US Politics Thread


Apr 14, 2013
This one's just for @Front242, who spent months cataloguing Biden's every misstep, declaring it clear evidence of his unfitness for the job. So, Trump can't open the door of a garbage truck. Fit for the job?

The ground is wet and it's windy. How many times do you think he's ever hopped into a garbage truck and he's 78?! I've also said before I think he's too old to be president (he's still very capable of diplomatic relations and that's the main thing. She couldn't talk her way out of a paper bag) but, at the same time, she's 18 years younger and claimed TWICE that 220 million Americans died of covid. Very clear that's way worse. And you think SHE'S fit for the job ? She's an absolute imbecile and the world is fucked on Tuesday cos we all know they won't let him win. The nukes are coming next year all 'cos of stupid, brainwashed people supporting that terrible woman. Can you imagine her trying to talk to Putin or Kim Jong Un. "Hi, nice to meet you. So, I grew up in a middle class family". Cackle, mumble, word salad, cackle. We're fucked. People supporting Harris rely on emotions instead of intellect and common sense. A nuclear war caused by NPCs.

Also, the memes being thrown around by the so called democrats are awful. Belittling people who work as garbage truck drivers (an essential service) and at McDonalds. As if it wasn't terrible enough this senile clown called half the country he presides over garbage, they then mock these jobs. Horrible people.

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Apr 14, 2013
Newsflash @Front242: No one watches your spamming videos. We know where you come from. You prefer an authoritarian, right-wing agenda. And you don't vote. What do you think you're accomplishing by posting all of this crap here? That you might sway one vote in the US? Ain't happening.
Newsflash, you don't speak for everyone else here but there's actually no point trying to educate people devoid of critical thinking anyway. You had 4 years of Trump and he was never authoritarian so that's absolute fucking bs. You claimed he was a dictator. Also bs. He was ELECTED. Dictators don't get elected. Harris is despicable. For years she slagged the border wall that Trump started and now she's apparently all for it. You couldn't make this shit up. Now go back to sleep. Nothing is changing the fact that this cackling pos is winning 'cos it's rigged. They're flooding the swing states with illegal immigrants to influence the vote and through election interference via lies and deceit by the MSM. America will become a one party state as the "democrats" will rule from now on as they own 90% of the media and news. I hope you're happy with the shit fest your side have created. The only decent female president there could be right now is Tulsi Gabbard but instead we're all fucked with this cackling idiot. The nukes are the icing on the cake that we all have to suffer the consequences of NPC clowns destroying the world all 'cos of Trump derangement syndrome and idiots who are too dumb to see the media lie to you so much about him and you believe it.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
@Front242 Actually, I pretty much can speak for everyone here. There are only 6-7 of us who participate on this thread, and only 4 that are eligible to vote in the US. I'm pretty sure you're not going to talk Fiero, Tented or me into voting for Trump, anymore than I'm going to talk Shawn into voting for Harris, so, again, not sure what you're going for. As far as "critical thinking," I wouldn't say that much of what you post in the way of videos and memes contains any of that.

To say that I've called Trump a "dictator" is inaccurate. I said that HE said he'd be one, for a day. My question is, if someone says that, what's to guarantee that he'll stop with "a day?" Also, dictators can be elected. Putin was. Hitler was lawfully appointed chancellor of Germany. The problem is what authoritarians do with power when they get it, and Trump has clear authoritarian tendencies. The leaders he admires most are authoritarians and dictators. These are things he has said, not things I invented. I never said he was a dictator in his first term. I'm sure I said he was a terrible president, and I think he was. I may have used words like "buffoon," or "embarrassment," or "intellectually/temperamentally unfit," but I never called him a "dictator." This is the new Trump.

I have to say that you are deliciously hypocritical, and predictable. You've posted every gaffe of Biden's, small and large, with your hair on fire for years, and brokering no explanation. But every indication that Trump is losing it, himself, and there have been many, you meet with excuses, and a huge shrug. You've decided what you think long ago, and you look for reassurance at the bottom of the internet.
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Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
Harris leading in Iowa, of all places, and by 3 points? Very reliable pollster. Could it bode well for Harris?

