Venus and Serena exposed as PED cheats?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Many people just refuse to believe that their governments or their representatives in different associations can be corrupt. That's the main problem. Like I said, until you taste their corruption on your own skin, some things are hard to accept. Years and years of portraying Russia and their people, or some other countries, as just plain villains, uneducated brutes and dishonorable people altogether just makes the further attacks and insults easier. So nobody questions when their athletes are accused, some even without any proof.

it is the same in the OTHER half of the world, for instance.

the USA accusing china of ''aggression and expansion" no different than towards russia ..but excuse me -- LAST TIME I REMEMBER AS A FILIPINO whose country's PREVIOUS administration -- aquino who was a WELL-KNOWN AMERICAN boy toy (they even have ''pinoy'' jokes about HIM as a gay that likes american dick!! lol) -- allowed the USA to ''lawyer" for the philippines to ''c/hallenge china on south china sea" when for hundreds , thosuands of years there REALLY was no problem -- and in the past 30 years the relations were VERY smooth --

and NOW trouble is brewing. WHO BROUGHT IT ?

uncle sam -- because of HILLARY'S ANGLO-SAXON AMERICAN 'pivot to asia' -- OBAMA'/S very secretive corporate written TPP (Like TIPP for europe) -
as the ''leader of asia"

that was UNCEREMONIOUSLY Dismissed by china AND the great majority of asian countries!!!

and now -- china has invited RUSSIA to participate -- for the first time ever for russia --

in a MASSIVE NAVAL exercise in south china sea going on RIGHT NOW...

to secure ASIA from the country that HAS NO BUSINESS to poke its nose into the regional affairs of what just happens to be the world's MAIN ECONOMIC ENGINE -- ASIA -PACIFIC -- which INCLUDES russia and china!


go back to europe , middle east, south america -- and you see the SAME CHARACTER over and over and over again -- UNCLE SAM..............


IN FACT -- i am rather worried now for the new president and administration in the philippines - because this very, very FOUL-MOUTHED DUTERTE president doesn't care what the USA or UN (which he calls ''merican lackey's anyway , what has the UN really done for countries under assault by the americans? nothing -- look at what they did to countries in the middle east, africa and even ukraine and that small country and their people -- serbia" ) --

and -- even if only for ''gaming" the big countries to get favors - lol -- he is saying

:"america is still our friend of course, i don't want trouble with them -- but you know - american soldiers, especially in the south with our muslim challenges -- americans -- they have to GO -- they just have to go -- we don't need them -- there will be no peace in the south where i come from unless americans, even advisers -- go , just go"

and we KNOW that is a BIG NON NO TO AMERICANS once they have a foothold in a country -- like the ''guest who never leaves"./

and CIA will make troulbe - right up to ''democracy revolution" -- ''revolt agianst government corruption- against genocide by the government" blah, blah, blah\\\

in teh same OLD SONG ...

especially because this Duterte YESTERDAY made talk about :

"''we really DON'/T want to quarrel with china over south sea claims -- we can talk and see about cooperating which we were doing MANY YEARS AGO already --

"we don't want to buy F-16'S -- FOR security -- ?what for? it's for FOREIGN wars WHICH WE don't want -- for internatinal security we need cheap but very good HELICOPTERS -- LIKE THEY HAVE IN RUSSIA!! we don't need F-16'S".


and i can TELL YOU THIS is a very, very big potential game changer...

if the USA LOSES total control over the philippines -- it IS game over FOR THE AMERICAN EMPIRE in the asia-pacific. japan will be isolated and REALIZE it has to come to terms with partnership with china and russia OR BE LEFT OUTSIDE the mainland's economic - spectacular rise...and THAT'S where ASEAN nations, including philippines see in the long-term...

and THAT is what the USA FEARS ABOVE ALL.

'no american '''leadership'' wanted or needed'' -- NO american empire".

i tell you -- AUSTRALIA better make sure WHERE it wants to be -- as the american naval commander recently threatened australi


lol. and remember what china said
"so ? whatever australia wants -- if support usa agianst us -- we CAN afford to lose australia as an economic's up to them...''

and THEN the CREDITORS from asia will come calling for their PAYBACK

and KARMA is going to be A BITCH!! LOL

BUT going back to my losing my track:

;ast time i heard -- it is called SOUTH CHINA SEA -- not south UNITED STATES sea..
the USA is NOT a signatory to UNCLOS - laws of the sea -- because it reserves thre right to itself to go ANYWHERE to ANYONE'S coasts. lol...but doesn't like when any country passes in the oceans without ITS permission, lol..

it is also NOT an asian country -- so since WHEN did the USA have the authority to declare itself the ''guarantor of freedom of navigation" in south china sea that CHINA has used economically for THOUSANDS of years BEFORE any other civilization arose there!! ? lol.

even our BEST scholars in the university of the philippines ADMIT "even if these rocks or islands are closer to us in our claims -- china does have the far, far older is china that mapped all these - including the philippines for hundreds of years..".
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
Would you put it past an aging star to fabricate medical reasons as a cover/method to be permitted to use illegal peds? I wouldnt.

