O.K. Moxie. I was just going to say that I like the gentlemen like history programmes but I also like period dramas. I still watch re-runs of the Catherine Cooksons (mostly set in Beamish museum in the North East of England). I especially loved Neil Oliver's programmes which I've got on D.V.D. box sets & I've got the books for his "history of ancient Britain", "A history of Scotland" & "Vikings". I'm enjoying reading his "history of ancient Britain". He's a brilliant writer too who really knows his onions. He had me critically reading from page 1 though I had a laugh too as he wrote something funny. I used to love time-team. I don't watch much T.V. now but when I do it's normally antiques programmes I watch as I'm into antiques & collect some. I only buy them when they're cheap though. I especially love antiques programmes with Paul Laidlaw & Anita Manning on. I've met Paul Laidlaw. He's a real gentleman. I'd love to meet Anita Manning. She seems lovely.