2015 ATP World Tour Finals


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
I never said anything about him complaining. Everyone complains. What I said was I knew you couldn't provide any examples of "incredibly stupid and self-serving" comments from him which you have duly proven to the whole forum with that reply above. If you seriously think any of the above are examples of him being incredibly stupid and self-serving, I pity your comprehension.

Yep, I seriously think any of above are examples of him being incredible stupid and self-serving and talking about 'I pity your comprehension' look at you in the mirror complaining all the time about Nadal

Notice why no one "liked" your post? 'cos it was bs. They stopped matches this year and others at Wimbledon around 1.5 hours before that 2008 final ended. The match ended at 9:15 and it was way too dark to play and the fact that you think that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" for Federer to state the truth that it should not have continued in darkness is beyond idiotic. It looks nothing like what you see on tv. Many people I know were at that match and they couldn't see the ball at all and the players were just silhouettes in the darkness.

Please tell me how a back injury is called a "complaint" and is "incredibly stupidness and self-serving" ? Re-read what you type before posting next time 'cos it makes no sense whatsoever. The guy pulls out of the WTF 'cos of a bad back and somehow that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" ? Yeah, good one. Your blind bias of Nadal is rotting away at your logic and comprehension.

And finally, the "complaining about slow courts" is something many players have voiced. This is a completely justified "complaint" as almost 90% of the courts out there are now the same speed and this is not proper tennis anymore, where in the past we saw specialists on certain surfaces. Now there's almost no diversity out there and all we see is marathon rallies that reward athleticism more than shot making and skillful, aggressive game plans. But feel free to call that "incredibly stupid and self-serving" also. :cover

Do you know why nobody liked my post? because the 80% of the posters are Federer's fans, the 15% Novak/Federer fans and the 5% Rafa's fans :lolz:
You should go to others blogs that I know, and you would see the opposite :cool:


Apr 14, 2013
Fiero425 said:
Kieran said:
Fiero425 said:
Maybe there's a consensus and definitive opinion of people who don't worship at the alter of Nadal! :p :nono :angel:

Yeah. People who hate him are going to hate him. What does that tell us? That you people hate him. No more than this... ;)

There's my HATE and other people's truth! He's a slime-ball and I never cared for him; even as a kid! :gross: :deadhorse

When you were a kid, Rafa's dad wasn't even born, let alone Rafa... :snicker


Apr 14, 2013
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Yep, I seriously think any of above are examples of him being incredible stupid and self-serving and talking about 'I pity your comprehension' look at you in the mirror complaining all the time about Nadal

Notice why no one "liked" your post? 'cos it was bs. They stopped matches this year and others at Wimbledon around 1.5 hours before that 2008 final ended. The match ended at 9:15 and it was way too dark to play and the fact that you think that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" for Federer to state the truth that it should not have continued in darkness is beyond idiotic. It looks nothing like what you see on tv. Many people I know were at that match and they couldn't see the ball at all and the players were just silhouettes in the darkness.

Please tell me how a back injury is called a "complaint" and is "incredibly stupidness and self-serving" ? Re-read what you type before posting next time 'cos it makes no sense whatsoever. The guy pulls out of the WTF 'cos of a bad back and somehow that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" ? Yeah, good one. Your blind bias of Nadal is rotting away at your logic and comprehension.

And finally, the "complaining about slow courts" is something many players have voiced. This is a completely justified "complaint" as almost 90% of the courts out there are now the same speed and this is not proper tennis anymore, where in the past we saw specialists on certain surfaces. Now there's almost no diversity out there and all we see is marathon rallies that reward athleticism more than shot making and skillful, aggressive game plans. But feel free to call that "incredibly stupid and self-serving" also. :cover

Do you know why nobody liked my post? because the 80% of the posters are Federer's fans, the 15% Novak/Federer fans and the 5% Rafa's fans :lolz:
You should go to others blogs that I know, and you would see the opposite :cool:

You're actually quite wrong with those numbers. This is most definitely not a pro Federer board and is actually quite evenly balanced with fans of Djokovic, Federer and Nadal. Good counter to the rest of my post, though. Well done. At least we're in agreement for once then, which is good.


