US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
A Brain-damaged US President with Finger on the Nuclear Button? | New Eastern Outlook
Author: F. William Engdahl
Hillary Rodham Clinton seems to surround herself with more scandals than you can shake a stick at, as we said when I was growing up in Texas. We had the Mena, Arkansas scandals when her husband, Bubba, otherwise known as William Jefferson Clinton, was Attorney General and then Governor. Ambrose Evans Pritchard, the British Telegraph investigative journalist did a masterful documentation of that in his The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, when Bill was President facing impeachment in the 1990’s. Then there are the Clinton Foundation scandals documented in the 2015 Peter Schweitzer book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, detailing how Hillary abused her office as Secretary of State to steer huge Saudi and other “donations” to the Clinton Foundation on whose board she sat as soon as leaving office as Secretary of State. There are of course the national security e-mail server scandals which a corrupted Attorney General and a corrupt FBI director swept under the rug. This latest scandal puts all others in the background. It’s her refusal to release all medical records detailing her medications and true state of health following a brain concussion in 2012. The Democratic candidate is likely medically suffering from irreversible dementia.

On August 8, a New Jersey radio host and blogger released what he claimed were leaked copies of Hillary Clinton’s 2014 medical records from her doctor, Lisa Bardack M.D. of the Mt. Kisco Medical Group in upstate New York. According to the documents, Dr. Bardack wrote that Clinton had “early-onset Subcortical Vascular Dementia” following a serious brain concussion she suffered from a fall when she was Secretary of State, on December 7, 2012. After that fall, she spent six months in constant hospital care according to Bill Clinton, who told ABC News in 2014 that her injury “required six months of very serious work to get over.” On February 1, 2013 Secretary of State and future Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, abruptly resigned as Secretary of State with no link to her health mentioned.

ABCNews in May, 2014 cited the following quote from her doctors, one of whom was Dr. Lisa Bardack: “In the course of a routine follow-up MRI on Sunday, the scan revealed…a clot in the vein that is situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear. It did not result in a stroke, or neurological damage. To help dissolve this clot, her medical team began treating the Secretary with blood thinners…” – Dr. Lisa Bardack, Mt. Kisco Medical Group, and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi, George Washington University.

According to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, Subcortical Vascular Dementia “is a progressive disease; there is no cure.” Symptoms include forgetfulness, changes in speech, an unsteady gait, clumsiness or frequent falls, changes in personality or mood. Candidate Clinton has been filmed by the media in recent weeks frequently stumbling and falling for no apparent reason. She often appears on the podium with a man whose function appears to be there in case she loses balance. The copy of Dr. Bardack’s 5 February 2014 follow-up examination, if genuine, states that Mrs. Clinton reported to her that the “blacking out, uncontrollable twitching and memory loss have become worse…The patient scored significantly lower on today’s test than when tested in 2013…The patient is also showing signs of having more frequent complex seizures.”

The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, an internationally renowned center for research on Altzheimers and other brain illnesses, defines “Subcortical Vascular Dementia” as follows: Subcortical vascular dementia, also called Binswanger’s disease, is caused by widespread, microscopic areas of damage to the brain resulting from the thickening and narrowing (atherosclerosis) of arteries that supply blood to the subcortical areas of the brain.

Now on August 17, the Clinton campaign headquarters released a statement purporting to be from Dr. Bardack and provided to In the statement Dr Bardack is quoted stating that the leaked health documents were not authentic, declaring they were “false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.”

Given the highest issues of the true health situation of a candidate quite possibly becoming the next US President, however, it is not satisfactory that the statement is released by Clinton’s campaign to and is not made directly by Dr. Bardack herself to lay rumors to rest. She herself refuses to reply to press queries. So the quoted denial is not at all sufficient, given the very high stakes for the nation and world. Whatever the truth of the alleged leaked medical report of Dr. Bardack, it is a matter of undeniable record that Clinton has repeatedly been filmed during the campaign stumbling and falling. Poor balance is typically associated with strokes or head injuries. Did she suffer a stroke in December, 2012 that caused her to fall and suffer a concussion, or did the brain concussion cause the stroke? Are her frequent severe coughing attacks a result of anti-seizure medication? If so, which?

