"Refined?" That doesn't seem to describe anything you would know. Or culture. Or music. No surprise that rap has passed you by, you racist tone-deaf troll.Black American culture? Like making annoying sound as if it’s music and they call it ‘rap’, or something else primitive and unrefined....
Black American culture? Like making annoying sound as if it’s music and they call it ‘rap’, or something else primitive and unrefined....
Black American culture? Like making annoying sound as if it’s music and they call it ‘rap’, or something else primitive and unrefined....
"Refined?" That doesn't seem to describe anything you would know. Or culture. Or music. No surprise that rap has passed you by, you racist tone-deaf troll.
What about Blues music which led to rock n roll and country? Jazz music? Gospel music? Etc.![]()
Black American culture? Like making annoying sound as if it’s music and they call it ‘rap’, or something else primitive and unrefined....
Awwwww isn’t it thrilling seeing one misogynist having an issue with another for not being sexist enough?
I wouldn't get on your high horse entirely there Moxie. I am closer to you than ricardo on this one but there are a lot of white left-wing people who don't like rap at all and try to blame it on right-wingers preventing blacks from getting properly educated. I have heard many of them say this throughout my life.
Do you really think Elizabeth Warren of all people is in touch with black music? Or Pete Buttigieg? :lulz2:
Here’s the video:
The truly central figures in the story are the Black Hebrew Israelites, or the Black Hebrews. I could tell you all about their theology, but frankly, nobody cares.
This is one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my entire life. I watched the whole video (it took me over a week as my time is quite compromised lately). It is completely worth seeing it. Its surreal level matches a Monthy Python sketch. There are much more characters and story lines here than the one surrounding the controversy. I laughed to tears a lot of times.
But, regarding the controversy, to our progressive posters... guys, you really should see this. It will be hard for some to swallow, but it is there. The whole "official" narrative is a complete fabrication. Really. Complete. 100%. There is no way around it. You can also see this: It is shorter, but it show some angles the other does not. The complete picture is better grasped in the longer one, but they complement each other.
I remember that when I saw the popular clip I felt something was wrong but you always assume that there is some truth to it. It is astonishing, but really there is zero truth in the "official" narrative. This Nathan Philips guy can lie with an unbelievable straight face. If this does not convince people that media fabricate things, I don't know what would.
The subject of this stand-off (that I'm seeing for the first & last time here because I'm not interested analysing racial sentiments) is so subjective that people who watch the identical image can come up with completely opposing interpretation. Enough to just change the camera angle to have the viewer change the side in this stand-off. It's all about an emotive display and not a single word of reason. So, in case of this "story" it's very easy to "fabricate things". In fact "emotional fabrication" should be the title of this story, given how much said story focuses on such subjective feelings.
But beyond that, I think it's no coincidence that the stand-off happened at National Monument in DC arround the time of t-man's speech in Congress. T-man does very good job dividing Americans and inciting racial sentiments, so a display of such sentiment was in his honour and in front of his nose.
Lol I love rap music and Biggie is one of my all time favorite artists but please keep talking Cali.
I agree with your 3 points above. I also agree that the white teen could have been framed (I watched the shorter video only) and showing such frame in "world news" as racism is irresponsible. It only shows how high the racist tensions are in US ATM, when even reputable news orgs are trying to incite racism out of nothing (or at most a standing of own ground). Stupidity beyond belief.I understand your general point, which is valid, but in this case there is zero subjectivity involved. I also understand that in every little public polemic everyone chooses side according to the political big picture (and as you probably noticed I refuse to do that). But this is insane.
The story repeated by most news outlets included:
1) The teenagers physically threatened the group of black people. The video(s) show(s) with zero doubt that this is FALSE.
2) The teenagers sang racists chants including "build that wall". The video(s) show(s) with zero doubt that this is FALSE.
3) The teenagers physically threatened the man that banged the drum. The video(s) show(s) (specially the second one) with zero doubt that this is FALSE.
You may say that some action by the teenagers not shown by camera -- and never shown in any video shown by anyone -- could have made the guy feel threatened. But this is hardly news material, is it? Please, answer honestly (as you always do): Is this even remotely close to a good enough reason to show someone as racist worldwide?
And the longer video does show that the man (which was abused by the group of four guys in the beginning of the footage), while the same four guys were shouting at the group, approached the teenagers and inserted himself in the middle of them. Multiple scenes from the second video show that he was not threatened.
I am sorry, but it is impossible to see even an honest mistake here. In the end they put the face of a teenager on world news saying he is a proven racist, when there is zero evidence supporting, actually evidence to the contrary. There is no excuse. I despise Trump myself (which is the ultimate target of this), but if people don't see the obvious problem here, they would not see anywhere else, no matter what.
Lol I love rap music and Biggie is one of my all time favorite artists but please keep talking Cali.
You would like Biggie you corny mf'er. Lol. I can just imagine your cheesy ass blasting that in your car in Beirut thinking you're some cool American.
But, on a serious theoretical note, if you like rap so much are you willing to acknowledge it is sexist? Or do you refuse to say that because the vocalists are black?
Black people can't be sexist?
I don't know, I'm asking you. So why not answer the question directly instead of dancing around so you avoid saying something politically incorrect.
Let me repeat the question: do you consider rap music to be sexist?