly body language that some players use when they lose a point even winning easy the match
Fear is to smash the rackets and adds and getting mad when the crowd seems don't like him too much and also skipping a tournament lying about an "alleged" injury
Fear is the one who says that he got a knee injury walking at the park instead to say it was playing too hard, making too much effort and running like everyone to make points
Fear seems to be a very complex word, it's just how everyone like to see it, isn't?

Indeed, fear is so complex you have absolutely no idea what the hell it is 'cos NONE of that gibberish above is fear. None.

That's just because Carol wrote that, right? Or else it's because you never played the game. It's one or the other. Because to say "none" of her post relates to fear is nonsense...

No, it's not because she wrote it, it's because none of that is fear.
Changing coaches is adapting your game as needed. For aging players that means adding first strike elements to shorten points. For younger players it may be they need an all court past pro to help improve their game if it's one dimensional or lacking in variety. Clearly not fear but simply using one's brain. Not changing coaches is refusal to adapt/stubborn/not seeing the big picture.

"Fear is the ugly body language that some players use when they lose a point even winning easy the match" wtf does that even mean? Murray mumbles to himself the whole time. It's 'cos he's a d1ck but not 'cos of fear. He should know by now he's gonna lose against Djokovic so when he utters obscenities on camera it's 'cos he's an ignorant sob but nothing to do with fear. Bad temper/ignorance is what that is.

"Fear is to smash the rackets and adds and getting mad when the crowd seems don't like him too much and also skipping a tournament lying about an "alleged" injury" <--- considering everything Carol posts is pretty much anti Federer we can all assume this garbage has to do with Federer. Well then, which "alleged" injury might this be? And smashing racquets is because said player is angry at himself/herself for the way they are playing. This again is clearly not fear.

"Fear is the one who says that he got a knee injury walking at the park instead to say it was playing too hard, making too much effort and running like everyone to make points <---- no prize for guessing who this is about. Firstly she has no idea whether he hurt his knee in the park or not and it's quite feasible he did as you can pull a muscle/ligament, etc doing anything at all (I twisted my back leaning in the shower reaching for a towel years ago) and secondly, he never "makes too much effort running like everyone to make points". She must be thinking of some Spanish player who runs like the Energizer bunny 'cos Federer does not play like this. He hits a few strokes against Novak and goes for the winner and misses a good 50% of the time and hence the lopsided scoreline. He knows he can't rally all day at his age.

There is no actual fear in any of that crap in her post and I don't care who wrote it 'cos it changes nothing and it's still gibberish.


Apr 14, 2013
I think you don't understand these things, because you've prolly only watched the game since Federer. Actually Pete Sampras changed coaches ridiculously often in his last years because he was afraid of being left behind. Then he realised that this wasn't going anywhere, and rehired annacone.

Players who smash rackets and go berserk are displaying classic signs of fight or flight. Flight actually, more than fight. Caused by fear.

Body language betrays fear.

I mean, come on! How basic does it have to be for you to understand? You wrote that "none" of this relates to fear and yet a simple unbiased diagnosis shows that these alone can easily be attributed to fear.

I'm more surprised - and not surprised at all, actually - at the historian clicking a partisan "like" on your prejudice, when he should know that fear manifests itself regularly in aggression, abrupt change etc. The psychology of top players can be touchy but I suppose if you're not addressing the post, but instead attacking the poster then you'll reply as you did... :cover


Apr 14, 2013
Kieran, even if I see your point, all those things are not "necessarily" fear, or caused be it. They could be related to it, it is true, on given cases.

And, in this case, "fear of what" is a relevant question, because the discussion is about fear of your adversary (I guess). As I said in an earlier post, I do not think Nadal fears a lot his opponents, but I do believe people does not fear him as they did in the past. And this "fear" is the classic, dictionary one, directly related to the person, of what can this person do next. Not a vague fear of losing...


Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
I think you don't understand these things, because you've prolly only watched the game since Federer. Actually Pete Sampras changed coaches ridiculously often in his last years because he was afraid of being left behind. Then he realised that this wasn't going anywhere, and rehired annacone.

