Donald Trump - Opinions?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Interesting alternative spin to western media status quo reporting teddy. What are your thoughts on the foreign policy statements by the leading US presidential candidates?
frankly -- Britbox ...

they are not spin -- they ARE what happens -- and ''alternative" media -- meaning NOT what the WESTERN media says -- IS what western media SPINS AWAY...

that;s already so obvious -- if people simply actually follow events very closely -- and cull the EVENTUAL ''slips" by the west -- that exposes the decades of proaganda posing as 'news" -- that they actually have been.

let us have an example:

LONG before (and all chronologically documented in historyEVEN by the west as these can't be hidden after all january 1 is january one of 1945, or whatever) -

the ''liberator west" got to BERLIN in world war 2 -- the RUSSIANS had spent 20 million of their own, first in defense of their country from the invaders -- and THEN -- waves of more russians after that first phase of defense -- coming from teh inner parts of russia -- siberia, the far east,,,all of them of course taking hat much time to organize...

and THEN the pushing out of the germans - straight all the way back to where they came from -- BERLIN.

THE PUSH by the russians was SO SWIFT in their turn

ROOSEVELLT AND CHURCHILL sent telegaphs to the russian command to ''slow down" (reminds you of OBAMA demanding a ''ceasefire " of russian bombing that is squashing AMERICA'S isil -doesn't it? to give THEM ''chance' to regroup -- that is obvious -- and to sabotage the russian effort that is PROVING to be so successful) -

so that the ''ALLIES" CAN HAVE their share OF GLORY!

i don't recall now the actual documents -- but they are there somewhere online...and too many to give people here the links or whatever...

IT WAS -- IN OTHER WORDS -- THE RUSSIANS the DESTROYED the largest, strongest, most important command of the germans -- all plus 280 land and air divisions of them --

compared to the MERE 50 OR SO DIVISIONS devoted to the REST of europe...
did people klnow that/ ?

of course not...

what DID the americans and brits REALLY ''CONQUER" IN NORMANDY AND ITALY?

isolated -- far from home -- poorly supplied -- cut off even due to the effort towards russia -- germans....

AND THAT is what the WEST proclaims for decades as ''libefration of the world"

FAST FORWARD TO last year's very important TO russian's commemoration of THEIR ''PATRIOTIC WAR" -- rememering their tens of millions sacrificed to defend their homeland and destroy NAZISM and fascism...

attended by XI JINPING -- central asians, asians, south americans, africans...

what was OBAMA AND CAMERON AND THE ''west" as a grou about?

why -- o fcourse LOTS AND LOTS of DENIGRATING -- OF INSULTS ''about putin" -- and snubbing.

how would ahny of the WEST know about that for what it really was?

the fact IS -- unbenknownst to most also

THE rise OF HITLER had enthusiastic support FROM the brtish and americans themselves

as a way to first "push the germans to russia -- let them weaken each other" and COME IN =- like predating scavengers -- sorry to say --

because -- as is CLEAR TODAY in their own encirclement of russia --

THEY as much as HITLER wanted THAT BIG LAND OVER THERE in the east.

do you know where THAT principle comes from?

a british geopolitical theorist named MACKINDER in the late 19th century

who is lioke a GOD to the likes of BRZEZINKSI, ABLRIGHT, THE NEOCONS...

that few know about.

his IDEAS are summed up like this:

"who rules the East of EUROPE rules the HEARTLAND -- who rules the heartland (russia) rules the WORLD ISLAND (EURASIA) -- WHO rules eurasia rules the world -- all others are just peripheral ''islands" (north south america, etc...


that is NOT spin -- that is HISTORY .

therefore all these others ''effects"

the creation of TERROR -- THE ''FEARMONGERING" -- THE 'humanitarian wars " so DEAR to the heart of SAMANTHA POWERS --

THE '':LET us give russia - ussr -- her own vietnam BRZEZINSKI -- and russia has to be cut up into smaller manageable pieces under our management" ...

they ALL take root from the ''principles" of mister MACKINDER

who all these have studied very closely.


THE natives AND GREAT CIVILIZATIONS OF EURASIA -- of which EUROPE is onlyu a "'butt-end" and CAN be made IRRELEVANT were the ''easterners and orientals" as bestial as the westerners have been --

won't LET THEM do their '''MACKINDER"

that is their wet dream.

so -- they go on and play their games of painting the UN-COMPLIANT russians and chinese and iranians and anyone else that actually thinhks they ARE their own country and NOT vassals of the west as hitler TRIED on them or as AMERICA keeps insisting on -- or as the british did - or as the other europeans did ...

as \\'''threats"


they are THREATS TO THE IMPERIALISM of the west. that's what

because they WILL NOT BEND THE KNEE.

and that is not spin.

that's what it IS and always has been.

that i say such things ONLY seems to be 'spin or alternative"

when seen from the western point that has for centuries been nothing BUT spin.

