Game of Thrones (TV Show)


Grand Slam Champion
May 2, 2014
Kirishima, Japan
Holy Moley Mother of all that is sweet and sour!

Did the ending just top the ending of last week's episode? Is that even possible? Despair, depression, anger, pity, and mouth-gapped open fascination and awe. I experienced all of this during the ninth episode. I don't even know where to begin!

Jon Snow:
He drags what remains of the wildlings back to Castle Black. For a couple of seconds there I thought that guy wouldn't open up the gates but he obeyed his Lord Commander. So they have 5000 wildlings at Castle Black. What now King Crow? That Ollie kid makes me nervous. He's gonna piss off a giant in the last episode or something.

Arya Stark:
So she thought she was going to kill that insurance guy, but then she spots one of the Kingsguard that she remembers. So maybe she was led to kill him. I guess we'll see how she does it next week? And it has been confirmed. Mace Tyrell is an idiot. The Queen of Thorns gave him none of her smart genes in any way, shape or form.

Jamie Lannister:
Gets out of his comfortable cell and will be taking Marcella back home along with her pretty prince boy. Bronn survives too. Ellaria is so pitiful. She wants vengeance so bad but has to kneel to Doran. She has something up her sleeve though maybe, with the way she went to see Jamie.

Stannis Baratheon:
I knew something was up when Davos gave Shireen that carving. That poor poor girl. Her mother actually showed some mercy while Stannis lost any bit of liking I had for the guy. Freeze in the snow you bastage. And that smug red witch. When she was lighting the fire, I half expected/hoped that Davos would spear her or something. I thought I saw Davos hiding in the crowd. Maybe not. When he gets back from Castle Black, I want him to get justice for Shireen. That red witch needs to die the most horrible death possible. Ramsey, you're up!

Daenerys Targaryen:
I still haven't processed that last scene. Holy Cabooses! Jorah looks like he's about to die for his queen, and somehow gets out of it. Then all hell breaks loose when the Harpys attack. I'm surprised none of Daenerys' party dies, although that intended-to-be bought the farm, stabbed by a Harpy. It looked like it was curtains and then yep, here comes Drogon. Flying around, biting, chewing, burning Harpies all over the place. But there were too many and when he got stabbed I thought, surely they wouldn't kill Drogon? But then Daenerys yanks a spear out of his back, she gets a really bad sample of Dragon breath. hops on and they fly away. Everybody else is just standing around going, "Did that just happen?" The Mother of Dragons is back, baby! What an awesome, awesome scene! Now can we just burn Mereen to the ground and get on over to Westeros! The White King is coming!

Where the heck was Trent's favorite, Cersei? I thought we'd see her trial begin. I guess that will be the big finale for Season 5?

Started kinda slow but boy howdy did it pick up! Only one more episode folks.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kirijax said:
Holy Moley Mother of all that is sweet and sour!

Did the ending just top the ending of last week's episode? Is that even possible? Despair, depression, anger, pity, and mouth-gapped open fascination and awe. I experienced all of this during the ninth episode. I don't even know where to begin!

Jon Snow:
He drags what remains of the wildlings back to Castle Black. For a couple of seconds there I thought that guy wouldn't open up the gates but he obeyed hi Lord Commander. So they have 5000 wildlings at Castle Black. What now King Crow? That Ollie kid makes me nervous. He's going piss off a giant in the last episode or something.

Arya Stark:
So she thought she was going to kill that insurance guy, but then she spots one of the Kinsguard that she remembers. So maybe she was led to kill him. I guess we'll see how she does it next week? And it has been confirmed. Mace Tyrell is an idiot. The Queen of Thorns gave him none of her smart genes in any way, shape or form.

Jamie Lannister:
Gets out of his comfortable cell and will be taking Marcella back home with her Tristan. Bronn survives too. Ellaria is so pitiful. She wants vengeance so bad but has to kneel to Doran. She has something up her sleeve though maybe, with the way she went to see Jamie.

Stannis Baratheon:
I knew something was up when Davos gave Shireen that carving. That poor poor girl. Her mother actually showed some mercy while Stannis lost any bit of liking I had for the guy. Freeze in the snow you bastage. And that smug red witch. When she was lighting the fire, I have expected/hoped that Davos would spear her or something. I thought I saw Davos hiding in the crowd. Maybe not. When he gets back from Castle Black, I want him to get justice for Shireen. That red witch needs to die the most horrible death possible. Ramsey, you're up!

