US Politics Thread

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
He's caught in the short term. I suspect we'll see the normal thing where a President gets a time dividend. He might end up spending it really quickly though. He might find that Congress will be his main opponent by this time next year

He'd better straighten up fast. He's so egotistical. Won't listen to anyone. Disastrous!

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Oops, jumped the gun. A media outlet actually covered his "victory tour" accurately.

Donald Trump’s “victory tour” turns into a disaster with largely empty arena

By Bill Palmer | December 1, 2016 | 2

It’s not entirely clear what Donald Trump thought he was going to accomplish by continuing to hold campaign rallies three weeks after the election, but it is fairly clear that he’s not getting the results he was hoping for. Trump held a kickoff event in Cincinnati, Ohio on Thursday evening at the kind of arena he used to have no trouble filling during the campaign. But now that he’s shockingly been named the “winner” and the reality has perhaps set in that an unstable sociopath may be about to take the White House, it appears even his fans have begun abandoning him.

Based on the photos posted by various credentialed reporters who were in the building at the time Donald Trump was speaking, it appears that he was unable to attract enough people to even so much as fill half the arena. For instance Ben Jacobs from The Guardian posted a picture to his Twitter account, taken before Trump began speaking, which revealed a startling number of empty seats:

And from another angle, Ruth Sherlock from the Daily Telegraph posted a photo from a different angle showing more empty seats, which she referred to as “surprisingly uncrowded”:

As has been pointed out by Politicus USA, it’s highly unorthodox for the “winner” of a Presidential election to go on a victory tour while holding the title of president-elect. It’s even more odd when one considers that Donald Trump lost the election by more than two and a half millions votes, and was only declared the winner through a fluke of Electoral College math the size of which the United States has never previously seen. And when one considers that three states are preparing to recount the votes, which could result in Hillary Clinton being named the next President instead of Trump, his tour seems almost an act of desperation. Perhaps that’s why so few people bothered to show up.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Philadelphia launches voluntary recount after finding major vote total discrepancies

By Bill Palmer December 2, 2016

One day after Palmer Report and other news outlets reported that a major change to the official voting totals out of Philadelphia had reduced the size of Donald Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania by more than twenty thousand votes, Philadelphia announced today that it’s launching an immediate and voluntary recount to determine if even more votes had been originally miscounted or excluded. Even as Jill Stein continues her legal battle to try to force the entire state of Pennsylvania to perform a recount, Philadelphia isn’t waiting around to find out whether a recount will be legally required.

Pennsylvania’s original vote totals had Donald Trump winning the state by just over seventy thousand votes. But the sudden revisions out of Philadelphia have now reduced the size of his overall lead to fewer than fifty thousand votes. The Philadelphia recount could shift these totals even further. The wildly shifting numbers in the state also give legal fuel to Jill Stein’a case for a statewide recount, both because the shifts suggest vote counting irregularities, and because the winning margin in the state is now even smaller.

If the vote totals shift in Pennsylvania such that Hillary Clinton ends up with the most votes in the state, either due to the voluntary Philadelphia recount or the still-litigated statewide recount, the state’s electoral votes would automatically be reassigned from Trump to Clinton. This is considered crucial, as if Clinton ends up winning all three recounted states, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, she’ll become president-elect instead of Trump. Philadelphia’s local NBC affiliate has more on the voluntary recount.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'd reserve judging Trump for the same length of time I'd judge Brexit... 4 years+ after it actually happens. Trump ain't President and Brexit hasn't happened yet!

Will keep an interested eye on the vote count... but my vibe is that it won't make a telling difference.


