By curiosity I clicked on the thread -- the steroids thing sometimes attract my interest. Given it is WTA I might hardly check back. Not getting in the merit of the arguments (some seem to make a lot of sense, even if you cannot condemn anyone from being suspicious), those photos above are clearly photoshoped -- and poorly done in fact.
lol interesting you're saying that, on when Prangy was posting Serena pics Nalbandcoria and others were saying they were photoshopped too, except the other way, to make her look more human at least, photoshopping her feminine would be impossible.
Anyway, the tons of freaky (coverup) stories, insane amount of injuries, hematomas, etc etc, the fact she put on more than 10 pounds of muscle in a year are the real evidence she's not clean..
BTW just going back to looks for a sec, she has the typical Arnold Schwarzie steroid facial bones too. When you look at her head from the side you're looking at a man!!!! Did they photoshop her face too?
BTW i don't want her to get condemned or anything, i'm just laughing hard.... The integrity of this sport is in the toilet already, we know the drug use of stars was covered up before, they even wrote about it lol... if the people want this tranny to prance ard and win 10 more GSs, totally fine to me.
Freaky cover up stories, panic room bs, freaky events, crapload of suspicious injuries, steroid use symptoms like hematomas and whatnot, steroid facial bones, death threat to linesperson, roid rages, 10+ pounds of muscle in a year, exemptions for 5 hardcore banned substances in a short period of time (Serena and her docs are obviously not choosy what they put in her system). She must have needed those badly, she's playing so many events lol... A perfectly clean player lol!!!!!
And before putting down and mocking people for stating the obvious, remember the same happened with Lance. It was a fricking taboo to talk about him even though all the signs were there he was a doper (not as obvious signs as in the case of Serena though). But Lance was the saint and anyone who said bad things about him was abused and put down. Actually, lives were ruined for criticizing him. lol, interesting both of these stars lost their real gender in their big road to glory, Lance lost his balls, and Serena looks like a very bad and masculine tranny.