Relevant also is a report run in the online site, Infowars, by Paul Joseph Watson, reporting on information provided to his associate at the recent Republican National Convention in Cleveland by a Secret Service “whistleblower,” who reportedly stated, based on direct observation of other Secret Service agents detailed to the Clinton campaign that:

“– Hillary has a very serious neurological degeneration which could be Parkinson’s disease;

– Around half a million dollars has been spent to specially adapt three SUVs in which Hillary travels to provide lowered floors and disabled access to prevent Hillary from tripping.

– Hillary’s staff is so intent on keeping reporters away from Clinton because she is at risk of petit mal seizures that can be triggered by camera flashes;

– Hillary has major problems with balance, difficulties with walking and keeps falling down;

– Hillary’s campaign will be forced into making a big announcement soon regarding her medical condition.”

That was reported at the Infowars website on 15 August. Two days later, not Dr. Bardack but the Clinton Campaign via releases a purported denial of the authenticity of the leaked health documents. Was this the major announcement expected? If so, it appears a poor job.

What then do the true records of Dr Bardack reveal? What do the medical records of Hillary Rodham Clinton when she underwent the six months of very intensive treatment reportedly in New York City’s Columbia University Medical Center reveal about her condition? What, if any, medication is she on today? Is she on blood-thinners? If so, which and what doses so that competent medical experts can comment on the risks. Anti-depressant drugs? Aspirin?

A candidate for public office, especially the highest office in the nation is no longer an ordinary private person. They have a responsibility to be open about their true medical condition. So far, Hillary Clinton has refused. Not only is it irresponsible, it is alarming, truly scary. The mainstream liberal USA media is not touching the issues in any serious way. We have a right to access to a complete and unbiased analysis of her health and medical treatment. She is a candidate for US President, the one with the finger on the nuclear button. She is not running for City Council of Mt. Kisco or president of the local Parent-Teachers’ Association. If her own husband states to the media in 2014 that she had “a terrible concussion that required six months of very serious work to get over,” this is no minor event.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”





Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
the united states general election seems to go on forever..months on end of stuff, goings on and rallies ?.

they should built in an official off season like tennis. like no campaigning from sept 1st to mid October. its never gonna happen but i often think we should have that over here and our election campaings are only around 5 or 6 weeks or so.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
the united states general election seems to go on forever..months on end of stuff, goings on and rallies ?.

they should built in an official off season like tennis. like no campaigning from sept 1st to mid October. its never gonna happen but i often think we should have that over here and our election campaings are only around 5 or 6 weeks or so.

when you have a PRETEND democracy -- it is important, essential -- to keep ''going on'' literally for months on end -- as part of ''everyday life" is the way to ''keep the population believing" in the gospel of american ''democracy" -- so that they are distracted by the belief that

''something is being done" -- and that ''you have a choice" . what better way than to dole out the daily goings on the way one has to watch soap opera? it teaches them they have a 'stake' in something when in fact

decisions have already been made for them - and their ONLY role is to WATCH the stage show - distracted in ''being engaged"

while their pockets are pilfered by the very same ''political system and process" american believe is ------------- democracy.

that's the way to keep them distracted as if they have any choice while the EMPIRE wages its WARS of conquest and plunder...while americans are given a ''months-long dose" of ......................FEAR.
WHICH allows the ''stage play" puppet masters to convince and persuade americans :

"YOU NEED US TO PROTECT YOU -- give us MORE power". is GOOD BUSINESS - A COMPLETE PROFITABLE INDUSTRY in itself -- intimately connected with media, the 'personality'' cult and of course the WAR and PROFIT business...and where there's money to be made -- yhou can BET americans will BITE whatever is proffered to them ...both puppet masters and ''consumers".

the political system has to have its months' long parade - year after year really --

it is after all suffused with
1) the presidential ''general elections" which require the last 2 years OF ANY presidency cycle devoted to it
2) the FIRST two years of that devoted to keeping voters ENGAGED with the ''new hope" (and campaigning for the ''party" and more wars and ensuring the PILFERING of the people is cemented even more with new wall street deals, etc)
3) every TWO years FILLS IN THE GAP with CONGRESSIONAL (lower house) elections - as well as overlapping LOCAL elections

see how it works?

the USA political and election system - in other words -- is an UNBROKEN CONTINUES ''campaign season" designed to keep people engaged in america's

