US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
For additional clarity I believe the holy grail was to find evidence that her personal server had indeed been hacked and hence prove her negligent behaviour toward classified information. So there were two prongs, find evidence of hacking, and find classified information among her email correspondence. But of course the overarching point, the strategy in fact, was to so grievously damage her candidacy (which everyone knew was coming) that a Republican candidate would have an advantage. Some Congressmen have actually been on the record... on Fox News, talking about how successful they were at that. Trey Gowdy for one..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I might be wrong here, but I don't believe those were actually hacked from her personal server. I believe those were released after a lawsuit against the State Department.

Who knows for sure... there is that much noise and counter-noise. One minute she wasn't, then she was... by Wikileaks... then by Russians... then by Russians with Trump's knowledge...

Frederick Forsyth would have a field day writing this shit.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
For additional clarity I believe the holy grail was to find evidence that her personal server had indeed been hacked and hence prove her negligent behaviour toward classified information. So there were two prongs, find evidence of hacking, and find classified information among her email correspondence. But of course the overarching point, the strategy in fact, was to so grievously damage her candidacy (which everyone knew was coming) that a Republican candidate would have an advantage. Some Congressmen have actually been on the record... on Fox News, talking about how successful they were at that. Trey Gowdy for one..

The timing of it was undeniably to scupper her candidacy. That I will agree with. I'm still figuring out Comey's motive actually... because he clearly wasn't a fan of Trump. Very strange goings-on.


Apr 22, 2013
Who knows for sure... there is that much noise and counter-noise. One minute she wasn't, then she was... by Wikileaks... then by Russians... then by Russians with Trump's knowledge...

Frederick Forsyth would have a field day writing this shit.
lol! "who knows for sure"... No... "oops! I got that bit wrong"?

As I've said to you before the GOP are carnivores, while the Dems are herbivores. They created a narrative so powerful that sensible folks took foregranted a lot of things that were in fact inaccurate about HRC. I'm no fan of hers, but clearly my understanding of the facts were obviously different to yours. It never occurred to me you had that misapprehension. It makes your intractability more understandable.

But be reasonable mate... what Trump is doing with his personal phone use is an order of magnitude worse. The fact that foreign intelligence agencies can easily listen to his personal conversations is intelligence gold. Way more impactful than HRC's emails. Surely you agree?


Apr 22, 2013
The timing of it was undeniably to scupper her candidacy. That I will agree with. I'm still figuring out Comey's motive actually... because he clearly wasn't a fan of Trump. Very strange goings-on.
The reason I have such contempt for Comey was that he put the reputation of the FBI above the rules. And he is supposed to be the top policeman. The one more than any other to follow the rules.

He broke the rules giving his opinion about whether she could be indicted.

He broke the rules saying she was careless

And as a consequence, he was forced to update Congress when new information came to light. Even that could have been dealt with by either keeping silent until after the election or dealing with it as soon as the new information came to light. You might not be aware of this, but Comey waited a month before making that announcement a week before the election.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
lol! "who knows for sure"... No... "oops! I got that bit wrong"?

As I've said to you before the GOP are carnivores, while the Dems are herbivores. They created a narrative so powerful that sensible folks took foregranted a lot of things that were in fact inaccurate about HRC. I'm no fan of hers, but clearly my understanding of the facts were obviously different to yours. It never occurred to me you had that misapprehension. It makes your intractability more understandable.

But be reasonable mate... what Trump is doing with his personal phone use is an order of magnitude worse. The fact that foreign intelligence agencies can easily listen to his personal conversations is intelligence gold. Way more impactful than HRC's emails. Surely you agree?
Oops, I got that bit wrong :). Podesta got hacked (I remember that bit clearly, but had it my mind Clinton's server got compromised also).. I'll cede that one to you :)

Anyway. Clinton was being warned about using personal Blackberrys about 10 years ago as a security risk and she ignored it. She got countless warnings and was still sending emails via her clintonmail server.