Players who smash rackets and go berserk are displaying classic signs of fight or flight. Flight actually, more than fight. Caused by fear.

Body language betrays fear.

I mean, come on! How basic does it have to be for you to understand? You wrote that "none" of this relates to fear and yet a simple unbiased diagnosis shows that these alone can easily be attributed to fear.

I'm more surprised - and not surprised at all, actually - at the historian clicking a partisan "like" on your prejudice, when he should know that fear manifests itself regularly in aggression, abrupt change etc. The psychology of top players can be touchy but I suppose if you're not addressing the post, but instead attacking the poster then you'll reply as you did... :cover

"I think you don't understand these things, because you've prolly only watched the game since Federer. Actually Pete Sampras changed coaches ridiculously often in his last years because he was afraid of being left behind. Then he realised that this wasn't going anywhere, and rehired annacone."

Wrong, I've been watching tennis since the days of Borg and McEnroe. While there may be some logic to your Sampras analogy there is none to Carol's because she is writing about Federer who clearly didn't hire Ljubicic of all people for anything new he can bring to his game. Some players just want to have a different coach every few years and since Edberg was only temporary he had to have someone. Hiring Ljubicic was not fear in any way whatsoever. Looking for inspiration is why players try something different.

"Players who smash rackets and go berserk are displaying classic signs of fight or flight. Flight actually, more than fight. Caused by fear.

Body language betrays fear."

Don't agree with this but everyone has their own opinion and take on things and that's fine. My take on it is anyone who smashes their racquet is annoyed at how they are playing. While some of it may be down to the other player, it's mostly the player himself/herself who is the main cause of annoyance 'cos if you're making a lot of errors it's most likely just a bad day at the office and you're utterly disgusted with yourself. That to me is not fear at all. If you know you're playing crap you're not scared of losing, you know you're gonna lose and your own crap play has a lot to do with it so it's a case of either letting off some steam/clearing your head or just poor temperment but not fear to smash your racquet.

Re people clicking likes, you should know by now this is not a new trend as Carol clicks like to all your posts when you slag Federer and praise Nadal. It's not some new amazing trend but in some cases the people clicking like actually agree with what the other poster wrote.


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
mrzz said:
Kieran, even if I see your point, all those things are not "necessarily" fear, or caused be it. They could be related to it, it is true, on given cases.

And, in this case, "fear of what" is a relevant question, because the discussion is about fear of your adversary (I guess). As I said in an earlier post, I do not think Nadal fears a lot his opponents, but I do believe people does not fear him as they did in the past. And this "fear" is the classic, dictionary one, directly related to the person, of what can this person do next. Not a vague fear of losing...

I explain it as "a true lack of confidence!" Without it, no amount of skill will help you! The problem with Nadal is he doesn't have any real skill to fall back on like "a Federer!" If his physicality is limited, he's done! His whole game revolves around that and his fans should know this already! It is the reason I said many years ago, Rafa won't last long on the tour! :nono :angel: :cover


Apr 14, 2013
You've been watching since Borg and Mac? So you're in your forties or fifties? Really? I always thought that you're in you're twenties.

And then you proceed to agree with me while deciding that you know what Carol meant, even though she never mentioned Federer. Brother, you can't ride two horses at the same time, unless your name is Zorro. If you read her post dispassionately, and maybe pretend it's written by Fiero and not Carol, you would never say that none of her post could be related to fear.

Which is to say, of course, that your earlier reply should have reflected more thought that was suitable to your years... ;)


Apr 14, 2013
mrzz said:
Kieran, even if I see your point, all those things are not "necessarily" fear, or caused be it. They could be related to it, it is true, on given cases.

And, in this case, "fear of what" is a relevant question, because the discussion is about fear of your adversary (I guess). As I said in an earlier post, I do not think Nadal fears a lot his opponents, but I do believe people does not fear him as they did in the past. And this "fear" is the classic, dictionary one, directly related to the person, of what can this person do next. Not a vague fear of losing...