MYTHICAL ''promises of greatness" -- ...
like a MATRIX, u see. it ensures the american population LIVES IN THE BUBBLE that the ''world is us, we are the world" - and everything in the universe revolves AROUND the

'''american belly-button".
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
the united states general election seems to go on forever..months on end of stuff, goings on and rallies ?.

they should built in an official off season like tennis. like no campaigning from sept 1st to mid October. its never gonna happen but i often think we should have that over here and our election campaings are only around 5 or 6 weeks or so.

as far as ''change for the better"

the american system of election and campaigning is really like SHAKESPEARE'S title:


nothing at all.

but ..............always there is the HYSTERIA...months and months of it -- year after year after year..........but at the end of the day - 365 days a year every year it is still the same story.
the 2-faced ONE PARTY SYSTEM known as the WAR AND MONEY RACKET imperial party of America.

52 cents to the dollar and counting devoted to the WAR ECONOMY -- and americans LOVE IT. that's why they go and ''vote"......
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Yeah, it is going on for so long, I stopped following it closely. Can't do anything about it anyway and I already know how it will turn out.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yeah, it is going on for so long, I stopped following it closely. Can't do anything about it anyway and I already know how it will turn out.



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I think some would for sure. A majority though? I think that would be wishful thinking from the Democrat who said it.

Trump needs a big turnaround if he's going to make a dent on Clintons campaign and that starts with his own party.
irony is it's so hard to even really find out which one is true:

that trump ''in reality has surged ahead of clinton" because IT doesn't get covered by the clearly ''circle the wagons around clinton" MSM..
or's clearly in part to convince voters to 'not waste votes on trump , clinton is winning anyway" EVEN IF perhaps NOT and is a way of manipulating results for cltinon..

and yet you don't really quite know...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
irony is it's so hard to even really find out which one is true:

that trump ''in reality has surged ahead of clinton" because IT doesn't get covered by the clearly ''circle the wagons around clinton" MSM..
or's clearly in part to convince voters to 'not waste votes on trump , clinton is winning anyway" EVEN IF perhaps NOT and is a way of manipulating results for cltinon..

and yet you don't really quite know...

Yahoo! currently reporting 5% lead for Clinton, this is actually much narrower than I'd perceived. They did say the Clinton lead was 12% but dropped back... I guess that what was led me to think it was done and Trump was a busted flush. I guess it's still up for grabs, but Clinton will be the clear favourite. Mind you, the Brexit result totally had me... was expecting a 5% win for Remain and things got turned on their head at the polls.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yahoo! currently reporting 5% lead for Clinton, this is actually much narrower than I'd perceived. They did say the Clinton lead was 12% but dropped back... I guess that what was led me to think it was done and Trump was a busted flush. I guess it's still up for grabs, but Clinton will be the clear favourite. Mind you, the Brexit result totally had me... was expecting a 5% win for Remain and things got turned on their head at the polls.

and on the Brexit -- remember how obama openly tried to hector brits to vote remain - complete with thinly veiled THREATS?

such as if brexit won "britain may have to fall in line like everyone else" as if to say -- 'you will be last in the line for american favors" kind of thing...

that WAS an open threat against the BRITISH PEOPLE. like they're just subjects of the ''CROWN" - in an ironic twist...sitting at the Potomac.

he had the nerve!! made my day to read that the british folks gave him the finger.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
and on the Brexit -- remember how obama openly tried to hector brits to vote remain - complete with thinly veiled THREATS?

such as if brexit won "britain may have to fall in line like everyone else" as if to say -- 'you will be last in the line for american favors" kind of thing...

that WAS an open threat against the BRITISH PEOPLE. like they're just subjects of the ''CROWN" - in an ironic twist...sitting at the Potomac.

he had the nerve!! made my day to read that the british folks gave him the finger.

His antics didn't sit well with a lot of Brits. It was probably more damaging than effective. He actually used the word "queue" rather than "line". It was pretty obvious from that alone, it was carefully orchestrated.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
His antics didn't sit well with a lot of Brits. It was probably more damaging than effective. He actually used the word "queue" rather than "line". It was pretty obvious from that alone, it was carefully orchestrated.

yea -- queue .

and that's like someone telling people something as if they're mere children who need to be disciplined ..i mean who hell does he think he is?

of course it is rigged - LONDON'S bankers -- in cahoots with brussels, berlin, wall street and washington who care NOTHING at all for the ordinary folks andwho literally better be known as ''the country of london" who sell out their own people and nation to the global banking elites like these that obama serves. and their ''washington consensus" -- chicago school of economics, hayek and friedman ''disaster capitalism"

and their ''reshaping" of borders as they see fit moving entire populations around with their wars and chaos like so much ''commodities" to pack their wallets...filthy filthy people, as far as i am concerned and obama and his ilk are such examples.