Pro Tour Player
Aug 12, 2013
Kieran said:
bajana said:
Again, and I apologise, but I find myself questioning your reasoning. Is the assessment by the players made on the basis of any one incident, or is it more likely it's determined on the overall assessment of a year's activity on and off court? Does his complaint about Hawkeye seriously supercede and override whatever contributions he may have made during the year - either to players as individuals or to the sport as a whole?

However, if you're just throwing stuff out there in order to try to gain points in an argument, then I'll refrain from any further comments.

No need to apologise.

My point is that Federer is as competitive and self-centred as any players. His complaints against Hawkeye were self-serving. He was losing in the fourth set at the time.

Now, "whatever contributions he may have made during the year" is vague. They're all rich blokes who make contributions, is this what you mean? Or do you think Rafa has made no contributions "to the sport as a whole?"

Of course he has. They all have. It's just partisan nonsense by the usual having a go at him. It's entertaining, but it's nonsense...

No, nothing financial implied there. I was merely referring to whatever actions and interactions that may have caused the majority of his peers to vote for him in numbers large enough that he ended up winning the SESA for the 11th time.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
State College, PA
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Believe it or not, old Ralf won it in 2010! :snicker



Apr 14, 2013
nehmeth said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Believe it or not, old Ralf won it in 2010! :snicker


Mysteriouser and mysteriouser... ;)


Apr 14, 2013
nehmeth said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Believe it or not, old Ralf won it in 2010! :snicker


Yeah, hilarious actually that it was in 2010 when he took the complete mick out of Petzschner to win their encounter at Wimbledon with multiple MTOs.


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker


Apr 14, 2013
Carol35 said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker

The fans don't vote for this award, the players do.


Pro Tour Player
Aug 12, 2013
Carol35 said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker

Well, we've done the xxx end of year World #1 thing, and the double Humanitarian of the Year thing, and the 3 or 4 consecutive Laureus Sportsman of the Year thing, so we might as well enjoy the 11 time and 14 consecutive year thing, doncha think? :):angel:


Apr 14, 2013
bajana said:
Carol35 said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker

Well, we've done the xxx end of year World #1 thing, and the double Humanitarian of the Year thing, and the 3 or 4 consecutive Laureus Sportsman of the Year thing, so we might as well enjoy the 11 time and 14 consecutive year thing, doncha think? :):angel:

We've done more or less everything but the actual tourney that starts on Monday!

When is the draw? Tomorrow?


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
Notice why no one "liked" your post? 'cos it was bs. They stopped matches this year and others at Wimbledon around 1.5 hours before that 2008 final ended. The match ended at 9:15 and it was way too dark to play and the fact that you think that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" for Federer to state the truth that it should not have continued in darkness is beyond idiotic. It looks nothing like what you see on tv. Many people I know were at that match and they couldn't see the ball at all and the players were just silhouettes in the darkness.

Please tell me how a back injury is called a "complaint" and is "incredibly stupidness and self-serving" ? Re-read what you type before posting next time 'cos it makes no sense whatsoever. The guy pulls out of the WTF 'cos of a bad back and somehow that's "incredibly stupid and self-serving" ? Yeah, good one. Your blind bias of Nadal is rotting away at your logic and comprehension.

And finally, the "complaining about slow courts" is something many players have voiced. This is a
completely justified "complaint" as almost 90% of the courts out there are now the same speed and this is not proper tennis anymore, where in the past we saw specialists on certain surfaces. Now there's almost no diversity out there and all we see is marathon rallies that reward athleticism more than shot making and skillful, aggressive game plans. But feel free to call that "incredibly stupid and self-serving" also. :cover

Do you know why nobody liked my post? because the 80% of the posters are Federer's fans, the 15% Novak/Federer fans and the 5% Rafa's fans :lolz:
You should go to others blogs that I know, and you would see the opposite :cool:

You're actually quite wrong with those numbers. This is most definitely not a pro Federer board and is actually quite evenly balanced with fans of Djokovic, Federer and Nadal. Good counter to the rest of my post, though. Well done. At least we're in agreement for once then, which is good.

