Busted said:
I found it interesting that Nadal got sick in the heat. Isn't this the guy who lived to play 5-6 hour matches on clay? Getting old kinda sucks, don't it, Nadal? :lolz: He'll be 30 in about 2 months and he's finding out the hard way that things he could do even 2-3 years ago...just ain't all that easy anymore.
Not referring to this post or any one post in particular but I feel great sympathy and respect for Rafa. Never thought I'd feel this way. It is sad to see him struggling like this and even sadder that many of us can't wait to dance around the aging lion on its last legs. I have never been a big admirer of his physicality, his playing style, his gamesmanship or his uncle. But the guy is pure strength, balls, cunning, audacity and opportunism rolled into a tennis player. A wiseguy in the best sense of that word. Who would have predicted in 2005 that the kid will go on to win 9 FOs, 2USOs, 2Ws and an AO? Back then, anyone suggesting that would have been considered hallucinating. The man deserves more respect. Borg, Maradona and Schumacher are not remembered for their sportsmanship or for how their ended their careers. So with Rafa.