2017 Wimbledon Championships - Men


Apr 14, 2013
wrecking his chances for the final..that means he wasn't the better player..he is bleeds he can be dismantled by a better player..face it and move on.,learn to have some classs and acknowledge the better player if it happened .,all this bitchin gets old..the way you bitch about poor Stan was unacceptable..you gave him absolutely no credit for being a champion..when he defeated Rafa and Novak before, you spread eagle to applaud his victories

Hilarious AP. You Nadal tards are the worst at not acknowledging the opponent, especially Carol. It's always "Nadal played his worst". I'm not in the camp of not acknowledging the winner at all so before accusing me of rubbish as you posted above go actually read my posts properly, just for once. We'd all like to see something read properly for once. You already proved to us all that you don't read things properly as I was back and forth with you here too for all to see and again you can see clear as day I most certainly do acknowledge the better player unlike you Nadal fans blaming knee, wrist, foot, back, appendix, stomach virus and whatever other body parts or rubbish he's moaning about. And this btw is not directed at all Nadal fans but only the annoying ones who don't read things properly or spout stupid excuses every time he doesn't win. Most Federer fans are not like you at all. You know who I'm talking about. We all do. Here's my post again. Maybe read it this time.

"I'll post this again also for all the sore loser Nadal fans here who blame his biggest losses on supposed knee problems that no one can see except them in a kind of "The Emperor's new clothes" way. Anyway, for the record seems none of the usual numbskull suspects who defend Nadal's knee problems and have an excuse for all his biggest losses even read this post so here it is again:

I'll also add this...Federer had a bad back in 2013 and that's no secret but I don't claim for 1 nanosecond that he lost to Stakhovsky for this reason. Unlike you sad, sore loser Nadal fans I call it like it is: he lost that match as the guy played a really great throwback to 90's era serve and volley fest that caught Roger by surprise. See? It's not hard to be a level headed non biased fan. Try it for once.

Unlike you sorry bunch, I don't blame Roger's back for that loss at Wimbledon 2013 but you sore losers can keep blaming Nadal's loss to Soderling to his knees till the cows come home. And then you have the cheek to say us Federer fans are the same in terms of excusing losses as you are. No, we're most definitely not like you. We're level headed and not blind and delusional."

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Apr 14, 2013
Since Wimbledon has started this blog looks to be more a tantrum of two little kids than anything else

A pity you were one of the main culprits then I guess.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Hilarious AP. You Nadal tards are the worst at not acknowledging the opponent, especially Carol. It's always "Nadal played his worst". I'm not in the camp of not acknowledging the winner at all so before accusing me of rubbish as you posted above go actually read my posts properly, just for once. We'd all like to see something read properly for once. You already proved to us all that you don't read things properly as I was back and forth with you here too for all to see and again you can see clear as day I most certainly do acknowledge the better player unlike you Nadal fans blaming knee, wrist, foot, back, appendix, stomach virus and whatever other body parts or rubbish he's moaning about. And this btw is not directed at all Nadal fans but only the annoying ones who don't read things properly or spout stupid excuses every time he doesn't win. Most Federer fans are not like you at all. You know who I'm talking about. We all do. Here's my post again. Maybe read it this time.

"I'll post this again also for all the sore loser Nadal fans here who blame his biggest losses on supposed knee problems that no one can see except them in a kind of "The Emperor's new clothes" way. Anyway, for the record seems none of the usual numbskull suspects who defend Nadal's knee problems and have an excuse for all his biggest losses even read this post so here it is again:

I'll also add this...Federer had a bad back in 2013 and that's no secret but I don't claim for 1 nanosecond that he lost to Stakhovsky for this reason. Unlike you sad, sore loser Nadal fans I call it like it is: he lost that match as the guy played a really great throwback to 90's era serve and volley fest that caught Roger by surprise. See? It's not hard to be a level headed non biased fan. Try it for once.

Unlike you sorry bunch, I don't blame Roger's back for that loss at Wimbledon 2013 but you sore losers can keep blaming Nadal's loss to Soderling to his knees till the cows come home. And then you have the cheek to say us Federer fans are the same in terms of excusing losses as you are. No, we're most definitely not like you. We're level headed and not blind and delusional."