This is very interesting angle. But what would you do if you were in charge of those wada, usada,...? No exemptions?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think the problem is that exemptions are open to abuse... Not that everyone with an exemption is abusing the system of course, but have you noticed how many of these high-performance athletes seem to have asthma?? and exemptions to fit...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I think the problem is that exemptions are open to abuse... Not that everyone with an exemption is abusing the system of course, but have you noticed how many of these high-performance athletes seem to have asthma?? and exemptions to fit...


just as you pointed out -- exemptions can be abused -- and by the same individuals or groups like a kind of ''gang" or clique - or affiliation

or by the granting of it depending on ''agreements" that may not even need to be ''provable" , even if the exemption is not necessarily ''illegal" - but still unethical and , just plain unseemly.

but what this thing makes more exacerbated is the secrecy of it that - while arguably ''for privacy reason" -- when it is discovered , as seems, that it is more ''common" among , for instance in teh USA, UK, etc..but somehow ''withheld" as an ''option to " russians who just happened to be accused of the most egregious ''state-wide" ''illegalities, impropriety" --

then what does THAT look like?

it looks like the POLICEMEN of the ''anti-doping and clean sports" global culture are the NEST of the very things they accuse , say, russia of.

these officials and their ocnnections then at the very least -- APPEAR, to be running nothing else than a racket...

which has a public face of ''defending and upholding truth and justice "

but might very likely be trading ''favors" or ''priorities" - in the name of country, or clique, or huge money corporate interests etc. etc. etc..

it is then resembling the corrupt police - who ''catch criminals" but on the hiding pilfer the drugs they caught , resell them, make money on the sly, wink wink...hush , hush -- and the public thinks they are honest law officers dispensing justice ''blind to loyalties" except to justice only.

your observation , now that people's attention is on ''how much percentage" do countries have with that bizarre regularity of much the SAME ''condition" like asthma to get ritalin..or whatever --

was long ago pointed out by PUTIN...aware of course as he is that russia has always been the butt of accusations for EXACTLY the kind of things that the western states are now being exposed to have bene masters at playing behind the appearance of propriety established by THEIR rules making ...

and he pointed out exactly what you noted:

"it is strange that so many of such great winners somehow have so many illnesses or conditions ? perhaps they might as well sign up in the paralympics?:

the point being made:

world athletes? SO ill that they have to have medications fit for CANCER? OR tumors or this and that - in order to perform like they do - and SO MANY of them?

and it JUST might turn out -- that RELATIVE to , say the USA, IT'S ACTUALLY RUSSIA that has the LESSER amount of doping athletes - who , even if ''let pass" BY russian federation doping agencies - are STILL probably subjected to MORE scrutiny by the ''rules makers' and ''final judges' habitated in the west THAN their counterpart athletes in the west.

i think i'm making some sense there?

IMO -- it's NOT even so much about this or that athlete DOPED - at some point or whatever -- but even that many or several of these tha thave BEEN found out -- have been doing it almost quite like a habit -- ''for medical reason"

which AGAIN brings back the ''selective privacy" of it.

and SO -- rather than look AT the athletes (who would probably do anything to win IF it was allowed or somehow the ''definitions" changed) -

we begin to look at the POLICE.


and THAT is what PUTIN long ago was asking for the world bodies to come together and TRULY ''internationalize' it - he said -- in a very transparent way - with HIS russia always ready and willing to keep improving their part of it --

answerable to a truly neutral and professional and transparent system.

but -- no one listened or instead threw MORE accusations at ''the russian state-wide doping system".

even if -- contrasted with TINY BELGIUM -- russia ranks about ''middle" in the level of dopers caught ..where BELGIUM has the HIGHEST doper caught BUT nonetheless not publicly announced and allowed athletes to either compete anyway -- or be 'rehabilitated" to join olympics...

and CONTRAST that with the absolutely perfect record of NATALIA ISINBAEVA -- the best pole vaulter -- even by the standards of this SAME WADA -- AS WELL as from her russian federation testing agency ...

and what did she get for BEING russian and the woman to beat?

why -- she got BANNED along with the rest ...

and THEN we hear of these things -- and tha tthey are MORE widespread and more secretive and selective than we suspected --

our attention being thrown at ''tha tMARIA - AND THOSE STATE DOPING RUSSIANS".