Trump's phone use is nowhere near a magnitude worse based on current evidence. Clinton deleted emails she was specifically told not to and was proven to have sent out classified documents via that server. She was obviously making calls with those Blackberries too. Comparing that to a personal phone (where there is zero evidence that it has been hacked) to talk to friends is not comparing like with like. Nowhere near. Trump's phone use is all based on speculation anyway right now. We *think* he has a personal phone based on a Twitter Analytic... that's about it.

If Trump is found to have been sending classified documents on his phone via a personal email server then you might have some sort of legitimacy with the argument.

Now if this wasn't Trump (and realistically you can level the same argument to me in relation to HRC - where there was tangible evidence of using personal devices for state affairs) would you really care? I doubt it. That's why this sort of stuff is getting lame. There are way bigger issues to take Trump to task on.


Apr 22, 2013
Oops, I got that bit wrong :). Podesta got hacked (I remember that bit clearly, but had it my mind Clinton's server got compromised also).. I'll cede that one to you :)

Anyway. Clinton was being warned about using personal Blackberrys about 10 years ago as a security risk and she ignored it. She got countless warnings and was still sending emails via her clintonmail server.

Trump's phone use is nowhere near a magnitude worse based on current evidence. Clinton deleted emails she was specifically told not to and was proven to have sent out classified documents via that server. She was obviously making calls with those Blackberries too. Comparing that to a personal phone (where there is zero evidence that it has been hacked) to talk to friends is not comparing like with like. Nowhere near. Trump's phone use is all based on speculation anyway right now. We *think* he has a personal phone based on a Twitter Analytic... that's about it.

If Trump is found to have been sending classified documents on his phone via a personal email server then you might have some sort of legitimacy with the argument.

Now if this wasn't Trump (and realistically you can level the same argument to me in relation to HRC - where there was tangible evidence of using personal devices for state affairs) would you really care? I doubt it. That's why this sort of stuff is getting lame. There are way bigger issues to take Trump to task on.
hahaha! Nice try. If you really think that a President using an unsecure phone isn't worse than a Secretary of State doing the same then you have a weird and incorrect understanding of the implications. The President by his very nature is a completely different animal. He is discussing policy on his phone mate. He is using that phone (and it is fact not speculation by the way) fully in the knowledge that it can be listened to by outside agencies. I can't believe you refuse to understand what that means. The IA's wouldn't have brought this to his attention if they weren't also capable of hearing his conversations. As a result the Chinese and the Russians for sure, and probably even the Iranians can launch influence operations to affect the responses from those he speaks to regularly. It's one thing to have a bias, it's quite different when objective reason isn't sufficient to satisfy you. This information was leaked by national security folks who are tearing their hair out trying to convince Trump to stop! :D


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
hahaha! Nice try. If you really think that a President using an unsecure phone isn't worse than a Secretary of State doing the same then you have a weird and incorrect understanding of the implications. The President by his very nature is a completely different animal. He is discussing policy on his phone mate. He is using that phone (and it is fact not speculation by the way) fully in the knowledge that it can be listened to by outside agencies. I can't believe you refuse to understand what that means. The IA's wouldn't have brought this to his attention if they weren't also capable of hearing his conversations. As a result the Chinese and the Russians for sure, and probably even the Iranians can launch influence operations to affect the responses from those he speaks to regularly. It's one thing to have a bias, it's quite different when objective reason isn't sufficient to satisfy you. This information was leaked by national security folks who are tearing their hair out trying to convince Trump to stop! :D
Clinton was sending operational and in some cases classified documents.

You've been caught in this whirlwind of hysteria mate. It's something new every week. If it's not Trump then it's an appointee...

You don't need to convince me that he is a deeply flawed character but much of this stuff is basically trivial nonsense being blown out of all proportion. It's been happening since the moment he got in power.