Futures Player
Apr 15, 2013
Somewhere on the edge of society.
Tennisfan, you seem prone to wild fits of exaggeration. Do you hate the man so much that you need to criticize anything in order to fill the deep hole in your life? I wonder if your comments say something more about you than they do about Trump?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Tennisfan, you seem prone to wild fits of exaggeration. Do you hate the man so much that you need to criticize anything in order to fill the deep hole in your life? I wonder if your comments say something more about you than they do about Trump?
This is something I'm finding common amongst Trump supporters: even though you appear to have won the election, the anger and bile have not subsided. Why does it have to be personal with Tennisfan? Can it not just be wider concern? An opinion she's welcome to? Asmo, if you're so convinced by your guy, you could do well to be magnanimous. But that doesn't seem to be a thing in the Trumpian Universe. All personal attacks, all the time. Welcome to Trumpville, I guess.
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Futures Player
Apr 15, 2013
Somewhere on the edge of society.
This is something I'm finding common amongst Trump supporters: even though you appear to have won the election, the anger and bile have not subsided. Why does it have to be personal with Tennisfan? Can it not just be wider concern? An opinion she's welcome to? Asmo, if you're so convinced by your guy, you could do well to be magnanimous. But that doesn't seem to be a thing in the Trumpian Universe. All personal attacks, all the time. Welcome to Trumpville, I guess.

I didn't vote for Trump and he's not my guy. How long has it been since you received your Leftist over-reactionary card? Also, it doesn't seem as if you've seen the news lately. Hillary supporters a yelling in the streets, cursing, and promoting all types of unfounded absurdities. Take a look in the mirror. If Trump's supporters were acting this way Libtards would be calling them sore losers and unhinged people.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I didn't vote for Trump and he's not my guy. How long has it been since you received your Leftist over-reactionary card? Also, it doesn't seem as if you've seen the news lately. Hillary supporters a yelling in the streets, cursing, and promoting all types of unfounded absurdities. Take a look in the mirror. If Trump's supporters were acting this way Libtards would be calling them sore losers and unhinged people.
Again: why call names? Can I not make a comment without being a "Leftist over-reactionary?" If you think that Hillary supporters are yelling and cursing in the streets, I wonder what news you're subscribing to, and I'd be interested if you'd provide evidence of that. I'll give you one thing: if Clinton had won, and Trump people had taken to the streets, they'd have been seen as dangerous reactionaries. Fair enough.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Sadly you're the idiot. Those Islamic governments have firm diplomatic relationships with the US. There is nothing outside of the norm there. These are publicaly declared charitable contributions mate. There is nothing sinister, even if some would like to impute such. This is certainly far more benign that Guiliani making paid speeches for an Iranian group that was on a US terror watch list. This is one of the surrogates by the way who was maligning Clinton. Russia on the other hand is still one of the primary rivals of the United States (if you weren't aware, I hesitate to overestimate how much you actually know :facepalm:). On the other hand we don't know the extent of Russian involvement in either the Trump campaign or the elections generally. If in your judgement you see a greater threat from the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar making charitable contributions with no actual evidence of pay for play then I'm not sure what else can be done for you.

that's it idiot, you nailed it don't know the extent of Russian involvement but you already weighed in that it's 'more dangerous' than Clinton's Islamic many times do you need to prove your stupidity with your words? :dance2:

OK, once again same question, what kind of idiot would give a reference he doesn't defend? Vanity fair may be your bible for info, but still....:D

(Shemaleberg is gonna go temporarily 'blind' again and pretend he can't see this question) :pompoms:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Oops, jumped the gun. A media outlet actually covered his "victory tour" accurately.

Donald Trump’s “victory tour” turns into a disaster with largely empty arena

By Bill Palmer | December 1, 2016 | 2

It’s not entirely clear what Donald Trump thought he was going to accomplish by continuing to hold campaign rallies three weeks after the election, but it is fairly clear that he’s not getting the results he was hoping for. Trump held a kickoff event in Cincinnati, Ohio on Thursday evening at the kind of arena he used to have no trouble filling during the campaign. But now that he’s shockingly been named the “winner” and the reality has perhaps set in that an unstable sociopath may be about to take the White House, it appears even his fans have begun abandoning him.