THAT'S why they have that EU ''project" since the 1940's to erase ''borders" so THEIR ''investments" can move anyway they please - and now it's about ''moving populations" to play their games of profit. that's what it's all been about.

and i'/m GLAD the british common folk SHOWED A COLLECTIVE middle finger to it all. GOOD for them!!


Apr 22, 2013
untruths are an effective weapon in elections this year. Democracy in the west is failing. And it's understandable. The aspirations of the ordinary man have been frustrated by the elites for years. It's ironic that the Republican party is probably more guilty of this than the Democrats, with their explicit plans to reduce the taxes of the super-rich. The idea that the media is against Trump is laughable to me. He gets more coverage than Clinton! Coverage at his own instigation no less. Even when she does something wrong he jealously grabs the spotlight with controversial statements. His words are quoted verbatim and somehow he claims they're twisted? I find the claims of press bias to be utterly pathetic and completely irrational. I only hope the US voters have learnt the lesson of the Brexit aftermath. The campaigners on the 'Leave' side were quite happy to admit that a lot of their claims were lies after the fact. America... take note

Also I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump's objective isn't to win at all. I find suggestions that he is looking to set up a cable tv company after the election believable. How silly will his supporters feel if that's true?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
untruths are an effective weapon in elections this year. Democracy in the west is failing. And it's understandable. The aspirations of the ordinary man have been frustrated by the elites for years. It's ironic that the Republican party is probably more guilty of this than the Democrats, with their explicit plans to reduce the taxes of the super-rich. The idea that the media is against Trump is laughable to me. He gets more coverage than Clinton! Coverage at his own instigation no less. Even when she does something wrong he jealously grabs the spotlight with controversial statements. His words are quoted verbatim and somehow he claims they're twisted? I find the claims of press bias to be utterly pathetic and completely irrational. I only hope the US voters have learnt the lesson of the Brexit aftermath. The campaigners on the 'Leave' side were quite happy to admit that a lot of their claims were lies after the fact. America... take note

Also I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump's objective isn't to win at all. I find suggestions that he is looking to set up a cable tv company after the election believable. How silly will his supporters feel if that's true?

How exactly would Trump making enemies of the entire Democratic Party and a reasonable number of powerful Republicans be a calculated business decision? The vast majority of the media is against Trump, not all of it, but certainly, a far bigger segment are against than in favour.

He may well set up a cable TV network after the election... what of it? If he loses the election and carries on in business, why would anybody feel stupid?

Sounds like you're still licking your wounds after Brexit... Brexit is based on a vote to leave the European Union, any "claims" you mention were aspirations from different groups - it was a rainbow coalition of various groups - some with different aspirations than others. None of whom have any sort of mandate (you know that anyway, so I'm not sure why you keep on beating the same drum). The central consistent one policy (and the ONLY policy that was being offered) being to unshackle the UK from the EU. That's the issue that people voted on.

Democracy is failing in your eyes because you aren't getting your own way... but it is democracy all the same.


Apr 22, 2013
How exactly would Trump making enemies of the entire Democratic Party and a reasonable number of powerful Republicans be a calculated business decision? The vast majority of the media is against Trump, not all of it, but certainly, a far bigger segment are against than in favour.

He may well set up a cable TV network after the election... what of it? If he loses the election and carries on in business, why would anybody feel stupid?

Sounds like you're still licking your wounds after Brexit... Brexit is based on a vote to leave the European Union, any "claims" you mention were aspirations from different groups - it was a rainbow coalition of various groups - some with different aspirations than others. None of whom have any sort of mandate (you know that anyway, so I'm not sure why you keep on beating the same drum). The central consistent one policy (and the ONLY policy that was being offered) being to unshackle the UK from the EU. That's the issue that people voted on.

Democracy is failing in your eyes because you aren't getting your own way... but it is democracy all the same.