Really? that's is your opinion but this board is full of Federer's fans who are now in the Novak's wagon just for convenience and I don't understand why, Novak is playing much better than when Federer was younger, Federer is still playing well and Novak beats him every time they play each either. And don't make excuses because Roger's age, Novak is better player than him in all the ways and probably is going to break all the Roger's records so I don't finish to understand the hate to Nadal, it's sounds already like a joke


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Kieran said:
That award is a mystery to me...

Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker

The fans don't vote for this award, the players do.

Sorry but I don't believe it :D


Apr 14, 2013
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Being a Rafa's fan I never go through that kind of votes (and I'm not the only one, it's a waste of time) but most of the Federer's fans do, it's so important for them......:snicker

The fans don't vote for this award, the players do.

Sorry but I don't believe it :D

You don't believe a lot of what is staring you in the face so I'm afraid I can't help you there.

"Federer has been selected by his peers as winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for the 11th time." Peers = other players on tour, not fans voting on some dumb polls. But feel free to still not believe it.



Pro Tour Player
Aug 12, 2013
<singing> I hear my tinfoil calling, calling to me...

Heck, I even heard somebody saying Djoker beats Fed every time they play -- I guess they erased Cincinnati 2015 from the records already - rofl


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
State College, PA
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
The fans don't vote for this award, the players do.

Sorry but I don't believe it :D

You don't believe a lot of what is staring you in the face so I'm afraid I can't help you there.

"Federer has been selected by his peers as winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for the 11th time." Peers = other players on tour, not fans voting on some dumb polls. But feel free to still not believe it.


Some people never allow actual facts get in the way of their narrative.


Apr 14, 2013
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Do you know why nobody liked my post? because the 80% of the posters are Federer's fans, the 15% Novak/Federer fans and the 5% Rafa's fans :lolz:
You should go to others blogs that I know, and you would see the opposite :cool:

You're actually quite wrong with those numbers. This is most definitely not a pro Federer board and is actually quite evenly balanced with fans of Djokovic, Federer and Nadal. Good counter to the rest of my post, though. Well done. At least we're in agreement for once then, which is good.

Really? that's is your opinion but this board is full of Federer's fans who are now in the Novak's wagon just for convenience and I don't understand why, Novak is playing much better than when Federer was younger, Federer is still playing well and Novak beats him every time they play each either. And don't make excuses because Roger's age, Novak is better player than him in all the ways and probably is going to break all the Roger's records so I don't finish to understand the hate to Nadal, it's sounds already like a joke

This is another one of your silly rants you keep going on and on about even when Federer fans have already told you countless times some of us actually like how Djokovic plays tennis as well. It's really not that hard to grasp and I can't be bothered to search for old posts as both I and others have told you this many times already. As for a 28 year old in a very physically demanding sport and in his prime not being at an advantage over a 34 year old in the final stages of his career, I pity your logic. I really do. You must love the movie Cocoon. It was fiction though, sorry. People do actually get older and slower. If Novak is so superior to Roger then why is the h2h 21-21 ? Why did it take till Roger got old for it to get closer ? Come on, I know you have a great reply to this one for us all. Why also is it still extremely tough for a 28 year old vastly superior (according to you) player to beat an old fart who could easily have retired by now? Again, I'm sure you'll come up with a wonderful enlightening reply full of great factual and statistical brilliance to back up your claim.


Grand Slam Champion
Jan 10, 2015
Front242 said:
Carol35 said:
Front242 said:
You're actually quite wrong with those numbers. This is most definitely not a pro Federer board and is actually quite evenly balanced with fans of Djokovic, Federer and Nadal. Good counter to the rest of my post, though. Well done. At least we're in agreement for once then, which is good.