It does bode well for Harris! This pollster in IOWA, Ann Seizer is rather accurate! She was ahead of them all in 2016 giving Trump the edge over Hillary! I still don't feel good about the situation as Trump has already riled up the masses to burn the country down if he's not anointed our Savior & King Tue. nite! After all's that been said & done, I can't believe this is even close! Proves women might not be able to truly lead here if their own sisterhood who chooses these things wimp out yet again going against Harris! :angry-face::astonished-face::fearful-face::anxious-face-with-sweat:
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It does bode well for Harris! This pollster in IOWA, Ann Seizer is rather accurate! She was ahead of them all in 2016 giving Trump the edge over Hillary! I still don't feel good about the situation as Trump has already riled up the masses to burn the country down if he's not anointed our Savior & King Tue. nite! After all's that been said & done, I can't believe this is even close! Proves women might not be able to truly lead here if their own sisterhood who chooses these things wimp out yet again going against Harris! :angry-face::astonished-face::fearful-face::anxious-face-with-sweat:
So, side bet: If Harris wins, and women help put her over the top, will you stop slagging women in this country?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Harris leading in Iowa, of all places, and by 3 points? Very reliable pollster. Could it bode well for Harris?

I do not think Harris will win Iowa, however, if she is close to Trump in Iowa with less than 2 days until the election, then it is a good indicator that she will do well in the rust belt states.


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
So, side bet: If Harris wins, and women help put her over the top, will you stop slagging women in this country?

Not a chance! I was an apologist for women when they haven't grown in the least over the decades of my life! They still make the same stupid mistakes & never seem to take responsibility for their choices! Back in the 60's & 70's w/ the feminist movement, all it did was empower their mistakes! It has nothing to do w/ money, class, or intelligence; they're all equally irresponsible, manipulative, & selfish creatures! They can't help it! It's bred into them from birth thru silly mothers who keep the same stupid $#!t going into the future! Men are far from perfect, but they do have more common sense, know no one's going to help if they fk. up unlike women who always have a fall-back! Men have to find their way by working hard, saving, & being grown-ups! It's not the same w/ women where they're born w/ value! They're spoiled, coddled, & made to feel special which makes them more & more delusional as they grow old! No offense! :fearful-face::yawningface::angry-face::astonished-face::anxious-face-with-sweat:


Apr 14, 2013
@Front242 Actually, I pretty much can speak for everyone here. There are only 6-7 of us who participate on this thread, and only 4 that are eligible to vote in the US. I'm pretty sure you're not going to talk Fiero, Tented or me into voting for Trump, anymore than I'm going to talk Shawn into voting for Harris, so, again, not sure what you're going for. As far as "critical thinking," I wouldn't say that much of what you post in the way of videos and memes contains any of that.

To say that I've called Trump a "dictator" is inaccurate. I said that HE said he'd be one, for a day. My question is, if someone says that, what's to guarantee that he'll stop with "a day?" Also, dictators can be elected. Putin was. Hitler was lawfully appointed chancellor of Germany. The problem is what authoritarians do with power when they get it, and Trump has clear authoritarian tendencies. The leaders he admires most are authoritarians and dictators. These are things he has said, not things I invented. I never said he was a dictator in his first term. I'm sure I said he was a terrible president, and I think he was. I may have used words like "buffoon," or "embarrassment," or "intellectually/temperamentally unfit," but I never called him a "dictator." This is the new Trump.