WE know it as ''orientalism"

the western way of ''looking" at the orient, the east, the 'others'

through the lens of HOW WESTERNERS WANT IT. in order to justify THEIR decisions that so and so country IS RIPE for the taking...

TO the chinese and russians and iranians -- it's pure offal -- and only say to themselves:

"these westerners just DO NOT GET IT -- our lands and ways are NOT THEIRS for re-ordering".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
At least 6 killed in Kalamazoo County random shooting spree
Libya slams US airstrike on Sabratha as flagrant violation of sovereignty
Published time: 20 Feb, 2016 18:03Edited time: 20 Feb, 2016 21:07

The Libyan interim government has condemned the US airstrike on a suspected Islamic State training camp in Sabratha in which two abducted Serbian embassy staff were killed, calling the unsanctioned bombardment a grave violation of its sovereignty.
Libya’s interim government issued a statement saying that it “strongly condemns the airstrikes carried out by the US Air Force at certain positions in the town of Sabratha on Friday morning, February 19, 2016, without any coordination or consultation with the interim Libyan government.”

“Any interference, similar to the one that has taken place, will be considered an open and flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the Libyan state and international law,” the statement said.

Read more
US warplanes strike ISIS camp in Libya, more than 40 reported killed
The interim government said that it values the foreign assistance it receives in the war on terror, but added that “any military or political interference into Libyan affairs should be performed in a legal way through parliament and the newly formed government.”

In the statement, the government also said it “places the responsibility for the worsening of the domestic economic and social situation, as well as the security situation that contributed to the spread of these organizations (Islamic State) in our country, on the international community.”

The Friday airstrike carried out by the US in western Libya reportedly killed more than 40 people and was hailed as a major success by the Pentagon.

However, two Serbian hostages – embassy communications chief Sladjana Stankovic and her driver Jovica Stepic – also died in the bombardment, which came just as ransom negotiations had gotten underway with the kidnappers.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that Belgrade “demanded explanations from the US about whether they knew that foreigners were present at the site. They said they didn’t.”

Stankovic and Stepic were abducted in the northwestern coastal city of Sabratha on November 8, 2015, when their car was hijacked by gunmen after becoming separated from a convoy carrying Serbia’s ambassador to Libya.

READ MORE: 2 Serbian embassy staff kidnapped by ISIS killed in US bombing in Libya

The circumstances of the two Serbs’ alleged deaths are reminiscent of those of Italian Giovanni Lo Porto and American Warren Weinstein, who were killed by an alleged US drone strike on a Taliban compound in January, 2015.

The US has failed to address the real problems that Libya faces and creates even more problems by carrying out aerial bombardments and “other types of operations” inside Libya, Abayomi Azikiwe, an editor of the Pan-African News Wire, told RT, commenting on the incident


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Libya is one unholy mess. I still recall David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkorzy arriving in Libya as self-proclaimed heros.

Thousands killed since...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
let me ask the americans around here.

months weeks ago -- the americans WERE CROWING ABOUT how they were ''successfully bombing isil.|\"

in syria -- after being EXPOSED by russia (with videos, satellite images, real-time documentation that russia had for a long time but just tried to keep down to avoid embarrassing americans to encourage americans to COOPERATE in REAL bombing of terrorists) ...

russia having gotten sick and tired of the DOUBLE FACE from obama and company of the west and their wahhab terrorist funding saudi and turkish collaborators -- ALL OF THEM PRETENDING to fight ''terrorists" that THEY collectively brought into existence .....

finally shows to the world (not that the WESTERN MEDIA WOULD) --

SUCH evidence -- incontrovertible -- while ASKING FOR AMERICANS

with THEIR satellite iomages over the middle east and syria THEIR versions -- which americans TO THIS VERY DAY REFUSE TO SHOW ! becuase in the EXACT TIMES THEY WERE in the heavens they would show EXACTLY what the russians showed to the world through their GIGANTIC SCREENS in their moscow command centers weeks ago --

that NONE OTHER THAN THE AMERICANS with their helicopters and jets flying LOW over and behind tens of miles of triucks and jeep convoys of STOLEN IRAQI AND SYRIAN OIL

was being smuggled to fund the terrorist operations of ISIL; -- all the way to TURKEY AND THE EXACT HARBORS AND SHIPS to \''disappear|" in the global market -- and definitely to EUROPE!

and what were these americans doing in the year just feet ABOVE THE ISIL?

why of course -- PROTECTING THEM from the syrian army! and anyone else that might discover what they were doing ALL THESE FIVE YEARS that the USA AND THE WEST screamed about '\'isil -- let us fight them IN SYRIA and assad should go"!!

did any of YOU know that? that's ''alternative" news to YOU, isn't it?

well -- THAT is the REAL NEWS THAT THE WEST has been HIDING..