You'd be better served waiting on the Mueller report and hoping it turns up something pretty major on Trump directly.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
One thing not being blown out of proportion is that Trump's rhetoric is poisonous, and leading to some very, very nasty things, including crazies feeling more emboldened to target various minority groups and the media. And he even winks in his calls for "unity," such as they are. This is bad stuff going down. And even as they are targeted, he still blames the media. The fourth estate.


Apr 22, 2013
Clinton was sending operational and in some cases classified documents.

You've been caught in this whirlwind of hysteria mate. It's something new every week. If it's not Trump then it's an appointee...

You don't need to convince me that he is a deeply flawed character but much of this stuff is basically trivial nonsense being blown out of all proportion. It's been happening since the moment he got in power.

You'd be better served waiting on the Mueller report and hoping it turns up something pretty major on Trump directly.
mate you just make things up (or are mistaken as has recently been shown). I can see why you loathe her so much now. You've allowed your credulity to be swayed by the likes of Fox News!

It's truly hilarious you refer to my stance as hysteria when my observations are actually based on fact. If HRC had actually done half the things you rather naively think she had done she probably would be in jail :D On the other hand the sitting President of the United States is currently using a compromised phone to the chagrin of his intelligence services. The private utterances of the Commander in Chief are by their very nature classified. Yet you seem to think that somehow the Secretary of State is more important. Just think about that for a 2nd. No mate... for hysteria you have to suspend objective reason, there's only one person in this debate doing that. I have the luxurious position of taking a stance against Trump. I don't need to make things up ;)
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
mate you just make things up (or are mistaken as has recently been shown). I can see why you loathe her so much now. You've allowed your credulity to be swayed by the likes of Fox News!

It's truly hilarious you refer to my stance as hysteria when my observations are actually based on fact. If HRC had actually done half the things you rather naively think she had done she probably would be in jail :D On the other hand the sitting President of the United States is currently using a compromised phone to the chagrin of his intelligence services. The private utterances of the Commander in Chief are by their very nature classified. Yet you seem to think that somehow the Secretary of State is more important. Just think about that for a 2nd. No mate... for hysteria you have to suspend objective reason, there's only one person in this debate doing that. I have the luxurious position of taking a stance against Trump. I don't need to make things up ;)

My opinion of Hillary Clinton was formed long before Trump came on the scene.

So are you saying Clinton's email server wasn't used to send any classified documents? Erm, sorry... it was... and yeah, if you're not a high powered politician then it's a sackable offence at least. But in the scope of things that isn't really anything much to do with what concerns me about Hillary Clinton.

This was a woman giggling and rolling around in a chair laughing at the Libya situation with the "We came, we saw, he died..." - not to mention her history of warmongering neohawk shit over the years. Do I need to pull up vids for you? Thousands of people died in Libya.

This is what kind of bothers me about American politics... there will be an uproar about some guy fondling somebody by the photocopier 30 years ago... and total ignorance or indifference of mass killing in other parts of the world.

Now my guess, and it is a guess... is that if Hillary Clinton had got elected, then the US would be far more heavily involved in quagmires in Syria and maybe even North Korea. She's a neohawk.

Now for all Trump's bluster and lies... and he is a flawed character... he has largely done what he said he was going to do on the main issues regarding trade, the military, taxation... now as much as it may pain you... this actually affects a lot of people directly and they will overlook the negatives for that reason alone.

Heck man, if you were around in WW2 you'd be harping on about Winston Churchill's sexist comments and drinking habits rather than looking at the bigger picture.

