AP I just got home from work and I saw Kieren post to me regarding Dom, in my opinion he has to go back to the challenger circuit and try to win 'a tournament' he has run out of his PR, he gets WC into tournaments and cant t get past the 1st rd, eg AO, he was given a WC to Santiago tournament again lost in the 1st rd, his FH is just terrible to watch at present, as I posted the furthest he has go at the Golden Swing was RD 2? he has been given a WC into IW, being a past champion, it will be the 'same story' at present he is a just a former shadow of himself.He cant rely on getting WC all the time, quite frankly I question his team at present and their plans? because they are just not working. Time to get 'real' and accept the facts quite frankly.