I MEAN it is SO embarrassing to say the least -- not to mention PURE EVIL in its hypocrisy

that there is practicall;y NOTHING BUT SILENCE from the pentagon and the white house

when russia PRESENTS its real-time videos of WHERE it bombs the terrorists - as it ALWAYS shares with the western command --

and then ASKS THE AMERICANS and west -- when THEY CLAIM ""WE were bombing terrorists here and there, and here, and here"

and NO PROOF OF IT COMES! because there's NONE!

the russians DISCOVERED the americans were CAREFULLY staying AWAY from the highways the ISIL CONVOYS -- which they KNEW were there -- and instead "bombing" in EMPTY DESERT to show your very nice ''news|"!!

the russians also revealed who was paying WHOM in the OIL SMUGGLING BUSINESS OF ISIL -- THE ERDOGANS are exposed on that - and which SHIPS -- AND WAREHOUSES -- that the americans KEPT...

the russians further exposed the connection between the so-called "moderate rebels" of obama that supposedly shouldn't be bombed -- as nothing more than PURE FICTION -- but self-naming factions who - aftger THEY RECEIVE ARMS from the americans through saudi arabia and turkey -- including spanking white painted JEEPS bought THROUGH specific DEALERS in the mioddle east and america -- (many american dealers themselves were innocent -- to be fair -- not knowing WHERE their second-hand trucks were landing elsewhere) --

to quickly HAND THEM OVER to the ISIL!

yea -- that's alternative media for you, folks.

most o fyou probably just have no idea how FAR BEHIND you are in teh REAL NEWS AS THEY HAPPEN but then -- that's what you are SUPPOSED to be ...

OTHERWISE you'll find out FOR REAL that the MONSTERS youa re told to ''fear" from outside -- are your own leaders and institutions and organizations on your own CAPITALS!

and for WHAT?

because the PETRO -DOLLAR that FUNDS the american EMPIRE like there's no tomorrow in printing WORTHLESS paper in reality with NO backing IN REAL ASSETS COMMENSURATE to its GAZILLION DOLLAR size and bubble

has to be ''defended" ...

because the EUROPEAN BANKTRUPT society has to HIDE the fact that without the DISTRACTIONS OF THE PROFITEERING WAR industries that NEED ''monsters to be slayed -- liek Putin and those terrorists" --

they are NOTHING - bereft of any GOOD reason to exist!

and shown to be nothing more than POMPOUS self-important nobodies in the world ruling over a SMALL section of THE GREAT LANDMASS OF EURASIA

that DEPENDS on the resources of the rest of eurasia for its very life - let alone its ''prosperity"

gotten THROUGH deceit and wars and manipulation -- not least of which is their so-called "news". and ''history".

i mean -- sorry -- it is SO LAUGHABLE

even XI JINPING who si BUSY striking REAL economic , constructive deals to build teh ancient silk roads of eurasia and INTEGRATING it with the gigantic RUSSIA nad the other ancient civilizations of india, persia, and ONCE STABILITY IS RESTORED in syria and iraq --

through the middle east TO africa IN THE AGE OLD TRADE ROUTES

that the europeans and americans ARE MERE JOHNNY COME LATELIES TO

yet thikg that a FEW centuries of ''global primacy" they actually KNOW how to RUN the world -- let alone THEMSELVES -- or have any RIGHT to think so!



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Libya is one unholy mess. I still recall David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkorzy arriving in Libya as self-proclaimed heros.

