Here you go again - you used the word hysteria, it's ironic that it probably is appropriate for you here - unless you really are prepared to live in a evidence free world you'll simply have to do better than pull stuff out like this. Let's be accurate here, the FBI was never able to prove that classified documents were sent from her email server. There were some emails which were retrospectively classified. Make of that what you will. If your concerns were sincere you would be making the same point about other high officials, but I'm not even going to pretend there isn't bias steaming out of you
This is pretty funny when you're talking about evidence. It's in the FBI findings and the DOJ Report...
22 Top Secret and 65 Secret classified documents + thousands of others that were retrospectively marked as classified. What you seem to be missing totally here mate is that Clinton was sending secret documents without any classification markings. These will be immediately classified when analysed. You seem to be of the understanding that all this information wasn't classified when she sent them. The information was classified but she sent them without any stamp.
Also, on the "hacking" of Clinton's server. The original report by INSD (The FBI's investigative division) stated this:
INSD assessed the FBI Midyear Exam investigation successfully
determined classified information was improperly stored and
transmitted on Clinton’s email server, and classified information was
compromised by unauthorized individuals, to include foreign
government’s or intelligence services, via cyber intrusion or other
means [referring to compromises of email accounts associated with
certain individuals who communicated with Clinton’s server, such as
Blumenthal]. However, the structure of the investigation and
prosecution team, as prescribed in the CD PG, and treatment of the
investigation as a traditional espionage matter rather than a criminal
investigation significantly hindered the ability of the investigative team
to obtain full, accurate and timely information
That's in the DoJ document too. So they didn't investigate or determine the actors due to time constraints and the nature of the scope of the investigation... but their official finding would appear to state that the server
was compromised.
Now these findings are in official government documents. It's not a leak to CNN... things you seem to have been all over in recent posts as being the gospel truth.
Oh yeah... I do have bias against Hillary Clinton. Guilty as charged. I'm not detached on her... seen enough over the years to know she stands for nothing... she's only interested in power at all costs.
By the way, that DoJ document is really interesting reading. Didn't know that Bill Clinton had doorstopped Lynch's plane on the tarmac at Pheonix Airport... of course, they didn't discuss the case (officially)... just had a friendly chat about the weather.
Actually, there are a lot of conduct issues at play here - both by politicians and the FBI... it seems partisanship runs deep in the FBI both ways.
This was a woman giggling and rolling around in a chair laughing at the Libya situation with the "We came, we saw, he died..." - not to mention her history of warmongering neohawk shit over the years. Do I need to pull up vids for you? Thousands of people died in Libya.
Hyperbolic much?

She's a neocon. We get it. We actually agree on this stuff in the main. Not sure why you raise this as an issue. Probably some swervy tactic. Lol!
That was actually directed more at Moxie... the point being that with the state of American politics where people sweat the small stuff rather than the bigger issues. I had similar distate for Madeline Allbright who stated half a million children dying in Iraq was an acceptable cost for getting rid of Saddam Hussein.
Now my guess, and it is a guess... is that if Hillary Clinton had got elected, then the US would be far more heavily involved in quagmires in Syria and maybe even North Korea. She's a neohawk.
I think that's an utterly naive view to be honest. And it seems to ignore the fact that Trump was the one who escalated vs N Korea. The very fact that she would have been more robust against Russia means that her ability to manoeuvre against Syria would have been more constrained. Remember she would have been facing an extremely hostile and partisan Article 1 branch so in all probability she would have been forced to act within the constraints of whatever Washington consensus existed at the time. No new President is going out on a limb without bipartisan support in the Middle East. Gimme a break...
Any US president would have bipartisan support and a host of willing coalition partners on a platter if they wanted to engage in Syria on a bigger scale. I'll give Obama credit for being restrained. Funnily enough, about the only time Trump has found bipartisan support from the political arena and the mainstream media was when he fired a few rockets into Syria.
Now for all Trump's bluster and lies... and he is a flawed character... he has largely done what he said he was going to do on the main issues regarding trade, the military, taxation... now as much as it may pain you... this actually affects a lot of people directly and they will overlook the negatives for that reason alone.
Utter bullshite. Trump did not do what he campaigned on wrt to taxation. And that's the only piece of legislation he's been able to get through. I'll agree he's been consistent on trade. He never said anything substantive about the military, he's been guided by the Washington elite on that, which is fine. But let's be clear... taxation was Paul Ryan's thing, and what actually happened is far far from Trump's campaign promises. Please do your home work
Sorry mate, you're talking rubbish here...
Let's look at his key pledges...
Obamacare... repealed as stated.
NAFTA... withdraw or renegotiate. It's done.
Deal with ISIS... I'd say he's contributed, although the Russians probably played the bigger role.
Temporarily ban muslims from specific countries entering the US until he addressed the policies... He did it. (not something I agree with, but it was a fulfilled pledge)
Revisit the Iran deal... Done (I don't agree with this at all by the way)
Withdraw or renegotiate the TPP... Done
Impose tariffs on goods from China... Done
Bring manufacturing jobs back... In progress...biggest increase for years and employment overall has risen.
Cut taxes... Done
Build a wall... we'll see.
Stay behind for extra homework.
Heck man, if you were around in WW2 you'd be harping on about Winston Churchill's sexist comments and drinking habits rather than looking at the bigger picture.
I've said I don't particularly like Trump on numerous occasions but I'm looking at it from a fairly detached viewpoint and not buying into the daily CNN and MSNBC hysteria... but I am interested in Trump - that's for sure... because I have a pretty deep concern of globalization, trade, automation and what it means for western democracies. I have kids growing up in this world and the pace of change over the last 20 years particularly is incredible. He seems to be the first politician to have taken some of these issues on board... so yes, I'm definitely an interested observer... and in that great scheme of things, I couldn't really give two shits about his phone.
Lol! You don't give two shits about his phone, but you make a big song and dance about HRC's email? You're not making any sense whatsoever. I find it stunning you don't see that
Your concerns are valid about the current state of affairs. But with the greatest of respect you might honestly believe that you have a detached viewpoint, but that's not what comes across. You have a hysterically biased view of Clinton, a hugely flawed politician who to this day continues to showcase her ineptness at politics (Same thing with Elizabeth Warren recently btw). If you think my objection to Trump is down to some sort of pc sensitivity on my part then you are far less intelligent than I give you credit for. I don't give a shit about being pc. The man is a fraud. Something that was obvious to me years before he emerged as a candidate. I'll be frank, I consider anyone who takes him seriously as a "successful business man" as nothing short moronic. I'll assume that your trying to represent me as a "snowflake liberal" is an attempt to provoke?

Do better... be better
I actually believe that if we can get through Trump we may end up being grateful that he came to pass. The counterfactuals for a Clinton Presidency aren't particularly pleasant, while Trump seems to have inspired civic engagement possibly just in time.
As I said in the opening post. There is factual official evidence on HRC. The phone stuff is currently just leaking to media. If you want to accuse me of living in an evidence-free world then maybe you need to come up with some.
No, I don't think you're a liberal snowflake but I definitely think you've been caught up in this media circus. Trump is damned if he does and damned if doesn't. I'll just take that rally as another example... he should have cancelled because somebody sent a pipe bomb to Hillary Clinton? Don't you think that would have set a ridiculous precedent? if that was the case, then even Moxie would probably start sending her some, just to stop Trump's rallies!
...and yeah, I have a strong disdain and bias against Hillary Clinton... Is it that obvious, ha ha!