Really? that's is your opinion but this board is full of Federer's fans who are now in the Novak's wagon just for convenience and I don't understand why, Novak is playing much better than when Federer was younger, Federer is still playing well and Novak beats him every time they play each either. And don't make excuses because Roger's age, Novak is better player than him in all the ways and probably is going to break all the Roger's records so I don't finish to understand the hate to Nadal, it's sounds already like a joke
This is another one of your silly rants you keep going on and on about even when Federer fans have already told you countless times some of us actually like how Djokovic plays tennis as well. It's really not that hard to grasp and I can't be bothered to search for old posts as both I and others have told you this many times already. As for a 28 year old in a very physically demanding sport and in his prime not being at an advantage over a 34 year old in the final stages of his career, I pity your logic. I really do. You must love the movie Cocoon. It was fiction though, sorry. People do actually get older and slower. If Novak is so superior to Roger then why is the h2h 21-21 ? Why did it take till Roger got old for it to get closer ? Come on, I know you have a great reply to this one for us all. Why also is it still extremely tough for a 28 year old vastly superior (according to you) player to beat an old fart who could easily have retired by now? Again, I'm sure you'll come up with a wonderful enlightening reply full of great
factual and statistical brilliance to back up your claim.

It's not a silly rants it's a fact if you like it or not, if they would be the same age I'm sure Novak would have beaten before and now, he is just better player :cool:


Pro Tour Player
Aug 12, 2013
Carol35 said:
Really? that's is your opinion but this board is full of Federer's fans who are now in the Novak's wagon just for convenience and I don't understand why, Novak is playing much better than when Federer was younger, Federer is still playing well and Novak beats him every time they play each either. And don't make excuses because Roger's age, Novak is better player than him in all the ways and probably is going to break all the Roger's records so I don't finish to understand the hate to Nadal, it's sounds already like a joke

So, in a few years, let's see just what the probability turned out to be that Djokovic would break all of Roger's records --- allowing for the fact that already some are beyond his reach, but we'll take you at your word for the time being.

(Note: A few stats have not been updated since USO -- will be upgraded after YEC -- and *=continuing streak)

Most GS titles
1. Roger Federer 17 (career slam)
2. Pete Sampras 14
= Rafael Nadal 14 (career slam)
4. Björn Borg 11
5. Novak Djokovic 10
6. Andre Agassi 8 (career slam)
= Ivan Lendl 8
= Jimmy Connors 8
9. John McEnroe 7
= Mats Wilander 7
11. Stefan Edberg 6
= Boris Becker 6

GS finals
1. Roger Federer 27
2. Rafael Nadal 20
3. Ivan Lendl 19
4. Pete Sampras 18
= Novak Djokovic 18
6. Björn Borg 16
7. Jimmy Connors 15
= Andre Agassi 15
9. John McEnroe 11
= Mats Wilander 11
= Stefan Edberg 11

Consecutive GS finals
1. Roger Federer 10
2. Roger Federer 8
3. Rafael Nadal 5
4. Andre Agassi 4
= Rod Laver 4
= Novak Djokovic 4*
= Novak Djokovic 4
8. Jimmy Connors 3
= Andy Murray 3
= Björn Borg 3
= Björn Borg 3
= Björn Borg 3
= Ivan Lendl 3
= John McEnroe 3
= Ivan Lendl 3
= Ivan Lendl 3
= Mats Wilander 3
= Jim Courier 3
= Jim Courier 3
= Pete Sampras 3
= Rafael Nadal 3

GS semi-finals
1. Roger Federer 38
2. Jimmy Connors 31
3. Novak Djokovic 28
= Ivan Lendl 28
5. Andre Agassi 26
6. Pete Sampras 23
= Rafael Nadal 23
8. John McEnroe 19
= Stefan Edberg 19
9. Boris Becker 18
10. Björn Borg 17

Consecutive GS semi-finals
1. Roger Federer 23
2. Novak Djokovic 14
3. Ivan Lendl 10
4. Novak Djokovic 7*
5. Ivan Lendl 6
= Nadal 6
7. = Andy Murray 5
= Boris Becker 5
9. Roger Federer 4
= Rod Laver 4
= Tony Roche 4
= John McEnroe 4
= Andre Agassi 4
= Jim Courier 4
= Nadal 4

GS quarter-finals
1. Roger Federer 46
2. Jimmy Connors 41
3. Agassi 36
4. Novak Djokovic 34
= Ivan Lendl 34
6. Pete Sampras 29
= Rafael Nadal 29
8. John McEnroe 26
= Stefan Edberg 26
10. Boris Becker 23
11. Björn Borg 21