Thousands killed since...

gosh - cameron is a mewling little TWAT!

he's a nobody.

but he DID ONE THING RIGHT! never forget this:

HE -- against the wishes of MANY of british ''anti-chinese and anti-russia and anti-anything but america-led western rule of the world"

FINALLY saw the WISDOM of JOINING the CHINESE created and major funded


practically DWARFING the imf THAT THE USA has used as a BLUDGEON against country after country ....

the chinese had had ENOUGH of the IMF and its american rule usage to imperialize and colonize and IMPOVERISH countries --

that they finally created the AIIB -- focused on ''emerging nations" --

with participation, voting and investing rules and lending rules that are EXACTLY what the countries need.

focused on - firs tstages in asian countries

as PART of raising their economies and stability that are art of china's ANCIENT SILK ROAD project that actually creates good jobs and industries...

with every country given the chance to DECIDE what ITS best path of development is as part of the whole project RATHER than have on it imposed the USURIOUS tyranny of the IMF of america!

and the USA tried a FURIOUS ROUND OF intimidation, arm-twisting, calls, visits, to governments "not to join"

EXCEPT -- for ONCE -- cameron BROKE THE DAM

and broke the FEAR of europeans to join as contributing members ...

it broke so swiftly that in a matter of days -- dozens of european governments -- and the rest around the world joined as \\foudning members ...

TURNING WASHINGTON into what it tried to make china -- isolated!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I wasn't aware of the AIIB - I assume that's a seperate bank to the BRICS bank set up between China, Russia, India and South Africa?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Interesting alternative spin to western media status quo reporting teddy. What are your thoughts on the foreign policy statements by the leading US presidential candidates?
I WANTED to add, BRITBOX ...

an example --of how LOW the americans especially *(but the french lately got their CUE from uncle sam to do likewise)

have descended to with their LYING.

it is like thsi:

"as russi

as russia -- in its strictly lawful and legal bombing in syria has shown the HYPOCRISY of the american ''presence" over the syria all these past years since 2011 -- WHEN THE terrorists were unleashed by the CIA SAUDIS - TO ''regime change assad" -- for obvious reasons -- CLOSE OFF RUSSIA from the middle east where RUSSIA has had since the 10th century CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS TIES -- both islam and christian and other relgiions -- WITH syria and the persians and iraqis -

what does russia do -- to ensure the WORLD follows the legitimacy of its operation to help syria AS ITS LEGITIMATE GOVERNEMTN with the MAJORITY support of syrians -- requested -- as per international and syrian and UNSC, AND UN laws?


"WE ARE BOMBING SO AND SO -- we have checked everytyhing with syrian ground itnelligence as well as ours -- unver VERY , VERY STRICT requirements -- once decided they are terrorists under aNY NAME the americans call them -- we will BOMB THEM|"!

and with that -- the success of it -- inche by inch --

as syria REGAINS its sovereignty to allo wthe syrian homeless to come home -- and many are ready --

after the DESTRUCTION that the USA has brought to yet another country ...

those videos are everywhere...they CAN NOT BE REFUTED by the pentagon or american ''intellgience|" whatsoever as to their authenticity.


ANNOUNCING A non-syrian government - illegal flight IN SYRIAN AIRPPAISE


the USA FLIES a few sorties in syrian airspace -- claiming they hit ''IMPORTANT ISIL DEPOTS"

awow -- all over the news -- even public broadcasting, cnn, blah, blah...

and show EVIDENCE of it -- the bombs hitting the ISIL



QUICKLY EXPOSED AND LAUGHED AT BY russian generals!~ pentagon officials - BECAUSE it was culled from THEIR ''experts" studying the russian operations -- mabye looking for ways to HIT russians, lol --

were forced to admit -- they were STOLEN RUSSIAN VIDEOS PRESENTED



THAT'S how low the america the great goes down to!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I wasn't aware of the AIIB - I assume that's a seperate bank to the BRICS bank set up between China, Russia, India and South Africa?

yes -- i it s a SEPARATE -- COMPLETELY new bank for lending for emerging countries -- focused on asian - eurasian countries -- but the africans are asking to also be included in the investment projects...

it is ENTIRELY started by china -- from its highest finance authority that gives the final \''approval of disbursing" money -- at leas tfrom the chinese contribution.

their ministry of finance is bascially (like the US treasury, i guess) is the final say on china's end.

it's not a privagte bank but a bank with rotating presidencies and finance officiating...

this FIRST year -- or a couple of years --ti is presided by INDIA'S central bank - with the headquarters in beijing...

when another country takes its turn as president -- the headquarters also moves to another country to rotate the responsibilities...

adn whichever is PRESIDENT of a given period gets to set the RULES for how to run it in that period -- subject to the voting of all other founding members...

(around 30 of them, i believe -- as the very first ones to join before a cut-off date)

the ''late=-comers|" become contributing members only and as recipients of course but have no vote in the setting of rules per period of presidency...or they are allowed to negotiate with ALL other founding members in open committe to get a future vote.


during the intensity of the effects of the sacntions and isolation of russia -- according to uncle sam --

that waiting until the LAS TMINUTE -- TO 'JOIN AS FOUNDING MEMBER"

just a day or so before cut-off --

that russia's duma ratified its accession

and the moment russia finalized it -- as if by ''secret" understanding" or maybe not...