Based on the photos posted by various credentialed reporters who were in the building at the time Donald Trump was speaking, it appears that he was unable to attract enough people to even so much as fill half the arena. For instance Ben Jacobs from The Guardian posted a picture to his Twitter account, taken before Trump began speaking, which revealed a startling number of empty seats:

And from another angle, Ruth Sherlock from the Daily Telegraph posted a photo from a different angle showing more empty seats, which she referred to as “surprisingly uncrowded”:

As has been pointed out by Politicus USA, it’s highly unorthodox for the “winner” of a Presidential election to go on a victory tour while holding the title of president-elect. It’s even more odd when one considers that Donald Trump lost the election by more than two and a half millions votes, and was only declared the winner through a fluke of Electoral College math the size of which the United States has never previously seen. And when one considers that three states are preparing to recount the votes, which could result in Hillary Clinton being named the next President instead of Trump, his tour seems almost an act of desperation. Perhaps that’s why so few people bothered to show up.

ok dim-wit, this unstable 'socio-path' is gonna be your president for 4 that how long you plan on blindly whinge? apparently he's made it in business, and now gotten to the top job, meanwhile all you got is meaningless moaning :facepalm:

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
I'd reserve judging Trump for the same length of time I'd judge Brexit... 4 years+ after it actually happens. Trump ain't President and Brexit hasn't happened yet!

Will keep an interested eye on the vote count... but my vibe is that it won't make a telling difference.

I don't think it will make a difference either. Our political system has many flaws in it from voter intimidation, tossing ballots, gerrymandering, and outdated voting apparatuses, but it will draw attention to how our system is not working, and that's a start.
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Apr 22, 2013
that's it idiot, you nailed it don't know the extent of Russian involvement but you already weighed in that it's 'more dangerous' than Clinton's Islamic many times do you need to prove your stupidity with your words? :dance2:

OK, once again same question, what kind of idiot would give a reference he doesn't defend? Vanity fair may be your bible for info, but still....:D

(Shemaleberg is gonna go temporarily 'blind' again and pretend he can't see this question) :pompoms:

I know I'm not the only one who'll read what you just wrote, I'm just the only one who's going to bother pointing out your errors. First of all, Vanity Fair was just one of the links I posted. Britbox asked me to post information which I duly did. Moving on... unfortunately I'm writing this stuff so I can't really say this more slowly for you. There are no Clinton Islamic ties, you utter moron. She got contributions from some Islamic governments (or more accurately individuals who were part of said governments), these were revealed in the audit of the Clinton Foundation. Information that was disclosed by the Foundation itself. This has nothing to do with terrorism you ingrate. The issue some people had with this is (1) the duality of getting contributions from people whose customs are hostile to women being used by the Foundation to aid women (2) the possibility that pay for play might have existed, something which has been investigated ad nauseum and never been proved. Even the Republicans will concede that this was used more as a political tactic than having any basis in fact.

Are we to excuse you that your child brain is unable to comprehend that? I guess we should, but you are such a fool that you persist with such an aggressive absence of any understanding at all it gets a bit wearing after a while.

As to no one having a full understanding about the extent of Russian involvement in both the Trump campaign and the US election? That's a known unknown that anyone with a passing interest in Western democracy should want a proper accounting for. We know that the Russians have already meddled in a number of European elections. By any measure an accusation of pay for play with Islamic governments is an irrelevance compared to the involvement of a super power rival in an American election. I'm just sorry that an ingrate like you just doesn't get that.

PS,, I find your tranny play on my forum name hilarious by the way. I always get a huge grin on my face when I see it. Added to your blatant misogyny it makes me wonder about your sexuality. Maybe you like ladyboys since you like talking about them so much? That's ok mate. My social conscience that you mock coupled with my not giving a flying fuck about you make it no big deal to me. That's just your own shit you have to deal with :D
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013

Very nice. That's the way we should all be as human beings. Not one of us set the perimeters and boundaries for this earth, or created a blade of grass, set the moon in motion, or took part in creation. To actually believe that one person is better than another person is sheer lunacy. And to live with hatred is harmful to one' own self. Maybe one day...
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
This is something I'm finding common amongst Trump supporters: even though you appear to have won the election, the anger and bile have not subsided. Why does it have to be personal with Tennisfan? Can it not just be wider concern? An opinion she's welcome to? Asmo, if you're so convinced by your guy, you could do well to be magnanimous. But that doesn't seem to be a thing in the Trumpian Universe. All personal attacks, all the time. Welcome to Trumpville, I guess.