I've said I don't particularly like Trump on numerous occasions but I'm looking at it from a fairly detached viewpoint and not buying into the daily CNN and MSNBC hysteria... but I am interested in Trump - that's for sure... because I have a pretty deep concern of globalization, trade, automation and what it means for western democracies. I have kids growing up in this world and the pace of change over the last 20 years particularly is incredible. He seems to be the first politician to have taken some of these issues on board... so yes, I'm definitely an interested observer... and in that great scheme of things, I couldn't really give two shits about his phone.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I don't see how you don't care about his phone, but you're exorcised about Hillary's emails. And you think she's a warmonger, but you don't care about his completely off-the-rails comments w/re: to N. Korea, his cuddling up to Putin, and having no response to Saudi Arabia being involved with killing a journalist. The Bushes were well in bed with Saudi Arabia, too. The Russia connection doesn't bother you? Having kids growing up in this world, I'd think you cared about climate change and the rise of authoritarianism, as opposed to democracy. But your kids are white, so I guess you think they're safe. Not economically, if the likes of Trump is making the world better for rich people.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I don't see how you don't care about his phone, but you're exorcised about Hillary's emails. And you think she's a warmonger, but you don't care about his completely off-the-rails comments w/re: to N. Korea, his cuddling up to Putin, and having no response to Saudi Arabia being involved with killing a journalist. The Bushes were well in bed with Saudi Arabia, too. The Russia connection doesn't bother you? Having kids growing up in this world, I'd think you cared about climate change and the rise of authoritarianism, as opposed to democracy. But your kids are white, so I guess you think they're safe. Not economically, if the likes of Trump is making the world better for rich people.

Ah Moxie... I expected nothing less than the usual partisanship with the predictable dash of the anti-white male sentiment thrown in.

Bit of perspective please. I said in the greater scheme of things that these aren't hugely important... Unlike Clinton though... there is no evidence of classified information being being sent out. I'd imagine Russia and China already know who Trumps family and friends are. Anyway, this is based largely on yet an another supposed FBI leak.

You'd have to start questioning some of the intelligence agents in this organization actually... because they seem to be bleeding so-called "intel" to CNN on a daily basis. Most of it trivial but it keeps the wheels spinning for the anti-Trump campaign.


I'd say the US relationship with North Korea is largely better now than it was prior to Trump taking office... and probably Russia from the oval office at least. I have no problem with Russians and think Putin is a good leader (for Russians)

The Saudis? You forgot to mention the donations to the Clinton foundation or the huge boost in arms sales under the watch of Clinton and Obama. I won't even bother talking about the Ukraine for now.

The truth is that a good relationship with the Saudis is a requirement for American governments - Democrat or Republican. A coup in Saudi Arabia where a non-friendly government took charge could spark a chain of events that may hasten the end of the petro-dollar... the dollar reserve currency. It's pretty well recognised that spells the end of the United States as you know it.

So Trump and other world leaders will make some mild negative utterances and then hope the thing disappears. Don't expect any arms deals to be cancelled... they won't. None of this would play out any differently under Clinton or any other Democrat leader.

My biggest concerns with Trump have nothing to do with caravans, borders, transgender toilets, Russia or North Korea... the danger points for me are the way he is heading with China and Iran.

Anyway, I'll end on the democracy bit... It's great until you get somebody you don't like.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's great until you get someone who threatens it. He threatens news organizations at all turns. He turns a blind eye to white supremacist groups. He makes a vile threat out of all immigrants. He lies constantly to the public to distract us from things he'd prefer we not see, such as telling us that he'll pass some legislation before the election, when Congress isn't even in session, because it will make the base happy to say he'll make it so. Now he's saying he'll change the Constitution by executive order. You may find it all cute from your antipodean perch, but from here, a lot of us find him frightening.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
It's great until you get someone who threatens it. He threatens news organizations at all turns. He turns a blind eye to white supremacist groups. He makes a vile threat out of all immigrants. He lies constantly to the public to distract us from things he'd prefer we not see, such as telling us that he'll pass some legislation before the election, when Congress isn't even in session, because it will make the base happy to say he'll make it so. Now he's saying he'll change the Constitution by executive order. You may find it all cute from your antipodean perch, but from here, a lot of us find him frightening.

That's why you've got the democratic option to remove him from power during the next presidential election...