Daenerys Targaryen:
I still haven't processed that last scene. Holy Cabooses! Jorah looks like he's about to die for his queen, and somehow gets out of it. Then all hell breaks loose when the Harpys attack. I'm surprised none of Daenerys' party dies, although that intended-to-be bought the farm, stabbed by a Harpy. It looked like it was curtains and then yep, here comes Drogon. Flowing around, biting, chewing, burning Harpies all over the place. But there were too many and when he got stabbed I thought, surely they wouldn't kill Drogon? But then Daenerys yanks a spear out of his back, hops on and they fly away. Everybody else is just standing around going, "Did that just happen?" The Mother of Dragons is back, baby! What an awesome, awesome scene! Now can we just burn Mereen to the ground and get on over to Westeros! The White King is coming!

Where the heck was Cersei? I thought we'd see her trial begin. I guess that will be the big finale for Season 5?

Started kinda slow but boy howdy did it pick up! Only one more episode folks.

as long as the gorgeous one was saved by the for Stannis, He definitely isn't a family man . He is a gutless bastard The Red Witch she really must be a talented lover.


Grand Slam Champion
May 2, 2014
Kirishima, Japan
Look no further if you haven't seen Season 5 Episode 9 yet. Ye Be Warned.






Apr 14, 2013
Another amazing episode! Can't wait for next week, seems like War in Winterfell and Cersei's fate are what's on the menu!


Apr 14, 2013
Also, I can't wait to see how Davos reacts. He is too honorable to try and kill Stannis but I think he will go after the Red Biatch in a major way this time.


Apr 22, 2013
I think there've been some deviations from the books


Apr 14, 2013
^ I've heard there's been lots this season but regardless it's all great TV.


Apr 22, 2013
^yup agreed. Before I was indifferent to watching the series, but now I might as well. As a lot of it is new. Really frustrated with George Martin though.. write the next damn book man! He's getting to be as bad as Robert Jordan... and he doesn't look particularly healthy either. He's just milking as much as he can from this whole thing :nono


Grand Slam Champion
May 2, 2014
Kirishima, Japan
I came across these amazing pics of the castles in Game of Thrones so I thought I'd share. Maybe some of you guys have seen these but this is awesome! I want a castle now... :cool:

Castle Black

Winterfell (House Stark)

The Eyrie (House Arryn)

The Pyke (House Greyjoy)

Riverrun (House Tully)

Twin Towers (House Frey)

Casterly Rock (House Lannister)

Highgarden (House Tyrell)

Dragonstone (House Targaryen)

Storm's End (House Baratheon)


The Red Keep

Sunspear (House Martell)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
^ It reminds me of Clay Death's Castle thread back in the day.

One show to go... lots of storylines, lots of plots... wonder what the finale will focus on.


Apr 14, 2013
Anyone else think that's the best episode there's been yet? It's definitely up there. The Red Wedding had more shock value but this one had major (and fatal) consequences for more characters. I'm definitely pissed that one of my faves Jon Snow has bit the dust but it was excellent TV. It makes me wonder who the hell will be left by the time the show ends? I really thought Snow would be the only character that you could really count on to survive the entire show but as usual we are left guessing.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
DarthFed said:
Anyone else think that's the best episode there's been yet? It's definitely up there. The Red Wedding had more shock value but this one had major (and fatal) consequences for more characters. I'm definitely pissed that one of my faves Jon Snow has bit the dust but it was excellent TV. It makes me wonder who the hell will be left by the time the show ends? I really thought Snow would be the only character that you could really count on to survive the entire show but as usual we are left guessing.

The Inside of the Game of Thrones segment, the writers/directors/producers said the show isn't about good vs evil but damn he was the only decent human being on the show. What is an action series without a hero.


Grand Slam Champion
May 2, 2014
Kirishima, Japan
Holy Cersei Cabooses! :eyepop What the tha... They can't.... He didn't... That's not.... Oh COME ON!! :eyepop

My mind is blown and I'm terribly, terribly depressed that I have to wait for nine and a half friggin' months before we get some answers. Arrrgh! I definitely need some therapy after this one. Or at least a hug.

