Just heard in Brazilian media that Tsitsipas wants to hire Kuerten as a coach...
What will I do? Root for Britney? Hate good ol Guga? Choices, choices...
Actually there is a road down the middle. Here is the plan:
Scenario a) Tsitsipas hires Kuerten, wins majors, gets to number 1: I'll say that "All credit goes to Kuerten, had he coached any other one handed backhand he would have got #1;
Scenario b) Tsitsipas stays were he is: : I'll say that "Britney is deaf and stubborn does not listen to great advice";
Scenario c) Tsitsipas gives one or two steps backwards, gets around #25: : I'll say that "Dumb Greek thought that only being close to an actually great player would be enough, got lazy and stopped training";
Scenario d) Tsitsipas sinks into oblivion: : I'll say that "Tsitsipas realized that his backhand would never be that great and cannot deal with it, despite the great, invaluable coaching he is getting".