I have to say that you are deliciously hypocritical, and predictable. You've posted every gaffe of Biden's, small and large, with your hair on fire for years, and brokering no explanation. But every indication that Trump is losing it, himself, and there have been many, you meet with excuses, and a huge shrug. You've decided what you think long ago, and you look for reassurance at the bottom of the internet.
I repeat, you're delusional 'cos Trump was not authoritarian while he was president so just stop with the bs. Just cos your deceitful propaganda and hatred spewing leftist news outlets tell you this shit doesn't mean it's true. You're trying to tell us all that Trump is losing it mentally and yet the 18 year younger Harris is an imbecile, can't answer the most basic questions and has to have her team feed her scripted answers via being given the questions well in advance, earphones, biased "moderators", notes (I've posted a video of the idiot talking about turning the page while actually turning the page of her notes), heavily edited "interviews", a massive MSM campaign of lies and deceit. You couldn't make this shit up.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
"@Front242 Actually, I pretty much can speak for everyone here. There are only 6-7 of us who participate on this thread, and only 4 that are eligible to vote in the US. I'm pretty sure you're not going to talk Fiero, Tented or me into voting for Trump, anymore than I'm going to talk Shawn into voting for Harris, so, again, not sure what you're going for."

^ You are correct about me Moxie. Not can do with the VP. Kieran would not either but he is ineligible last I checked.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I repeat, you're delusional 'cos Trump was not authoritarian while he was president so just stop with the bs. Just cos your deceitful propaganda and hatred spewing leftist news outlets tell you this shit doesn't mean it's true. You're trying to tell us all that Trump is losing it mentally and yet the 18 year younger Harris is an imbecile, can't answer the most basic questions and has to have her team feed her scripted answers via being given the questions well in advance, earphones, biased "moderators", notes (I've posted a video of the idiot talking about turning the page while actually turning the page of her notes), heavily edited "interviews", a massive MSM campaign of lies and deceit. You couldn't make this shit up.
You cannot read. I specifically answered your earlier post to say that I never said he was a dictator when he was president.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
"@Front242 Actually, I pretty much can speak for everyone here. There are only 6-7 of us who participate on this thread, and only 4 that are eligible to vote in the US. I'm pretty sure you're not going to talk Fiero, Tented or me into voting for Trump, anymore than I'm going to talk Shawn into voting for Harris, so, again, not sure what you're going for."

^ You are correct about me Moxie. Not can do with the VP. Kieran would not either but he is ineligible last I checked.
And you are correct about Kieran...not eligible to vote. My point to Front was who does he think he's swaying with this diarrhea of videos?

If you can't vote for Harris, I guess I can still hope you'll just stay home. I honestly can't understand how you can abide Trump, with his boorishness, his obvious self-serving, the very fact of Jan. 6th, how he denigrates the military and war heroes....etc.
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Apr 14, 2013
You cannot read. I specifically answered your earlier post to say that I never said he was a dictator when he was president.
I can. You said he said he wanted to be a dictator for a day and you believe it and that he'd do it for more than 1 day. That's the same line of horseshit we see from people claiming Putin will go after more than Ukraine. What fascist dictator stuff did he do in the 4 years he was in? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Anyway, it's probably a done deal with the corrupt "democrats" aka demonrats rigging things and with Harris in and the nukes next year, that's the end of tennis. Be proud that Indian woman good and orange man bad is so effectively brainwashing the sheep masses.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I can. You said he said he wanted to be a dictator for a day and you believe it and that he'd do it for more than 1 day. That's the same line of horseshit we see from people claiming Putin will go after more than Ukraine. What fascist dictator stuff did he do in the 4 years he was in? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Anyway, it's probably a done deal with the corrupt "democrats" aka demonrats rigging things and with Harris in and the nukes next year, that's the end of tennis. Be proud that Indian woman good and orange man bad is so effectively brainwashing the sheep masses.
It was Trump himself who said he'd be "dictator for a day." Why shouldn't I believe him? I also said, what's to stop him at a day? It doesn't take much "reading in" to be concerned. Same with Putin...he invaded Ukraine. That actually happened. The Poles are worried. You should be concerned, too. It's certainly not "horse shit" to consider the possibility. And, no, you can't read...I've said two times that I never said he was a dictator in his first term. Well, if you leave off the last bit where he tried very hard to hold on to power, even though he was voted out. I think these things should bother you more than they do, but I don't think minimizing them does you any credit.