Oh my. LOLOL, is he/she still concerned with me? I figured as much. I was talking to my son about it. He's young, and we were laughing at the anger and vitriol that some people spew. He said, what I don't get is that if you think you're right, then why are you angry? Why do they always resort to name calling? He wondered if deep inside they really felt convicted about their own beliefs and the reason they got angry was because they actually believe that you're right.

He's a smart young man. I feel the same way. When I see opinions that differ from mine I don't go into a funk. I think, oh that's how they see it from their perspective, nothing more. I don't see the need to chastise, denigrate, or stalk anyone. I go on my merry way because I feel strongly about my opinions and the right to express them.

I will pray for that person although I don't remember their full board name. Love Trumps hate, and I won't be a part of such nonsense.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
This is something I'm finding common amongst Trump supporters: even though you appear to have won the election, the anger and bile have not subsided. Why does it have to be personal with Tennisfan? Can it not just be wider concern? An opinion she's welcome to? Asmo, if you're so convinced by your guy, you could do well to be magnanimous. But that doesn't seem to be a thing in the Trumpian Universe. All personal attacks, all the time. Welcome to Trumpville, I guess.

Thanks Moxie, but it doesn't matter because I noticed from his/her initial post that he came very aggressively. I knew that this wasn't a person that wanted civil discourse, but someone looking to argue and fight on the internet. I simply asked BB if an ignore button existed and promptly put it into use. I don't argue with people. I think it's stupid and am not willing to engage in such childish antics. I haven't seen another post from whomever is still ranting, so they're not impacting my time on the board. Anyway, the more they rant to a target that isn't even reading them, the more stupid and moronic they make themselves out to be. Anger management is sorely needed in this instance, and prayer.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
These Tweets are a must read. A darn president elect on another late-night rant talking about how a comedy show portrayed him. This is about the third time that I’ve seen. How stupid is this man? America just made themselves a laughingstock. This is the most ignorant man alive.

A Woman Just Stood Up to Trump Latest Outburst on Twitter and America Is Cheering Her On

Donald Trump didn’t like Saturday Night Live last night very much.

During the show he tweeted out the following response, saying that the show was completely “unwatchable” and “not funny.”

When, in fact, it was actually very funny – and got a lot of fanfare for making fun of Donald Trump’s tweets, no less! Pretty ironic that he angrily tweeted about a show making fun of his tweets!
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Apr 22, 2013
These Tweets are a must read. A darn president elect on another late-night rant talking about how a comedy show portrayed him. This is about the third time that I’ve seen. How stupid is this man? America just made themselves a laughingstock. This is the most ignorant man alive.

A Woman Just Stood Up to Trump Latest Outburst on Twitter and America Is Cheering Her On

Donald Trump didn’t like Saturday Night Live last night very much.

During the show he tweeted out the following response, saying that the show was completely “unwatchable” and “not funny.”

When, in fact, it was actually very funny – and got a lot of fanfare for making fun of Donald Trump’s tweets, no less! Pretty ironic that he angrily tweeted about a show making fun of his tweets!

Wow! She really went for him!
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Wow! She really went for him!

She didn't hold back at all. This "presidency" is going to be hilarious. Seriously? Getting upset about a parody? He is so thin-skinned. I was ROFLing. He has gone after Alec Baldwin every time he spoofs him. Talk about needing to grow up. My stomach is hurting from laughing at this fool. I have never seen anyone this ignorant in my life.
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