No decline? Every player present or past or even from six feet under would tell you, that you are not as good in your mid 30s as in your 20s. That includes the big 3. Not sure why you bonehead even makes an argument about it. If you say they get better because of more experience, then why don’t they just never retire since they will forever have more experience (as if it’s a magic potion)?Well I’m sorry for you too Retardo, for many reasons.
Keep on trying to understand Retardo.
He still brings back everything, that’s main reason for his success in the past and now, the best working donkey ever.
There isn’t significant decline for his game style yet.
If you read carefully you will see it’s not the question if he runs faster or not of his younger self, he would beat him.
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There isn’t an ounce of brain in Bonehead, just look at his way of thinking.....maybe he just loves humiliating himself in public