It has made many
It has made many of us ashamed of our party and determined to change things. You are right, corruption is endemic in UK politics and hard to challenge but lots of us keep trying even if its only little things we can do. Some good has come out of it - some great people supporting Corbyn, exposure of the dirty tricks players and alliances of like minded members and of course the new members whichmaskes us I think the biggext political party in Europe.
Tthere is always going to be corruption anywhere and everywhere. impossible to really remove that from human character it seems.
and nowhere more evident than in elections and politics. obviously all that countries and electorates can hope for is to endlessly make their will FELT - so that the temptation is lessened -- both for the politicians attempting to connive or do ''deals" -- or intimidate electorates -- and for the electorate to also avoid giving in to THEIR base instincts of giving up on their principles or on things that their conscience knows are the proper things for everyone concerned. -- themselves as a commons.
my own younger brother back hom in the philippines is an election commission official and it's always ''nervous time" as election seasons come around because he has to execute his office responsibly , completely above board and balance it all with what CAN sometimes be dangerous situations - especially because it's a very big and important province in the south
that involves christians and muslims he must not side with any faction - not give in either to bribery OR intimidation and threats...and we - his siblings elswhere are always very nervous although we know he is honest and principled as we were always taught to be by our parents since we were always friendly with muslims as well as fellow christians -- all being filipinos anyway.i mean -- he could easily have gotten so rich from bribes - but remains just ordinary level doing his job honestly and judiciously..because that's just not what the family name would EVER allow as our parents said: "the only thing we can ever leave you as a real treasure is our name".
so - i do come from a placde where 'corruption' is endemic in ITS own way.
but that's how the world is in many ways -
but -- in teh end -- the WILL of the people somehow still comes through --for what might be their betterment or not.
what i DO know is in my home country -- although there are of course the ''main parties" (probably 3 now or even 4) ..people actually field candidates across many MORE parties than are usually able to go 'national" or at least ''state" (provincial) level
as it is in the USA WITH ITS basically ONE party system - the war and corporate money party with two sides of the same coin...
and to make matters worse -- they have the ''electoral" dinosaur system...
i definitely think that from your explanations -- the system of voting you have in UK is far superior to that of the USA'S.
AND not only that -- your ordinary folks SHOW their will far more readily and STRONGLY than they do in the USA Whose idea of ''showing strength" is really to NOT challenge their PARTY establishment ''too much" .
and ''challenges" are more for ''show" to give the pretense and appearance of a party of ''inclusiveness' that eventually reverts to ''unity" no MATTER if the winnign 'side' is ctually WORSE than ever...such as HILLARY on the democrats for example.
SANDERS -- votes stolen literally by the pro-clinton party ''neutral organizers?" and THEN exhorting HIS followers to SWALLOW their betrayal?
exatly where on EARTH does something like that happen?