Stannis: So his day starts off badly when he finds out half of of his men deserted him. Then it gets worse when he finds his wife hanging dead from a tree. And then it gets more worse when that two-bit, con woman who can't read a vision right deserts him as well. But what does Mr. "!-Must-Do-My-Duty" do? He heads for Winterfell to set up a siege. But Stannis' day becomes the worstest when Bolton's army overwhelms Stannis' skeleton crew and wipes them out. Stannis is wounded and trying to escape but gets cut on the leg and it looks like he's gonna bleed out but lo and behold who should show up but Brienne. She says "Any last words?" Stannis shakes his head and says "Do your duty" and we see Brienne swinging the sword. But! We don't see Stannis actually die. And until his head goes rolling down the hill, I wouldn't be surprised that Stannis is still alive. But he's probably dead. But maybe not. Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Arya: Dang that was a wicked revenge scene. After five years of saying this sicko's name every night, Arya lets Meryn Trant have it. I don't like gore but that was a satisfying Arya moment. But then she gets punished by going blind? What the heck? I fully expect Arya to become a Game-of-thrones Zatoichi. That would be cool. But we're left hanging. Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Jamie: So Jamie leaves with his daughter Myrcella and Tristan to head back to King's Landing. Before they leave, Ellaria gives Myrcella a goodbye kiss. Did anyone think "uh-oh!" when that happened? Sure enough, Jamie and Myrcella are having a lovely father-daughter moment (always a sign of impending doom) when Myrcella suddenly starts bleeding out her nose and mouth and collapses. We see Ellaria wiping the poison off her lips with a smile. But is Myrcella dead? Curse you George R. R. Martin!

Sansa: So she lit the candle in the tower finally like three seconds after Brienne and Podrick turn away. lol She is trying to escape when that sneering Miranda is getting ready to put a arrow through her. Reek tosses Miranda off the bridge and kills her. That was a nasty fall. I really wish Sansa had been the one to do that. Reek can go get flayed. I need a strong Sansa taking care of herself. And then they just jump over the castle wall together? Did they get injured in the fall? Or did they fall into harmless, pillow-soft snow ala Frozen? What happened to them? Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Daenerys/Tyrion: So Daenerys is missing and Tyrion is left to govern Mereen while Jorah and Darrio take off on a buddy trip to find her. And then who shows up!? Varys? Season Five ended with Varys accompanying a crated-up Tyrion across the narrow sea, and now they are ruling Mereen? MMM-HMMMM. Who's gonna make the Mereenians listen to them? And then there's Daenerys, stranded on some mountain somwhere and now gets captured by a Dothraki Horde. To be honest, this story line bores the heck out of me except for when the dragon is flying. Next!

Cersei: I've never seen so much nudity since uh...yeah..whenever. Cersei gets all her hair hacked off and walks through the city butt naked while that bouncer nun rings a bell and yelling "Shame"! (By the way, Lena Headey has a no nudity clause so that was her head on someone else's body.) She gets pelted with poop, crap, smut and gawd knows what else. By the time she gets to the Red Keep she's bleeding and crying. I almost thought she was feeling repentant. But then her Zombie-Frankenstein Nights Guard Robert Strong picks her up and carries her to safety. That zombie mountain was freaky. What will Cersei do? Curse you George R. R. Martin!

And then, the big shabang. What...the......fudge! Jon Snow has been proclaimed to be the son of this and that and the big savior of everybody for a while now but then he....DIES?! After the credits started rolling I had to look under my desk to pick up my jaw. Before this happened, the red witch came saudering back to Castle Black. I'll bet she had Snow pegged as the true savior all along and she will bring him back to life. Jon Snow died once, so his watch is ended and now he is released from his vows. He can give the Night's Idiots what-for and then march down to Winterfell and give the Boltons what-for. But then this is the Game of Thrones and he could stay dead. We won't know until April 2016.

Curse you George R.R. Martin! :blowup

I need to lie down.


Apr 14, 2013
I've read that the body double was used for "some" of it. I suppose by some they mean all the actual nudity. I was surprised Lena didn't do it as she has been nude in movies before. Either way it was an incredible scene and whether it was Lena or the body double... I enjoyed the view quite a lot

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Kirijax said:
Holy Cersei Cabooses! :eyepop What the tha... They can't.... He didn't... That's not.... Oh COME ON!! :eyepop

My mind is blown and I'm terribly, terribly depressed that I have to wait for nine and a half friggin' months before we get some answers. Arrrgh! I definitely need some therapy after this one. Or at least a hug.

