That actually was the post I was referring to. Just because attomole said he thought KK looked irritated doesn't make it so, or that it was Rafa's slow play. He was playing very quickly for himself in that match, and if KK looked disgruntled in that first set, he had many reasons to be, least of which being Rafa's pace of play. Look, since you didn't watch it: KK was surely overwhelmed by playing Rafa the first time in his first time on Centre Court. He gathered himself as the match went on. He got Nadal a bit nervous in the 3rd, but that's when Rafa was playing fastest, so it wasn't gamesmanship. Forgive me if I don't "mark your words," because they are tainted by so much prejudice. If you don't watch a match, don't complain. Nadal has speeded up a lot over the last few years. Fewer ticks. I still maintain that he takes his time for the sake of his focus, and his focus is one of the most noted in the game. You don't like it, because it wins him a lot of matches. But I sincerely think he does it for his own concentration and not to game the other guy. He has so many quirks that are about that, which don't really affect the other player, at all. I don't know how you separate this one out and call it deliberately putting off the other player.