-- SINCE - REMEMBER -- THIS is initially intended for ASIAN nations developm,ent ...

china DECLARED - as the creator of this bank (40 percent capitalization by chin) -- RUSSIA as AN ''ASIAN COUNTRY"

thus automatically giving russia participation in the HIGHEST vote group...

RIGHT on thelevel as china , india, BRITAIN also - etc...

but to receive development funds as well as being contributing member.

they are intending it to complement BRICS.

THE INITIAL CAPITAL -- IS , I THINK as of this year -- 400 billion dollars worth. same as the BRICS.

THE STATEMENT BY china's finance ministry was like thsi:

"it is not a commercial bank -- and while it hopes to profit in order to add to its capital - MAXIMIZING PROFITS - like commercial banks -- is NOT its intent.

"it is intended to give loans under the easiest possible , practical ways to countries that need it for their developments -- with an emphasis on individual recipient countries issuing THEIR solutions according to their conditions -- unlike many insitutions that impose foreign rules to countries -- we believe that the countries themselves -- with due accountability and transparency -- BEST KNOW THEIR NEEDS according to their conditions -- because this is something that has been absent in global development -- listening to the countries themselves as to what they need MOST because they know best their own situations".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I wasn't aware of the AIIB - I assume that's a seperate bank to the BRICS bank set up between China, Russia, India and South Africa?

FOR THOSE that also haven't followed the deatils that western propaganda doesn't like to mention --

recall the downing of the RUSSIAN SUKHOI-27 jet fighter/bomber a few months ago -- BY the turkish airforce American F-16\'S...two of them shot at the russian plane that was flying with another russian plane in designated intended ISIL bombing targets....

these two plans -- ''crossed" into 'turkish airspace-

above a tiny, tiny strip lf land jutting INTO syria - no more than a couple of miles probably in width -- on the way to home base from a sortie by the russians...

THE plane screamed down in flames -- one pilot died immediately as he parachuted and was shot by the terrorists in the ground -- the other , alive (a two-seater)_ - parachuted down -- and managed to hide for 2 days before the syrian army , iranians, hezbollah and russians got him to safety...while also destroying the terrorist faction in the area...but cost the lives of an iranian, a hezbollah and a russian in the rescue .


THE little ''tonque" of land that turkey claims as turkish and therefore its airspace is NOT necessarily turkish because it ''became turkish" ONLY because turkey once invaded syria years ago -- and claimed THAT strip.

regardless -- the russian jets ''crossed" the thin strip with no more than 7 seconds worth -- proven by flgith records and ground records -- uncontested by the americans when russians provided the records...

INCLUDED in the information is that the RUSSIANS --


"how did the turks KNOW we were passing by at PRECISELY the time we gave the americans? -- with two phantom 16's perfectly ready to fly up to meet our planes within the precise seconds to cross that small strip they claim as syrian airspace?"

"we have provided the exact records of the time it would take to cross -- no more than 9 seconds maximum at the seed of the planes -- while the turks claim they WARNED the pilots REPEATEDLY in far longer time of MINUTES...from teh moment they claim we crossed their airspace...

"do not the turks CROSS GREEK AIRSPACE on a DAILY BASIS dozens of times?"

"we want to have some answers from our american partners..what did you do with the information we gave you, since =-- by YOUR request we would coordinate our flights so as to not have any accidents as you worried?"" ?

SILENCE from america of course...........

but hey -- DEFEND OBAMA -- and his circle of TRUTH TELLERS -- STAND UP IN PRIDE -- AMERICA.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
While Trump is certainly loud and obnoxious (to some), he is correctly honing in on a general discontent with establishment politics. Many Republicans have become dissatisfied with the failure of the party to live up to ideals of limited government and economic freedom. How can the party say that this is it's platform when government continues to grow? As an outsider, Trump is very appealing to many.

Sanders, on the other hand, is an idiot. Not only does he constantly use the tired old rhetoric of the left, his economic policy is incoherent. In addition, Sanders is a true 'inside' candidate being in Washington for the last 20 years so he's part of the problem as well.

The best party with a theoretically coherent policy that understands the hell both Democrats and Republicans have put us in, is the Libertarian Party. If you believe in freedom and economics, this is the place for you.