I don't think he'll use an executive order to change the constitution whatever the bluster.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You seem to find the "bluster" innocuous. He rouses up the crazies until someone sends pipe bombs to those who oppose him, which sends my city into a certain amount of chaos and a bit of fear. We're a bit tetchy about things blowing up around here, as you might imagine. Hate crimes against Jews has risen alarmingly, and now we've had the worst murder of Jews in the history of our country. In a synagogue. And two African Americans were killed in a Kroger because the guy couldn't get into an AA church. All of that was in one week. For sure we're a violent country, but that's a lot of major hate crimes in one week. And after a brief nod to "unity," he starts back in again with the talk about the news media as the "enemy of the people," etc. If you think what he tweets and says is "bluster," and no more than that, you are really not paying attention. Or you willfully ignore the cause and effect. And don't call me on "anti-white Male sentiment." I said nothing like that. It makes you sound like the white male that feels like the rest of us are against him. Just because I call you out on things you said about HRC? Just because I defend crimes against non-whites? It doesn't make me anti-white or anti-male. Try to remember that you're not the default gender or race, and the defense of others isn't an offense against you.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
You seem to find the "bluster" innocuous. He rouses up the crazies until someone sends pipe bombs to those who oppose him, which sends my city into a certain amount of chaos and a bit of fear. We're a bit tetchy about things blowing up around here, as you might imagine. Hate crimes against Jews has risen alarmingly, and now we've had the worst murder of Jews in the history of our country. In a synagogue. And two African Americans were killed in a Kroger because the guy couldn't get into an AA church. All of that was in one week. For sure we're a violent country, but that's a lot of major hate crimes in one week. And after a brief nod to "unity," he starts back in again with the talk about the news media as the "enemy of the people," etc. If you think what he tweets and says is "bluster," and no more than that, you are really not paying attention. Or you willfully ignore the cause and effect. And don't call me on "anti-white Male sentiment." I said nothing like that. It makes you sound like the white male that feels like the rest of us are against him. Just because I call you out on things you said about HRC? Just because I defend crimes against non-whites? It doesn't make me anti-white or anti-male. Try to remember that you're not the default gender or race, and the defense of others isn't an offense against you.

C'mon Moxie - you can't lay all these things at the feet of Trump. The US has a history of political assassinations and attempts since time begun... there have been attempts on most of them... some succeeding. It's not surprising with the number of guns and weapons in circulation. Don't forget there were assassination attempts on Reagan and Bush also. This isn't some one-way street you can just lay at the feet of Trump. I mean just taking the example of Jews... Trump's probably the most pro-Israel president you've had in some time.

Sure, there probably are some groups who feel enabled... I'll acknowledge that but you should know my view on extremist groups by now anyway. It's difficult to legislate for them and they are largely intractable in their views. I feel the real hard left is a dangerous proposition as well as those on the hard right... and both groups are feeling enabled in the current climate.

I don't mind you calling me out on HRC. I didn't like her and thought she would be a dreadful president. But you seem to be of a binary view that if somebody doesn't like HRC then they must be some fanatical supporter of Donald Trump. I'm not... but I am interested in seeing how some of these bigger policies pan out - foreign policy, taxation, employment. He might be taking the US down completely the wrong road... or maybe in hindsight in years to come it will be seen to have been the right move. Whatever, it's something different than the recent historical norm - which is unsustainable.

Whataboutisms... also work two ways. If you're talking about Trump's phone then were you talking about Hillary's email server? Regardless, I don't think it's a like with like comparison to begin with... one was from an FBI investigation and one was from a leak with "possible outcomes"... but the media are publishing stuff without much analysis anyway. It's become so partisan, some of the "stories" are just ridiculous.

...and that's the problem where things get really partisan - more people from the centre get pulled one way or the other... sucked into it. I actually watched a good debate between Tucker Carlson and The Young Turks the other day. It was refreshing. They had an adult conversation across a huge political divide.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Your argument about Trump's phone is with Federberg, though it does make me laugh how much your hair has been on fire over that for all these years, and with Trump you give a lot of ground and shoulder shrugging.