I'm not sure how you think the Democrats are "rigging" things. If you believe that crap about election tampering, I can't help you. Same as if it still bothers you that Harris became the nominee after Biden bowed out. Everything went by the rules.


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, it is officially Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th.

It will be a tense day, but everyone needs to keep in mind that we’re not going to find out who will be the next President today, since some of the key states, such as mine, Pennsylvania, have already stated they’re not going to announce a winner today.

Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see if other States surprise us, such as Iowa, North Carolina, or perhaps even Texas (at least in terms of Cruz).
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Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
Well, it is officially Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th.

It will be a tense day, but everyone needs to keep in mind that we’re not going to find out who will be the next President today, since some of the key states, such as mine, Pennsylvania, have already stated they’re not going to announce a winner today.

Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see if other States surprise us, such as Iowa, North Carolina, or perhaps even Texas (at least in terms of Cruz).
The Dems need a surprise or 3! That's all Kamala needs is split gov't right away! Repuklicans are notorious for not even allowing a grace period of "The 1st 100 Days" to give the new President a break! Dole squashed that back in '96 announcing how "no Republican would vote "up" for anything" from day 1! Such a mean SOB! There's bound to be some upsets of these battleground states! It w/b nice to knockout Cruz in Texas to make up for Tester who's probably going down in Montana! We should at least know how the HOUSE will fall out even w/ how tight things are right now! The Dems need to salvage at least one side of Congress or Harris will be run over by these a-#oles "on the right!" They tested Obama every chance they got! They won't care if they bring the country down low, but they'll blame her all day long! :astonished-face::fearful-face::yawningface::anxious-face-with-sweat::pleading-face:


Apr 14, 2013
It was Trump himself who said he'd be "dictator for a day." Why shouldn't I believe him? I also said, what's to stop him at a day? It doesn't take much "reading in" to be concerned. Same with Putin...he invaded Ukraine. That actually happened. The Poles are worried. You should be concerned, too. It's certainly not "horse shit" to consider the possibility. And, no, you can't read...I've said two times that I never said he was a dictator in his first term. Well, if you leave off the last bit where he tried very hard to hold on to power, even though he was voted out. I think these things should bother you more than they do, but I don't think minimizing them does you any credit.

I'm not sure how you think the Democrats are "rigging" things. If you believe that crap about election tampering, I can't help you. Same as if it still bothers you that Harris became the nominee after Biden bowed out. Everything went by the rules.
The Poles aren't worried about Putin invading them because they're a NATO nation. More nonsense. The only worry would be if Zelenskyy senses defeat and the Ukrainians blow up some of their own nuclear power plants like Zaphorizhzhia (which is 10x bigger than Chernobyl) as a scorched earth policy or some of them (they have many) just get blown up in combat by either side whether deliberately or not.

You didn't even believe me when I said Biden would be gone and replaced. The consensus was he was sharp as a tack lol just cos your lying media kept telling you this when the dementia was obvious to everyone. The election tampering is there for all to see unless you're completely blind. Harris articles are always positive eventhough she's a total clown and Trump articles are always negative. They edit her interviews and give her scripted answers to everything cos she's incapable. They edit and lie about things Trump said every day. The amount of memes out there show the type of scum the demonrats are. He has massive grounds to sue the shit out of them for defamation and recoup double what they took off him in fines for calling him Hitler and other such disgusting crap. Since when did he start a world war and kill 6 million Jews? That's right never. He loves Jews. These pos you support keep harping on about dangerous rhetoric from Trump and they call him Hitler?! Wtaf is wrong with them and you frankly for not seeing that as election interference...

Yeah sure very much going by the rules. If your laughable candidate was so shit hot they wouldn't need to stoop this low but they know she's an idiot and slandering Trump, lying about him constantly through a huge MSM misinformation and propaganda campaign is their only way to say that they won "fairly". Wake the fuck up. Ps, the thing we ALL should be worried about is WW3 and the idiots you support are the ones who will get us killed and despite what you and other people blinded by the media's lies think, we'd be 100% safer under him. That's a fact.
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