Emma said:
I don't at all wish I'd enjoy a horror movie just for the heck of it and a science fiction horror at that. I sincerely hope that day never comes.
Anyway, I've picked up some more reviews by other people though I must say that I rate this movie very low so it's not worth actually talking about it in length and if some people really did enjoy it then so be it.
Each to their own I guess, but 28 Days Later got an 88% critics rating on rotten tomatoes and scored 7.6/10 on IMDB - the two biggest movie review sites! So an awful lot of people enjoyed.
I think it's a great movie. It cost £5 million (approx $8m) to make, and took $82 million at the box office, largely on word of mouth.
The primate flaw isn't one - there is primate testing in the UK, the law just forbids them from catching wild primates for testing.
Different tastes I guess - I didn't like the Matrix or Inception, but know I'm in a minority.