I saw some of the Kyrgios-Kilzan first round match, and he was driving Klizan crazy - being so nonchalant and not even bothering to go for balls, and then hitting brilliant shots out of nowhere. He was taking the least time between points that I have ever seen - Klizan barely had time to walk to the other side to receive. Nick was also jumping up from his seat at the change of ends after about 5 seconds and going onto the court to play and waiting around on the court instead of in his chair. He was talking to the crowd too, and the umpire. Very distracting and difficult to get in any rhythm against him. I have mixed feelings about Kyrgios. I get irritated by him, but I kind of enjoy getting irritated by him, if you know what I mean. More players like him on the tour would be horrible, but just the one - it's kind of fun.