Apr 22, 2013
So are you saying Clinton's email server wasn't used to send any classified documents? Erm, sorry... it was... and yeah, if you're not a high powered politician then it's a sackable offence at least. But in the scope of things that isn't really anything much to do with what concerns me about Hillary Clinton.

Here you go again - you used the word hysteria, it's ironic that it probably is appropriate for you here - unless you really are prepared to live in a evidence free world you'll simply have to do better than pull stuff out like this. Let's be accurate here, the FBI was never able to prove that classified documents were sent from her email server. There were some emails which were retrospectively classified. Make of that what you will. If your concerns were sincere you would be making the same point about other high officials, but I'm not even going to pretend there isn't bias steaming out of you :)

This was a woman giggling and rolling around in a chair laughing at the Libya situation with the "We came, we saw, he died..." - not to mention her history of warmongering neohawk shit over the years. Do I need to pull up vids for you? Thousands of people died in Libya.

Hyperbolic much? :D She's a neocon. We get it. We actually agree on this stuff in the main. Not sure why you raise this as an issue. Probably some swervy tactic. Lol!

This is what kind of bothers me about American politics... there will be an uproar about some guy fondling somebody by the photocopier 30 years ago... and total ignorance or indifference of mass killing in other parts of the world.

This just seems ranty to me, so I'll pass...

Now my guess, and it is a guess... is that if Hillary Clinton had got elected, then the US would be far more heavily involved in quagmires in Syria and maybe even North Korea. She's a neohawk.

I think that's an utterly naive view to be honest. And it seems to ignore the fact that Trump was the one who escalated vs N Korea. The very fact that she would have been more robust against Russia means that her ability to manoeuvre against Syria would have been more constrained. Remember she would have been facing an extremely hostile and partisan Article 1 branch so in all probability she would have been forced to act within the constraints of whatever Washington consensus existed at the time. No new President is going out on a limb without bipartisan support in the Middle East. Gimme a break...

Now for all Trump's bluster and lies... and he is a flawed character... he has largely done what he said he was going to do on the main issues regarding trade, the military, taxation... now as much as it may pain you... this actually affects a lot of people directly and they will overlook the negatives for that reason alone.

Utter bullshite. Trump did not do what he campaigned on wrt to taxation. And that's the only piece of legislation he's been able to get through. I'll agree he's been consistent on trade. He never said anything substantive about the military, he's been guided by the Washington elite on that, which is fine. But let's be clear... taxation was Paul Ryan's thing, and what actually happened is far far from Trump's campaign promises. Please do your home work :)

Heck man, if you were around in WW2 you'd be harping on about Winston Churchill's sexist comments and drinking habits rather than looking at the bigger picture.

I've said I don't particularly like Trump on numerous occasions but I'm looking at it from a fairly detached viewpoint and not buying into the daily CNN and MSNBC hysteria... but I am interested in Trump - that's for sure... because I have a pretty deep concern of globalization, trade, automation and what it means for western democracies. I have kids growing up in this world and the pace of change over the last 20 years particularly is incredible. He seems to be the first politician to have taken some of these issues on board... so yes, I'm definitely an interested observer... and in that great scheme of things, I couldn't really give two shits about his phone.

Lol! You don't give two shits about his phone, but you make a big song and dance about HRC's email? You're not making any sense whatsoever. I find it stunning you don't see that

Your concerns are valid about the current state of affairs. But with the greatest of respect you might honestly believe that you have a detached viewpoint, but that's not what comes across. You have a hysterically biased view of Clinton, a hugely flawed politician who to this day continues to showcase her ineptness at politics (Same thing with Elizabeth Warren recently btw). If you think my objection to Trump is down to some sort of pc sensitivity on my part then you are far less intelligent than I give you credit for. I don't give a shit about being pc. The man is a fraud. Something that was obvious to me years before he emerged as a candidate. I'll be frank, I consider anyone who takes him seriously as a "successful business man" as nothing short moronic. I'll assume that your trying to represent me as a "snowflake liberal" is an attempt to provoke? :D Do better... be better

