I don't disagree with this...
It doesn't matter who is in power. They are all following the same blueprint. Chaos and loss of faith in national institutions - it's happening all over the world. Black v White, Left v Right, Men v Women, Biological Sex v Transgenders, Rich v Poor. All distraction. Watch the legislation being passed everywhere, not the so-called "news". This is like Huxley's Brave New World... where people can't or refuse to leave their comfort zone... because the reality isn't comforting. The same people will turn up at the Pearly gates asking for more time because they hadn't finished watching the latest Yellowstone box set.
Just on the transgender issue alone... how many transgenders do you actually know in real life? Yet, all these hollywood "superstars" have kids dressing up in the opposite sex's clothing, supposed masculine fellas like Brad Pitt are wearing skirts... Olympians having sex changes (Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner) It's TOP DOWN programming. Transgenderism is the gateway to transhumanism. They're owned lock, stock and barrel.
Listen to testimonies from the likes of Rhianna, Katy Perry, Bob Dylan etc... They did the deal, sold their soul and admit it.
It's difficult for atheists to compute... but at the very least, get a basic understanding of what you are dealing with. None of the people running this world are atheists, and they regard those who are, as useful idiots to further a cause.
What's on the table at this high-powered meeting, including Tedros - the head of the WHO? Shiva, The destroyer logos.
Pharmakeia deceived the nations in Revelations 18:23 when sourcing the original text.
No wonder these guys are laughing their bollocks off.
Same stuff at CERN in Switzerland.