The vast majority of the media against Trump? I see no evidence of that. I see the media reporting on what the candidate says. If Trump wasn't courting controversy all the time or flat out lying he might get more favourable press. But what exactly are the media supposed to do if a candidate makes factually incorrect statements or lies? Your comment makes no sense to me at all.

Regarding Brexit, there are no wounds to lick mate. Democracy happened, and I am ok with that. I have watched key member's of the 'Leave' campaign repudiate some of the statements they made after the outcome. That's not being bitter it's a statement of fact, as simple as that. Whether you appreciate that or not is immaterial. We can agree to disagree on the meaning of the referendum and what people were voting for. Respectfully, I'm here. I've been observing the post result analysis. A huge number of people who voted to leave did so for a myriad of reasons that had nothing to do with leaving the EU. That's ok. I have no huge attachment to the EU project, we've discussed this before, I agreed with quite a few of the objections you made about the EU. I still thought on balance it would be better economically for the UK to stay. It might be pleasing to you to distill my thinking into some trite emotional response, but there is no there, there mate. Really isn't.

As far as I can see, democracy fails when facts are no longer an effective weapon in a debate. If everyone proposes their own twisted narrative to explain observable fact you have chaos, and the extremes we see today. This happens when voters are disenfranchised and don't feel that the establishment is willing to recognise their every day reality. How that gets fixed without a huge social wrench I don't know, but... to me.. it's the greatest threat to the West at the moment


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
In that sense, she is qualified, and so is every tenured member of government, no matter how much they have been wrong throughout their lives.

i want to insert something in contrast -- about russia:

did people know that russia no longer permits politicians to own assets abroad? if they do - they are severely questioned about it.

politicians (and there are hundreds naturally - ) that are found to have taken kickbacks are not only IMMEDIATELY removed from power - but they are now going to be blacklisted - on publicly verifiable record - from ever running for public service again.

a recent example was a very high-ranking official that was immediately fired by putin when it was proven , after of course, thorough investigation, for taking kickbacks...

at another point -- in their annual ''question and answer" public meetings on tv , live - with putin - ordinary folks tele-conferencing from far east russian island of sakhalin reported not being paid in one of the big industries there -- fisheries - and named names ...

the next day -- investigations came - high officials were fired - etc...while - probably 2 hours after the woman on tv was reporting and complaining -- the mayor of another city or town - sensing HIS dministration was next to be reported by citizens probably -- made a call-in - already admitting there were problems in the administration and promised to fix the roads as they know the HAMMER will come down on them for misappropriating the very limited state funds...

2 years ago - some citizens of a far east siberian province (they call it different ways, region, province, republic, district depending on the region's particular administrative system which are often autonomous from the national adminsitration) -

complained that development projects - both public and private - were endangering the environment and particularly the rarest -- Siberian Tigers - which need a wide range between china and russia - and couldn' tpass through the new highways --

the government came up with modifying the highway system - to raise them as hills and carve big under-passes for wildlife to learn to pass across....without being endangered by the development highways...and additionally came up with a partnership program with china to help preserve the environment and wildlife ..even as the development is accelerating in the far east...

another year - i think 3 years ago - a HUGE wildfire from summer months destroyed an entire village in a highly forested region in southern siberia...and the people asked for help...temporary housing was immediately built for them in a close-by location -- and they were asked if they intend to go back and rebuild -- and when they said they wanted to return and rebuild -- tha'ts where the permanent new housing was built.
A month later -- putin suddenly appeared without notice to check with the engineers and construction that everything was on schedule...

or small farmers asking ''if the sanctions by the West are ever lessened and Europe asks to sell their agricultural and food produce again in russia -- what will happen to us - because the sanctions were good for us local farmers...we are worried we will lose domestic market again...?"

and putin can actually explain in detail why they won't have to worry...


those question and answers usually last 4 hours or more..real marathons...on all kinds of topics of concern.

-- meanwhile -- since WHEN DID HILLARY allow herself to be available for press conferences even a mere 10 minutes during her year-long campaign?...or appear in louisiana floods from CHER'S fundraiser?
or obama from his GOLF?

for that matter OBAMA in his 8-year presidency ?....
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The vast majority of the media against Trump? I see no evidence of that. I see the media reporting on what the candidate says. If Trump wasn't courting controversy all the time or flat out lying he might get more favourable press. But what exactly are the media supposed to do if a candidate makes factually incorrect statements or lies? Your comment makes no sense to me at all.