I actually believe that if we can get through Trump we may end up being grateful that he came to pass. The counterfactuals for a Clinton Presidency aren't particularly pleasant, while Trump seems to have inspired civic engagement possibly just in time.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Here you go again - you used the word hysteria, it's ironic that it probably is appropriate for you here - unless you really are prepared to live in a evidence free world you'll simply have to do better than pull stuff out like this. Let's be accurate here, the FBI was never able to prove that classified documents were sent from her email server. There were some emails which were retrospectively classified. Make of that what you will. If your concerns were sincere you would be making the same point about other high officials, but I'm not even going to pretend there isn't bias steaming out of you :)

This is pretty funny when you're talking about evidence. It's in the FBI findings and the DOJ Report...

22 Top Secret and 65 Secret classified documents + thousands of others that were retrospectively marked as classified. What you seem to be missing totally here mate is that Clinton was sending secret documents without any classification markings. These will be immediately classified when analysed. You seem to be of the understanding that all this information wasn't classified when she sent them. The information was classified but she sent them without any stamp.

Also, on the "hacking" of Clinton's server. The original report by INSD (The FBI's investigative division) stated this:

INSD assessed the FBI Midyear Exam investigation successfully
determined classified information was improperly stored and
transmitted on Clinton’s email server, and classified information was
compromised by unauthorized individuals, to include foreign
government’s or intelligence services, via cyber intrusion or other
means [referring to compromises of email accounts associated with
certain individuals who communicated with Clinton’s server, such as
Blumenthal]. However, the structure of the investigation and
prosecution team, as prescribed in the CD PG, and treatment of the
investigation as a traditional espionage matter rather than a criminal
investigation significantly hindered the ability of the investigative team
to obtain full, accurate and timely information

That's in the DoJ document too. So they didn't investigate or determine the actors due to time constraints and the nature of the scope of the investigation... but their official finding would appear to state that the server was compromised.

Now these findings are in official government documents. It's not a leak to CNN... things you seem to have been all over in recent posts as being the gospel truth.

Oh yeah... I do have bias against Hillary Clinton. Guilty as charged. I'm not detached on her... seen enough over the years to know she stands for nothing... she's only interested in power at all costs.

By the way, that DoJ document is really interesting reading. Didn't know that Bill Clinton had doorstopped Lynch's plane on the tarmac at Pheonix Airport... of course, they didn't discuss the case (officially)... just had a friendly chat about the weather. :)

Actually, there are a lot of conduct issues at play here - both by politicians and the FBI... it seems partisanship runs deep in the FBI both ways.

This was a woman giggling and rolling around in a chair laughing at the Libya situation with the "We came, we saw, he died..." - not to mention her history of warmongering neohawk shit over the years. Do I need to pull up vids for you? Thousands of people died in Libya.

Hyperbolic much? :D She's a neocon. We get it. We actually agree on this stuff in the main. Not sure why you raise this as an issue. Probably some swervy tactic. Lol!

That was actually directed more at Moxie... the point being that with the state of American politics where people sweat the small stuff rather than the bigger issues. I had similar distate for Madeline Allbright who stated half a million children dying in Iraq was an acceptable cost for getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

Now my guess, and it is a guess... is that if Hillary Clinton had got elected, then the US would be far more heavily involved in quagmires in Syria and maybe even North Korea. She's a neohawk.

I think that's an utterly naive view to be honest. And it seems to ignore the fact that Trump was the one who escalated vs N Korea. The very fact that she would have been more robust against Russia means that her ability to manoeuvre against Syria would have been more constrained. Remember she would have been facing an extremely hostile and partisan Article 1 branch so in all probability she would have been forced to act within the constraints of whatever Washington consensus existed at the time. No new President is going out on a limb without bipartisan support in the Middle East. Gimme a break...