Players often fear that they can't play like they used to. They fear missing shots they used to make routinely. This isn't necessarily fear of their opponent, though it can be connected. Players can fear that time is running out. There can be many fears which aren't directly related to the opponent. Players are solitary creatures, out there alone, and it can affect them. Things go wrong and they yell at their entourage, like Murray does: that's fear.

I doubt Rafa fears his opponents as much as he gets anxious of the occasion. He's not settled at certain times, where he used to thrive at the most pressurised situations. His mental toughness was beyond compare. Fiero mentioned "lack of confidence" above.

Lack of confidence is fear...


Apr 14, 2013
Kieran said:
You've been watching since Borg and Mac? So you're in your forties or fifties? Really? I always thought that you're in you're twenties.

And then you proceed to agree with me while deciding that you know what Carol meant, even though she never mentioned Federer. Brother, you can't ride two horses at the same time, unless your name is Zorro. If you read her post dispassionately, and maybe pretend it's written by Fiero and not Carol, you would never say that none of her post could be related to fear.

Which is to say, of course, that your earlier reply should have reflected more thought that was suitable to your years... ;)

I'm 41 :) But most people are shocked when they hear this as they usually think I'm 27/28. Lifting heavy weights to keep the testosterone levels high is what keeps me young. My family all look way younger than they are. You and I both know that whole post of hers was ALL about Federer. When someone slags Nadal her natural reaction is to slag Federer. Everyone here can see that.


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Front242 said:
Kieran said:
You've been watching since Borg and Mac? So you're in your forties or fifties? Really? I always thought that you're in you're twenties.

And then you proceed to agree with me while deciding that you know what Carol meant, even though she never mentioned Federer. Brother, you can't ride two horses at the same time, unless your name is Zorro. If you read her post dispassionately, and maybe pretend it's written by Fiero and not Carol, you would never say that none of her post could be related to fear.

Which is to say, of course, that your earlier reply should have reflected more thought that was suitable to your years... ;)

I'm 41 :) But most people are shocked when they hear this as they usually think I'm 27/28. Lifting heavy weights to keep the testosterone levels high is what keeps me young. My family all look way younger than they are. You and I both know that whole post of hers was ALL about Federer. When
someone slags Nadal her natural reaction is to slag Federer. Everyone here can see that.

Ok "Benjamin Button" then you obviously have fear to lose the muscles and to look older......:D
And yes, I have a very good idea what is fear, every single player has fear to lose and they try whatever can to avoid it, sometimes works well, sometimes not, but FEAR is part of their professional sport life, otherwise they would be robots, they are not
Hey, if you don't like to see someone slagging your fav then try don't do it to others, remember, nobody is perfect!


Apr 14, 2013
Front242 said:
Kieran said:
You've been watching since Borg and Mac? So you're in your forties or fifties? Really? I always thought that you're in you're twenties.

And then you proceed to agree with me while deciding that you know what Carol meant, even though she never mentioned Federer. Brother, you can't ride two horses at the same time, unless your name is Zorro. If you read her post dispassionately, and maybe pretend it's written by Fiero and not Carol, you would never say that none of her post could be related to fear.

Which is to say, of course, that your earlier reply should have reflected more thought that was suitable to your years... ;)

I'm 41 :) But most people are shocked when they hear this as they usually think I'm 27/28. Lifting heavy weights to keep the testosterone levels high is what keeps me young. My family all look way younger than they are. You and I both know that whole post of hers was ALL about Federer. When someone slags Nadal her natural reaction is to slag Federer. Everyone here can see that.

Sit down, old man, stop getting upset, you know the doctor said its bad for you. :snicker

Leaving aside then your own paranoia about Carol, I'm sure that when you look at things objectively and not through Fed-coloured glasses, you'll agree with me that "fear" could be all of those things, as opposed to being "none" of them.

Speaking of which, has it ever been explained why Federer stole Raonic's coach? And what he expects from him?