Stannis: So his day starts off badly when he finds out half of of his men deserted him. Then it gets worse when he finds his wife hanging dead from a tree. And then it gets more worse when that two-bit, con woman who can't read a vision right deserts him as well. But what does Mr. "!-Must-Do-My-Duty" do? He heads for Winterfell to set up a siege. But Stannis' day becomes the worstest when Bolton's army overwhelms Stannis' skeleton crew and wipes them out. Stannis is wounded and trying to escape but gets cut on the leg and it looks like he's gonna bleed out but lo and behold who should show up but Brienne. She says "Any last words?" Stannis shakes his head and says "Do your duty" and we see Brienne swinging the sword. But! We don't see Stannis actually die. And until his head goes rolling down the hill, I wouldn't be surprised that Stannis is still alive. But he's probably dead. But maybe not. Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Arya: Dang that was a wicked revenge scene. After five years of saying this sicko's name every night, Arya lets Meryn Trant have it. I don't like gore but that was a satisfying Arya moment. But then she gets punished by going blind? What the heck? I fully expect Arya to become a Game-of-thrones Zatoichi. That would be cool. But we're left hanging. Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Jamie: So Jamie leaves with his daughter Myrcella and Tristan to head back to King's Landing. Before they leave, Ellaria gives Myrcella a goodbye kiss. Did anyone think "uh-oh!" when that happened? Sure enough, Jamie and Myrcella are having a lovely father-daughter moment (always a sign of impending doom) when Myrcella suddenly starts bleeding out her nose and mouth and collapses. We see Ellaria wiping the poison off her lips with a smile. But is Myrcella dead? Curse you George R. R. Martin!

Sansa: So she lit the candle in the tower finally like three seconds after Brienne and Podrick turn away. lol She is trying to escape when that sneering Miranda is getting ready to put a arrow through her. Reek tosses Miranda off the bridge and kills her. That was a nasty fall. I really wish Sansa had been the one to do that. Reek can go get flayed. I need a strong Sansa taking care of herself. And then they just jump over the castle wall together? Did they get injured in the fall? Or did they fall into harmless, pillow-soft snow ala Frozen? What happened to them? Curse you George R.R. Martin!

Daenerys/Tyrion: So Daenerys is missing and Tyrion is left to govern Mereen while Jorah and Darrio take off on a buddy trip to find her. And then who shows up!? Varys? Season Five ended with Varys accompanying a crated-up Tyrion across the narrow sea, and now they are ruling Mereen? MMM-HMMMM. Who's gonna make the Mereenians listen to them? And then there's Daenerys, stranded on some mountain somwhere and now gets captured by a Dothraki Horde. To be honest, this story line bores the heck out of me except for when the dragon is flying. Next!

Cersei: I've never seen so much nudity since uh...yeah..whenever. Cersei gets all her hair hacked off and walks through the city butt naked while that bouncer nun rings a bell and yelling "Shame"! (By the way, Lena Headey has a no nudity clause so that was her head on someone else's body.) She gets pelted with poop, crap, smut and gawd knows what else. By the time she gets to the Red Keep she's bleeding and crying. I almost thought she was feeling repentant. But then her Zombie-Frankenstein Nights Guard Robert Strong picks her up and carries her to safety. That zombie mountain was freaky. What will Cersei do? Curse you George R. R. Martin!

And then, the big shabang. What...the......fudge! Jon Snow has been proclaimed to be the son of this and that and the big savior of everybody for a while now but then he....DIES?! After the credits started rolling I had to look under my desk to pick up my jaw. Before this happened, the red witch came saudering back to Castle Black. I'll bet she had Snow pegged as the true savior all along and she will bring him back to life. Jon Snow died once, so his watch is ended and now he is released from his vows. He can give the Night's Idiots what-for and then march down to Winterfell and give the Boltons what-for. But then this is the Game of Thrones and he could stay dead. We won't know until April 2016.

Curse you George R.R. Martin! :blowup

I need to lie down.
my. Wife said I behaved like someone had just killed my best friend when Jon Snow was assassinated. My thoughts are that the GOT fan base will be so outraged of losing a "good" character like Jon Snow that the shows writers may bring him back to life with the assistance of the "Red Witch".(I still wouldn't mind spending some time with her myself:basiate)

Man, Did the Red Witch make a sucker out of Stannis.

Now I am tempted to buy the book but I know it's up to the shows producers


Apr 14, 2013
^ I was in utter shock as Snow died too. I was fairly indifferent towards him the first 2 seasons because I found everything with the Night's Watch to be extremely boring. But the last few seasons the story lines have been much more interesting and he's become more and more bad ass while remaining one of the few good and principled characters on the show.

Part of the show's brilliance is how the characters are always evolving, almost all are complex. Honestly I have a few favorite characters and one might be my favorite a couple weeks and another might be after that. Some you might hate at first and then you start to like them. It was kind of that way with Stannis. I found his end to be well done, he had made an awful choice which led to his men abandoning him, his wife killing herself, and the Red Bich leaving him. At the end he accepted his fate and realized he definitely deserved it. I also thought it was great that Brienne got some revenge.

That's part of why it's so great. Snow was definitely one of the best characters...but the best show I've seen will go on just fine without him.