I DO NOT subscribe to the ''libertarian economics" matter.

but if there was a'choice' between the 3 --

I'D TAKE THE libertarians -- genuine ones that is -- no matter how i don't agree with their 'economics" theories --




reptilians who are fascists in drag. who are very good at THEATRE about presenting "'alternatives" (like their ''sanders/versus hillary" -- or ''Trump versus others" --)

but it's all for SHOW. TO give the illusion of american ''choice and democracy".

at the end of the day -- THEY ARE NOTHING BUT CORPORATE police state, war and money racketeering FASCISTS. ..who merely use different EMPHASIS of ''causes" (democrats supposedly more ''society" oriented -- republicans more 'business community" etc) as their forms of BAIT...

like the left and right hand of the SAME thing.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Trump v. Sanders? It seems Americans on both sides of the political spectrum are weary with establishment candidates.

at the end of the ''election"

it hardly means anything...

the WAR AND MONEY RACKET that is the ''country" that calls itself '' america ''

is far too steeped in ITS own mythology -- from the ground up -- and back from the top to the last ordinary american --

of ''being the good guys of the world"

which IMPLIES by its very statement -- that the REST OF THE WORLD must be some kind of ''bad guys" UNLESS they bow to the ''american way -- OUR way".

and THAT means -- ''change" is only a WORD IN THE AMERICAN LEXICON.

do not forget -- that whatever each cycle of elections produces in leaderships

THEY REFLECT the TOLERANCE and even support "- my leader -- my own -- i support no matter what" --

by the general public -- whether directly or indirectly -- actively or passively

and that ''leadership" is ONLY A PRODUCT of a society itself to one extent or another.

the ''leadership" -- be they theodore roosevelt - the PROUD IMPERIALIST who bragged about america "civilizing the world to show them OUR WHITE MAN'S SUPERIOR WAYS" -- to the SAME kind of thinking TODAY under different disguises (inclding SHOWING A BLACK FACE as president answerable to HIS white masters) --

are STILL products of the AMERICAN SOCIETY and all its notions about its ''exceptionalism".

the faces and ''policies" ''changes" are nothing more than COSMETIC changes over the SAME CADAVER and ZOMBIE that walks aroudn and tramples around the world

that is american EMPIRE and belief in being the 'master of the universe".

how ELSE could it be - it was BORN that way...just ask the NATIVE PEOPLES....

AND EVERYTHING ELSE anyone wants to understand about america and its ''choices and freedom and righteousness and policies"

is CLEAR like fresh water after a good clean rain in a stream with pebbles -- that make it all so clear....

anything else is pure sophistry and a stupid exercise in DENIAL of what AMERICA is and always has been...describes o perfectly by SIGMUN FREUD IN A lecture professorship tenure in the USA DECADES ago after world war 2 in the ''victorious america".

:"i came to america meeting a GENERATION of NEUROTIC PARANOIDS...
"I left america SEEING a generation of VIOLENT LUNATICS...
"america is gigantic, yes; but an accident and a mistake, nonetheless"

and we can be certain by ''accident" he DIDN't just mean the accidental landing of columbus in the caribbean and ''new world" when they were really looking for ASIA and the spcie and silk trades made famous by what else

but the ancient silk roads from china -- (nowadays' rebuilding to ever greater heights -- and NO wonder america IS furious!! SINCE RUSSIA AND CHINA AND PERSIA AND INDIA are about to cement all that together -- without the permission of the USA and the west)!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I don't think Trump would necessarily do a "tremendous job" as he insists, but I do not see why he would be worse than any of the alternatives or why anyone else is more qualified than him to be president. Rubio right now is the object of neocon adulation, and his backers at Fox News, the Weekly Standard, the New York Post, and the DC-Republican think tanks are the people who gave you 8 years of George W. Bush. It is hilarious to see these people say that Trump doesn't understand the issues or isn't substantive, when their beloved George W. Bush was the master of malapropisms, spoke English like a second language, and knew nothing about foreign policy or any other issue of concern to a president. Yet Krauthammer and his buddies talk about 2000-2008 like those were the good old days and Trump isn't enlightened enough to continue that halcyon moment in history. Furthermore, I do not see why Trump is any less qualified to be president of the United States than Obama, who is doctrinaire in his incompetence. Obama has a more agreeable persona but Trump is clearly the superior economic/business mind. If Trump just stuck to his nationalist/realist guns to make good trade deals and control the border and hopefully avoid war with Iran (which Rubio would almost certainly bring), then he may actually end up doing a decent job.

Also - it is quite disappointing that Trump has not gotten more credit for saying that he opposed the war in Iraq and would not want to repeat that kind of mistake. This has infuriated the Republican-neocon establishment. I applaud him for that. That is more than Hillary can say.