Any US president would have bipartisan support and a host of willing coalition partners on a platter if they wanted to engage in Syria on a bigger scale. I'll give Obama credit for being restrained. Funnily enough, about the only time Trump has found bipartisan support from the political arena and the mainstream media was when he fired a few rockets into Syria.

Now for all Trump's bluster and lies... and he is a flawed character... he has largely done what he said he was going to do on the main issues regarding trade, the military, taxation... now as much as it may pain you... this actually affects a lot of people directly and they will overlook the negatives for that reason alone.

Utter bullshite. Trump did not do what he campaigned on wrt to taxation. And that's the only piece of legislation he's been able to get through. I'll agree he's been consistent on trade. He never said anything substantive about the military, he's been guided by the Washington elite on that, which is fine. But let's be clear... taxation was Paul Ryan's thing, and what actually happened is far far from Trump's campaign promises. Please do your home work :)

Sorry mate, you're talking rubbish here...

Let's look at his key pledges...

Obamacare... repealed as stated.
NAFTA... withdraw or renegotiate. It's done.
Deal with ISIS... I'd say he's contributed, although the Russians probably played the bigger role.
Temporarily ban muslims from specific countries entering the US until he addressed the policies... He did it. (not something I agree with, but it was a fulfilled pledge)
Revisit the Iran deal... Done (I don't agree with this at all by the way)
Withdraw or renegotiate the TPP... Done
Impose tariffs on goods from China... Done
Bring manufacturing jobs back... In progress...biggest increase for years and employment overall has risen.
Cut taxes... Done
Build a wall... we'll see.

Stay behind for extra homework.

Heck man, if you were around in WW2 you'd be harping on about Winston Churchill's sexist comments and drinking habits rather than looking at the bigger picture.

I've said I don't particularly like Trump on numerous occasions but I'm looking at it from a fairly detached viewpoint and not buying into the daily CNN and MSNBC hysteria... but I am interested in Trump - that's for sure... because I have a pretty deep concern of globalization, trade, automation and what it means for western democracies. I have kids growing up in this world and the pace of change over the last 20 years particularly is incredible. He seems to be the first politician to have taken some of these issues on board... so yes, I'm definitely an interested observer... and in that great scheme of things, I couldn't really give two shits about his phone.

Lol! You don't give two shits about his phone, but you make a big song and dance about HRC's email? You're not making any sense whatsoever. I find it stunning you don't see that

Your concerns are valid about the current state of affairs. But with the greatest of respect you might honestly believe that you have a detached viewpoint, but that's not what comes across. You have a hysterically biased view of Clinton, a hugely flawed politician who to this day continues to showcase her ineptness at politics (Same thing with Elizabeth Warren recently btw). If you think my objection to Trump is down to some sort of pc sensitivity on my part then you are far less intelligent than I give you credit for. I don't give a shit about being pc. The man is a fraud. Something that was obvious to me years before he emerged as a candidate. I'll be frank, I consider anyone who takes him seriously as a "successful business man" as nothing short moronic. I'll assume that your trying to represent me as a "snowflake liberal" is an attempt to provoke? :D Do better... be better

I actually believe that if we can get through Trump we may end up being grateful that he came to pass. The counterfactuals for a Clinton Presidency aren't particularly pleasant, while Trump seems to have inspired civic engagement possibly just in time.

As I said in the opening post. There is factual official evidence on HRC. The phone stuff is currently just leaking to media. If you want to accuse me of living in an evidence-free world then maybe you need to come up with some.

No, I don't think you're a liberal snowflake but I definitely think you've been caught up in this media circus. Trump is damned if he does and damned if doesn't. I'll just take that rally as another example... he should have cancelled because somebody sent a pipe bomb to Hillary Clinton? Don't you think that would have set a ridiculous precedent? if that was the case, then even Moxie would probably start sending her some, just to stop Trump's rallies!

...and yeah, I have a strong disdain and bias against Hillary Clinton... Is it that obvious, ha ha!
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