So tell me was I a sore loser about AO17.. I was pissed as heck at Rafa but I did give Roger and team credit.. Here's my issue with you .You get upset when someone check your craziness and then you want to lump some of the Nadal fans as sore losers.. I am different then a lot of them .. we are all unique.. When you and Darth go off an these tantrums.. I mentioned your names. I don't hide, Darth doesn't take it personal because he knows I respect him as a poster until it comes to Nadal. I have even been fair to you as of late. I wouldn't classify me as a sore loser.. I attack Rafa and team especially Toni when its necessary.. How many battles have you seen me engaged in with Rafa fans even Lord Kieran. Numerous of times. I have held endless posts with other Rafa fans about disagreement , But I am still here. However, you never tell Darth or GSM they are wrong or vice versa.. One poster I give credit for that is El Dude, he will tell you guys when you are wrong or trying to sell us smoking mirrors.. When you post some Rafa fans, you are baiting the other posters who don't know the history then the trolling began. I BAIT no one. I tell the truth. I have told you before Man up and move on. You don't like Nadal, I get it. I am not gonna try to sell you on the good merits of Nadal.. However, when you try to redirect or better yet misdirect that's a bit gutless my friend.
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Apr 14, 2013
I have a great idea! We decide beforehand that whoever wins this Wimbledon, the trophy gets an asterisk, which obviously is needed because... well, I´ll think of it later. But this way wining or losing is not a big deal and we can get to discuss pointless stuff like who´s playing good or bad, who is adapting to the conditions, and etc...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I have a great idea! We decide beforehand that whoever wins this Wimbledon, the trophy gets an asterisk, which obviously is needed because... well, I´ll think of it later. But this way wining or losing is not a big deal and we can get to discuss pointless stuff like who´s playing good or bad, who is adapting to the conditions, and etc...
If you think an asterisk will suffice, then you have been paying attention.. I have to give my guy Darth credit.. He may not have started this but he gave this whole wildfire of a thread oxygen . Darth, I don't know what your professional career is but you should consider a role as a politician. Your base is armed and hyped. bravo to the true Sith Lord you are.:clap:


Apr 14, 2013
So tell me was I a sore loser about AO17.. I was pissed as heck at Rafa but I did give Roger and team credit.. Here's my issue with you .You get upset when someone check your craziness and then you want to lump some of the Nadal fans as sore losers.. I am different then a lot of them .. we are all unique.. When you and Darth go off an these tantrums.. I mentioned your names. I don't hide, Darth doesn't take it personal because he knows I respect him as a poster until it comes to Nadal. I have even been fair to you as of late. I wouldn't classify me as a sore loser.. I attack Rafa and team especially Toni when its necessary.. How many battles have you seen me engaged in with Rafa fans even Lord Kieran. Numerous of times. I have held endless posts with other Rafa fans about disagreement , But I am still here. However, you never tell Darth or GSM they are wrong or vice versa.. One poster I give credit for that is El Dude, he will tell you guys when you are wrong or trying to sell us smoking mirrors.. When you post some Rafa fans, you are baiting the other posters who don't know the history then the trolling began. I BAIT no one. I tell the truth. I have told you before Man up and move on. You don't like Nadal, I get it. I am not gonna try to sell you on the good merits of Nadal.. However, when you try to redirect or better yet misdirect that's a bit gutless my friend.

You bait no one? Most hilarious thing I've read. What the f**k did you just do above but accuse me of giving no credit to people who beat Federer then? And I already showed you I DO give them credit and that your post was therefore relegated to BS and everyone can see you didn't even read it before you started ranting as usual. Christ. If we go on "tantrums" it's down to you numbskulls accusing us of stuff we didn't type, not reading our posts or simply annoying us for no reason like above. I don't feel the need to tell people they're wrong unless it's directed at me which your post was. You wrongly accused me of not giving credit to guys who have beaten Federer so I replied. It's not rocket science. The sore loser part is about blaming his damn knees on most of his bad losses, especially grass so, yes, people who are doing that are not only blind, they are sore losers.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
You bait no one? Most hilarious thing I've read. What the f**k did you just do above but accuse me of giving no credit to people who beat Federer then? And I already showed you I DO give them credit and that your post was therefore relegated to BS and everyone can see you didn't even read it before you started ranting as usual. Christ. If we go on "tantrums" it's down to you numbskulls accusing us of stuff we didn't type, not reading our posts or simply annoying us for no reason like above. I don't feel the need to tell people they're wrong unless it's directed at me which your post was. You wrongly accused me of not giving credit to guys who have beaten Federer so I replied. It;s not rocket science. The sore loser part is about blaming his damn knees on most of his bad losses, especially grass so, yes, people who are doing that are not only blind, they are sore losers.
What credit did you give Nadal after during RG.. Before Rafa buried Stan, you pissed on Warinka's corpse before the tv analyst could provide the Swiss an eulogy. However, no one called you on it but Carol and I. Quit saying no one reads your posts Just because everyone don't subscribe to the majority of the hypocrisy that you post, it doesn't mean that its not read. Just say that a lot of poster don't buy into it, not don't read it. You post like someone is slow or dimwitted.


