I’m someone who leans a lot toward holistic treatments, and yes, I do believe that a positive attitude can be an often overlooked integral part of healing. My uncle and cousin are MD’s so we’ve had some back & forth on all this, and while I’m wary of what I feel is alarming overmedication in the States, I’m not anti-Western medicine or vaccination.
Homeopathic, natural & holistic treatments are valid tools I believe in overall well being /health , along with good nutrition and exercise. Plus I think the medical establishment for the most part can be reflexively Dismissive/hostile towards that part of the equation, again here in my neck of the woods.
So I get what Novak is talking about when he touts positive thinking. Now there’s a difference between deliberately drinking contaminated water , or stating positive thinking bY itself is going to heal you if you do, as opposed to Opining it’s part of the arsenal For overall health. Giving Novak the benefit of the doubt on that point that he was making. Poetic license with a little hyperbole.
However, the whole changing the molecular structure of water that that guy was touting is a bridge too far in my book.
More interesting to me would be what Novak would or wouldn’t do in order to meet health/safety standards to travel & play in tournamentsin this New post pandemic World.