see what i mean?

accusations -- wholesale were thrown against russia -- to distract attention from the ''state-wide" doping cultures

of the ACCUSERS themselves!

of THIS -- i am convinced and was certain of even long ago. i merely waited , patiently , as i always do - whether it takes months or years -- to watch it all UNFOLD ...

to me - i twa NEVER really about the athletes themselves...i mean we're all human - u know? the pressure to win and succeed and be famous and get a good life out of it -- so great that probably it's a mountain trying to NOT ''dip" into it as a culture -- ANYWHERE --

but when you have the ''confidence" inside that the ''strictures' are applied LESS on YOUR side than on OTHERS -- you are going to be tempted, as an athlete to do ''what others are doing" as word goes around the locker rooms, the doctor offices, the way to 'wink and not hear anything" the way the process is so ''legalized" with ''medication"...etc. etc.

that's what is unfair, imo.
and in THIS particular olympics WADA really did what can only be considered a criminal, very, very unethical thing towards the russian team - IN ORDER to smear them .and their country.

NOTICE how they - WADA are suddenly trying to shift -- as defense -- the attenion towards the ''illegal hacking?"

IT IS just like DNC hillary talking about ''illegal leaking and hacking" and -- to make it even better '"by the russians -- " comletely wihtout evidence...

to defelct attention from what was EXPOSED -- HER party's favoritism and corruption...

it should NOT matter who hacked or exposed -- what matters is something WAS SUPPOSED to be exposed!
MEAN ING it is not about whistleblowers -- but what was BLOWN OPEN..

criminality, unfairness, injustice, lack of ethics, hypocrisy, double standards, favoritism, --

and we all found out -- global rendition, kidnapping, torture, opium, heroin and drug business - BY the CIA, pentagon, etc?

see how they are all related?


Apr 22, 2013
^ Further to the above, I just googled and read that 70% of British swimmers seem to have asthma... is this really likely? I think not.

Wow! If our recent success in the Olympics is down to cheating that's going to be scandal of all scandals. Particularly given how sanctimonious the British press is
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^ Further to the above, I just googled and read that 70% of British swimmers seem to have asthma... is this really likely? I think not.

i DON'T want to believe so many brits are either like that honestly in their condition or that it i was part of the whole bizarre business. i prefer to believe they'r/e NOT. ..because i TOO want to believe our athletes - from anywhere - despite the ones that are not so honest -- ARE really trying their best as honestlyu as they could.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Wow! If our recent success in the Olympics is down to cheating that's going to be scandal of all scandals. Particularly given how sanctimonious the British press is

i want to believe that it CAN'T be like that -- and even if a FEW did win medals by 'cheating' however the ''crossing lines" go - just like likely players of just about the majority of countries have done it --

i just prefer -- from a ''sentimental" - irrational sense - that it's not the case at all.

but because the lines between 'legal and illegal" are so thin -- MY position is:

it' s NOT so much whether the athletes were talented enough and did work their butts off -- to AT LEAST position themselves to contend fact -- i tend NOT to blame the athletes at all - keeping in mind that the ''lines of crossing" about drugs keep CHANGINg LIKE the way they did with meldonium/
...see what i mean?

one day something is OK -- for a long time -- the next day -- ooopps -- sorry -- you got ''caught' at the wrong 'side' of the fence and at the wrong time schedule

tht was simply - by the stroke of a pen -- ''declared" off-limits...

and then what was ONCE illegal is now OK...

DOCTORS say for years "'salt is bad for you" -- then one day ''oh - it's ok" -- etc. etc. etc..

it is more about the ''officiating" of WADA itself...
and the end result is:

let us just say -- a whole group or generation of players -- say the brits are found to be ''too commonly sharing the same malady for the same medication which has the same beneficial effect" --

but these athletes actually DID also work their butts off -- and REALLY probably deserved to win -- against anothe rcountry with ALSO the same ''malady" and ''medication" or corresponding tricks...

what is going to happen to THEIR reputation also? maybe they DID deserve it

but then - because of the SECRETIVENESS AND INSIDE that secretiveness the ''holy grail" of WADA giving dispensation MORE to brits and americans and wetserners --

that act itself is the ONE that smeared their OWN athletes..

not only FAILURE on the part of the athletes.

so - i instead feel sorry for the athletes too . their ''protectors" WADA - pretending to be an honest, fair ''judge" -- only accomplished something bad for them -- sully THEIR reputations once the secretive ''preferential dispensation" was ''hacked illegally by the RUSSIANS?!!!".

and so it blows right back in their faces -- but the REAL authors of it

were the RULES makers who made secret pacts - like a clique...

it is turning EXACTLY as the 'woman to beat" -- perfect record of clean - by WADA'S own standards - yet banned just the same --

VICTORIA IZINBAEVA of russia -- who appealed but was turned down - TWICE despite her tears --

and predicted:

"whoever wins will have an ASTERISK in their name because I AM the best and am completely clean -- and had to first prove it against ME...