Apr 14, 2013
Ok. Thing is that this whole surface/balls discussion is not limited to this forum. Players are talking about it, press around the world is talking about it. I do not necessarily agree with what people are saying, but, hell, you have to admit that something is happening and there is a reason behind all the fuss.

That the ball is heavier I guess no ones disputes. How (and how much) is it affecting play is another question. I guess play is slower, not that much, but noticeable. But we still have a low bounce, and even if we´ve seen more breaks than usual, I guess most players left are more grass oriented than not. It is not like we have 8 Ferrer´s and 4 Ramos-Vinolas out there. But, yes, as I root for Federer I would prefer the "usual" balls.

And then there´s the surface, which is falling apart. It is slippery (no one disputes that, I guess). In that regard, Nadal and Djokovic, who move so well, are at a loss -- but Federer is quite a good mover too and also loses a bit on this. Guys like Muller (yeah!) are the great beneficiaries of this aspect, as they basically stand still and fire a missile to where their noses are pointing to. Cilic too benefits from this.

To me the net effect of surface and balls are still a bit of an unknown -- only after we see the top dogs against each other we´ll be able to know
who got the better end of this surface -- I won´t be surprised if Federer raises his level and adapts perfectly to it when he needs it.

One less important match tomorrow might help to understand this dynamic: Berdych x Thiem. Berdych nows his way on grass, serves big and hits hard, and even if I think Thiem is more than a caly oriented player, there is no denying his play style is still very related to that surface. I like Thiem, but I hope Berdych wins in straights. It will make me feel more like Wimbledon...
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Apr 14, 2013
wrecking his chances for the final..that means he wasn't the better player..he is bleeds he can be dismantled by a better player..face it and move on.,learn to have some classs and acknowledge the better player if it happened .,all this bitchin gets old..the way you bitch about poor Stan was unacceptable..you gave him absolutely no credit for being a champion..when he defeated Rafa and Novak before, you spread eagle to applaud his victories

Just btw, you proved to the whole forum yet again here (see post below) you don't read things properly or else you did THAT day and forgot a few seconds later. One or the other. Either way, you're again completely 100% wrong here again and accusing me of bitching about Stan for no apparent reason so I'll just post this again for all to see that you're talking about imaginary things I've never wrote. I didn't slag Stan at all (you made that up. There's a first. NOT), I actually praised Nadal. So rather than talk shite about me having "some class and acknowledge the better player" (which I did, duh. Read below and the post about Stakhovsky at Wimbledon 2013), maybe you should actually start reading my posts properly for once.

"Not only is Nadal on clay a huge uphill battle but beating him in a final at RG is next to impossible. Stan will have his chances in any other slam final he reaches outside of clay imo regardless of who he plays. Nadal took away all his time today and played a great match and was way more aggressive than usual because he realized he needed to be. On a faster surface Stan will still be dangerous. I definitely agree it's WAY too early to count Stan out anywhere unless it's RG against Nadal."


And don't tell me you didn't read my post that day because you replied to it here below. Anyway, I'm off to bed 'cos this is boring me to tears. Can't wait for the next installment of stuff I didn't actually type at all!

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Apr 14, 2013
What credit did you give Nadal after during RG.. Before Rafa buried Stan, you pissed on Warinka's corpse before the tv analyst could provide the Swiss an eulogy. However, no one called you on it but Carol and I. Quit saying no one reads your posts Just because everyone don't subscribe to the majority of the hypocrisy that you post, it doesn't mean that its not read. Just say that a lot of poster don't buy into it, not don't read it. You post like someone is slow or dimwitted.[/QUOTEd]

Read my post here, numbskull, and it's clear who comes across as slow or dimwitted. Hint, it's not me! Not only are you wrong again about giving Nadal credit you didn't read it as I said either. Over and out.

"Not only is Nadal on clay a huge uphill battle but beating him in a final at RG is next to impossible. Stan will have his chances in any other slam final he reaches outside of clay imo regardless of who he plays. Nadal took away all his time today and played a great match and was way more aggressive than usual because he realized he needed to be. On a faster surface Stan will still be dangerous. I definitely agree it's WAY too early to count Stan out anywhere unless it's RG against Nadal."