Finally, while I do not think anyone can make the case that Trump has demonstrated intellectualism or significant knowledge, he has good instincts and his positions are quite often right. I have found some of his debate performances to be awful because he hasn't justified his positions well, but that doesn't alter the reality that he is fundamentally right.

skeptical as one needs to be with ANY of the candidates (too much has been about ''change' in ALL american politices only to be ''bait and switched" BACK to the same old story : rich getting richer, rules FOR and BY, the rich, blah, blah, more war, more excuses --e ach cycle producing WORSE than before...i mean -- only IDIOTS wouldn't see that! ) --

i AGREE that TRUMP -for his overt racist tones - can't really be worse than KILLARY (''i am gonna show everyone i got BIGGER BALLS for WAR than teh guys") -KILLTON ...

OR sanders "i am so LIBERAL AND SOCIALIST everhyone will love me -- but ISRAEL above all!!" AND that Means THE NEOCONS party all over again for the SAME thing as is happening NOW everywhere "the china trheat, the russia threat, " etc...

or any of the other GNOMES ...and trolls that pass for ''the representatives of the american people to the world".

i mean -- evne on a MERE PROFESSIONALISM level as diplomats or leaders --

NONE OF THEM can hold a candle to the RUSSIAN leaderships...

BE THEY the generals like Rogozin or Shoigu who could TRANSFORM what had become a poorly maintained, low-morale russian army since it was INTENTIONALLY neglected by the ''Liberal - western loving" folks of the YELTSIN years (exactly as the USA liked) -- and while russia was literally being ROBBED of its resources - until putin PUTIN put a SWIFT kick to THAT --

AND transform that russian army with FAR MORE LIMITED budget into today

''NOMINALLY?" THE 'SECOND most powerful" on the basis of ''QUANTITY"

BUT proving to be THE QUALITATIVELY best in the world...

compared to the OVER-PRICED extremely corrupt US military...that BUNGLES just about every ''operation" it makes even against 3RD rate armies


not only with such ''officers" but the DUMA leaderships compared to the US congress -- have TONS of extremely erudite, PROFESSIONAL diplomats who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT

whether i'ts their country , their neighbors, the challenges, the realistic chances, the world and their role in it as a country.

the USA? oh my god!

from top to bottom - with the very handful few exceptions who are MARGINALIZED (AND THAT shows you what kind of political ''freedom" the usa REALLY has)

is nothing but a bunch of IDIOTS who just happen to have their fingers on everhyone's POCKETS through american "laws" and ''government institutions"

but worse and more frightening -- are just part of the SAME

WAR AND MONEY RACKET GANGSTERISM -- that "is our country"

as GENERAL SMEDLEY BUTLER, JR, US MARINES, 1933 put it so perfectly.
"we are a nation of war and money racketeers and gangsters for our BIG BOSS: our super nationalistic capitalism and our cul.tural and economic assault upon others...what we do IS EVIL...i Would know because for over 30 years i served as our CHIEF HIGH CLASS MUSCLE ENFORCER IN 3 CONTINENTS for our RACKET as a country...SUSPENDING my own conscience - KNowing that what we do is EVIL. AND I will have nothing more to do with it..".

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I wasn't aware of the AIIB - I assume that's a seperate bank to the BRICS bank set up between China, Russia, India and South Africa?

i'm sure my numbers are not accurate -- 200 billion, 100 billion - whatever they are. .

but you get the idea.

in the meantime -- the all -powerful IMF is itself running out of ''fluid cash"

and YET -- changes its own rules midway;;;;

SUPPOSEDLY IT WON'T LEND to bankrut countries or ''delinquents" -- and NEVER forgives debts (naturally - it's the POINT of being a USURER after all) -

but has done exactly THESE for the point of trying to be CLEVER in negotiations so as to MAKE russia pick up the tab for what UKRAINE OWES russia -- 3.3 billion -- as a ''suggestion" - and since russia won't bite...

IMF last year ''forgave" billions that ukraine owed to IMF -- in order to make ukraine ''nominally" NOT bankrupt and therefore 'ELIGIBLE' for more IMF loans that are of course -- like from the beginning -- designed to make ukraine SELL OFF its assets to -- guess who? bargain basement prices of course.

and with all that -- considering tat BOTH china and russia as members have had INCREASING shares of contributions and demanded more VOTING shares in keeing with contributions


now -- what about that ''democracy' THE USA keeps talking about and exporting?


nice little racket they have -- under washington rules, ain't it?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I don't see how a person can be both activist and doctrinaire. Bush and the neocons destabilized Iraq, allowed for the resurgence of Al Qaeda there, and the Taliban in Afghanistan. This is what Obama inherited. Their options have not been the same. And I doubt either of them, however different their approaches to the Middle East, have been "starry-eyed." But of the two, Bush and the neocons were the ones that thought they had a solution. Obama has been playing clean-up from that mess. And the rise of ISIL comes from the same destabilization that we got from the Bush administration. Just when we had the world at our feet in terms of empathy, Bush went into Iraq, for what proved to be all the wrong reasons, and for what looked to be personal vendetta. The more we looked to be trying for reworking the Middle East in our ham-fisted model, the more we fed the seeds of ISIL. This came from Bush, not Obama. To paint them with the same brush is to wildly misunderstand who they are, and what their administrations aimed for.