"AND they can enjoy their so-called clean athletes but it will come back to haunt them".

and OLYMPIC ATHLETES all over the world -- who probably KNOW about these things -- VOTED HER in the majority as the athletes' representative to the IOC. PRECISELY in order to FORCE the reforms

that of all countries -- RUSSIA had always asked for -- but was DENIED BY WADA AND IOC.

now -- DOES IT NOT BEGIN to come full circle?

ONE OF the most instructive in all of this:

one of the USA swimmers is exposed -- and she like others will start to sing like canaries in a cave with killing gas unleashed by their own order to smear or ''win" over , say a rival like russia or china, or whatever...or simply to be

"the best and greatest" ==

but she is part of the USA ''water" team whose members PUBLICLY humiliated and bullied a russian diver who won silver ...refusing to acknowledge here, to shake hands...and making statements repeatedly "i refuse to be in the same room as she and those russians - those CHEATS"

with michael phelps and company joining in the chours as they basked in their glory...

ONLY to have at least one of them exposed now..
ONLY to show themselves with their disrespectful boorish attitude towards BRAZIL in that embarrassment about lying they were robbed by these ''thieving brazilians"...

and -- it is EXACTLY as the fine IRISH journalist -- FINNIAN CUNNINGHAM wrote about RIO

"THESE americans may have all the medal and gold and all the BONG they can hit...

but to the WORLD -- we all know -- they only displayed themselves as the lowest kind of LOSERS -- wihthout a sense of real honor or modesty who don't deserve their glory".
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Apr 22, 2013
Surely WADA or whoever grants these exemptions requires documentation from doctors to very these claims?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
starting to feel sorry for the Russians!

It seems pretty clear that the exemptions are being serially abused. of course, no doubt, some athletes do genuinely have asthma but these numbers, like you mention are of epidemic proportions... totally unrealistic.

As for the British press.. they're ranting about the hackers. The governing bodies are "comforting" the athletes about the data coming into the public domain. Virtually no mention that there is a serious problem here that needs addressing. The lack of transparency being a major one... and it's pretty clear why there was a lack of transparency, because the numbers don't stack up at all.
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Apr 22, 2013
^totally agree. Stunning hypocrisy. Basically all we're seeing is that the west is a bit better at cheating than others, but looks very much like cheating to me
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
it's just so BIZARRE. let's even go beyond that.

what IF it turns out so many countries that somehow have ''favor" from the ''system" also have their ''share" of winners that way? it means it's not even JUST what we've already so far been given lists about -- it means it is VERY widespread -- and it boils down to just money , exchanging favors - and goes across boundaries and even political matters -- just PURE kickbacks...between officials .

for me -- as i said before -- it is not even so much the athletes themselves

it is that they were allowed byu the global policeman to do this.

i mean -- if countries are to win medals -- and let's say everyone's ''clean" - and doing it honorably , out of genuine self-respect to NOT have to resort to such ''slippery slope" efforts --

woulnd't a country win medals, some much more than others, ANYWAY?

and so USA would still win more , etc ? only -- without these drugs?

so - the question also comes: why bother to ''cheat" then -- if the same very good players would win anyway? why turn it into some kind of questionable system which risks undermining the reputation of athletes who would probably be good and winners anyway? i mean - just as russians would be great athletes, so would americans, so would brits, so would japanese and chinese and brazilians etc..

with or without the PED's.

SO there HAS to be some other 'commercial' value' in this. something that eventually is tied to professional sports, organizations, sponsors, pharmaceuticals , labs, doctors, lawyers, and all the whole shebang..

the olympics like some kind of bazaar, u know? and No longer really even about national honor -- but just on WHERE - or which country -- it is that the most money is generated..

like if , say , a different country had the population that best generates money for all the related industries doing 'wink wink" on this whole thing -- that's the country that will go 'higher in the list' FOR ''favors" and quotas of being given more ''passes" because their winners would generate lots of money.

which leaves corruption - money - contracts - influence -- based on the ability and power of the ''police'' to play favorites.

it just feels so bizarre.


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
I hope they'll stop giving any medical exemptions and revoke those given so we have better chance to see fair competitions across the sports.


Futures Player
Oct 14, 2015
Petra and Mattek-Sands were also granted TUE and I am sure other tennis players including Russian Tennis players were granted TUE. So let's stop saying Serena and Venus are cheats.