Jul 9, 2013
It was kind of tense because Roger got a break, early in the first set, then got broken after a slack service game, but he played the tiebreak well. To me the match looked close, because Zverev served well. However, it was clear that his game is rather limited.

Thanks. I don't know how ABC came to know that I missed the match, they showed it in full this afternoon. So, I am all caught up. Since Fed had an early break in all the sets, it should not have felt tense. But, then watching a rerun and knowing the result, I cannot possible be tense.
The later potions of the first set, after MZ broke back had some tension.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Ok. Thing is that this whole surface/balls discussion is not limited to this forum. Players are talking about it, press around the world is talking about it. I do not necessarily agree with what people are saying, but, hell, you have to admit that something is happening and there is a reason behind all the fuss.

That the ball is heavier I guess no ones disputes. How (and how much) is it affecting play is another question. I guess play is slower, not that much, but noticeable. But we still have a low bounce, and even if we´ve seen more breaks than usual, I guess most players left are more grass oriented than not. It is not like we have 8 Ferrer´s and 4 Ramos-Vinolas out there. But, yes, as I root for Federer I would prefer the "usual" balls.

And then there´s the surface, which is falling apart. It is slippery (no one disputes that, I guess). In that regard, Nadal and Djokovic, who move so well, are at a loss -- but Federer is quite a good mover too and also loses a bit on this. Guys like Muller (yeah!) are the great beneficiaries of this aspect, as they basically stand still and fire a missile to where their noses are pointing to. Cilic too benefits from this.

To me the net effect of surface and balls are still a bit of an unknown -- only after we see the top dogs against each other we´ll be able to know
who got the better end of this surface -- I won´t be surprised if Federer raises his level and adapts perfectly to it when he needs it.

One less important match tomorrow might help to understand this dynamic: Berdych x Thiem. Berdych nows his way on grass, serves big and hits hard, and even if I think Thiem is more than a caly oriented player, there is no denying his play style is still very related to that surface. I like Thiem, but I hope Berdych wins in straights. It will make me feel more like Wimbledon...
I think it's fair to talk about the weather in the whole equation, which no one with a serious conspiracy theory seems to be interested in. It's been hot in all of Europe since mid-June, so the courts are dry and hard. One thing I don't understand, (and I mean this seriously,) is everyone is talking about the courts being slippery, which is something I thought was a feature of fresh grass. Why would the footing be worse, if they're drier? How can both things be true? In any case, it's still grass, and a natural surface. The irregularities are part of playing on grass. By the same token, clay reacts to weather. The HC surfaces much less so. If people are so much in favor of grass tournaments, they are going to have to take on board the influence of weather.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You are quite dismissive of the Tignor's voodoo..he is due afterwards finally getting it correct at RG this year..it's only been a week give him a long time
I am far more dismissive of any point to looking at the booking odds half-way through the tournament. Then it's just people hoping to encourage themselves or falsely bolster their favorites. We all know what they're up against now, and we don't need outsiders who barely pay attention to tell us differently. However, I'm not trying to discourage GSM from posting the changing odds, if he enjoys it.


Apr 14, 2013
One thing I don't understand, (and I mean this seriously,) is everyone is talking about the courts being slippery, which is something I thought was a feature of fresh grass. Why would the footing be worse, if they're drier?
Good question. I guess that grass will be always slippery (as a Brazilian, I grew up playing football on grass, so I know that well), but maybe it is the fact that it is too irregular, combined with the natural slippery, that it is bothering. Or else, the part where the grass is completely dead is probably quite dry, and dry dirt is quite slippery (as anyone who already played in an over dry clay court knows). But, yes, it is hard to understand.

The one thing I am sure is that something is not right, as there are too many players complaining...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Good question. I guess that grass will be always slippery (as a Brazilian, I grew up playing football on grass, so I know that well), but maybe it is the fact that it is too irregular, combined with the natural slippery, that it is bothering. Or else, the part where the grass is completely dead is probably quite dry, and dry dirt is quite slippery (as anyone who already played in an over dry clay court knows). But, yes, it is hard to understand.

The one thing I am sure is that something is not right, as there are too many players complaining...
Agreed. There are many articles and something has gone awry. On the rye grass. I still think the weather should be considered as a factor. It is a natural surface, after all.
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