Consecutive GS quarter-finals
1. Roger Federer 36
2. Novak Djokovic 26*
3. Ivan Lendl 14
= Andy Murray 14
5. Rafael Nadal 11
6. Pete Sampras 10
7. Ivan Lendl 7
= Mats Wilander 7
9. Andre Agassi 6
= Rafael Nadal 6

All Four Slams in a Year
Rod Laver 1969

Three Slams in a Year
Jimmy Connors 1974
Mats Wilander 1988
Roger Federer 2004
Roger Federer 2006
Roger Federer 2007

Rafael Nadal 2010
Novak Djokovic 2011
Novak Djokovic 2015

All Four Finals in a Year
Roger Federer 2006
Roger Federer 2007
Roger Federer 2009

Novak Djokovic 2015
Rod Laver 1969

All Four Semi-finals in a Year
Rod Laver 1969
Ivan Lendl 1987
Roger Federer 2005
Roger Federer 2006
Roger Federer 2007
Roger Federer 2008
Roger Federer 2009

Rafael Nadal 2008
Novak Djokovic 2011
Novak Djokovic 2012
Novak Djokovic 2013
Novak Djokovic 2015

Andy Murray 2011

Most consecutive matches won at one Grand Slam event:
1. Björn Borg (Wimbledon), 41
2. Roger Federer (Wimbledon), 40 (not 41 because walkover in 2007 not counted)
= Roger Federer (US Open), 40 (not 41 because walkover not counted)

4. Rafael Nadal (French Open), 35
5. Pete Sampras (Wimbledon), 31

Most Grand Slam match wins
1. Roger Federer 297
2. Jimmy Connors 233
3. Andre Agassi 224
4. Ivan Lendl 222
5. Pete Sampras 204

Year-End Championships
1. Roger Federer 6
2. Ivan Lendl 5
= Pete Sampras 5
4. Novak Djokovic 4
5. Ilie Nastase 3
= John McEnroe 3
= Boris Becker 3

Most Year-End Championship finals
1. Federer 9
= Ivan Lendl 9
2. Boris Becker 8
3. Pete Sampras 6
4. Ilie Năstase 5
5. Bjorn Borg 4
= John McEnroe 4
= Andre Agassi 4
= Novak Djokovic 4
9. Lleyton Hewitt 3

Most Weeks at #1
1. Roger Federer 302
2. Pete Sampras 286
3. Ivan Lendl 270
4. Jimmy Connors 268
5. Novak Djokovic 171*
6. John McEnroe 170
7. Rafael Nadal 141
8. Björn Borg 109
9. Andre Agassi 101
10. Lleyton Hewitt 80

Consecutive Weeks at #1
1. Roger Federer (1) 237
2. Jimmy Connors (1) 160
3. Ivan Lendl (1) 157
4. Pete Sampras (1) 102
5. Jimmy Connors (2) 84
6. Pete Sampras (2) 82
7. Ivan Lendl (2) 80
8. Lleyton Hewitt (1) 75
9. 11. Novak Djokovic(1) 66*
10. John McEnroe (1) 58

Year End #1
1. Sampras 6
2. Federer 5
= Connors 5
4. McEnroe 4
= Lendl 4
6. Nadal 3
= Djokovic 4

Most ATP Titles
1. Jimmy Connors 109
2. Ivan Lendl 94
3. Roger Federer 88
4. John McEnroe 77
5. Rafael Nadal 66
6. Björn Borg 64
= Pete Sampras 64
8. Guillermo Vilas 62
9. Andre Agassi 60
10. Djokovic 55
11. Boris Becker 49

Most Master Series or equivalent win
1. Rafael Nadal 27
2. Novak Djokovic 26
3 Roger Federer 24
4. Ivan Lendl 22
5. John McEnroe 19
6. Andre Agassi 17
= Jimmny Connors 17
8. Bjorn Borg 15
9. Boris Becker 13
10. Pete Sampras 11
= Andy Murray 11