No Moxie, again you are downplaying how much the Obama administration has meddled in the Middle East, particularly in Syria. I believe I recall Broken, who is Druze, commenting on how the mess in Syria (not Iraq) is all of the US's fault. Though he may not have explicitly stated it, he was condemning the Obama administration. Two of ISIS's strongest areas are Syria and Libya, and each of those two countries being destabilized is the fault of Obama, not Bush. Putin is 100% right about this and I take his side in his dispute with the US.

ISIS is only one part of the equation in Syria, and I will grant that ISIS ultimately is the fault of the Bush administration more than anyone else. However, the Obama administration has been just as forceful as McCain in calling for Assad's ouster and placing international pressure on Assad to, as Obama has put it, "step down" or "step aside". Hillary was quite shrill about this while she was Secretary of State. Like the incompetents that they are, Obama and Hillary have sided with Sunni Muslims in Syria, when it is Sunni militant groups throughout the world that are the greatest nuisance for the U.S. and pretty much everyone else. The Sunni side in Syria consists of ISIS, al-Nusra (an offshoot of al-Qaeda), and what Obama and McCain like to call the "moderate opposition" that is funded by the Saudis (who you yourself have condemned).

I recommend that you read some of David Ignatius's recent columns on this in the Washington Post. He is quite favorable to Obama and does not like the Republicans, but he does acknowledge that Obama has been impotent against the Islamic State and made some serious blunders.

Here is a portion of his piece on December 7th. This deals with the mythical "moderate opposition" that Obama and McCain both like to talk up:

"Consider the false hopes and missed connections over the past year: In Iraq, U.S. trainers were dispatched to Al Asad and Al Taqaddum air bases in Anbar province to train thousands of Sunni tribal fighters. The tribesmen mostly didn’t show up, and no wonder: The Shiite-led government in Baghdad still refuses to approve a Sunni “national guard” with real power. In Syria, Congress authorized a $500 million plan to train and equip a largely Sunni force to fight the Islamic State. Only a few hundred signed up, instead of the expected 5,000, and the first wave of fighters walked into a trap and was savaged by jihadists in northern Syria."

I would also add that a couple days ago the Catholic bishop of Aleppo came out to say that the so-called "moderate opposition" armed and financed by the Obama administration has been engaging in bombardment of non-Sunni civilians, i.e. the Christians, Alawites, Druze, and other minorities that comprise the Assad government's base of support. This bishop also said that they "do not differ from the other jihadists (Islamic Sate and al-Nusra) other than by name."


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
This is what I don't understand: They got rid of Gaddafi few years ago and put "democratic" government in his place. What are the Americans bombing there now? And they had to kill two poor Serbs that were kidnapped last November and the negotiations for their release were taking place? Now there is no more hope for their families. :-(


Futures Player
Apr 15, 2013
Somewhere on the edge of society.
Now you're starting to make some sense. You just need an economic lesson and perhaps we can salvage the damage done to you by the public indoctrination camps (public schools).

I DO NOT subscribe to the ''libertarian economics" matter.

but if there was a'choice' between the 3 --

I'D TAKE THE libertarians -- genuine ones that is -- no matter how i don't agree with their 'economics" theories --




reptilians who are fascists in drag. who are very good at THEATRE about presenting "'alternatives" (like their ''sanders/versus hillary" -- or ''Trump versus others" --)

but it's all for SHOW. TO give the illusion of american ''choice and democracy".

at the end of the day -- THEY ARE NOTHING BUT CORPORATE police state, war and money racketeering FASCISTS. ..who merely use different EMPHASIS of ''causes" (democrats supposedly more ''society" oriented -- republicans more 'business community" etc) as their forms of BAIT...

like the left and right hand of the SAME thing.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Big Super Tuesday results for the Don and Hillary...

Is this going to be a two horse race to the end, or will the GOP mobile their forces behind either Cruz or Rubio to try and claw back the Don?