Regarding Brexit, there are no wounds to lick mate. Democracy happened, and I am ok with that. I have watched key member's of the 'Leave' campaign repudiate some of the statements they made after the outcome. That's not being bitter it's a statement of fact, as simple as that. Whether you appreciate that or not is immaterial. We can agree to disagree on the meaning of the referendum and what people were voting for. Respectfully, I'm here. I've been observing the post result analysis. A huge number of people who voted to leave did so for a myriad of reasons that had nothing to do with leaving the EU. That's ok. I have no huge attachment to the EU project, we've discussed this before, I agreed with quite a few of the objections you made about the EU. I still thought on balance it would be better economically for the UK to stay. It might be pleasing to you to distill my thinking into some trite emotional response, but there is no there, there mate. Really isn't.

As far as I can see, democracy fails when facts are no longer an effective weapon in a debate. If everyone proposes their own twisted narrative to explain observable fact you have chaos, and the extremes we see today. This happens when voters are disenfranchised and don't feel that the establishment is willing to recognise their every day reality. How that gets fixed without a huge social wrench I don't know, but... to me.. it's the greatest threat to the West at the moment

Fair enough.Disagree about the reporting on Trump but do agree he sets himself up with some very ill-thought remarks and is very thin-skinned, any perceived slight triggering foolish over the top responses. The thing with Trump and facts is that so far we've seen plenty of hot air. The thing with Clinton is that we have facts on her record in office. My own interpretation of those facts is that they aren't pretty. Clinton is a shrewd manipulator. In that respect, she's a clever politician, very clever.... but as for being any use in office - which IMO should carry the greater weight - I think she's been pretty poor and lacked judgement.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
HILLARY might be very competent in teaching americans abotu GEOGRAPHY --

after all - as some wise man said:

"WAR is the american's way to learn geography".

‘Where is the city?’ US soldiers arrive in German town, mistaking it for Liechtenstein
Two US soldiers who decided to discover the world, starting with Liechtenstein, were baffled after finding themselves in a tiny German town instead, some 600 kilometers away from their intended destination.

The case started when two US marines who completed their training at the American Air Force base near the German town of Ramstein-Miesenbach, decided to start a world tour, FreiePresse reports.

Their first stop was supposed to be the micro state of Liechtenstein located in Central Europe.

However, the navigation of the route did not quite work out as planned. Instead, both elite soldiers found themselves in the German town of Lichtenstein in the Federal state of Sachsonia.

Upon arrival at the place, which is 600 kilometers away from their intended destination, the young men, still unaware of the mistake, appeared at the local toy and-doll museum.

Jörg Flämig, the 52-year-old head of the museum, said that he suddenly spotted two men “with large backpacks and camera equipment” at the backyard of the site.

“Where is the city?” one of the US soldiers asked the men, referring to the city center of Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein. “Here is the city,” Flämig told the marines, only to find out a bit later that his hometown was not the actual destination for the soldiers.

It appeared that both men simply misspelled the name of the place they wanted to attend, tipping in “Liechtenstein” with only an “i” instead of an “ie”.

After helping the US soldiers to have a rest, Flämig also provided the travelers with their first Europe Atlas. He then drove the men to the railway station making sure they take a train to the south in order to finally pay a visit to Liechtenstein.

The owner said he would like to stay in touch with the marines.

“I hope they will contact us on Facebook,” the museum’s head told FreiePresse.

Reacting to the case, some of the people posted tweets saying “I hope they have better Navigation at Ramstein.”


Apr 22, 2013
Fair enough.Disagree about the reporting on Trump but do agree he sets himself up with some very ill-thought remarks and is very thin-skinned, any perceived slight triggering foolish over the top responses. The thing with Trump and facts is that so far we've seen plenty of hot air. The thing with Clinton is that we have facts on her record in office. My own interpretation of those facts is that they aren't pretty. Clinton is a shrewd manipulator. In that respect, she's a clever politician, very clever.... but as for being any use in office - which IMO should carry the greater weight - I think she's been pretty poor and lacked judgement.

I would be interested to hear, what about the Trump coverage you find biased. Here is a classic example of the lies he and his surrogates tell...
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